(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

(* 1) Object-level representation of Diophantine logic 
    2) Closure properties for Diophantine relations and functions 
    3) Tactics for the automagic recognition of Diophantine shapes

Require Import Arith Nat ZArith Lia.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
  Require Import utils_tac gcd sums bounded_quantification.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

(* Standard De Bruijn extension and De Bruijn projection *)

(* Fixpoint instead of Definition because of better unfolding properties *)

Definition de_bruijn_ext {X} (ν : nat -> X) x :=
  fix dbe n :=
  match n with
    | 0 => x
    | S n => ν n

Notation "x · ν" := (de_bruijn_ext ν x) (at level 1, format "x · ν", left associativity).
Notation "ν ⭳" := (fun n => ν (S n)) (at level 1, format "ν ⭳", no associativity).

Fact de_bruijn_ext_proj X (ν : nat -> X) x n : (x·ν)⭳ n = ν n.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Fact de_bruijn_proj_ext X (ν : nat -> X) n : (ν 0)·(ν) n = ν n.
Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed.

(* We factor out +/* and ∨/∧ *)

Inductive dio_op := do_add | do_mul.

(* do_add represents both + and ∨
   do_mul represents both * and ∧ *)

Definition de_op_sem (o : dio_op) :=
  match o with
    | do_add => plus
    | do_mul => mult

Definition df_op_sem (o : dio_op) :=
  match o with
    | do_add => or
    | do_mul => and

(* De Bruijn syntax for diophantine formulas of the form

       A,B ::= x ≐ ⌞n⌟ | x ≐ y | x ≐ y ⨢ z | x ≐ y ⨰ z | A ∧ B | A ∨ B | ∃A 

          where x,y,z are variables 
           and  n is a natural number constant 

    In the De Bruijn syntax, variables and parameters are not
    distinguished and free (ie not captured) variables can serve
    as parameters

Inductive dio_formula : Set :=
  | df_cst : forall (x : nat) (n : nat), dio_formula
  | df_eq : forall (x y : nat), dio_formula
  | df_op : forall (o : dio_op) (x y z : nat), dio_formula
  | df_bin : forall (o : dio_op) (f g : dio_formula), dio_formula
  | df_exst : dio_formula -> dio_formula.

Notation df_add := (df_op do_add).
Notation df_mul := (df_op do_mul).
Notation df_conj := (df_bin do_mul).
Notation df_disj := (df_bin do_add).

Notation "∃ x" := (df_exst x) (at level 54, right associativity).
Notation "x ∧ y" := (df_conj x y) (at level 51, right associativity, format "x ∧ y").
Notation "x ∨ y" := (df_disj x y) (at level 52, right associativity, format "x ∨ y").

Local Notation "x ≐ ⌞ n ⌟" := (df_cst x n)
      (at level 49, no associativity, format "x ≐ ⌞ n ⌟").
Local Notation "x ≐ y" := (df_eq x y)
      (at level 49, no associativity, format "x ≐ y").
Local Notation "x ≐ y ⨢ z" := (df_add x y z)
      (at level 49, no associativity, y at next level, format "x ≐ y ⨢ z").
Local Notation "x ≐ y ⨰ z" := (df_mul x y z)
      (at level 49, no associativity, y at next level, format "x ≐ y ⨰ z").

Local Reserved Notation "'⟦' t '⟧'" (at level 1, format "⟦ t ⟧").
Local Reserved Notation "f '⦃' σ '⦄'" (at level 1, format "f ⦃ σ ⦄").

Section diophantine_logic_basics.

