(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

(* ** Definition of FRACTRAN *)

Require Import List Arith Lia.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW
  Require Import utils_tac utils_list utils_nat gcd rel_iter pos vec.

Require Import Undecidability.FRACTRAN.FRACTRAN.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section fractran_utils.

  Implicit Type l : list (nat*nat).

  Fact fractran_step_nil_inv x y : nil /F/ x y <-> False.
  Proof. split; inversion 1. Qed.

  Fact fractran_step_cons_inv p q l x y :
     (p,q)::l /F/ x y <-> q*y = p*x \/ ~ divides q (p*x) /\ l /F/ x y.
    + inversion 1; auto.
    + intros [ H | (H1 & H2) ]; [ constructor 1 | constructor 2 ]; auto.

  Fact mul_pos_inj_l q x y : q <> 0 -> q*x = q*y -> x = y.
    intros H1 H2.
    destruct q; try lia.
    apply le_antisym; apply mult_S_le_reg_l with q; lia.

  Lemma fractran_step_inv P x y :
            P /F/ x y
         -> exists l p q r, P = l++(p,q)::r
                         /\ (forall u v, In (u,v) l -> ~ divides v (u*x))
                         /\ q*y=p*x.
    induction 1 as [ p q P x y H | u v P x y H1 H2 IH2 ].
    + exists nil, p, q, P; simpl; tauto.
    + destruct IH2 as (l & p & q & r & -> & H4 & H5).
      exists ((u,v)::l), p, q, r; simpl; msplit 2; auto.
      intros ? ? [ H | H ]; auto; inversion H; subst; auto.

  (* Regular FRACTRAN programs define a deterministic step relation *)

  Lemma fractran_step_fun l x y1 y2 :
           fractran_regular l
        -> l /F/ x y1
        -> l /F/ x y2 -> y1 = y2.
    intros H1 H2 ; revert H2 H1 y2.
    induction 1 as [ p q l x y1 H1 | p q l x y1 H1 H2 IH2 ];
      intros H0 y2 H3; rewrite fractran_step_cons_inv in H3;
      destruct H3 as [ H3 | (H3 & H4) ].
    + apply Forall_cons_inv, proj1 in H0.
      simpl in H0.
      revert H1; rewrite <- H3.
      apply mul_pos_inj_l; auto.
    + destruct H3; exists y1; rewrite <- H1; ring.
    + destruct H1; exists y2; rewrite <- H3; ring.
    + apply Forall_cons_inv, proj2 in H0; auto.

  (* Regular FRACTRAN programs deefine a linearly bounded step relation 
     The bound computed in the following proofs is very lazy. 
     Indeed we choose p1+...+pn whereas ideally,
     one could choose max(ceil(pi/qi)) where l = p1/q1;...;pn/qn *)

  Lemma fractran_step_bound l :
          fractran_regular l
       -> { k | forall x y, l /F/ x y -> y <= k*x }.
    unfold fractran_regular.
    induction l as [ | (p,q) l IHl ].
    + intros _; exists 1; auto.
      intros ? ? H; exfalso; revert H; apply fractran_step_nil_inv.
    + intros H; rewrite Forall_cons_inv in H; simpl in H.
      destruct H as (Hq & H).
      destruct (IHl H) as (k & H2).
      exists (p+k).
      intros x y Hxy.
      apply fractran_step_cons_inv in Hxy.
      destruct Hxy as [ Hxy | (_ & Hxy) ].
      * rewrite Nat.mul_add_distr_r, <- Hxy.
        destruct q; simpl; try lia.
      * apply le_trans with (1 := H2 _ _ Hxy).
        apply mult_le_compat; lia.

  Fact fractan_stop_nil_inv x : fractran_stop nil x <-> True.
    split; try tauto; intros _ z; rewrite fractran_step_nil_inv; tauto.

  Fact fractan_stop_cons_inv p q l x :
       fractran_stop ((p,q)::l) x <-> ~ divides q (p*x) /\ fractran_stop l x.
      * intros H.
        assert (~ divides q (p*x)) as H'.
        { intros (z & Hz); apply (H z); constructor; rewrite Hz; ring. }
        split; auto.
        intros z Hz; apply (H z); constructor 2; auto.
      * intros (H1 & H2) z Hz.
        apply fractran_step_cons_inv in Hz.
        destruct Hz as [ H3 | (H3 & H4) ].
        - apply H1; exists z; rewrite <- H3; ring.
        - apply (H2 _ H4).

