Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.CFG.CFP.
Require Import Undecidability.CFG.CFG.
Require Import Undecidability.CFG.Util.Facts.
Require Import Undecidability.PCP.PCP.
Require Import Undecidability.PCP.Util.Facts.
Require Import Undecidability.PCP.Util.PCP_facts.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.ListAutomation.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Require Import Setoid Morphisms Arith Lia.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* * PCP to CFPP *)
Hint Rewrite concat_app map_app map_map : list.
Hint Rewrite <- map_rev : list.
Local Hint Constructors rew_cfg : core.
Local Hint Constructors rewt : core.
Lemma nil_app_nil {X} (A : list X) :
A = [] ++ A ++ [].
now autorewrite with list.
Definition gamma (A : stack nat) := map (fun '(x,y) => (x, rev y)) A.
Lemma sigma_eq s A :
sigma s A = tau1 A ++ [s] ++ rev (tau2 (gamma A)).
induction A as [ | [u v] ].
- reflexivity.
- cbn. rewrite IHA. now simpl_list.
Lemma tau2_gamma s A :
s el rev (tau2 (gamma A)) <-> s el tau2 A.
induction A as [ | [u v] ]; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- simpl_list. rewrite !in_app_iff, IHA. firstorder.
Lemma sigma_inv A s1 s x y :
sigma s1 A = x ++ [s] ++ y -> ~ s el x -> ~ s el y -> ~ s el sym A ->
s1 = s.
rewrite sigma_eq. intros.
cbn in H. assert (s el tau1 A ++ s1 :: rev (tau2 (gamma A))) by (rewrite H; eauto).
eapply in_app_iff in H3 as [ | [ | ? % tau2_gamma]]; try firstorder using tau1_sym, tau2_sym.
Lemma sigma_snoc A (x y u v: list sig) (s s': sig) :
sigma s A = x ++ [s] ++ y -> ~ s el x -> ~ s el y ->
sigma s' (A ++ [(u, v)]) = x ++ u ++ s' ++ v ++ y.
rewrite !sigma_eq. unfold gamma. cbn. simpl_list. cbn. simpl_list. cbn.
intros. eapply list_prefix_inv in H as [-> <-]; eauto.
eapply notInZero.
eapply (f_equal (fun a => count a s)) in H. rewrite <- !countSplit in H. cbn in H.
rewrite !Nat.eqb_refl in H. eapply notInZero in H0. eapply notInZero in H1.
rewrite H0, H1 in *. lia.
Section CFGs.
Lemma rewrite_sing R a x :
(a, x) el rules R -> rew_cfg R [a] x.
intro. rewrite nil_app_nil, (nil_app_nil [a]). now econstructor.
Global Instance rewtTrans R :
PreOrder (rewt R).
- hnf. econstructor.
- induction 2; eauto.
Global Instance rewrite_proper R :
Proper (rewt R ==> rewt R ==> rewt R) (@app sig).
intros x1 y1 H1 x2 y2 H2.
induction H1.
- induction H2.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite IHrewt. inv H. eapply rewtRule.
replace (x1 ++ x ++ [a] ++ y0) with ( (x1 ++ x) ++ [a] ++ y0) by now autorewrite with list.
eauto. replace (x1 ++ x ++ v ++ y0) with ( (x1 ++ x) ++ v ++ y0) by now autorewrite with list. eauto.
- rewrite IHrewt. inv H. autorewrite with list. eauto.
Global Instance subrel R :
subrelation (rew_cfg R) (rewt R).
intros x y H. econstructor. reflexivity. eassumption.
Lemma terminal_iff G x :
terminal G x <-> forall s y, s el x -> ~ (s, y) el rules G.
- intros H s y A B. apply H. destruct (@in_split _ _ _ A) as (l1 & l2 & ->).
exists (l1 ++ y ++ l2). change (s :: l2) with ([s] ++ l2). now econstructor.
- intros H1 [y H2]. inv H2. eapply (H1 _ v); eauto.
Definition sym_G (G : cfg) :=
startsym G :: flat_map (fun '(a, x) => a :: x) (rules G).
Lemma sym_G_rewt x G y :
x <<= sym_G G -> rewt G x y -> y <<= sym_G G.
intros. induction H0.
- eauto.
- destruct H1. destruct R. cbn in *.
pose (app_incl_l IHrewt).
eapply incl_app. eapply app_incl_l. eassumption.
eapply incl_app.
+ unfold sym_G. intros ? ?.
right. eapply in_flat_map. exists (a, v). eauto.
