(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

Require Import List Permutation.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW
  Require Import utils.

From Undecidability.ILL Require Import ILL CLL ill_cll.

Set Implicit Arguments.

(* Small inversion lemma *)

Fact app_eq_single_inv X (l m : list X) x :
       l++m = x::nil
    -> l = nil /\ m = x::nil
    \/ l = x::nil /\ m = nil.
  intros H.
  destruct l as [ | y l ]; auto.
  inversion H.
  destruct l; destruct m; auto; discriminate.

Tactic Notation "app" "inv" "singleton" "in" hyp(H) :=
  apply app_eq_single_inv in H as [ (-> & ->) | (-> & ->) ].

Tactic Notation "app" "inv" "nil" "in" hyp(H) :=
  apply app_eq_nil in H as (-> & ->).

(* * Classical Linear Logic vs Intuitionnisitc Linear Logic 

       derived from the work of H. Schellinx JLC 91 *)

Local Infix "~p" := (@Permutation _) (at level 70).

(* Γ ⊢i A stands for the sequent Γ ⊢ A is cut-free ILL provable *)
(* Γ ⊢c Δ stands for the sequent Γ ⊢ Δ is cut-free CLL provable *)

Notation "Γ '⊢i' A" := (S_ill Γ A) (at level 70, no associativity).
Notation "Γ '⊢c' Δ" := (S_cll Γ Δ) (at level 70, no associativity).

Section ill_cll_is_sound.

  Hint Resolve Permutation_map : core.

  Theorem ill_cll_soundness Γ A : Γ i A -> Γ c [A]::.
    induction 1; simpl in *.
    + apply in_cll_ax.
    + apply (@in_cll_perm Γ ([A]::nil)); auto.
    + rewrite map_app.
      now apply in_cll_limp_l with (Δ := ) (Δ' := _::_).
    + now apply in_cll_limp_r with (Δ := ).
    + now apply in_cll_with_l1.
    + now apply in_cll_with_l2.
    + now apply in_cll_with_r with (Δ := ).
    + now apply in_cll_bang_l.
    + rewrite ill_cll_lbang in *.
      now apply in_cll_bang_r with (Δ := ).
    + now apply in_cll_weak_l.
    + now apply in_cll_cntr_l.
    + now apply in_cll_times_l.
    + rewrite map_app.
      now apply in_cll_times_r with (Δ := ) (Δ' := ).
    + now apply in_cll_plus_l.
    + now apply in_cll_plus_r1.
    + now apply in_cll_plus_r2.
    + apply in_cll_bot_l.
    + apply in_cll_top_r.
    + now apply in_cll_unit_l.
    + apply in_cll_unit_r.

End ill_cll_is_sound.

Section Schellinx_observation.

  (* This is an observation purely about cut-free CLL 

      One cannot get a cut-free CLL proof of Γ ⊢ ∅ 
      unless ⟘ or 𝟘 or a negation occurs in Γ *)

