(* Considered preliminaries *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List Arith Lia Morphisms.
Import ListNotations.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Export std.std.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Import calculus.terms.
Fixpoint sapp {X} (A: list X) (sigma: fin -> X): fin -> X :=
match A with
| nil => sigma
| a :: A => a .: sapp A sigma
Notation "A .+ sigma" := (sapp A sigma) (at level 67, right associativity).
Lemma sapp_app X (A B: list X) sigma:
(A ++ B) .+ sigma = A .+ B .+ sigma.
induction A; cbn; eauto.
f_equal; eauto.
Lemma nth_error_sapp X L (x: X) n sigma:
nth_error L n = Some x -> (L .+ sigma) n = x.
induction L in n |-*; cbn.
+ destruct n; cbn in *; discriminate.
+ firstorder. destruct n; cbn in *.
congruence. eauto.
Lemma sapp_lt_in X x (A: list X) sigma:
x < length A -> (A .+ sigma) x ∈ A.
intros H. eapply nth_error_In with (n := x).
eapply nth_error_lt_Some in H as [a].
erewrite nth_error_sapp; eauto.
Lemma sapp_ge_in X x (A: list X) sigma:
length A <= x -> sapp A sigma x = sigma (x - length A).
induction A in x |-*.
- cbn. intros _. destruct x; reflexivity.
- intros H. destruct x. inv H.
cbn; rewrite <-IHA; eauto using le_S_n.
Lemma ren_plus_base (X: Const): @ren_exp X shift = ren_exp (plus 1).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma ren_comp X delta delta' s:
@ren_exp X delta (ren_exp delta' s) = ren_exp (delta' >> delta) s.
Proof. asimpl. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma ren_plus_combine X n m s:
@ren_exp X (plus n) (ren_exp (plus m) s) = ren_exp (plus (n + m)) s.
rewrite ren_comp. f_equal.
induction n; cbn; fext; intros; cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite <-IHn. reflexivity.
Lemma it_up_ren_spec n delta x:
it n up_ren delta x = if dec2 lt x n then x else n + delta (x - n).
induction n in x, delta |-*; cbn.
- destruct dec2; intuition. lia.
- destruct x; cbn; destruct dec2; intuition. lia.
all: unfold funcomp; erewrite IHn.
all: destruct dec2; intuition; lia.
Lemma it_up_ren_lt n delta x:
x < n -> it n up_ren delta x = x.
intros; rewrite it_up_ren_spec; destruct dec2; intuition.
Lemma it_up_ren_ge n delta x:
x >= n -> it n up_ren delta x = n + delta (x - n).
intros; rewrite it_up_ren_spec; destruct dec2; intuition; lia.
Lemma it_up_spec X n (sigma: fin -> @exp X) x:
it n up_exp_exp sigma x =
if dec2 lt x n then var_exp x else ren_exp (plus n) (sigma (x - n)).
induction n in x, sigma |-*; cbn.
- asimpl; destruct dec2; [lia|]; now destruct x.
- destruct x; cbn; destruct dec2; intuition; [lia| |].
all: unfold funcomp; erewrite IHn.
all: destruct dec2; intuition; try lia; now asimpl.
Lemma it_up_lt X n (sigma: fin -> @exp X) x:
x < n -> it n up_exp_exp sigma x = var_exp x.
intros; rewrite it_up_spec; destruct dec2; intuition.
Lemma it_up_ge X n (sigma: fin -> @exp X) x:
x >= n -> it n up_exp_exp sigma x = ren_exp (plus n) (sigma (x - n)).
intros; rewrite it_up_spec; destruct dec2; intuition; lia.
Lemma it_up_var_sapp X A n delta e:
(forall x, delta x >= x) -> n = length A ->
subst_exp (A .+ var_exp) (ren_exp (it n up_ren delta) e) = subst_exp (A .+ delta >> @var_exp X) e.
intros; subst. asimpl. eapply ext_exp.
intros; unfold funcomp.
assert (x < length A \/ x >= length A) as [] by lia.
+ rewrite it_up_ren_lt; eauto.
eapply nth_error_lt_Some in H0 as [a].
erewrite !nth_error_sapp; eauto.
+ rewrite it_up_ren_ge; simplify; eauto.
erewrite !sapp_ge_in; simplify; eauto. lia.
Lemma select_variables_subst X S I sigma:
I ⊆ nats (length S) -> map (subst_exp (S .+ sigma)) (map (@var_exp X) I) = select I S.
intros. rewrite map_map; cbn. induction I; cbn; eauto.
destruct (nth_error S a) eqn: H1.
+ rewrite IHI; firstorder.
f_equal. now eapply nth_error_sapp.
+ exfalso. apply nth_error_None in H1.
specialize (H a). mp H; [now left|].
eapply nats_lt in H. lia.