  Fixpoint df_size f :=
    match f with
      | df_cst _ _ => 3
      | df_eq _ _ => 3
      | df_op _ _ _ _ => 5
      | df_bin _ f g => 1 + df_size f + df_size g
      | df_exst f => 1 + df_size f

  (* size in Z (binary integers) can be computed for big formulas
     but size in nat usually fails *)

  Fixpoint df_size_Z f :=
    (match f with
      | df_cst _ _ => 3
      | df_eq _ _ => 3
      | df_op _ _ _ _ => 5
      | df_bin _ f g => 1 + df_size_Z f + df_size_Z g
      | df_exst f => 1 + df_size_Z f

  Fact df_size_Z_spec f : df_size_Z f = Z.of_nat (df_size f).
    induction f as [ | | | ? f Hf g Hg | f Hf ]; simpl df_size;
      rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ; try rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add; unfold df_size_Z; fold df_size_Z; auto; try lia.

  (* The semantics of Diophantine logic *)

  Fixpoint df_pred f ν :=
    match f with
      | df_cst x n => ν x = n
      | df_eq x y => ν x = ν y
      | df_op o x y z => ν x = de_op_sem o (ν y) (ν z)
      | df_bin o f g => df_op_sem o (f ν) (g ν)
      | df_exst f => exists n, f n·ν
  where "⟦ f ⟧" := (df_pred f).

  (* Fixpoint equations if needed, for readability and confirmation *)

  Fact df_pred_cst x n ν : x n ν = (ν x = n).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Fact df_pred_eq x y ν : x y ν = (ν x = ν y).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Fact df_pred_add x y z ν : x y z ν = (ν x = ν y + ν z).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Fact df_pred_mul x y z ν : x y z ν = (ν x = ν y * ν z).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Fact df_pred_conj f g ν : f g ν = (f ν /\ g ν).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Fact df_pred_disj f g ν : f g ν = (f ν \/ g ν).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Fact df_pred_exst f ν : f ν = exists n, f n·ν.
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  (* Extensionality *)

  Fact df_pred_ext f ν ω : (forall x, ν x = ω x) -> f ν <-> f ω.
    induction f as [ | | [] | [] f Hf g Hg | f Hf ] in ν, ω |- *; intros H; simpl.
    1-4: rewrite !H; tauto.
    1-2: rewrite Hf, Hg; auto; tauto.
    split; intros (n & Hn); exists n; revert Hn; apply Hf;
        intros []; simpl; auto.

  (* Renaming under binders *)

  Definition der_lift ρ x := match x with 0 => 0 | S x => S (ρ x) end.

  Fixpoint df_ren ρ f :=
    match f with
      | df_cst x n => df_cst (ρ x) n
      | df_eq x y => df_eq (ρ x) (ρ y)
      | df_op o x y z => df_op o (ρ x) (ρ y) (ρ z)
      | df_bin o f g => df_bin o fρ gρ
      | df_exst f => df_exst fder_lift ρ
  where "f ⦃ ρ ⦄" := (df_ren ρ f).

  Fact df_ren_size ρ f : df_size fρ = df_size f.
  Proof. revert ρ; induction f; intros; simpl; auto; do 2 f_equal; auto. Qed.

  Fact df_ren_size_Z ρ f : df_size_Z fρ = df_size_Z f.
  Proof. do 2 rewrite df_size_Z_spec; f_equal; apply df_ren_size. Qed.

  (* Renaming is compatible with semantics *)

  Fact df_pred_ren f ν ρ : fρ ν <-> f (fun x => ν x)).
    revert ν ρ; induction f as [ | | [] | [] f Hf g Hg | f Hf ]; intros ν ρ; simpl; try tauto.
    1-2: rewrite Hf, Hg; tauto.
    split; intros (n & Hn); exists n; revert Hn; rewrite Hf;
        apply df_pred_ext; intros []; simpl; auto.

  Fact df_pred_lift f ν : fS ν <-> f ν.
  Proof. apply df_pred_ren. Qed.

End diophantine_logic_basics.

Local Notation "⟦ f ⟧" := (df_pred f).
Local Notation "f ⦃ ρ ⦄" := (df_ren ρ f).