  Let schellinx_rec Γ Δ :
               Γ c Δ
            -> Δ =
            -> exists f, In f Γ /\ cll_has_bot_zero_neg f.
    induction 1 as [ A (* ax *)
                   | Γ Δ Γ' Δ' H1 H2 H3 IH3 (* perm *)
                   | Γ Δ A H1 IH1 | Γ Δ A H1 IH1 (* negation *)
                   | Γ Δ Γ' Δ' A B H1 IH1 H2 IH2 | Γ Δ A B H1 IH1 (* -o *)
                   | Γ Δ A B H1 IH1 | Γ Δ A B H1 IH1 | Γ Δ A B H1 IH1 H2 IH2 (* & *)
                   | Γ A B Δ H1 IH1 | Γ Δ Γ' Δ' A B H1 IH1 H2 IH2 (* * *)
                   | Γ Δ Γ' Δ' A B H1 IH1 H2 IH2 | Γ A B Δ H1 IH1 (* par *)
                   | Γ A B Δ H1 IH1 H2 IH2 | Γ A B Δ H1 IH1 | Γ A B Δ H1 IH1 (* + *)
                   | | (* bot, top *)
                   | Γ Δ H1 IH1 | (* unit *)
                   | | (* zero *)
                   | Γ A Δ H1 IH1 | Γ A Δ H1 IH1 (* bang *)
                   | Γ A Δ H1 IH1 | (* qmrk *)
                   | Γ A Δ H1 IH1 | (* weak *)
                   | Γ A Δ H1 IH1 | ]; (* cntr *)
              try discriminate.
    + intros ->.
      apply Permutation_sym, Permutation_nil in H2 as ->; auto.
      destruct IH3 as (f & G1 & G2); auto.
      exists f; split; auto.
      revert G1; now apply Permutation_in.
    + intros ->; exists (A); simpl; auto.
    + intros H.
      app inv nil in H.
      destruct IH2 as (f & [ <- | ] & ?); auto.
      * exists (A B); simpl; split; auto.
      * exists f; split; auto.
        right; apply in_or_app; tauto.
    + intros ->.
      destruct IH1 as (f & [ <- | ] & ?); auto.
      * exists (A&B); simpl; auto.
      * exists f; simpl; auto.
    + intros ->.
      destruct IH1 as (f & [ <- | ] & ?); auto.
      * exists (A&B); simpl; auto.
      * exists f; simpl; auto.
    + intros ->.
      destruct IH1 as (f & [ <- | [ <- | ] ] & ?); auto.
      * exists (AB); simpl; auto.
      * exists (AB); simpl; auto.
      * exists f; simpl; auto.
    + intros H.
      app inv nil in H.
      destruct IH1 as (f & [ <- | ] & ?); auto.
      * exists (A⅋B); simpl; auto.
      * exists f; simpl; split; auto.
        rewrite in_app_iff; auto.
    + intros ->.
      destruct IH1 as (f & [ <- | ] & ?); auto.
      * exists (AB); simpl; auto.
      * exists f; simpl; auto.
    + exists ; simpl; auto.
    + intros ->.
      destruct IH1 as (f & ? & ?); auto.
      exists f; simpl; auto.
    + exists 𝟘; simpl; auto.
    + intros ->.
      destruct IH1 as (f & [ <- | ] & ?); auto.
      * exists (!A); simpl; auto.
      * exists f; simpl; auto.
    + destruct Δ; try discriminate; intros _ ; simpl in *.
      destruct IH1 as (f & [ <- | ] & ?); auto.
      * exists (A); simpl; auto.
      * exists f; simpl; auto.
    + intros ->.
      destruct IH1 as (f & ? & ?); auto.
      * exists f; simpl; auto.
    + intros ->.
      destruct IH1 as (f & [ <- | [ <- | ] ] & ?); auto.
      * exists (!A); simpl; auto.
      * exists (!A); simpl; auto.
      * exists f; simpl; auto.

  Lemma Schellinx_observation Γ :
          Γ c -> exists f, In f Γ /\ cll_has_bot_zero_neg f.
  Proof. intros; now apply schellinx_rec with (2 := eq_refl). Qed.

End Schellinx_observation.

Section cll_ill_soundness.

  (* If an ILL sequent Γ ⊢ A is cut-free CLL provable then 
     it is also cut-free ILL provable unless it contains ⟘ *)

  (* A handy tactic for Forall goals ... *)

  Tactic Notation "solve" "Forall" :=
    repeat rewrite Forall_cons_inv in *;
    repeat rewrite Forall_app in *; simpl in *; tauto.