  Fact fractran_step_dec l x : { y | l /F/ x y } + { fractran_stop l x }.
    induction l as [ | (a,b) l IH ].
    + right; rewrite fractan_stop_nil_inv; auto.
    + destruct (divides_dec (a*x) b) as [ (y & Hy) | ].
      * left; exists y; constructor 1; rewrite Hy; ring.
      * destruct IH as [ (y & ?) | ].
        - left; exists y; now constructor 2.
        - right; apply fractan_stop_cons_inv; auto.

  (* Now we treat the cases where (_,0) occurs in l *)

  Let remove_zero_den l := filter (fun c => if eq_nat_dec (snd c) 0 then false else true) l.

  Let remove_zero_den_Forall l : fractran_regular (remove_zero_den l).
    unfold fractran_regular.
    induction l as [ | (p,q) ]; simpl; auto.
    destruct (eq_nat_dec q 0); auto.

  Section zero_cases.

    Fact fractran_zero_num_step l :
            Exists (fun c => fst c = 0) l
         -> forall x, exists y, l /F/ x y.
      induction 1 as [ (p,q) l Hl | (p,q) l Hl IHl ]; simpl in Hl.
      + intros x; exists 0; subst; constructor; lia.
      + intros x.
        destruct (divides_dec (p*x) q) as [ (y & Hy) | C ].
        * exists y; constructor; rewrite Hy, mult_comm; auto.
        * destruct (IHl x) as (y & Hy); exists y; constructor 2; auto.

    Lemma FRACTRAN_HALTING_zero_num l x :
             Exists (fun c => fst c = 0) l
          -> FRACTRAN_HALTING (l,x) <-> False.
      intros H; split; try tauto.
      intros (y & _ & H3).
      destruct fractran_zero_num_step with (1 := H) (x := y) as (z & Hz).
      apply H3 with (1 := Hz).

    Fact fractran_step_head_not_zero p q l y : q <> 0 -> (p,q)::l /F/ 0 y -> y = 0.
      intros H2 H3.
      apply fractran_step_cons_inv in H3.
      destruct H3 as [ H3 | (H3 & _) ].
      + rewrite Nat.mul_0_r in H3; apply mult_is_O in H3; lia.
      + destruct H3; exists 0; ring.

    Fact fractran_rt_head_not_zero p q l n y : q <> 0 -> fractran_steps ((p,q)::l) n 0 y -> y = 0.
      intros H2.
      induction n as [ | n IHn ].
      + simpl; auto.
      + intros (a & H3 & H4).
        apply fractran_step_head_not_zero in H3; subst; auto.

    Lemma FRACTRAN_HALTING_on_zero_first_no_zero_den p q l : q <> 0 -> FRACTRAN_HALTING ((p,q)::l,0) <-> False.
      intros Hq; split; try tauto.
      intros (y & (k & H1) & H2).
      apply fractran_rt_head_not_zero in H1; auto.
      subst y; apply (H2 0); constructor 1; ring.

    Fact fractran_step_no_zero_den l x y : fractran_regular l -> l /F/ x y -> x = 0 -> y = 0.
      unfold fractran_regular.
      intros H1 H2; revert H2 H1.
      induction 1 as [ p q l x y H | p q l x y H1 H2 IH2 ]; rewrite Forall_cons_inv; simpl; intros (H3 & H4) ?; subst.
      + rewrite Nat.mul_0_r in H; apply mult_is_O in H; lia.
      + destruct H1; exists 0; ring.

    Fact fractran_step_no_zero_num l : Forall (fun c => fst c <> 0) l -> forall x y, l /F/ x y -> y = 0 -> x = 0.
      intros H1 x y H2; revert H2 H1.
      induction 1 as [ p q l x y H1 | p q l x y H1 H2 IH2 ]; intros H3; rewrite Forall_cons_inv in H3; simpl in H3; destruct H3 as (H3 & H4); auto.
      intros; subst y; rewrite Nat.mul_0_r in H1; symmetry in H1; apply mult_is_O in H1; lia.

    Fact fractran_rt_no_zero_den l n y : fractran_regular l -> fractran_steps l n 0 y -> y = 0.
      intros H; induction n as [ | n IHn ].
      + simpl; auto.
      + intros (x & H1 & H2).
        apply fractran_step_no_zero_den with (1 := H) in H1; subst; auto.