(* The notion of Diophantine relation, expressed as
    a rich term, ie an informative part together with
    a certificate. In this case, a relation R is 
    Diophantine when one can compute a Diophantine 
    formula f for which ⟦f⟧ and R are extensionally 
    equivalent *)

Definition dio_rel R := { f | forall ν, f ν <-> R ν }.
Notation 𝔻R := dio_rel.

(* We establish closure properties of dio_rel / 𝔻R
    These are proved by explicitely giving the witnesses.

    But we will systematically avoid giving witnesses 
    later on because in general, proceeding this way
    is painful.

    We use of the "abstract" tactic to hide Prop-only 
    content for better computations with those rich terms.

    Notice that those proofs are all closed with
    "Defined" and not "Qed" to allow computing with
    the informative part of terms, the one that is not
    hidden behind "abstract".

    The closure properties and the tactics developed
    below implement the automagic recognition of 

             "Diophantine shapes"

Section dio_rel_closure_properties.

  Implicit Types R S : (nat -> nat) -> Prop.

  Fact dio_rel_cst x n : 𝔻R (fun ν => ν x = n).
  Proof. exists (x n); abstract (intro; simpl; tauto). Defined.

  Fact dio_rel_eq x y : 𝔻R (fun ν => ν x = ν y).
  Proof. exists (x y); simpl; tauto. Defined.

  Fact dio_rel_add x y z : 𝔻R (fun ν => ν x = ν y + ν z).
  Proof. exists (x y z); abstract (intro; simpl; tauto). Defined.

  Fact dio_rel_mul x y z : 𝔻R (fun ν => ν x = ν y * ν z).
  Proof. exists (x y z); abstract (intro; simpl; tauto). Defined.

  Fact dio_rel_conj R S : 𝔻R R -> 𝔻R S -> 𝔻R (fun ν => R ν /\ S ν).
    intros (fR & H1) (fS & H2); exists (fR fS).
    abstract (intro; rewrite df_pred_conj, H1, H2; tauto).

  Fact dio_rel_disj R S : 𝔻R R -> 𝔻R S -> 𝔻R (fun ν => R ν \/ S ν).
    intros (fR & H1) (fS & H2); exists (fR fS).
    abstract (intro; rewrite df_pred_disj, H1, H2; tauto).

  Fact dio_rel_exst (K : nat -> (nat -> nat) -> Prop) :
                 𝔻R (fun ν => K (ν 0) ν) -> 𝔻R (fun ν => exists x, K x ν).
    intros (f & Hf); exists (f).
    abstract (intros ν; rewrite df_pred_exst;
      split; intros (n & Hn); exists n; revert Hn; rewrite Hf; simpl; auto).

  Fact dio_rel_equiv R S : (forall ν, S ν <-> R ν) -> 𝔻R R -> 𝔻R S.
    intros H (f & Hf); exists f.
    abstract (intro; rewrite Hf, H; tauto).

  Fact dio_rel_ren R ρ : 𝔻R R -> 𝔻R (fun ν => R (fun n => ν (ρ n))).
    intros (f & Hf); exists (fρ).
    abstract (intros; rewrite df_pred_ren, Hf; tauto).

End dio_rel_closure_properties.

(* From now on, we will quite systematically avoid directly
    manipulating the De Bruijn syntax *)

(* It is often more convenient to work with Diophantine functions 
    instead of Diophantine relations, eg 

        f : nat -> nat is a Diophantine function 
     if (fun x y => y = f x) is a Diophantine relation.
    We provide a tool for that here with associated tactics below 


Definition dio_fun t := 𝔻R (fun ν => ν 0 = t ν).
Notation 𝔻F := dio_fun.

Fact dio_fun_var x : 𝔻F (fun ν => ν x).
Proof. apply dio_rel_eq. Defined.

Fact dio_fun_cst c : 𝔻F (fun _ => c).
Proof. red; apply dio_rel_cst. Defined.

Fact dio_fun_add_im x y : 𝔻F (fun ν => ν x + ν y).
Proof. apply dio_rel_add. Defined.

