From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT Require Import fo_sat fo_sig fo_terms fo_logic fol_ops.
From Undecidability.FOL.Util Require Import Syntax FullTarski_facts sig_bin.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import FSAT.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.DecidabilityFacts.
Require Import Vector Lia.

Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Set Default Proof Using "Type".

(* Reduction from the TRAKHTENBROT development to the FSAT problems in FOL *)

syntax translation

Definition term' := @fo_term Empty_set (fun f => match f with end).
Definition form' := fol_form (Σrel 2).

Definition translate_term (t : term') : term :=
  match t with
  | in_var n => $n
  | _ => $0

Fixpoint translate (phi : form') : form :=
  match phi with
  | fol_false _ =>
  | fol_atom tt v => atom tt (map translate_term v)
  | fol_bin fol_conj phi psi => translate phi translate psi
  | fol_bin fol_disj phi psi => translate phi translate psi
  | fol_bin fol_imp phi psi => translate phi ~> translate psi
  | fol_quant fol_ex phi => translate phi
  | fol_quant fol_fa phi => translate phi


Section Forward.

  Variable D : Type.
  Variable M : fo_model (Σrel 2) D.

  Instance M1 :
    interp D.
  Proof using M.
    - intros [].
    - intros [] v. exact (fom_rels M tt v).

  Lemma fwd_eval rho t :
    fo_term_sem M rho t = eval rho (translate_term t).
    destruct t as [n|[]]; cbn. reflexivity.

  Lemma fwd_sat rho phi :
    fol_sem M rho phi <-> rho translate phi.
    induction phi in rho |- *; try destruct p; try destruct f; cbn; try now intuition.
    - unfold sat. rewrite map_map. erewrite map_ext; try reflexivity. apply fwd_eval.
    - split; intros [d H]; exists d; apply IHphi.
      + eapply fol_sem_ext; try apply H. now intros [].
      + eapply sat_ext; try apply H. now intros [].
    - split; intros H d; apply IHphi.
      + eapply fol_sem_ext; try apply H. now intros [].
      + eapply sat_ext; try apply H. now intros [].

End Forward.

Section Backward.

  Variable D : Type.
  Variable M : interp D.

  Definition M2 :
    fo_model (Σrel 2) D.
  Proof using M.
    - intros [].
    - intros [] v. exact (i_atom (P:=tt) v).

  Lemma bwd_eval rho t :
    fo_term_sem M2 rho t = eval rho (translate_term t).
    destruct t as [n|[]]; cbn. reflexivity.

  Lemma bwd_sat rho phi :
    fol_sem M2 rho phi <-> rho translate phi.
    induction phi in rho |- *; try destruct p; try destruct f; cbn; try now intuition.
    - unfold sat. rewrite map_map. erewrite map_ext; try reflexivity. apply bwd_eval.
    - split; intros [d H]; exists d; apply IHphi.
      + eapply fol_sem_ext; try apply H. now intros [].
      + eapply sat_ext; try apply H. now intros [].
    - split; intros H d; apply IHphi.
      + eapply fol_sem_ext; try apply H. now intros [].
      + eapply sat_ext; try apply H. now intros [].

End Backward.

reduction theorems

Lemma reduction :
  @fo_form_fin_dec_SAT (Σrel 2) FSAT.
  exists translate. intros phi. split.
  - intros (D & M & [L HL] & HD & rho & H). exists D, (M1 D M), rho. repeat split.
    + exists L. apply HL.
    + apply decidable_iff. constructor. apply HD.
    + now apply fwd_sat.
  - intros (D & M & rho & [L HL] & [HD] % decidable_iff & H). exists D, (M2 D M), (exist _ L HL). eexists.
    + intros []. apply HD.
    + exists rho. now apply bwd_sat.

Lemma reduction_disc :
  @fo_form_fin_discr_dec_SAT (Σrel 2) FSATd.
  exists translate. intros phi. split.
  - intros (D & HE & M & [L HL] & HD & rho & H). exists D, (M1 D M), rho. repeat split.
    + exists L. apply HL.
    + apply discrete_iff. constructor. apply HE.
    + apply decidable_iff. constructor. apply HD.
    + now apply fwd_sat.
  - intros (D & M & rho & [L HL] & [HE] % discrete_iff & [HD] % decidable_iff & H).
    exists D, HE, (M2 D M), (exist _ L HL). eexists.
    + intros []. apply HD.
    + exists rho. now apply bwd_sat.