+ eapply cons_incl. eapply app_incl_R. eassumption.
End CFGs.
Section Post_CFG.
Variable R : stack nat.
Variable a : nat.
Definition Sigma := sym R ++ [a].
Definition S : nat := fresh Sigma.
Definition G := (S, (S,[S]) :: map (fun '(u, v) => (S, u ++ [S] ++ v)) R ++ map (fun '(u, v) => (S, u ++ [a] ++ v)) R).
Lemma terminal_iff_G y :
terminal G y <-> ~ S el y.
unfold terminal.
enough ((exists y0, rew_cfg G y y0) <-> S el y). firstorder. split.
- intros [y0 ?]. inv H. cbn in H0.
destruct H0 as [ | [ [[] []] % in_map_iff | [[] []] % in_map_iff ] % in_app_iff]; inv H; eauto.
- intros (u' & v' & ?) % List.in_split.
subst. exists (u' ++ [S] ++ v'). econstructor. cbn. eauto.
Lemma rewt_count x :
rewt G [S] x -> count x S <= 1.
induction 1.
- cbn. now rewrite Nat.eqb_refl.
- inv H0. destruct H1 as [ | [ [[] []] % in_map_iff | [[] []] % in_map_iff ] % in_app_iff]; inv H0.
+ eauto.
+ unfold Sigma. simpl_list. rewrite <- !countSplit in *. cbn in *.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in *.
enough (count l S = 0) as ->. enough (count l0 S = 0) as ->. lia.
* eapply notInZero. intros D.
edestruct (fresh_spec) with (l := Sigma); try reflexivity.
eapply sym_word_R in H1. unfold Sigma. eauto.
* eapply notInZero. intros D.
edestruct (fresh_spec) with (l := Sigma); try reflexivity.
eapply sym_word_l in H1. unfold Sigma. eauto.
+ unfold Sigma. simpl_list. rewrite <- !countSplit in *. cbn in *.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in *.
assert (S =? a = false) as ->. eapply Nat.eqb_neq. intros D.
edestruct fresh_spec with (l := Sigma); try reflexivity.
unfold S in *. rewrite D. unfold Sigma; eauto.
enough (count l S = 0) as ->. enough (count l0 S = 0) as ->. lia.
* eapply notInZero. intros D.
edestruct (fresh_spec) with (l := Sigma); try reflexivity.
eapply sym_word_R in H1. unfold Sigma. eauto.
* eapply notInZero. intros D.
edestruct (fresh_spec) with (l := Sigma); try reflexivity.
eapply sym_word_l in H1. unfold Sigma. eauto.
Lemma Post_CFG_1' A :
A <<= R -> A = [] \/ rewt G [S] (sigma a A).
induction A.
- cbn. eauto.
- intros. assert (A <<= R) by eauto. eapply IHA in H0.
destruct a0 as [u v]. destruct H0.
+ subst. right. erewrite rewrite_sing with (x := u ++ [a] ++ v). reflexivity.
right. eapply in_app_iff. right. eapply in_map_iff. exists (u,v); eauto.
+ right. erewrite rewrite_sing with (x := u ++ [S] ++ v).
now rewrite H0. right. eapply in_app_iff. left. eapply in_map_iff. exists (u,v); eauto.
Lemma Post_CFG_2 x :
rewt G [S] x ->
exists A m, A <<= R /\ sigma m A = x /\ (m = S \/ m = a /\ A <> []).
intros. induction H.
- cbn. exists [], S. eauto.
- inv H0. destruct H1 as [ | [(? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff | (? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff] % in_app_iff]; inv H0.
+ eassumption.
+ destruct x0 as [u' v']. inv H3.
destruct IHrewt as (A & m & HA & IHA & Hm).
exists (A ++ [(u', v')]), S. repeat split.
* eauto.
* simpl_list. cbn.
enough (~ S el x). enough (~ S el y0).
eapply sigma_snoc with (s := S); eauto.
-- assert (IH2 := IHA).
eapply sigma_inv in IHA; eauto. subst. eauto.
intros D.
edestruct fresh_spec with (l := sym R ++ [a]); try reflexivity.
eapply in_app_iff. left. eapply sym_mono. eauto. eauto.
-- eapply rewt_count in H. rewrite <- !countSplit in H. cbn in H.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in H. eapply notInZero. lia.
-- eapply rewt_count in H. rewrite <- !countSplit in H. cbn in H.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in H. eapply notInZero. lia.
* eauto.
