(* * Natural Deduction *)

From Undecidability Require Import FOL.Util.FullTarski_facts FOL.Util.Syntax_facts.
From Undecidability Require Import Shared.ListAutomation.
From Undecidability Require Export FOL.Util.FullDeduction.
Import ListAutomationNotations.
Local Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Lia.

Ltac comp := repeat (progress (cbn in *; autounfold in *)).

Section ND_def.

  Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
  Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.

  Context {ff : falsity_flag}.
  Context {p : peirce}.

  Theorem Weak A B phi :
    A phi -> A <<= B -> B phi.
    intros H. revert B.
    induction H; intros B HB; try unshelve (solve [econstructor; intuition]); try now econstructor.

  Hint Constructors prv : core.

  Theorem subst_Weak A phi xi :
    A phi -> [phi[xi] | phi A] phi[xi].
    induction 1 in xi |-*; comp.
    1-2,7-15: eauto using in_map.
    - apply AllI. setoid_rewrite map_map in IHprv. erewrite map_map, map_ext.
      apply IHprv. intros ?. cbn. now rewrite up_form.
    - specialize (IHprv xi). apply AllE with (t0 := t`[xi]) in IHprv. rewrite subst_comp in *.
      erewrite subst_ext; try apply IHprv. intros [|]; cbn; trivial.
      unfold funcomp. now setoid_rewrite subst_term_shift.
    - specialize (IHprv xi). eapply ExI with (t0 := t`[xi]). rewrite subst_comp in *.
      erewrite subst_ext; try apply IHprv. intros [|]; cbn; trivial.
      unfold funcomp. now setoid_rewrite subst_term_shift.
    - eapply ExE in IHprv1. eassumption. rewrite map_map.
      specialize (IHprv2 (up xi)). setoid_rewrite up_form in IHprv2.
      erewrite map_map, map_ext in IHprv2; try apply IHprv2. apply up_form.

  Definition cycle_shift n x :=
    if Dec (n = x) then $0 else $(S x).

  Lemma cycle_shift_shift n phi :
    bounded n phi -> phi[cycle_shift n] = phi[].
    intros H. apply (bounded_subst H). intros k. unfold cycle_shift. decide _; trivial; lia.

  Lemma cycle_shift_subject n phi :
    bounded (S n) phi -> phi[$n..][cycle_shift n] = phi.
    intros H. erewrite subst_comp, (bounded_subst H), subst_id; trivial.
    intros []; cbn; unfold cycle_shift; decide _; trivial; lia.

  Lemma nameless_equiv_all' A phi n :
    bounded_L n A -> bounded (S n) phi -> [p[] | p A] phi <-> A phi[$n..].
    intros H1 H2. split; intros H.
    - apply (subst_Weak ($n..)) in H. rewrite map_map in *.
      erewrite map_ext, map_id in H; try apply H. intros. apply subst_shift.
    - apply (subst_Weak (cycle_shift n)) in H. rewrite (map_ext_in _ (subst_form )) in H.
      + now rewrite cycle_shift_subject in H.
      + intros psi HP. now apply cycle_shift_shift, H1.

  Lemma nameless_equiv_ex' A phi psi n :
    bounded_L n A -> bounded n phi -> bounded (S n) psi -> (psi::[p0[] | p0 A]) phi[] <-> (psi[$n..]::A) phi.
    intros HL Hphi Hpsi. split.
    - intros H % (subst_Weak ($n..)). cbn in *.
      rewrite map_map, (map_ext _ id), map_id in H.
      + now rewrite subst_shift in H.
      + intros. apply subst_shift.
    - intros H % (subst_Weak (cycle_shift n)). cbn in *.
      rewrite (map_ext_in _ (subst_form )) in H.
      + now rewrite cycle_shift_subject, cycle_shift_shift in H.
      + intros theta HT. now apply cycle_shift_shift, HL.

  Lemma nameless_equiv_all A phi :
    { t : term | map (subst_form ) A phi <-> A phi[t..] }.
    destruct (find_bounded_L (phi::A)) as [n H].
    exists $n. apply nameless_equiv_all'.
    - intros ? ?. apply H. auto.
    - eapply bounded_up; try apply H; auto.

