(* * Consistency of ZF-Axiomatisation *)
Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
Local Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Unset Strict Implicit.
(* ** Well-Founded Trees *)
Inductive Acz : Type :=
Asup : forall A : Type, (A -> Acz) -> Acz.
Arguments Asup _ _ : clear implicits.
Definition pi1 s :=
match s with
Asup A f => A
Definition pi2 s : (pi1 s) -> Acz :=
match s with
Asup A f => f
Arguments pi2 _ : clear implicits.
Fixpoint Aeq s t :=
match s, t with
Asup A f, Asup B g => (forall a, exists b, Aeq (f a) (g b)) /\ (forall b, exists a, Aeq (f a) (g b))
Lemma Aeq_ref s :
Aeq s s.
induction s as [A f IH]. simpl. split.
- intros a. exists a. now apply IH.
- intros a. exists a. now apply IH.
Lemma Aeq_ref' s t :
s = t -> Aeq s t.
intros ->. apply Aeq_ref.
Lemma Aeq_sym s t :
Aeq s t -> Aeq t s.
revert t. induction s as [A f IH].
intros [B g]. simpl. intros [H1 H2]. split.
- intros b. destruct (H2 b) as [a H3]. exists a. now apply IH.
- intros a. destruct (H1 a) as [b H3]. exists b. now apply IH.
Lemma Aeq_tra s t u :
Aeq s t -> Aeq t u -> Aeq s u.
revert t u. induction s as [A f IH].
intros [B g] [C h]. simpl. intros [H1 H2] [H3 H4]. split.
- intros a. destruct (H1 a) as [b H5]. destruct (H3 b) as [c H6].
exists c. now apply IH with (t := (g b)).
- intros c. destruct (H4 c) as [b H5]. destruct (H2 b) as [a H6].
exists a. now apply IH with (t := (g b)).
#[export] Hint Resolve Aeq_ref Aeq_sym Aeq_tra : core.
Instance aeq_equiv :
Equivalence Aeq.
constructor; eauto.
Definition Ain s '(Asup A f) :=
exists a, Aeq s (f a).
Definition ASubq s t :=
forall u, Ain u s -> Ain u t.
Lemma Ain_Asup A f a :
Ain (f a) (Asup A f).
simpl. exists a. now apply Aeq_ref.
Lemma Ain_pi s t :
Ain s t -> exists a : (pi1 t), Aeq s (pi2 t a).
destruct t as [A f]. intros [a H]. now exists a.
Lemma pi_Ain (s : Acz) (a : pi1 s) :
Ain (pi2 s a) s.
destruct s as [A f]; simpl in *. now exists a.
Lemma Ain_mor s s' t t' :
Aeq s s' -> Aeq t t' -> Ain s t -> Ain s' t'.
intros H1 H2 H3.
destruct t as [B1 g1]. simpl in H3. destruct H3 as [b1 H3].
destruct t' as [B2 g2]. simpl. simpl in H2. destruct H2 as [H2 _].
destruct (H2 b1) as [b2 H4]. exists b2.
rewrite <- H4. now rewrite <- H1.
Instance Ain_proper :
Proper (Aeq ==> Aeq ==> iff) Ain.
intros s s' H1 t t' H2. split; intros H.
- now apply (Ain_mor H1 H2).
- apply Aeq_sym in H1. apply Aeq_sym in H2.
now apply (Ain_mor H1 H2).
Instance ASubq_proper :
Proper (Aeq ==> Aeq ==> iff) ASubq.
intros s s' H1 t t' H2. split; intros H.
- intros u. rewrite <- H1, <- H2. apply H.
- intros u. rewrite H1, H2. apply H.
(* ** Set Operations *)
Definition AEmpty :=
Asup False (fun a => match a with end).
Definition Aupair X Y :=
Asup bool (fun a => if a then X else Y).
Definition Aunion '(Asup A f) :=
Asup (sigT (fun (a : A) => (pi1 (f a)))) (fun p => let (a, b) := p in pi2 (f a) b).
Definition Apower '(Asup A f) :=
Asup (A -> Prop) (fun P => Asup (sig P) (fun p => let (a, _) := p in f a)).
Definition Asep (P : Acz -> Prop) '(Asup A f) :=
Asup (sig (fun a => P (f a))) (fun p => let (a, _) := p in f a).