Fact dio_fun_mul_im x y : 𝔻F (fun ν => ν x * ν y).
Proof. apply dio_rel_mul. Defined.

Fact dio_fun_equiv r s : (forall ν, s ν = r ν) -> 𝔻F r -> 𝔻F s.
  intros H1; apply dio_rel_equiv.
  abstract (intro; rewrite H1; tauto).

Fact dio_fun_ren t f : 𝔻F t -> 𝔻F (fun ν => t (fun n => ν (f n))).
Proof. apply dio_rel_ren with (ρ := der_lift f). Defined.

Section utilities_for_better_efficiency.

  Ltac dio_sym H := now (apply dio_rel_equiv with (2 := H)).

  Fact dio_rel_cst_sym x n : 𝔻R (fun ν => n = ν x).
  Proof. dio_sym (dio_rel_cst x n). Defined.

  Fact dio_rel_add_sym x y z : 𝔻R (fun ν => ν y + ν z = ν x).
  Proof. dio_sym (dio_rel_add x y z). Defined.

  Fact dio_rel_mul_sym x y z : 𝔻R (fun ν => ν y * ν z = ν x).
  Proof. dio_sym (dio_rel_mul x y z). Defined.

  Fact dio_rel_fun x t : 𝔻F t -> 𝔻R (fun ν => ν x = t ν).
    apply dio_rel_ren
      with (ρ := fun n =>
        match n with
          | 0 => x
          | S n => n

  Fact dio_rel_fun_sym x t : 𝔻F t -> 𝔻R (fun ν => t ν = ν x).
  Proof. intros H; dio_sym (dio_rel_fun x H). Defined.

End utilities_for_better_efficiency.

Fact dio_rel_fun_eq r t : 𝔻F r -> 𝔻F t -> 𝔻R (fun ν => r ν = t ν).
  intros H1 H2; red in H1, H2.
  apply dio_rel_equiv with (R := fun ν => exists x, x = r ν /\ x = t ν).
  + abstract (intros v; split;
     [ intros ->; exists (t v); auto
     | intros (? & -> & ?); auto ]).
  + apply dio_rel_exst, dio_rel_conj; auto.

(* Databases of Diophantine shapes *)

Create HintDb dio_fun_db. (* For closure props ending with 𝔻F _ *)
Create HintDb dio_rel_db. (* For closure props ending with 𝔻R _ *)
Create HintDb dio_rel_im_db. (* For immediate closure props ending with 𝔻R _ *)

(* Automation tactics *)

(* We want to try dio_fun_var,cst,add_im,mul_im ahead of everything else *)

Ltac dio_fun_auto :=
      apply dio_fun_var
   || apply dio_fun_cst
   || apply dio_fun_add_im
   || apply dio_fun_mul_im
   || auto 7 with dio_fun_db (* the depth of 7 is mostly enough *)

(* For immediate recognition, generating no further sub-goals *)

Ltac dio_rel_immediate := auto with dio_rel_im_db.

Ltac dio_rel_eq :=
      apply dio_rel_fun (* x = t *)
   || apply dio_rel_fun_sym (* t = x *)
   || apply dio_rel_fun_eq (* r = t *)

Ltac dio_rel_decompose :=
      apply dio_rel_exst (* exists x, ... *)
   || apply dio_rel_conj (* ... /\ ...    *)
   || apply dio_rel_disj (* ... \/ ...    *)

(* Finely tuned for maximum completeness and efficiency *)

Ltac dio_rel_auto :=
   auto 7 with dio_rel_db dio_fun_db;
   ( (dio_rel_eq; dio_fun_auto)
   || (dio_rel_decompose; dio_rel_auto)
   || idtac ).