  Lemma nameless_equiv_ex A phi psi :
    { t : term | (phi :: map (subst_form ) A) psi[] <-> (phi[t..]::A) psi }.
    destruct (find_bounded_L (phi::psi::A)) as [n H].
    exists $n. apply nameless_equiv_ex'.
    - intros ? ?. apply H. auto.
    - apply H. auto.
    - eapply bounded_up; try apply H; auto.

  Lemma imps T phi psi :
    T phi ~> psi <-> (phi :: T) psi.
    split; try apply II.
    intros H. apply IE with phi; auto. apply (Weak H). auto.

  Lemma CE T phi psi :
    T phi psi -> T phi /\ T psi.
    intros H. split.
    - apply (CE1 H).
    - apply (CE2 H).

  Lemma DE' A phi :
    A phi phi -> A phi.
    intros H. apply (DE H); auto.

  Lemma switch_conj_imp alpha beta phi A :
    A alpha beta ~> phi <-> A alpha ~> beta ~> phi.
    split; intros H.
    - apply II, II. eapply IE.
      apply (@Weak A). apply H. firstorder.
      apply CI; apply Ctx; firstorder.
    - apply II. eapply IE. eapply IE.
      eapply Weak. apply H.
      eapply CE1, Ctx; firstorder.
      eapply CE2, Ctx; firstorder.

  Lemma impl_prv A B phi :
    (rev B ++ A) phi <-> A (B ==> phi).
    revert A; induction B; intros A; cbn; simpl_list; intros.
    - firstorder.
    - split; intros.
      + eapply II. now eapply IHB.
      + now apply imps, IHB in H.

  Lemma subst_exist_prv {sigma N Gamma} phi :
    Gamma phi[sigma] -> bounded N phi -> Gamma exist_times N phi.
    induction N in phi, sigma |-*; intros; cbn.
    - erewrite <-(subst_bounded 0); eassumption.
    - rewrite iter_switch. eapply (IHN (S >> sigma)).
      cbn. eapply (ExI (sigma 0)).
      now rewrite up_decompose.
      now apply bounded_S_exists.

  Lemma subst_forall_prv phi {N Gamma} :
    Gamma (forall_times N phi) -> bounded N phi -> forall sigma, Gamma phi[sigma].
    induction N in phi |-*; intros ?? sigma; cbn in *.
    - change sigma with (iter up 0 sigma).
      now rewrite (subst_bounded 0).
    - specialize (IHN ( phi) ).
      rewrite <-up_decompose.
      apply AllE. apply IHN. unfold forall_times.
      now rewrite <-iter_switch.
      now apply bounded_S_forall.

End ND_def.

Local Hint Constructors prv : core.

(* ** Custom induction principle *)

Lemma prv_ind_full {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature} {Σ_preds : preds_signature} :
  forall P : peirce -> list (form falsity_on) -> (form falsity_on) -> Prop,
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (phi psi : form),
        (phi :: A) psi -> P p (phi :: A) psi -> P p A (phi ~> psi)) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (phi psi : form),
        A phi ~> psi -> P p A (phi ~> psi) -> A phi -> P p A phi -> P p A psi) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (phi : form),
        (map (subst_form ) A) phi -> P p (map (subst_form ) A) phi -> P p A ( phi)) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (t : term) (phi : form),
        A phi -> P p A ( phi) -> P p A phi[t..]) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (t : term) (phi : form),
        A phi[t..] -> P p A phi[t..] -> P p A ( phi)) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (phi psi : form),
        A phi ->
              P p A ( phi) ->
              (phi :: [p[] | p A]) psi[] -> P p (phi :: [p[] | p A]) psi[] -> P p A psi) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (phi : form), A -> P p A -> P p A phi) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (phi : form), phi el A -> P p A phi) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (phi psi : form),
        A phi -> P p A phi -> A psi -> P p A psi -> P p A (phi psi)) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (phi psi : form),
        A phi psi -> P p A (phi psi) -> P p A phi) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (phi psi : form),
        A phi psi -> P p A (phi psi) -> P p A psi) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (phi psi : form),
        A phi -> P p A phi -> P p A (phi psi)) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (phi psi : form),
        A psi -> P p A psi -> P p A (phi psi)) ->
    (forall (p : peirce) (A : list form) (phi psi theta : form),
        A phi psi ->
        P p A (phi psi) ->
        (phi :: A) theta ->
        P p (phi :: A) theta -> (psi :: A) theta -> P p (psi :: A) theta -> P p A theta) ->
    (forall (A : list form) (phi psi : form), P class A (((phi ~> psi) ~> phi) ~> phi)) ->
    forall (p : peirce) (l : list form) (f14 : form), l f14 -> P p l f14.
  intros. specialize (prv_ind (fun ff => match ff with falsity_on => P | _ => fun _ _ _ => True end)). intros H'.
  apply H' with (ff := falsity_on); clear H'. all: intros; try destruct ff; trivial. all: intuition eauto 2.