+ destruct x0 as [u' v']. inv H3.
destruct IHrewt as (A & m & HA & IHA & Hm).
exists (A ++ [(u', v')]), a. repeat split.
* eauto.
* simpl_list. cbn.
enough (~ S el x). enough (~ S el y0).
eapply sigma_snoc with (s := S); eauto.
-- assert (IH2 := IHA).
eapply sigma_inv in IHA; eauto. subst. eauto.
intros D.
edestruct fresh_spec with (l := sym R ++ [a]); try reflexivity.
eapply in_app_iff. left. eapply sym_mono. eauto. eauto.
-- eapply rewt_count in H. rewrite <- !countSplit in H. cbn in H.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in H. eapply notInZero. lia.
-- eapply rewt_count in H. rewrite <- !countSplit in H. cbn in H.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in H. eapply notInZero. lia.
* destruct A; cbn; firstorder congruence.
Lemma reduction_full x :
(exists A, A <<= R /\ A <> [] /\ sigma a A = x) <-> L G x.
- intros (A & ? & ? & ?). subst. destruct Post_CFG_1' with (A := A); intuition.
+ eassumption.
+ eapply terminal_iff_G. rewrite sigma_eq. intros E.
edestruct fresh_spec with (l := sym R ++ [a]); try reflexivity.
eapply in_app_iff in E as [ | [ | ? % tau2_gamma ] % in_app_iff].
* eapply in_app_iff. left. eapply sym_mono; eauto. now eapply tau1_sym.
* eapply in_app_iff. right. eauto.
* eapply in_app_iff. left. eapply sym_mono; eauto. now eapply tau2_sym.
- intros [(A & m & HA & HE & Hm) % Post_CFG_2 ?].
subst. destruct Hm as [-> | [-> ?]].
+ eapply terminal_iff_G in H. exfalso. rewrite sigma_eq in H.
eapply H. eauto.
+ exists A. eauto.
End Post_CFG.
Theorem reduction :
exists (fun '(R, a) => (G R a)). intros [R a].
intuition; cbn in *.
- destruct H as (A & HR & HA & H).
exists (sigma a A). split. eapply reduction_full; eauto.
- destruct H as (x & Hx & H).
eapply reduction_full in Hx as (A & HR & HA & H1).
exists A. subst; eauto.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.CFG.CFP.
Require Import Undecidability.CFG.CFG.
Require Import Undecidability.CFG.Util.Facts.
Require Import Undecidability.PCP.PCP.
Require Import Undecidability.PCP.Util.Facts.
Require Import Undecidability.PCP.Util.PCP_facts.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.ListAutomation.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Require Import Setoid Morphisms Arith Lia.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* * PCP to CFPP *)
Hint Rewrite concat_app map_app map_map : list.
Hint Rewrite <- map_rev : list.
Local Hint Constructors rew_cfg : core.
Local Hint Constructors rewt : core.
Lemma nil_app_nil {X} (A : list X) :
A = [] ++ A ++ [].
now autorewrite with list.
Definition gamma (A : stack nat) := map (fun '(x,y) => (x, rev y)) A.
Lemma sigma_eq s A :
sigma s A = tau1 A ++ [s] ++ rev (tau2 (gamma A)).
induction A as [ | [u v] ].
- reflexivity.
- cbn. rewrite IHA. now simpl_list.
Lemma tau2_gamma s A :
s el rev (tau2 (gamma A)) <-> s el tau2 A.
induction A as [ | [u v] ]; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- simpl_list. rewrite !in_app_iff, IHA. firstorder.
Lemma sigma_inv A s1 s x y :
sigma s1 A = x ++ [s] ++ y -> ~ s el x -> ~ s el y -> ~ s el sym A ->
s1 = s.
rewrite sigma_eq. intros.
cbn in H. assert (s el tau1 A ++ s1 :: rev (tau2 (gamma A))) by (rewrite H; eauto).
eapply in_app_iff in H3 as [ | [ | ? % tau2_gamma]]; try firstorder using tau1_sym, tau2_sym.
Lemma sigma_snoc A (x y u v: list sig) (s s': sig) :
sigma s A = x ++ [s] ++ y -> ~ s el x -> ~ s el y ->
sigma s' (A ++ [(u, v)]) = x ++ u ++ s' ++ v ++ y.
rewrite !sigma_eq. unfold gamma. cbn. simpl_list. cbn. simpl_list. cbn.
intros. eapply list_prefix_inv in H as [-> <-]; eauto.
eapply notInZero.
eapply (f_equal (fun a => count a s)) in H. rewrite <- !countSplit in H. cbn in H.
rewrite !Nat.eqb_refl in H. eapply notInZero in H0. eapply notInZero in H1.
rewrite H0, H1 in *. lia.