(* this is the user level-tactic *)

Tactic Notation "dio" "auto" :=
  match goal with
    | |- 𝔻R _ => dio_rel_auto
    | |- 𝔻F _ => dio_fun_auto

(* Two syntactic sugar tactics for applying equivalence *)

Tactic Notation "by" "dio" "equiv" uconstr(f) :=
  match goal with
    | |- 𝔻R _ => apply dio_rel_equiv with (R := f); [ | dio auto ]
    | |- 𝔻F _ => apply dio_fun_equiv with (r := f); [ | dio auto ]

Tactic Notation "dio" "by" "lemma" uconstr(f) :=
  intros; apply dio_rel_equiv with (1 := f); dio auto.

(* Start feeding the databases of Diophantine shapes *)

#[export] Hint Resolve dio_fun_var
             dio_fun_ren : dio_fun_db.

#[export] Hint Resolve dio_rel_eq
             dio_rel_cst dio_rel_cst_sym
             dio_rel_add dio_rel_add_sym
             dio_rel_mul dio_rel_mul_sym : dio_rel_im_db.

(* We do not want dio_rel_add,mul is the dio_rel_db because
    they would superseed dio_fun_plus,mult *)

Fact dio_fun_plus r t : 𝔻F r -> 𝔻F t -> 𝔻F (fun ν => r ν + t ν).
  intros H1 H2; red.
  by dio equiv (fun ν => exists b c, ν 0 = b + c /\ b = r ν /\ c = t ν).
  abstract (intros v; split;
    [ exists (r v), (t v); auto
    | intros (? & ? & -> & -> & ->); auto ]).

Fact dio_fun_mult r t : 𝔻F r -> 𝔻F t -> 𝔻F (fun ν => r ν * t ν).
  intros H1 H2; red.
  by dio equiv (fun ν => exists b c, ν 0 = b * c /\ b = r ν /\ c = t ν).
  abstract (intros v; split;
   [ exists (r v), (t v); auto
   | intros (? & ? & -> & -> & ->); auto ]).

#[export] Hint Resolve dio_fun_plus dio_fun_mult : dio_fun_db.

Local Fact example_eq : 𝔻R (fun ν => ν 0 = ν 0).
Proof. dio auto. Defined.

(* Check example_eq. *)
(* Eval compute in (proj1_sig example_eq). *)

(* Now you can start witnessing the magic of 
    Diophantine shapes recognition *)

Section True_False.

  (* We use these shapes in here to avoid a less efficient encoding of True/False *)

  Hint Resolve dio_rel_cst dio_rel_add : dio_rel_db.

  Fact dio_rel_True : 𝔻R (fun _ => True).
    by dio equiv (fun _ => exists x, x = 0).
    abstract (split; try tauto; exists 0; auto).

  Fact dio_rel_False : 𝔻R (fun _ => False).
    by dio equiv (fun _ => exists x, x = 1 /\ x = 0).
    abstract (split; try tauto; intros (? & ? & ?); lia).

End True_False.

#[export] Hint Resolve dio_rel_True dio_rel_False : dio_rel_db.

Fact dio_rel_le_im x y : 𝔻R (fun ν => ν x <= ν y).
  by dio equiv (fun ν => exists a, ν y = a + ν x).
  abstract (intros v; split;
    [ intros H; exists (v y - v x); lia
    | intros (? & ->); lia ]).

Fact dio_rel_lt_im x y : 𝔻R (fun ν => ν x < ν y).
  by dio equiv (fun ν => exists a b c, ν y = c + ν x /\ b = 1 /\ c = a + b).
  abstract (intros v; split;
    [ intros H; exists (v y - v x -1), 1, (v y - v x); lia
    | intros (? & ? & ? & -> & -> & ->); lia ]).

Fact dio_rel_div_im x y : 𝔻R (fun ν => divides (ν x) (ν y)).
  by dio equiv (fun ν => exists a, ν y = a * ν x).
  unfold divides; tauto.

#[export] Hint Resolve dio_rel_le_im
             dio_rel_div_im : dio_rel_im_db.