(* ** Soundness *)

Section Soundness.

  Context {Σ_funcs : funcs_signature}.
  Context {Σ_preds : preds_signature}.

  Lemma soundness {ff : falsity_flag} A phi :
    A I phi -> valid_ctx A phi.
    remember intu as p.
    induction 1; intros D I rho HA; comp.
    - intros Hphi. apply IHprv; trivial. intros ? []; subst. assumption. now apply HA.
    - now apply IHprv1, IHprv2.
    - intros d. apply IHprv; trivial. intros psi [psi'[<- H' % HA]] % in_map_iff.
      eapply sat_comp. now comp.
    - eapply sat_comp, sat_ext. 2: apply (IHprv Heqp D I rho HA (eval rho t)). now intros [].
    - exists (eval rho t). cbn. specialize (IHprv Heqp D I rho HA).
      apply sat_comp in IHprv. eapply sat_ext; try apply IHprv. now intros [].
    - edestruct IHprv1 as [d HD]; eauto.
      assert (H' : forall psi, phi = psi \/ psi el map (subst_form ) A -> (d.:rho) psi).
      + intros P [<-|[psi'[<- H' % HA]] % in_map_iff]; trivial. apply sat_comp. apply H'.
      + specialize (IHprv2 Heqp D I (d.:rho) H'). apply sat_comp in IHprv2. apply IHprv2.
    - apply (IHprv Heqp) in HA. firstorder.
    - firstorder.
    - firstorder.
    - firstorder. now apply H0.
    - firstorder. now apply H0.
    - firstorder.
    - firstorder.
    - edestruct IHprv1; eauto.
      + apply IHprv2; trivial. intros xi [<-|HX]; auto.
      + apply IHprv3; trivial. intros xi [<-|HX]; auto.
    - discriminate.

  Lemma soundness' {ff : falsity_flag} phi :
    [] I phi -> valid phi.
    intros H % soundness. firstorder.

  Corollary tsoundness {ff : falsity_flag} T phi :
    T TI phi -> forall D (I : interp D) rho, (forall psi, T psi -> rho psi) -> rho phi.
    intros (A & H1 & H2) D I rho HI. apply (soundness H2).
    intros psi HP. apply HI, H1, HP.

End Soundness.

(* ** Rudimentary tactics for ND manipulations *)

Ltac subsimpl_in H :=
  rewrite ?up_term, ?subst_term_shift in H.

Ltac subsimpl :=
  rewrite ?up_term, ?subst_term_shift.

Ltac assert1 H :=
  match goal with |- (?phi :: ?T) _ => assert (H : (phi :: T) phi) by auto end.

Ltac assert2 H :=
  match goal with |- (?phi :: ?psi :: ?T) _ => assert (H : (phi :: psi :: T) psi) by auto end.

Ltac assert3 H :=
  match goal with |- (?phi :: ?psi :: ?theta :: ?T) _ => assert (H : (phi :: psi :: theta :: T) theta) by auto end.

Ltac assert4 H :=
  match goal with |- (?f :: ?phi :: ?psi :: ?theta :: ?T) _ => assert (H : (f :: phi :: psi :: theta :: T) theta) by auto end.

Ltac prv_all x :=
  apply AllI; edestruct nameless_equiv_all as [x ->]; cbn; subsimpl.

Ltac use_exists H x :=
  apply (ExE _ H); edestruct nameless_equiv_ex as [x ->]; cbn; subsimpl.