Definition Arepl (F : Acz -> Acz) '(Asup A f) :=
Asup A (fun a => F (f a)).
Definition Asucc X :=
Aunion (Aupair X (Aupair X X)).
Fixpoint Anumeral n :=
match n with
| 0 => AEmpty
| S n => Asucc (Anumeral n)
Definition Aom :=
Asup nat Anumeral.
Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
Local Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Unset Strict Implicit.
(* ** Well-Founded Trees *)
Inductive Acz : Type :=
Asup : forall A : Type, (A -> Acz) -> Acz.
Arguments Asup _ _ : clear implicits.
Definition pi1 s :=
match s with
Asup A f => A
Definition pi2 s : (pi1 s) -> Acz :=
match s with
Asup A f => f
Arguments pi2 _ : clear implicits.
Fixpoint Aeq s t :=
match s, t with
Asup A f, Asup B g => (forall a, exists b, Aeq (f a) (g b)) /\ (forall b, exists a, Aeq (f a) (g b))
Lemma Aeq_ref s :
Aeq s s.
induction s as [A f IH]. simpl. split.
- intros a. exists a. now apply IH.
- intros a. exists a. now apply IH.
Lemma Aeq_ref' s t :
s = t -> Aeq s t.
intros ->. apply Aeq_ref.
Lemma Aeq_sym s t :
Aeq s t -> Aeq t s.
revert t. induction s as [A f IH].
intros [B g]. simpl. intros [H1 H2]. split.
- intros b. destruct (H2 b) as [a H3]. exists a. now apply IH.
- intros a. destruct (H1 a) as [b H3]. exists b. now apply IH.
Lemma Aeq_tra s t u :
Aeq s t -> Aeq t u -> Aeq s u.
revert t u. induction s as [A f IH].
intros [B g] [C h]. simpl. intros [H1 H2] [H3 H4]. split.
- intros a. destruct (H1 a) as [b H5]. destruct (H3 b) as [c H6].
exists c. now apply IH with (t := (g b)).
- intros c. destruct (H4 c) as [b H5]. destruct (H2 b) as [a H6].
exists a. now apply IH with (t := (g b)).
#[export] Hint Resolve Aeq_ref Aeq_sym Aeq_tra : core.
Instance aeq_equiv :
Equivalence Aeq.
constructor; eauto.
Definition Ain s '(Asup A f) :=
exists a, Aeq s (f a).
Definition ASubq s t :=
forall u, Ain u s -> Ain u t.
Lemma Ain_Asup A f a :
Ain (f a) (Asup A f).
simpl. exists a. now apply Aeq_ref.
Lemma Ain_pi s t :
Ain s t -> exists a : (pi1 t), Aeq s (pi2 t a).
destruct t as [A f]. intros [a H]. now exists a.
Lemma pi_Ain (s : Acz) (a : pi1 s) :
Ain (pi2 s a) s.
destruct s as [A f]; simpl in *. now exists a.
Lemma Ain_mor s s' t t' :
Aeq s s' -> Aeq t t' -> Ain s t -> Ain s' t'.
intros H1 H2 H3.
destruct t as [B1 g1]. simpl in H3. destruct H3 as [b1 H3].
destruct t' as [B2 g2]. simpl. simpl in H2. destruct H2 as [H2 _].
destruct (H2 b1) as [b2 H4]. exists b2.
rewrite <- H4. now rewrite <- H1.
Instance Ain_proper :
Proper (Aeq ==> Aeq ==> iff) Ain.
intros s s' H1 t t' H2. split; intros H.
- now apply (Ain_mor H1 H2).
- apply Aeq_sym in H1. apply Aeq_sym in H2.
now apply (Ain_mor H1 H2).
Instance ASubq_proper :
Proper (Aeq ==> Aeq ==> iff) ASubq.
intros s s' H1 t t' H2. split; intros H.
- intros u. rewrite <- H1, <- H2. apply H.
- intros u. rewrite H1, H2. apply H.
(* ** Set Operations *)
Definition AEmpty :=
Asup False (fun a => match a with end).
Definition Aupair X Y :=
Asup bool (fun a => if a then X else Y).