    Fact fractran_rt_no_zero_num l : Forall (fun c => fst c <> 0) l -> forall n x, fractran_steps l n x 0 -> x = 0.
      intros H; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; intros x; simpl; auto.
      intros (y & H1 & H2).
      apply IHn in H2.
      revert H1 H2; apply fractran_step_no_zero_num; auto.

    Fact fractran_zero_num l x : Exists (fun c => fst c = 0) l -> exists y, l /F/ x y.
      induction 1 as [ (p,q) l | (p,q) l Hl IHl ]; simpl in *.
      + exists 0; constructor 1; subst; ring.
      + destruct (divides_dec (p*x) q) as [ (y & Hy) | H ].
        * exists y; constructor 1; rewrite Hy; ring.
        * destruct IHl as (y & Hy); exists y; constructor 2; auto.

    Corollary FRACTRAN_HALTING_0_num l x : Exists (fun c => fst c = 0) l -> FRACTRAN_HALTING (l,x) <-> False.
      intros H1; split; try tauto; intros (y & H2 & H3).
      destruct (fractran_zero_num y H1) as (z & ?).
      apply (H3 z); auto.

    Lemma fractran_step_zero l :
             Forall (fun c => fst c <> 0) l
          -> forall x y, x <> 0 -> l /F/ x y
                     <-> remove_zero_den l /F/ x y.
      induction 1 as [ | (p,q) l H1 H2 IH2 ]; intros x y Hxy; simpl in *.
      * split; simpl; inversion 1.
      * simpl; destruct (eq_nat_dec q 0) as [ Hq | Hq ].
        - rewrite <- IH2; auto; subst; split; intros H.
          + apply fractran_step_cons_inv in H; destruct H as [ H | (H3 & H4) ]; auto.
            simpl in H; symmetry in H; apply mult_is_O in H; lia.
          + constructor 2; auto; intros H'.
            apply divides_0_inv, mult_is_O in H'; lia.
        - split; intros H.
          + apply fractran_step_cons_inv in H; destruct H as [ H | (H3 & H4) ]; auto.
            -- constructor 1; auto.
            -- constructor 2; auto; apply IH2; auto.
          + apply fractran_step_cons_inv in H; destruct H as [ H | (H3 & H4) ]; auto.
            -- constructor 1; auto.
            -- constructor 2; auto; apply IH2; auto.

    Lemma fractran_rt_no_zero_den_0_0 l :
           l <> nil -> fractran_regular l -> fractran_step l 0 0.
      destruct l as [ | (p,q) l ]; intros H1 H.
      + destruct H1; auto.
      + clear H1; apply Forall_cons_inv, proj1 in H.
        constructor 1; ring.

    Corollary FRACTRAN_HALTING_l_0_no_zero_den l :
            l <> nil -> fractran_regular l -> FRACTRAN_HALTING (l,0) <-> False.
      intros H1 H2; split; try tauto.
      generalize (fractran_rt_no_zero_den_0_0 H1 H2); intros H3.
      intros (y & (n & H5) & H6).
      apply fractran_rt_no_zero_den in H5; auto; subst.
      apply (H6 0); auto.

    Lemma FRACTRAN_HALTING_nil_x x : FRACTRAN_HALTING (nil,x) <-> True.
      split; try tauto; intros _.
      exists x; split.
      + exists 0; simpl; auto.
      + inversion 1.

    Lemma FRACTRAN_HALTING_l_1_no_zero_den l x :
           l <> nil
        -> x <> 0
        -> Forall (fun c => fst c <> 0) l
        -> FRACTRAN_HALTING (l,x) <-> FRACTRAN_HALTING (remove_zero_den l,x).
      intros H1 H2 H3.
      generalize (fractran_step_zero H3); intros H4.
      assert (forall n y, fractran_steps l n x y -> y <> 0) as H5.
      { intros n y H ?; subst; apply H2; revert H; apply fractran_rt_no_zero_num; auto. }
      assert (forall n y, fractran_steps (remove_zero_den l) n x y -> y <> 0) as H6.
      { intros n y H ?; subst; apply H2; revert H; apply fractran_rt_no_zero_num; auto; apply Forall_filter; auto. }
      assert (forall n y, rel_iter (fractran_step l) n x y <-> rel_iter (fractran_step (remove_zero_den l)) n x y) as H7.
      { induction n as [ | n IHn ]; intros y.
        + simpl; try tauto.
        + do 2 rewrite rel_iter_S; split.
          * intros (a & G1 & G2); exists a; split.
            - apply IHn; auto.
            - apply H4; auto.
              apply H5 with (1 := G1).
          * intros (a & G1 & G2); exists a; split.
            - apply IHn; auto.
            - apply H4; auto.
              apply H6 with (1 := G1). }
      split; intros (y & (n & G1) & G3); exists y; split.
      + exists n; apply H7; auto.
      + intros z Hz; apply (G3 z); revert Hz; apply H4, H5 with n; auto.
      + exists n; apply H7; auto.
      + intros z Hz; apply (G3 z); revert Hz; apply H4, H6 with n; auto.

