From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics Datatypes.LBool.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.GenEncode.
(* ** Encoding of sum type *)
Section Fix_XY.
Variable X Y:Type.
Variable intX : registered X.
Variable intY : registered Y.
MetaCoq Run (tmGenEncode "sum_enc" (X + Y)).
Hint Resolve sum_enc_correct : Lrewrite.
(* now we must register the non-constant constructors*)
Global Instance term_inl : computableTime' (@inl X Y) (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
extract constructor.
Global Instance term_inr : computableTime' (@inr X Y) (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
extract constructor.
End Fix_XY.
#[export] Hint Resolve sum_enc_correct : Lrewrite.
Lemma size_sum X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} (l: X + Y):
size (enc l) = match l with inl x => size (enc x) + 5 | inr x => size (enc x) + 4 end.
change (enc l) with (sum_enc _ _ l).
destruct l as [x|x]. all:cbn [sum_enc map sumn size].
all:change ((match _ with
| @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
end x)) with (enc x).
Section sum_eqb.
Variable X Y : Type.
Variable eqb__X : X -> X -> bool.
Variable spec__X : forall x y, reflect (x = y) (eqb__X x y).
Variable eqb__Y : Y -> Y -> bool.
Variable spec__Y : forall x y, reflect (x = y) (eqb__Y x y).
Definition sum_eqb (A B : X + Y) :=
match A,B with
| inl a,inl b => eqb__X a b
| inr a,inr b => eqb__Y a b
| _,_ => false
Lemma sum_eqb_spec A B : reflect (A = B) (sum_eqb A B).
Proof using spec__X spec__Y.
destruct A, B; (try now econstructor);cbn.
-destruct (spec__X x x0); econstructor;congruence.
-destruct (spec__Y y y0); constructor;congruence.
End sum_eqb.
From Undecidability Require Import EqBool.
Section int.
Variable X Y:Type.
Context {HX : registered X} {HY : registered Y}.
(*Global Instance term_sum_eqb : computableTime' (@sum_eqb X Y)
(fun eqb eqbX => (1, (fun _ eqbY => (1,fun a _ => (1,fun b _ => (match a,b with
inl a, inl b => callTime2 eqbX a b + 10
| inr a, inr b => callTime2 eqbY a b + 10
| _,_ => 9 end,tt)))))).
extract. solverec.
Defined. (*comment *) *)
Global Instance eqbSum f g `{eqbClass (X:=X) f} `{eqbClass (X:=Y) g}:
eqbClass (sum_eqb f g).
intros ? ?. eapply sum_eqb_spec. all:eauto using eqb_spec.
Global Instance eqbComp_sum `{H:eqbCompT X (R:=HX)} `{H':eqbCompT Y (R:=HY)}:
eqbCompT (sum X Y).
evar (c:nat). exists c. unfold sum_eqb.
unfold enc;cbn.
change (eqb0) with (eqb (X:=X)).
change (eqb1) with (eqb (X:=Y)).
extract. unfold eqb,eqbTime.
fold (enc (X:=X)). fold (enc (X:=Y)).
recRel_prettify2. easy.
[c]:exact (c__eqbComp X + c__eqbComp Y + 6).
all:unfold c. all:cbn iota beta delta [sum_enc].
all: change ((match HX with
| @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
end)) with (enc (X:=X)).
all: change ((match HY with
| @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
end)) with (enc (X:=Y)).
all:cbn [size]. all: nia.
End int.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.GenEncode.
(* ** Encoding of sum type *)
Section Fix_XY.
Variable X Y:Type.
Variable intX : registered X.
Variable intY : registered Y.
MetaCoq Run (tmGenEncode "sum_enc" (X + Y)).
Hint Resolve sum_enc_correct : Lrewrite.
(* now we must register the non-constant constructors*)
Global Instance term_inl : computableTime' (@inl X Y) (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
extract constructor.
Global Instance term_inr : computableTime' (@inr X Y) (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
extract constructor.
End Fix_XY.
#[export] Hint Resolve sum_enc_correct : Lrewrite.
Lemma size_sum X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} (l: X + Y):
size (enc l) = match l with inl x => size (enc x) + 5 | inr x => size (enc x) + 4 end.
change (enc l) with (sum_enc _ _ l).
destruct l as [x|x]. all:cbn [sum_enc map sumn size].
all:change ((match _ with
| @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
end x)) with (enc x).
Section sum_eqb.
Variable X Y : Type.
Variable eqb__X : X -> X -> bool.
Variable spec__X : forall x y, reflect (x = y) (eqb__X x y).
Variable eqb__Y : Y -> Y -> bool.
Variable spec__Y : forall x y, reflect (x = y) (eqb__Y x y).
Definition sum_eqb (A B : X + Y) :=
match A,B with
| inl a,inl b => eqb__X a b
| inr a,inr b => eqb__Y a b
| _,_ => false
Lemma sum_eqb_spec A B : reflect (A = B) (sum_eqb A B).
Proof using spec__X spec__Y.
destruct A, B; (try now econstructor);cbn.
-destruct (spec__X x x0); econstructor;congruence.
-destruct (spec__Y y y0); constructor;congruence.
End sum_eqb.
From Undecidability Require Import EqBool.
Section int.
Variable X Y:Type.
Context {HX : registered X} {HY : registered Y}.
(*Global Instance term_sum_eqb : computableTime' (@sum_eqb X Y)
(fun eqb eqbX => (1, (fun _ eqbY => (1,fun a _ => (1,fun b _ => (match a,b with
inl a, inl b => callTime2 eqbX a b + 10
| inr a, inr b => callTime2 eqbY a b + 10
| _,_ => 9 end,tt)))))).
extract. solverec.
Defined. (*comment *) *)
Global Instance eqbSum f g `{eqbClass (X:=X) f} `{eqbClass (X:=Y) g}:
eqbClass (sum_eqb f g).
intros ? ?. eapply sum_eqb_spec. all:eauto using eqb_spec.
Global Instance eqbComp_sum `{H:eqbCompT X (R:=HX)} `{H':eqbCompT Y (R:=HY)}:
eqbCompT (sum X Y).
evar (c:nat). exists c. unfold sum_eqb.
unfold enc;cbn.
change (eqb0) with (eqb (X:=X)).
change (eqb1) with (eqb (X:=Y)).
extract. unfold eqb,eqbTime.
fold (enc (X:=X)). fold (enc (X:=Y)).
recRel_prettify2. easy.
[c]:exact (c__eqbComp X + c__eqbComp Y + 6).
all:unfold c. all:cbn iota beta delta [sum_enc].
all: change ((match HX with
| @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
end)) with (enc (X:=X)).
all: change ((match HY with
| @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
end)) with (enc (X:=Y)).
all:cbn [size]. all: nia.
End int.