Fact dio_rel_le r t : 𝔻F r -> 𝔻F t -> 𝔻R (fun ν => r ν <= t ν).
  intros H1 H2.
  by dio equiv (fun ν => exists a b, a <= b /\ a = r ν /\ b = t ν).
  abstract (intros v; split;
    [ exists (r v), (t v)
    | intros (? & ? & ? & -> & ->) ]; auto).

Fact dio_rel_lt r t : 𝔻F r -> 𝔻F t -> 𝔻R (fun ν => r ν < t ν).
  intros H1 H2.
  by dio equiv (fun ν => exists a b, a < b /\ a = r ν /\ b = t ν).
  abstract (intros v; split;
    [ exists (r v), (t v)
    | intros (? & ? & ? & -> & ->) ]; auto).

#[export] Hint Resolve dio_rel_lt
             dio_rel_le : dio_rel_db.

Fact dio_rel_neq r t : 𝔻F r -> 𝔻F t -> 𝔻R (fun ν => r ν <> t ν).
  intros H1 H2.
  by dio equiv (fun v => exists a b, (a < b \/ b < a) /\ a = r v /\ b = t v).
  abstract (intros v; split;
    [ exists (r v), (t v)
    | intros (? & ? & ?) ]; lia).

Fact dio_rel_div r t : 𝔻F r -> 𝔻F t -> 𝔻R (fun ν => divides (r ν) (t ν)).
  intros H1 H2.
  by dio equiv (fun v => exists a b, divides a b /\ a = r v /\ b = t v).
  abstract (intros v; split;
    [ exists (r v), (t v)
    | intros (? & ? & ? & -> & ->) ]; auto).

#[export] Hint Resolve dio_rel_neq
             dio_rel_div : dio_rel_db.

(* These example are better now *)

Local Fact example_le : 𝔻R (fun ν => ν 0 <= ν 1).
Proof. dio auto. Defined.

(* Check example_le. *)
(* Eval compute in (proj1_sig example_le). *)

Local Fact example_lt : 𝔻R (fun ν => ν 0 < ν 1).
Proof. dio auto. Defined.

(* Check example_lt. *)
(* Eval compute in (proj1_sig example_lt). *)

Local Fact example_div : 𝔻R (fun ν => divides (ν 0) (ν 1)).
Proof. dio auto. Defined.

(* Check example_div. *)
(* Eval compute in (proj1_sig example_div). *)

Section dio_fun_rem.

  (* The remainder function is Diophantine 
      Beware avoiding the duplication of x & p *)

  Let rem_equiv p x r : r = rem x p
                    <-> exists x' p', x' = x /\ p' = p /\
                                 ( (p' = 0 /\ x' = r)
                                  \/ (p' <> 0 /\ r < p' /\ exists n, x' = n*p' + r) ).
    + intro; exists x, p; subst; msplit 2; auto.
      destruct (eq_nat_dec p 0) as [ Hp | Hp ].
      * left; split; auto; subst; rewrite rem_0; auto.
      * right; split; auto; split.
        - apply div_rem_spec2; auto.
        - exists (div x p);apply div_rem_spec1.
    + intros (? & ? & -> & -> & [ (H1 & H2) | (H1 & H2 & n & H3) ]).
      * subst; rewrite rem_0; auto.
      * symmetry; apply rem_prop with n; auto.

  Fact dio_fun_rem p x : 𝔻F p -> 𝔻F x -> 𝔻F (fun ν => rem (x ν) (p ν)).
    dio by lemma (fun v => rem_equiv (p v) (x v) (v 0)).

End dio_fun_rem.

#[export] Hint Resolve dio_fun_rem : dio_fun_db.

Local Fact dio_fun_rem_example : 𝔻F (fun ν => rem (ν 0) (ν 1)).
Proof. dio auto. Defined.

(* Check dio_fun_rem_example. *)
(* Eval compute in proj1_sig dio_fun_rem_example. *)

Section dio_rel_ndivides.

