From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics.
From Undecidability.L Require Import UpToC.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Export List.List_enc LBool LNat.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.Lists Require Export Filter.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Definition c__app := 16.
Instance termT_append X {intX : registered X} : computableTime' ( X) (fun A _ => (5,fun B _ => (length A * c__app + c__app,tt))).
  solverec. all: now unfold c__app.

Definition c__map := 12.
Fixpoint map_time {X} (fT:X -> nat) xs :=
  match xs with
    [] => c__map
  | x :: xs => fT x + map_time fT xs + c__map

Instance term_map (X Y:Type) (Hx : registered X) (Hy:registered Y): computableTime' (@map X Y) (fun _ fT => (1,fun l _ => (map_time (fun x => fst (fT x tt)) l,tt))).
  solverec. all: unfold c__map; solverec.
Defined. (*because other extract*)

Lemma map_time_const {X} c (xs:list X):
  map_time (fun _ => c) xs = length xs * (c + c__map) + c__map.
  induction xs;cbn. all:lia.

Lemma mapTime_upTo X (t__f : X -> nat):
  map_time t__f <=c (fun l => length l + sumn (map t__f l) + 1 ).
  unfold map_time. exists c__map; unfold c__map.
  induction x; cbn - [plus mult]; nia.

Instance term_map_noTime (X Y:Type) (Hx : registered X) (Hy:registered Y): computable (@map X Y).
Defined. (*because other extract*)

Instance termT_rev_append X `{registered X}: computableTime' (@rev_append X) (fun l _ => (5,fun res _ => (length l*13+4,tt))).

Definition c__rev := 13.
Instance termT_rev X `{registered X}: computableTime' (@rev X) (fun l _ => ((length l + 1) *c__rev,tt)).
eapply computableTimeExt with (x:= fun l => rev_append l []).
{intro. rewrite rev_alt. reflexivity. }
extract. solverec. unfold c__rev; solverec.

Section Fix_X.
  Variable (X:Type).
  Context {intX : registered X}.

  Global Instance term_filter: computableTime' (@filter X) (fun p pT => (1,fun l _ => (fold_right (fun x res => 16 + res + fst (pT x tt)) 8 l ,tt))).
  Proof using intX.
    change (filter (A:=X)) with ((fun (f : X -> bool) =>
                                    fix filter (l : list X) : list X := match l with
                                                                        | [] => []
                                                                        | x :: l0 => (fun r => if f x then x :: r else r) (filter l0)
  Defined. (*because other extract*)

  Global Instance term_filter_notime: computable (@filter X).
  Proof using intX.
  pose (t:= extT (@filter X)). hnf in t.
    computable using t.
  Defined. (*because other extract*)

  Global Instance term_repeat: computable (@repeat X).
  Proof using intX.

End Fix_X.

Section concat.
  Context X `{registered X}.

  Fixpoint rev_concat acc (xs : list (list X)) :=
    match xs with
      [] => acc
    | x::xs => rev_concat (rev_append x acc) xs

  Lemma rev_concat_rev xs acc:
    rev (rev_concat acc xs) = rev acc ++ concat xs.
    induction xs in acc|-*. all:cbn. 2:rewrite IHxs,rev_append_rev. all:autorewrite with list in *. all:easy.

  Lemma rev_concat_length xs acc:
    length (rev_concat acc xs) = length acc + length (concat xs).
    specialize (rev_concat_rev xs acc) as H1%(f_equal (@length _)).
    autorewrite with list in H1. nia.

  Lemma _term_rev_concat :
    { time : UpToC (fun l => sumn (map (@length _) l) + length l + 1) &
             computableTime' (@rev_concat) (fun _ _ => (5,fun l _ => (time l,tt)))}.
    evar (c1 : nat).
    exists_UpToC (fun l => c1 * (sumn (map (@length _) l) + length l + 1) ).
    { extract. recRel_prettify2.
      all:cbn - [plus mult].
      all:enough (c1>=20) by nia.
      instantiate (c1:=20). all:subst c1;nia.
  Global Instance term_rev_concat : computableTime' rev_concat _ := projT2 _term_rev_concat.

  Lemma _term_concat :
    { time : UpToC (fun l => sumn (map (@length _) l) + length l + 1) &
             computableTime' (@concat X) (fun l _ => (time l,tt))}.
    eexists_UpToC time. [time]: intros x.
    eapply computableTimeExt with (x := fun l => rev (rev_concat [] l)).
    -intros l;hnf. rewrite rev_concat_rev. easy.
    -extract. solverec. unfold time. reflexivity.
    -unfold time. smpl_upToC; try smpl_upToC_solve.
     setoid_rewrite rev_concat_length. setoid_rewrite length_concat. smpl_upToC_solve.

  Global Instance term_concat : computableTime' (@concat X) _ := projT2 _term_concat.

End concat.