From Undecidability.L Require Export Util.L_facts.
(* **** Closure calculus *)
Inductive Comp : Type :=
| CompVar (x:nat)
| CompApp (s : Comp) (t : Comp) : Comp
| CompClos (s : term) (A : list Comp) : Comp.
Coercion CompApp : Comp >-> Funclass.
Inductive lamComp : Comp -> Prop := lambdaComp s A: lamComp (CompClos (lam s) A).
Inductive validComp : Comp -> Prop :=
| validCompApp s t : validComp s -> validComp t -> validComp (s t)
| validCompClos (s : term) (A : list Comp) :
(forall a, a el A -> validComp a) -> (forall a, a el A -> lamComp a) -> bound (length A) s -> validComp (CompClos s A).
#[export] Hint Constructors Comp lamComp validComp : core.
Definition validEnv A := forall a, a el A -> validComp a (*/\ lamComp a)*).
Definition validEnv' A := forall a, a el A -> closed a.
#[export] Hint Unfold validEnv validEnv' : core.
Lemma validEnv_cons a A : validEnv (a::A) <-> ((validComp a) /\ validEnv A).
unfold validEnv. simpl. split. auto. intros [? ?] a' [eq|el']; subst;auto.
Lemma validEnv'_cons a A : validEnv' (a::A) <-> (closed a /\ validEnv' A).
unfold validEnv'. simpl. intuition. now subst.
Ltac inv_validComp :=
match goal with
| H : validComp (CompApp _ _) |- _ => inv H
| H : validComp (CompClos _ _) |- _ => inv H
Definition Comp_ind_deep'
(P : Comp -> Prop)
(Pl : list Comp -> Prop)
(IHVar : forall x : nat, P (CompVar x))
(IHApp : forall s : Comp, P s -> forall t : Comp, P t -> P (s t))
(IHClos : forall (s : term) (A : list Comp),
Pl A -> P (CompClos s A))
(IHNil : Pl nil)
(IHCons : forall (a:Comp) (A : list Comp),
P a -> Pl A -> Pl (a::A))
(x:Comp) : P x :=
(fix f c : P c:=
match c with
| CompVar x => IHVar x
| CompApp s t => IHApp s (f s) t (f t)
| CompClos s A => IHClos s A
((fix g A : Pl A :=
match A with
[] => IHNil
| a::A => IHCons a A (f a) (g A)
end) A)
end) x
Definition Comp_ind_deep
(P : Comp -> Prop)
(IHVar : forall x : nat, P (CompVar x))
(IHApp : forall s : Comp, P s -> forall t : Comp, P t -> P (s t))
(IHClos : forall (s : term) (A : list Comp),
(forall a, a el A -> P a) -> P (CompClos s A)) : forall x, P x.
apply Comp_ind_deep' with (Pl:=fun A => (forall a, a el A -> P a));auto.
intros. inv H1;auto.
Lemma subst_comm s x1 u1 x2 u2 : closed u1 -> closed u2 -> x1 <> x2 -> subst (subst s x1 u1) x2 u2 = subst (subst s x2 u2) x1 u1.
Proof with try (congruence||auto).
intros cl1 cl2 neq. revert x1 x2 neq;induction s;simpl;intros.
-decide (n=x1); decide (n=x2); try rewrite cl1;try rewrite cl2;subst;simpl...
+decide (x1=x1)...
+decide (x2=x2)...
+decide (n=x2);decide (n=x1)...
-rewrite IHs1,IHs2...
-rewrite IHs...
*) (*
Lemma subst_twice s x u1 u2 : closed u1 -> subst (subst s x u1) x u2 = subst s x u1.
Proof with try (congruence||auto).
intros cl. revert x;induction s;simpl;intros.
-decide (n=x);subst. now rewrite cl. simpl. decide (n=x);subst;congruence.
-rewrite IHs1,IHs2...
-rewrite IHs...