  Let cll_ill_rec Γ Δ A :
               Γ c Δ
            -> Δ = A::
            -> Forall from_ill (A::Γ)
            -> Γ i A
            \/ cll_has_bot_zero_neg A
            \/ exists f, In f Γ /\ cll_has_bot_zero_neg f.
    intros H; revert H A.
    induction 1 as [ A (* ax *)
                   | Γ Δ Γ' Δ' H1 H2 H3 IH3 (* perm *)
                   | Γ Δ A H1 IH1 | Γ Δ A H1 IH1 (* negation *)
                   | Γ Δ Γ' Δ' A B H1 IH1 H2 IH2 | Γ Δ A B H1 IH1 (* -o *)
                   | Γ Δ A B H1 IH1 | Γ Δ A B H1 IH1 | Γ Δ A B H1 IH1 H2 IH2 (* & *)
                   | Γ A B Δ H1 IH1 | Γ Δ Γ' Δ' A B H1 IH1 H2 IH2 (* * *)
                   | Γ Δ Γ' Δ' A B H1 IH1 H2 IH2 | Γ A B Δ H1 IH1 (* par *)
                   | Γ A B Δ H1 IH1 H2 IH2 | Γ A B Δ H1 IH1 | Γ A B Δ H1 IH1 (* + *)
                   | | (* bot, top *)
                   | Γ Δ H1 IH1 | (* unit *)
                   | | (* zero *)
                   | Γ A Δ H1 IH1 | Γ A Δ H1 IH1 (* bang *)
                   | Γ A Δ H1 IH1 | (* qmrk *)
                   | Γ A Δ H1 IH1 | (* weak *)
                   | Γ A Δ H1 IH1 | ]; (* cntr *)
               intros C .
    + inversion ; left; simpl; constructor.
    + subst.
      apply Permutation_sym, Permutation_length_1_inv in H2 as ->.
      destruct (IH3 _ eq_refl) as [ H | [ | (f & H & ?) ] ]; auto.
      * rewrite Forall_cons_inv in *.
        destruct as (? & ); split; auto.
        revert ; apply Permutation_Forall, Permutation_sym; auto.
      * left; apply in_ill3_perm with (2 := H).
        now apply Permutation_map.
      * do 2 right; exists f; split; auto.
        revert H; now apply Permutation_in.
    + contradict ; solve Forall.
    + inversion ; subst; contradict ; solve Forall.
    + app inv singleton in .
      * destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & ? & ?) ] ]; auto.
        - solve Forall.
        - destruct (IH2 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & [ <- | ] & ?) ] ]; auto.
          ++ solve Forall.
          ++ left; simpl; rewrite map_app; constructor; auto.
          ++ do 2 right; exists (AB); simpl; tauto.
          ++ do 2 right; exists f; split; auto; right; apply in_or_app; tauto.
        - do 2 right; exists (AB); simpl; tauto.
        - do 2 right; exists f; split; auto; right; apply in_or_app; tauto.
      * apply Schellinx_observation in H2 as (f & [ <- | ] & ?).
        - do 2 right; exists (AB); simpl; tauto.
        - do 2 right; exists f; split; auto; right; apply in_or_app; tauto.
    + inversion ; subst.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & [ <- | ] & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * left; constructor; auto.
      * do 2 right; exists f; auto.
    + subst.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & [ <- | ] & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * left; apply in_ill3_with_l1; auto.
      * do 2 right; exists (A&B); simpl; tauto.
      * do 2 right; exists f; auto.
    + subst.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & [ <- | ] & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * left; apply in_ill3_with_l2; auto.
      * do 2 right; exists (A&B); simpl; tauto.
      * do 2 right; exists f; auto.
    + inversion ; subst; clear .
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & ? & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * destruct (IH2 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & ? & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
        - solve Forall.
        - left; simpl; constructor; auto.
        - do 2 right; exists f; simpl; tauto.
      * do 2 right; exists f; simpl; tauto.
    + subst.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & [ <- | [ <- | ] ] & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * left; constructor; auto.
      * do 2 right; exists (AB); simpl; tauto.
      * do 2 right; exists (AB); simpl; tauto.
      * do 2 right; exists f; auto.
    + inversion ; subst.
      app inv nil in H3.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & ? & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * destruct (IH2 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & ? & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
        - solve Forall.
        - left; rewrite map_app; constructor; auto.
        - do 2 right; exists f; split; auto.
          apply in_or_app; auto.
      * do 2 right; exists f; split; auto.
        apply in_or_app; auto.
    + contradict ; solve Forall.
    + inversion ; subst; contradict ; solve Forall.
    + subst.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & [ <- | ] & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * destruct (IH2 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & [ <- | ] & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
        - solve Forall.
        - left; simpl; now constructor.
        - do 2 right; exists (AB); simpl; tauto.
        - do 2 right; exists f; auto.
      * do 2 right; exists (AB); simpl; tauto.
      * do 2 right; exists f; auto.
    + inversion ; subst.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & ? & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * left; now apply in_ill3_plus_r1.
      * do 2 right; exists f; auto.
    + inversion ; subst.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & ? & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * left; now apply in_ill3_plus_r2.
      * do 2 right; exists f; auto.
    + left; constructor.
    + inversion ; subst; left; constructor.
    + subst.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & ? & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * left; now constructor.
      * do 2 right; exists f; auto.
    + inversion ; subst; left; constructor.
    + discriminate.
    + inversion ; subst; contradict ; solve Forall.
    + subst.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & [ <- | ] & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * left; now constructor.
      * do 2 right; exists (!A); simpl; auto.
      * do 2 right; exists f; auto.
    + destruct Δ; try discriminate.
      inversion ; subst.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & ? & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * left; rewrite cll_ill_lbang in *; now constructor.
      * do 2 right; exists f; auto.
    + destruct Δ as [ | D [ ] ]; try discriminate.
      inversion ; subst; contradict ; solve Forall.
    + inversion ; subst; contradict ; solve Forall.
    + subst.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & ? & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * left; now constructor.
      * do 2 right; exists f; auto.
    + inversion ; subst.
      rewrite Forall_cons_inv in ; simpl in ; tauto.
    + subst.
      destruct (IH1 _ eq_refl) as [ ? | [ | (f & [ <- | [ <- | ] ] & ?) ] ]; simpl; auto.
      * solve Forall.
      * left; now constructor.
      * do 2 right; exists (!A); simpl; auto.
      * do 2 right; exists (!A); simpl; auto.
      * do 2 right; exists f; auto.
    + inversion ; subst; contradict ; solve Forall.