  (* The way it is done in the FSCD paper *)

  Let ndivides_eq x y : ~ (divides x y) <-> x = 0 /\ y <> 0 \/ exists a b, y = a*x+b /\ 0 < b < x.
    + intros H.
      destruct x as [ | x ].
      * left; split; auto; contradict H; subst; apply divides_0.
      * right; exists (div y (S x)), (rem y (S x)); split.
        - apply div_rem_spec1.
        - rewrite divides_rem_eq in H.
          generalize (@div_rem_spec2 y (S x)); intros; lia.
    + intros [ (H1 & H2) | (a & b & H1 & H2) ].
      * subst; contradict H2; revert H2; apply divides_0_inv.
      * rewrite divides_rem_eq.
        rewrite (div_rem_spec1 y x) in H1.
        apply div_rem_uniq in H1; try lia.
        apply div_rem_spec2; lia.

  Fact dio_rel_ndivides x y : 𝔻F x -> 𝔻F y -> 𝔻R (fun ν => ~ divides (x ν) (y ν)).
    dio by lemma (fun v => ndivides_eq (x v) (y v)).

End dio_rel_ndivides.

Local Fact dio_rel_ndiv_example : 𝔻R (fun ν => ~ divides (ν 0) (ν 1)).
Proof. apply dio_rel_ndivides; dio auto. Defined.

(* Eval compute in proj1_sig dio_rel_ndiv_example. *)

Section dio_rel_not_divides.

  (* A shorter way using already established rem *)

  Let not_divides_eq p x : ~ divides p x <-> rem x p <> 0.
  Proof. rewrite divides_rem_eq; tauto. Qed.

  Lemma dio_rel_not_divides x p : 𝔻F x -> 𝔻F p -> 𝔻R (fun ν => ~ divides (x ν) (p ν)).
    dio by lemma (fun v => not_divides_eq (x v) (p v)).

End dio_rel_not_divides.

#[export] Hint Resolve dio_rel_not_divides : dio_rel_db.

Local Fact example_rem_strange : 𝔻R (fun ν => rem (ν 0) (ν 1) = ν 2 * ν 3).
Proof. dio auto. Defined.

(* Check example_rem_strange. *)
(* Eval compute in (proj1_sig example_rem_strange). *)

(* We do not automate the remaining closure props here because
    they are used only once or twice elsewhere *)

(* Closure under composition is trivial with exists *)

Section dio_rel_compose.

  Variable (f : (nat -> nat) -> nat) (R : nat -> (nat -> nat) -> Prop).
  Hypothesis (Hf : 𝔻F f)
             (HR : 𝔻R (fun ν => R (ν 0) ν)).

  Lemma dio_rel_compose : 𝔻R (fun ν => R (f ν) ν).
  Proof using HR Hf.
    by dio equiv (fun v => exists y, y = f v /\ R y v).
    abstract(intros v; split;
     [ exists (f v); auto
     | intros (? & -> & ?); auto ]).

End dio_rel_compose.

Section dio_fun_compose.

  Variable (f : (nat -> nat) -> nat) (Hf : 𝔻F f)
           (g : nat -> nat) (Hg : 𝔻F (fun ν => g (ν 0))).

  Lemma dio_fun_compose : 𝔻F (fun ν => g (f ν)).
  Proof using Hf Hg.
    red; by dio equiv (fun v => exists y, y = f v /\ v 0 = g y).
    abstract(intros; split;
     [ exists (f ν); auto
     | intros (? & -> & ?); auto ]).

End dio_fun_compose.

(* For the next two construction, we do the construction by 
    hand, ie manipulation witnesses, because we need an easy 
    computation of the size 

    So here are two (counter-)example where we do actually
    manipulate De Bruijn syntax directly

(* Finitely many ∃, ie ∃ ... ∃ f n times *)

Section multiple_exists.