Lemma subst_free a s k u y: closed a -> subst s k u = s -> subst (subst s y a) k u = subst s y a.
intros ca eq. revert y k u eq. induction s;simpl;intros.
-decide (n=y). now rewrite ca. apply eq.
-simpl in eq. inversion eq. rewrite H0, H1, IHs1, IHs2;auto.
-f_equal. simpl in eq. inversion eq. rewrite !H0. now rewrite IHs.
Lemma bound_ge k s m: bound k s -> m >= k -> bound m s.
intros. decide (m=k);subst.
-eapply bound_gt;eauto. lia.
Lemma bound_subst' x s a y: bound x s -> closed a -> bound x (subst s y a).
intros dcl cl. revert y. induction dcl;simpl;intros.
-decide (n=y);subst.
+eapply bound_ge. now apply closed_dcl. lia.
+now constructor.
-now constructor.
-now constructor.
Fixpoint substList' (s:term) (x:nat) (A: list term): term :=
match A with
| nil => s
| a::A => substList' (subst s x a) (S x) A
Fixpoint substList (s:term) (x:nat) (A: list term): term :=
match s with
| var n => if Dec (x>n) then var n else nth (n-x) A (var n)
| app s t => app (substList s x A) (substList t x A)
| lam s => lam (substList s (S x) A)
Fixpoint deClos (s:Comp) : term :=
match s with
| CompVar x => var x
| CompApp s t => app (deClos s) (deClos t)
| CompClos s A => substList s 0 (map deClos A)
(* Reduction *)
Reserved Notation "s '>[(' l ')]' t" (at level 50, format "s '>[(' l ')]' t").
Declare Scope LClos.
Inductive CPow : nat -> Comp -> Comp -> Prop :=
| CPowRefl (s:Comp) : s >[(0)] s
| CPowTrans (s t u:Comp) i j : s >[(i)] t -> t >[(j)] u -> s >[(i+j)] u
| CPowAppL (s s' t :Comp) l: s >[(l)] s' -> (s t) >[(l)] (s' t)
| CPowAppR (s t t':Comp) l: t >[(l)] t' -> (s t) >[(l)] (s t')
| CPowApp (s t:term) (A:list Comp) :
CompClos (app s t) A >[(0)] (CompClos s A) (CompClos t A)
| CPowVar (x:nat) (A:list Comp):
CompClos (var x) A >[(0)] nth x A (CompVar x)
| CPowVal (s t:term) (A B:list Comp):
lambda t -> (CompClos (lam s) A) (CompClos t B) >[(1)] (CompClos s ((CompClos t B)::A))
where "s '>[(' l ')]' t" := (CPow l s t) : LClos.
Open Scope LClos.
Ltac inv_CompStep :=
match goal with
| H : (CompApp _ _) >(_) CompClos _ _ |- _ => inv H
| H : (CompClos _ _) >(_) CompApp _ _ |- _ => inv H
#[export] Hint Constructors CPow : core.
Lemma CPow_congL n s s' t :
s >[(n)] s' -> s t >[(n)] s' t.
induction 1;eauto.
Lemma CPow_congR n (s t t' : Comp) :
t >[(n)] t' -> s t >[(n)] s t'.
induction 1;eauto.
Lemma CPow_trans s t u i j k : s >[(i)] t -> t >[(j)] u -> i + j = k -> s >[(k)] u.
intros. subst. eauto.
Instance CPow'_App_properR n:
Proper (eq ==> (CPow n) ==> (CPow n)) CompApp.
intros ? ? -> ? ? ?. now eapply CPow_congR.
Definition CStar s t:= exists k , CPow k s t .
Notation "s '>*' t" := (CStar s t) (at level 50) : L.los.
Instance rStar'_PreOrder : PreOrder CStar.
constructor; hnf.
-now eexists.
-eapply star_trans.
Lemma rStar'_trans_l s s' t :
s >* s' -> s t >* s' t.
induction 1; eauto using star.