Section CFGs.
Lemma rewrite_sing R a x :
(a, x) el rules R -> rew_cfg R [a] x.
intro. rewrite nil_app_nil, (nil_app_nil [a]). now econstructor.
Global Instance rewtTrans R :
PreOrder (rewt R).
- hnf. econstructor.
- induction 2; eauto.
Global Instance rewrite_proper R :
Proper (rewt R ==> rewt R ==> rewt R) (@app sig).
intros x1 y1 H1 x2 y2 H2.
induction H1.
- induction H2.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite IHrewt. inv H. eapply rewtRule.
replace (x1 ++ x ++ [a] ++ y0) with ( (x1 ++ x) ++ [a] ++ y0) by now autorewrite with list.
eauto. replace (x1 ++ x ++ v ++ y0) with ( (x1 ++ x) ++ v ++ y0) by now autorewrite with list. eauto.
- rewrite IHrewt. inv H. autorewrite with list. eauto.
Global Instance subrel R :
subrelation (rew_cfg R) (rewt R).
intros x y H. econstructor. reflexivity. eassumption.
Lemma terminal_iff G x :
terminal G x <-> forall s y, s el x -> ~ (s, y) el rules G.
- intros H s y A B. apply H. destruct (@in_split _ _ _ A) as (l1 & l2 & ->).
exists (l1 ++ y ++ l2). change (s :: l2) with ([s] ++ l2). now econstructor.
- intros H1 [y H2]. inv H2. eapply (H1 _ v); eauto.
Definition sym_G (G : cfg) :=
startsym G :: flat_map (fun '(a, x) => a :: x) (rules G).
Lemma sym_G_rewt x G y :
x <<= sym_G G -> rewt G x y -> y <<= sym_G G.
intros. induction H0.
- eauto.
- destruct H1. destruct R. cbn in *.
pose (app_incl_l IHrewt).
eapply incl_app. eapply app_incl_l. eassumption.
eapply incl_app.
+ unfold sym_G. intros ? ?.
right. eapply in_flat_map. exists (a, v). eauto.
+ eapply cons_incl. eapply app_incl_R. eassumption.
End CFGs.
Section Post_CFG.
Variable R : stack nat.
Variable a : nat.
Definition Sigma := sym R ++ [a].
Definition S : nat := fresh Sigma.
Definition G := (S, (S,[S]) :: map (fun '(u, v) => (S, u ++ [S] ++ v)) R ++ map (fun '(u, v) => (S, u ++ [a] ++ v)) R).
Lemma terminal_iff_G y :
terminal G y <-> ~ S el y.
unfold terminal.
enough ((exists y0, rew_cfg G y y0) <-> S el y). firstorder. split.
- intros [y0 ?]. inv H. cbn in H0.
destruct H0 as [ | [ [[] []] % in_map_iff | [[] []] % in_map_iff ] % in_app_iff]; inv H; eauto.
- intros (u' & v' & ?) % List.in_split.
subst. exists (u' ++ [S] ++ v'). econstructor. cbn. eauto.
Lemma rewt_count x :
rewt G [S] x -> count x S <= 1.
induction 1.
- cbn. now rewrite Nat.eqb_refl.
- inv H0. destruct H1 as [ | [ [[] []] % in_map_iff | [[] []] % in_map_iff ] % in_app_iff]; inv H0.
+ eauto.
+ unfold Sigma. simpl_list. rewrite <- !countSplit in *. cbn in *.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in *.
enough (count l S = 0) as ->. enough (count l0 S = 0) as ->. lia.
* eapply notInZero. intros D.
edestruct (fresh_spec) with (l := Sigma); try reflexivity.
eapply sym_word_R in H1. unfold Sigma. eauto.
* eapply notInZero. intros D.
edestruct (fresh_spec) with (l := Sigma); try reflexivity.
eapply sym_word_l in H1. unfold Sigma. eauto.
+ unfold Sigma. simpl_list. rewrite <- !countSplit in *. cbn in *.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in *.
assert (S =? a = false) as ->. eapply Nat.eqb_neq. intros D.
edestruct fresh_spec with (l := Sigma); try reflexivity.
unfold S in *. rewrite D. unfold Sigma; eauto.
enough (count l S = 0) as ->. enough (count l0 S = 0) as ->. lia.