    Lemma FRACTRAN_HALTING_hard p l :
           p <> 0
        -> FRACTRAN_HALTING ((p,0)::l,0)
       <-> exists x, x <> 0 /\ FRACTRAN_HALTING ((p,0)::l,x).
      intros H; split.
      + intros (y & (n & H1) & H2).
        assert (y <> 0) as Hy.
        { intro; subst; apply (H2 0); constructor; auto. }
        unfold fractran_steps in H1; rewrite rel_iter_sequence in H1.
        destruct H1 as (f & F1 & F2 & F3).
        destruct (first_non_zero f n) as (i & G1 & G2 & G3); subst; auto.
        exists (f (i+1)); split; auto.
        exists (f n); split; auto.
        exists (n-i-1); red; rewrite rel_iter_sequence.
        exists (fun j => f (j+i+1)); split; auto.
        split; [ f_equal; lia | ].
        intros j Hj; apply F3; lia.
      + intros (x & H1 & (y & (n & Hn) & H2)).
        exists y; split; auto.
        exists (S n), x; split; auto.
        constructor 1; ring.

  End zero_cases.

  (* The case (l,0) where l does not contains (0,_) but is of the form (p,0)::_ (with p <> 0) is complicated 
     because first step could lead to any value and then we have to find some x <> 0 such that FRACTRAN_HALTING (l,x) 
     Summary: forall ll a list of nat*nat, x input

       1) if (_,0) does not appear in ll, this is solved by FRACTRAN_HALTING_diophantine_0
       2) if (_,0) occurs in ll
        2.1) if (0,_) occurs in ll, then the program never halts
        2.2) if (0,_) does not appear in ll
          2.2.1) if x <> 0, the same halting as with removing all the (_,0) from ll
          2.2.2) if x = 0,
   if l starts with (_,0) let ll' be ll where (_,0) are removed
                        halting equivalent to exists y, y <> 0 /\ halting ll' y
   if l starts with (_,q) and q <> 0, never halts


  Fact FRACTAN_cases ll : { Exists (fun c => fst c = 0) ll }
                         + { Forall (fun c => snd c <> 0) ll }
                         + { p : nat & { mm | Forall (fun c => fst c <> 0) ll /\ Exists (fun c => snd c = 0) ll
                                           /\ ll = (p,0):: mm /\ p <> 0 } }
                         + { p : nat & { q : nat & { mm | Forall (fun c => fst c <> 0) ll /\ Exists (fun c => snd c = 0) ll
                                          /\ ll = (p,q):: mm /\ q <> 0 /\ p <> 0 } } }.
    destruct (Forall_Exists_dec (fun c : nat * nat => snd c <> 0)) with (l := ll) as [ ? | Hl1 ]; auto.
    { intros (p, q); destruct (eq_nat_dec q 0); simpl; subst; [ right | left]; lia. }
    assert (Exists (fun c => snd c = 0) ll) as H1.
    { revert Hl1; induction 1; [ constructor 1 | constructor 2 ]; auto; lia. }
    clear Hl1.
    destruct (Forall_Exists_dec (fun c : nat * nat => fst c <> 0)) with (l := ll) as [ Hl3 | Hl3 ].
    { intros (p, q); destruct (eq_nat_dec p 0); simpl; subst; [ right | left ]; lia. }
    2: { do 3 left; clear H1; revert Hl3; induction 1; [ constructor 1 | constructor 2 ]; auto; lia. }
    case_eq ll.
    { intro; subst; exfalso; inversion H1. }
    intros (p,q) mm Hll.
    destruct (eq_nat_dec p 0) as [ Hp | Hp ].
    { subst; rewrite Forall_cons_inv in Hl3; simpl in Hl3; lia. }
    destruct q.
    + left; right; exists p, mm; subst; auto.
    + right; exists p, (S q), mm; subst; repeat (split; auto).

End fractran_utils.