  Lemma cll_ill_soundness Γ A :
             Γ c [A]::
          -> Γ i A
          \/ ill_has_bot A
          \/ exists f, In f Γ /\ ill_has_bot f.
    intros H.
    apply cll_ill_rec with (2 := eq_refl) in H.
    * rewrite ill_cll_ill_list, ill_cll_ill, <- ill_cll_has_bot_eq in H.
      destruct H as [ | [ | (f & G1 & G2) ] ]; auto.
      do 2 right.
      apply in_map_iff in G1.
      destruct G1 as (g & <- & ?).
      exists g; rewrite ill_cll_has_bot_eq; auto.
    * rewrite -> Forall_map with (f := ill_cll) (ll := A::Γ), Forall_forall.
      intros; apply ill_cll_from_ill.

End cll_ill_soundness.

(* If the ILL sequent Γ ⊢ A does not contain any occurences of ⟘   then 
   it is provable in ILL iff it is provable in CLL 

   Which gives a direct reduction for CLL undecidability *)

Theorem ill_cll_equiv Γ A :
          (forall f, In f (A::Γ) -> ~ ill_has_bot f)
       -> Γ i A <-> Γ c [A]::.
  intros H; split.
  + apply ill_cll_soundness.
  + intros H1.
    apply cll_ill_soundness in H1 as [ | [ ? | (f & ? & ?) ] ]; auto.
    * destruct (H A); simpl; auto.
    * destruct (H f); simpl; auto.