* eapply notInZero. intros D.
edestruct (fresh_spec) with (l := Sigma); try reflexivity.
eapply sym_word_R in H1. unfold Sigma. eauto.
* eapply notInZero. intros D.
edestruct (fresh_spec) with (l := Sigma); try reflexivity.
eapply sym_word_l in H1. unfold Sigma. eauto.
Lemma Post_CFG_1' A :
A <<= R -> A = [] \/ rewt G [S] (sigma a A).
induction A.
- cbn. eauto.
- intros. assert (A <<= R) by eauto. eapply IHA in H0.
destruct a0 as [u v]. destruct H0.
+ subst. right. erewrite rewrite_sing with (x := u ++ [a] ++ v). reflexivity.
right. eapply in_app_iff. right. eapply in_map_iff. exists (u,v); eauto.
+ right. erewrite rewrite_sing with (x := u ++ [S] ++ v).
now rewrite H0. right. eapply in_app_iff. left. eapply in_map_iff. exists (u,v); eauto.
Lemma Post_CFG_2 x :
rewt G [S] x ->
exists A m, A <<= R /\ sigma m A = x /\ (m = S \/ m = a /\ A <> []).
intros. induction H.
- cbn. exists [], S. eauto.
- inv H0. destruct H1 as [ | [(? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff | (? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff] % in_app_iff]; inv H0.
+ eassumption.
+ destruct x0 as [u' v']. inv H3.
destruct IHrewt as (A & m & HA & IHA & Hm).
exists (A ++ [(u', v')]), S. repeat split.
* eauto.
* simpl_list. cbn.
enough (~ S el x). enough (~ S el y0).
eapply sigma_snoc with (s := S); eauto.
-- assert (IH2 := IHA).
eapply sigma_inv in IHA; eauto. subst. eauto.
intros D.
edestruct fresh_spec with (l := sym R ++ [a]); try reflexivity.
eapply in_app_iff. left. eapply sym_mono. eauto. eauto.
-- eapply rewt_count in H. rewrite <- !countSplit in H. cbn in H.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in H. eapply notInZero. lia.
-- eapply rewt_count in H. rewrite <- !countSplit in H. cbn in H.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in H. eapply notInZero. lia.
* eauto.
+ destruct x0 as [u' v']. inv H3.
destruct IHrewt as (A & m & HA & IHA & Hm).
exists (A ++ [(u', v')]), a. repeat split.
* eauto.
* simpl_list. cbn.
enough (~ S el x). enough (~ S el y0).
eapply sigma_snoc with (s := S); eauto.
-- assert (IH2 := IHA).
eapply sigma_inv in IHA; eauto. subst. eauto.
intros D.
edestruct fresh_spec with (l := sym R ++ [a]); try reflexivity.
eapply in_app_iff. left. eapply sym_mono. eauto. eauto.
-- eapply rewt_count in H. rewrite <- !countSplit in H. cbn in H.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in H. eapply notInZero. lia.
-- eapply rewt_count in H. rewrite <- !countSplit in H. cbn in H.
rewrite Nat.eqb_refl in H. eapply notInZero. lia.
* destruct A; cbn; firstorder congruence.
Lemma reduction_full x :
(exists A, A <<= R /\ A <> [] /\ sigma a A = x) <-> L G x.
- intros (A & ? & ? & ?). subst. destruct Post_CFG_1' with (A := A); intuition.
+ eassumption.
+ eapply terminal_iff_G. rewrite sigma_eq. intros E.
edestruct fresh_spec with (l := sym R ++ [a]); try reflexivity.
eapply in_app_iff in E as [ | [ | ? % tau2_gamma ] % in_app_iff].
* eapply in_app_iff. left. eapply sym_mono; eauto. now eapply tau1_sym.
* eapply in_app_iff. right. eauto.
* eapply in_app_iff. left. eapply sym_mono; eauto. now eapply tau2_sym.
- intros [(A & m & HA & HE & Hm) % Post_CFG_2 ?].
subst. destruct Hm as [-> | [-> ?]].
+ eapply terminal_iff_G in H. exfalso. rewrite sigma_eq in H.
eapply H. eauto.
+ exists A. eauto.
End Post_CFG.
Theorem reduction :
exists (fun '(R, a) => (G R a)). intros [R a].
intuition; cbn in *.
- destruct H as (A & HR & HA & H).
exists (sigma a A). split. eapply reduction_full; eauto.
- destruct H as (x & Hx & H).
eapply reduction_full in Hx as (A & HR & HA & H1).
exists A. subst; eauto.