Lemma max_le_left n m: n <= max n m.
Proof. eauto using Nat.max_lub_l. Qed.
Lemma max_le_right n m: m <= max n m.
Proof. eauto using Nat.max_lub_r. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve max_le_left max_le_right : core.
(* finite maps *)
Definition dom X (A: list X) := nats (length A).
Lemma dom_length X (A: list X) : length (dom A) = length A.
Proof. unfold dom; now simplify. Qed.
Lemma dom_map X Y (A: list X) (f: X -> Y): dom (map f A) = dom A.
Proof. unfold dom; now simplify. Qed.
Hint Rewrite dom_length dom_map: simplify.
Lemma dom_in X x (A: list X):
x ∈ dom A -> exists y, nth A x = Some y.
now intros ? % nats_lt % nth_error_lt_Some.
Lemma dom_nth X x A (y: X):
nth A x = Some y -> x ∈ dom A.
now intros ? % nth_error_Some_lt % lt_nats.
Lemma dom_lt_iff X x (A: list X): x ∈ dom A <-> x < length A.
Proof. split; eauto using nats_lt, lt_nats. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve <-dom_lt_iff : core.
Ltac domin H :=
match type of H with
| nth _ _ = _ => eapply dom_nth in H as ?
| _ ∈ dom _ => eapply dom_in in H as [y H]; rewrite ?H
#[export] Hint Resolve nth_error_In : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve le_plus_r le_plus_l : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve Max.max_lub : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve Nat.le_succ_diag_r le_Sn_le : core.
Hint Rewrite Nat.max_lub_iff Max.max_0_r Max.max_0_l: simplify.
Hint Rewrite Nat.mul_0_r Nat.mul_succ_r Nat.mul_0_l Nat.mul_succ_l: simplify.
Hint Rewrite Nat.add_succ_r : simplify.
Arguments exp : clear implicits.
Coercion app : exp >-> Funclass.
Notation "'lambda' s" := (lam s) (at level 65, right associativity).
Arguments var_exp {_} _.
Notation var := var_exp.
Notation "A → B" := (arr A B) (at level 65, right associativity).
Coercion typevar : nat >-> type.
Definition alpha : type := 0.
Notation "gamma • s" := (subst_exp gamma s) (at level 69, right associativity).
Notation ren := ren_exp.
Notation up := up_exp_exp.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List Arith Lia Morphisms.
Import ListNotations.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Export std.std.
From Undecidability.HOU Require Import calculus.terms.
Fixpoint sapp {X} (A: list X) (sigma: fin -> X): fin -> X :=
match A with
| nil => sigma
| a :: A => a .: sapp A sigma
Notation "A .+ sigma" := (sapp A sigma) (at level 67, right associativity).
Lemma sapp_app X (A B: list X) sigma:
(A ++ B) .+ sigma = A .+ B .+ sigma.
induction A; cbn; eauto.
f_equal; eauto.
Lemma nth_error_sapp X L (x: X) n sigma:
nth_error L n = Some x -> (L .+ sigma) n = x.
induction L in n |-*; cbn.
+ destruct n; cbn in *; discriminate.
+ firstorder. destruct n; cbn in *.
congruence. eauto.
Lemma sapp_lt_in X x (A: list X) sigma:
x < length A -> (A .+ sigma) x ∈ A.
intros H. eapply nth_error_In with (n := x).
eapply nth_error_lt_Some in H as [a].
erewrite nth_error_sapp; eauto.
Lemma sapp_ge_in X x (A: list X) sigma:
length A <= x -> sapp A sigma x = sigma (x - length A).
induction A in x |-*.
- cbn. intros _. destruct x; reflexivity.
- intros H. destruct x. inv H.
cbn; rewrite <-IHA; eauto using le_S_n.
Lemma ren_plus_base (X: Const): @ren_exp X shift = ren_exp (plus 1).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma ren_comp X delta delta' s:
@ren_exp X delta (ren_exp delta' s) = ren_exp (delta' >> delta) s.
Proof. asimpl. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma ren_plus_combine X n m s:
@ren_exp X (plus n) (ren_exp (plus m) s) = ren_exp (plus (n + m)) s.
rewrite ren_comp. f_equal.
induction n; cbn; fext; intros; cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite <-IHn. reflexivity.
Lemma it_up_ren_spec n delta x:
it n up_ren delta x = if dec2 lt x n then x else n + delta (x - n).
induction n in x, delta |-*; cbn.
- destruct dec2; intuition. lia.
- destruct x; cbn; destruct dec2; intuition. lia.
all: unfold funcomp; erewrite IHn.
all: destruct dec2; intuition; lia.
Lemma it_up_ren_lt n delta x:
x < n -> it n up_ren delta x = x.
intros; rewrite it_up_ren_spec; destruct dec2; intuition.