Definition Aunion '(Asup A f) :=
Asup (sigT (fun (a : A) => (pi1 (f a)))) (fun p => let (a, b) := p in pi2 (f a) b).
Definition Apower '(Asup A f) :=
Asup (A -> Prop) (fun P => Asup (sig P) (fun p => let (a, _) := p in f a)).
Definition Asep (P : Acz -> Prop) '(Asup A f) :=
Asup (sig (fun a => P (f a))) (fun p => let (a, _) := p in f a).
Definition Arepl (F : Acz -> Acz) '(Asup A f) :=
Asup A (fun a => F (f a)).
Definition Asucc X :=
Aunion (Aupair X (Aupair X X)).
Fixpoint Anumeral n :=
match n with
| 0 => AEmpty
| S n => Asucc (Anumeral n)
Definition Aom :=
Asup nat Anumeral.
(* Extensionality *)
Lemma Aeq_ext s t :
ASubq s t -> ASubq t s -> Aeq s t.
destruct s as [A f], t as [B g].
intros H1 H2. simpl. split.
- intros a. destruct (H1 (f a) (Ain_Asup f a)) as [b H3]. now exists b.
- intros b. destruct (H2 (g b) (Ain_Asup g b)) as [a H3]. now exists a.
Lemma Aeq_ASubq s t :
Aeq s t -> ASubq s t.
destruct s as [A f], t as [B g]. intros [H _] z [a Z].
destruct (H a) as [b I]. exists b. eauto.
(* Empty *)
Lemma AEmptyAx s :
~ Ain s AEmpty.
now intros [t H].
(* Unordered Pairs *)
Lemma AupairAx s t u :
Ain u (Aupair s t) <-> Aeq u s \/ Aeq u t.
split; intros H.
- destruct H as [[] H]; auto.
- destruct H as [H|H]; [now exists true | now exists false].
Lemma Aupair_mor s s' t t' u :
Aeq s s' -> Aeq t t' -> Ain u (Aupair s t) -> Ain u (Aupair s' t').
intros H1 H2 H. apply AupairAx.
rewrite <- H1, <- H2. now apply AupairAx in H.
Instance Aupair_proper :
Proper (Aeq ==> Aeq ==> Aeq) Aupair.
intros s s' H1 t t' H2. apply Aeq_ext; intros z H.
- now apply (Aupair_mor H1 H2).
- symmetry in H1, H2. now apply (Aupair_mor H1 H2).
(* Union *)
Lemma AunionAx s u :
Ain u (Aunion s) <-> exists t, Ain t s /\ Ain u t.
split; intros H; destruct s as [A f].
- destruct H as [[a b] H]. exists (f a). split.
+ now exists a.
+ destruct (f a) as [C h]; simpl in *. now exists b.
- destruct H as [[B g][[a Z1][b Z2]]].
apply Aeq_ASubq in Z1.
specialize (Z1 (g b) (Ain_Asup g b)).
apply Ain_pi in Z1 as [c H].
exists (existT _ a c). eauto.
Lemma Aunion_mor s s' u :
Aeq s s' -> Ain u (Aunion s) -> Ain u (Aunion s').
intros H1 H2. apply AunionAx in H2 as [t H2].
rewrite H1 in H2. apply AunionAx. now exists t.
Instance Aunion_proper :
Proper (Aeq ==> Aeq) Aunion.
intros s s' H1. apply Aeq_ext; intros z H.
- now apply (Aunion_mor H1).
- symmetry in H1. now apply (Aunion_mor H1).
(* Power *)
Lemma ApowerAx s t :
Ain t (Apower s) <-> ASubq t s.
split; intros H; destruct s as [A f].
- destruct H as [P H].
intros u Z. apply Aeq_ASubq in H.
destruct (H u Z) as [[a PA] I]. now exists a.
- exists (fun a => Ain (f a) t). apply Aeq_ext; intros z Z.
+ destruct t as [B g], Z as [b H1].
destruct (H (g b) (Ain_Asup g b)) as [a J].
assert (H2: Ain (f a) (Asup B g)) by (exists b; auto).
exists (exist _ a H2). eauto.
+ destruct Z as [[a YA] H1 % Aeq_sym].
now apply (Ain_mor H1 (t:=t)).