  Fixpoint df_mexists n f :=
    match n with
      | 0 => f
      | S n => df_mexists n (f)

  Fact df_mexists_size n f : df_size (df_mexists n f) = n + df_size f.
    induction n as [ | n IHn ] in f |- *; auto; simpl.
    rewrite IHn; simpl; lia.

  Fact df_mexists_size_Z n f : df_size_Z (df_mexists n f) = (Z.of_nat n + df_size_Z f)%Z.
    rewrite df_size_Z_spec, df_mexists_size, Nat2Z.inj_add, df_size_Z_spec; lia.

  (* We only use it once so there is no need to automatize it 
     We need to make le_lt_dec opaque at some points to prevent
     it from being computed *)

  Lemma df_mexists_spec n f ν :
           df_mexists n f ν
       <-> exists π, f (fun i => if le_lt_dec n i then ν (i-n) else π i).
    revert f ν; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; intros f v.
    + simpl; split; [ intros H; exists (fun _ => 0) | intros (? & H) ]; revert H;
        apply df_pred_ext; intros; f_equal; lia.
    + simpl df_mexists; rewrite IHn; split; intros (pi & Hpi).
      * revert Hpi; rewrite df_pred_exst.
        intros (u & Hu).
        exists (fun i => match i with 0 => u | S i => pi i end).
        revert Hu; apply df_pred_ext.
        Opaque le_lt_dec.
        simpl; intros [ | i ].
        - replace (0-S n) with 0 by lia; auto.
        - replace (S i - S n) with (i-n) by lia.
          simpl; destruct (le_lt_dec (S n) (S i));
            destruct (le_lt_dec n i); auto; lia.
      * exists (fun i => pi (S i)).
        rewrite df_pred_exst; exists (pi 0).
        revert Hpi; apply df_pred_ext.
        intros [ | i ].
        - replace (0-S n) with 0 by lia; simpl; auto.
        - replace (S i - S n) with (i-n) by lia.
          Opaque le_lt_dec.
          simpl; destruct (le_lt_dec (S n) (S i));
            destruct (le_lt_dec n i); auto; lia.

End multiple_exists.

(* We will also need a Diophantine encoding of finitary 
    conjunction ie 

          fun ν => R 0 ν /\ ... /\ R (n-1) ν 

    is Diophantine for fixed n 

Section dio_rel_finite_conj.

  Notation "∑" := (msum plus 0).

  Definition df_true := proj1_sig dio_rel_True.

  Fact df_true_size : df_size df_true = 4.
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Fact df_true_spec ν : df_pred df_true ν <-> True.
  Proof. apply (proj2_sig dio_rel_True). Qed.

  Fixpoint df_mconj n f :=
    match n with
      | 0 => df_true
      | S n => f 0 df_mconj n f

  Fact df_mconj_size n f : df_size (df_mconj n f) = 4+n+ n (fun i => df_size (f i)).
    revert f; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; intros f; simpl; auto.
    rewrite IHn; ring.

  Fact df_mconj_spec n f ν : df_pred (df_mconj n f) ν <-> forall i, i < n -> df_pred (f i) ν.
    revert f ν; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; intros f v; simpl df_mconj.
    + rewrite df_true_spec; split; auto; intros; lia.
    + rewrite df_pred_conj, IHn; split.
      * intros (? & H2) [ | i ] ?; auto; apply H2; lia.
      * intros H; split; intros; apply H; lia.

  Lemma dio_rel_finite_conj n (R : nat -> (nat -> nat) -> Prop) :
         (forall i, i < n -> 𝔻R (R i))
      -> 𝔻R (fun ν => forall i, i < n -> R i ν).
    intros H.
    apply fmap_reifier_t_default with (1 := df_true) in H.
    destruct H as (f & Hf).
    exists (df_mconj n f).
    abstract(intros v; rewrite df_mconj_spec; split;
      intros E i Hi; generalize (E _ Hi); apply Hf; trivial).

End dio_rel_finite_conj.