Lemma it_up_ren_ge n delta x:
x >= n -> it n up_ren delta x = n + delta (x - n).
intros; rewrite it_up_ren_spec; destruct dec2; intuition; lia.
Lemma it_up_spec X n (sigma: fin -> @exp X) x:
it n up_exp_exp sigma x =
if dec2 lt x n then var_exp x else ren_exp (plus n) (sigma (x - n)).
induction n in x, sigma |-*; cbn.
- asimpl; destruct dec2; [lia|]; now destruct x.
- destruct x; cbn; destruct dec2; intuition; [lia| |].
all: unfold funcomp; erewrite IHn.
all: destruct dec2; intuition; try lia; now asimpl.
Lemma it_up_lt X n (sigma: fin -> @exp X) x:
x < n -> it n up_exp_exp sigma x = var_exp x.
intros; rewrite it_up_spec; destruct dec2; intuition.
Lemma it_up_ge X n (sigma: fin -> @exp X) x:
x >= n -> it n up_exp_exp sigma x = ren_exp (plus n) (sigma (x - n)).
intros; rewrite it_up_spec; destruct dec2; intuition; lia.
Lemma it_up_var_sapp X A n delta e:
(forall x, delta x >= x) -> n = length A ->
subst_exp (A .+ var_exp) (ren_exp (it n up_ren delta) e) = subst_exp (A .+ delta >> @var_exp X) e.
intros; subst. asimpl. eapply ext_exp.
intros; unfold funcomp.
assert (x < length A \/ x >= length A) as [] by lia.
+ rewrite it_up_ren_lt; eauto.
eapply nth_error_lt_Some in H0 as [a].
erewrite !nth_error_sapp; eauto.
+ rewrite it_up_ren_ge; simplify; eauto.
erewrite !sapp_ge_in; simplify; eauto. lia.
Lemma select_variables_subst X S I sigma:
I ⊆ nats (length S) -> map (subst_exp (S .+ sigma)) (map (@var_exp X) I) = select I S.
intros. rewrite map_map; cbn. induction I; cbn; eauto.
destruct (nth_error S a) eqn: H1.
+ rewrite IHI; firstorder.
f_equal. now eapply nth_error_sapp.
+ exfalso. apply nth_error_None in H1.
specialize (H a). mp H; [now left|].
eapply nats_lt in H. lia.
Lemma max_le_left n m: n <= max n m.
Proof. eauto using Nat.max_lub_l. Qed.
Lemma max_le_right n m: m <= max n m.
Proof. eauto using Nat.max_lub_r. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve max_le_left max_le_right : core.
(* finite maps *)
Definition dom X (A: list X) := nats (length A).
Lemma dom_length X (A: list X) : length (dom A) = length A.
Proof. unfold dom; now simplify. Qed.
Lemma dom_map X Y (A: list X) (f: X -> Y): dom (map f A) = dom A.
Proof. unfold dom; now simplify. Qed.
Hint Rewrite dom_length dom_map: simplify.
Lemma dom_in X x (A: list X):
x ∈ dom A -> exists y, nth A x = Some y.
now intros ? % nats_lt % nth_error_lt_Some.
Lemma dom_nth X x A (y: X):
nth A x = Some y -> x ∈ dom A.
now intros ? % nth_error_Some_lt % lt_nats.
Lemma dom_lt_iff X x (A: list X): x ∈ dom A <-> x < length A.
Proof. split; eauto using nats_lt, lt_nats. Qed.
#[export] Hint Resolve <-dom_lt_iff : core.
Ltac domin H :=
match type of H with
| nth _ _ = _ => eapply dom_nth in H as ?
| _ ∈ dom _ => eapply dom_in in H as [y H]; rewrite ?H
#[export] Hint Resolve nth_error_In : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve le_plus_r le_plus_l : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve Max.max_lub : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve Nat.le_succ_diag_r le_Sn_le : core.
Hint Rewrite Nat.max_lub_iff Max.max_0_r Max.max_0_l: simplify.
Hint Rewrite Nat.mul_0_r Nat.mul_succ_r Nat.mul_0_l Nat.mul_succ_l: simplify.
Hint Rewrite Nat.add_succ_r : simplify.
Arguments exp : clear implicits.
Coercion app : exp >-> Funclass.
Notation "'lambda' s" := (lam s) (at level 65, right associativity).
Arguments var_exp {_} _.
Notation var := var_exp.
Notation "A → B" := (arr A B) (at level 65, right associativity).
Coercion typevar : nat >-> type.
Definition alpha : type := 0.
Notation "gamma • s" := (subst_exp gamma s) (at level 69, right associativity).
Notation ren := ren_exp.
Notation up := up_exp_exp.