Lemma Apower_mor s s' t :
Aeq s s' -> Ain t (Apower s) -> Ain t (Apower s').
intros H1 H2. apply ApowerAx.
rewrite <- H1. now apply ApowerAx.
Instance Apower_proper :
Proper (Aeq ==> Aeq) Apower.
intros s s' H1. apply Aeq_ext; intros z H.
- now apply (Apower_mor H1).
- symmetry in H1. now apply (Apower_mor H1).
(* Separation *)
Definition cres X (R : X -> X -> Prop) (P : X -> Prop) :=
forall x y, R x y -> P x -> P y.
Lemma AsepAx (P : Acz -> Prop) s t :
cres Aeq P -> Ain t (Asep P s) <-> Ain t s /\ P t.
intros HP. split; intros H; destruct s as [A f].
- destruct H as [[a PA]H].
split; eauto. now exists a.
- destruct H as [[a H]PY].
assert (PA : P (f a)) by now apply (HP t).
now exists (exist _ a PA).
Lemma Asep_mor (P P' : Acz -> Prop) s s' t :
cres Aeq P -> cres Aeq P' -> (forall s, P s <-> P' s)
-> Aeq s s' -> Ain t (Asep P s) -> Ain t (Asep P' s').
intros H1 H2 H3 H4 H5. apply AsepAx; trivial.
rewrite <- H3, <- H4. apply AsepAx; trivial.
Lemma Asep_proper' (P P' : Acz -> Prop) s s' :
cres Aeq P -> cres Aeq P' -> (forall s, P s <-> P' s)
-> Aeq s s' -> Aeq (Asep P s) (Asep P' s').
intros H1 H2 H3 H4. apply Aeq_ext; intros z Z.
- apply (Asep_mor H1 H2 H3 H4); assumption.
- apply (@Asep_mor P' P s' s); firstorder.
Lemma Asep_proper (P : Acz -> Prop) s s' :
cres Aeq P -> Aeq s s' -> Aeq (Asep P s) (Asep P s').
intros H1 H2. apply (@Asep_proper' P P); firstorder.
(* Functional Replacement *)
Definition fres X (R : X -> X -> Prop) (f : X -> X) :=
forall x y, R x y -> R (f x) (f y).
Lemma AreplAx F s u :
fres Aeq F -> Ain u (Arepl F s) <-> exists t, Ain t s /\ Aeq u (F t).
intros HF. split; intros H; destruct s as [A f].
- destruct H as [a H]. exists (f a).
split; trivial. apply Ain_Asup.
- destruct H as [z[[a H] Z]].
exists a. apply HF in H; try now exists a.
now rewrite Z, H.
Lemma Arepl_mor (F F' : Acz -> Acz) s s' u :
fres Aeq F -> fres Aeq F' -> (forall s, Aeq (F s) (F' s))
-> Aeq s s' -> Ain u (Arepl F s) -> Ain u (Arepl F' s').
intros H1 H2 H3 H4 H5. apply AreplAx; trivial.
apply AreplAx in H5 as [y H]; trivial.
exists y. now rewrite <- H3, <- H4.
Lemma Arepl_proper' (F F' : Acz -> Acz) s s' :
fres Aeq F -> fres Aeq F' -> (forall s, Aeq (F s) (F' s))
-> Aeq s s' -> Aeq (Arepl F s) (Arepl F' s').
intros H1 H2 H3 H4. apply Aeq_ext; intros z Z.
- apply (Arepl_mor H1 H2 H3 H4); assumption.
- apply (@Arepl_mor F' F s' s); auto.
Lemma Arepl_proper (F : Acz -> Acz) s s' :
fres Aeq F -> Aeq s s' -> Aeq (Arepl F s) (Arepl F s').
intros H1 H2. now apply Arepl_proper'.
(* Infinity *)
Instance Asucc_proper :
Proper (Aeq ==> Aeq) Asucc.
intros s s' H1. unfold Asucc. now rewrite H1.
Definition Ainductive X :=
Ain AEmpty X /\ forall s, Ain s X -> Ain (Asucc s) X.
Lemma AomAx1 :
Ainductive Aom.
- exists 0. apply Aeq_ref.
- intros s [n H]. exists (S n). now rewrite H.
Lemma AomAx2 X :
Ainductive X -> ASubq Aom X.
intros H s [n ->]. induction n; now apply H.