Lemma rStar'_trans_r (s t t' : Comp):
t >* t' -> s t >* s t'.
induction 1; eauto using star.
Instance rStar'_App_proper :
Proper ((star CStep) ==> (star CStep) ==> (star CStep)) CompApp.
cbv. intros s s' A t t' B. etransitivity.
apply rStar'_trans_l, A. apply rStar'_trans_r, B.
Instance CStep_star_subrelation : subrelation CStep (star CStep).
intros s t st. eauto using star.
(* Properties of step-indexed version *)
Notation "x '>^' n y" := (ARS.pow CStep n x y) (at level 50) : L.cope.
Lemma CStep_Lam n: forall (s t u:Comp), lamComp u -> (ARS.pow CStep n (s t) u) ->
exists m1 m2 (s' t':Comp),(m1 < n /\ ARS.pow CStep m1 s s' /\ lamComp s')
/\ (m2 < n /\ ARS.pow CStep m2 t t' /\ lamComp t').
Proof with repeat intuition;try now reflexivity.
induction n;intros ? ? ? lu R.
-inv R. inv lu.
-destruct R as u' [R R']. inv R.
+apply IHn in R'... decompose ex and R'. exists (S x), x0, x1, x2... change (S x) with (1+x). apply pow_add;simpl. exists s';intuition. eexists;simpl...
+apply IHn in R'... decompose ex and R'. exists x, (S x0), x1, x2... change (S x0) with (1+x0). apply pow_add;simpl. exists t';intuition. eexists;simpl...
+inv H2. eexists 0,0,_,_...
Lemma CStep_Lam' (s t u:Comp) : lamComp u -> (s t) >* u ->
exists (s' t':Comp),( s >* s' /\ lamComp s')
/\ (t >* t' /\ lamComp t').
Proof with repeat intuition;try now reflexivity.
intros lu R. apply star_pow in R. destruct R as n R. revert s t u lu R. induction n;intros.
-inv R. inv lu.
-destruct R as u' [R R']. inv R.
+apply IHn in R'... decompose ex and R'. exists x, x0... eauto using star.
+apply IHn in R'... decompose ex and R'. exists x, x0... eauto using star.
+inv H2. eexists _,_...
Lemma substList_bound x s A: bound x s -> substList s x A = s.
revert x;induction s;intros;simpl.
-inv H. decide (x>n);tauto.
-inv H. now rewrite IHs1,IHs2.
-inv H. rewrite IHs;auto.
Lemma substList_closed s A x: closed s -> substList s x A = s.
intros. apply substList_bound. destruct x. now apply closed_dcl. eapply bound_gt;[rewrite <- closed_dcl|];auto. lia.
Lemma substList_var' y x A: y >= x -> substList (var y) x A = nth (y-x) A (var y).
intros ge. simpl. decide (x>y). lia. auto.
Lemma substList_var y A: substList (var y) 0 A = nth y A (var y).
rewrite substList_var'. f_equal. lia. lia.
Lemma substList_is_bound y A s: validEnv' A -> bound (y+|A|) (s) -> bound y (substList s y A).
intros vA. revert y. induction s;intros y dA.
-apply closed_k_bound. intros k u ge. simpl. decide (y>n).
+simpl. destruct (Nat.eqb_spec n k). lia. auto.
+inv dA. assert (n-y<|A|) by lia. now rewrite (vA _ (nth_In A #n H)).
-inv dA. simpl. constructor;auto.
-simpl. constructor. apply IHs. now inv dA.
Lemma substList_closed' A s: validEnv' A -> bound (|A|) (s) -> closed (substList s 0 A).
intros. rewrite closed_dcl. apply substList_is_bound;auto.
Lemma deClos_valComp a: validComp a -> closed (deClos a).
intros va. induction va;simpl.
-now apply app_closed.
-apply substList_closed'. intros a ain. rewrite in_map_iff in ain. destruct ain as [a' [eq a'in]];subst. now apply H0. now rewrite map_length.
Lemma deClos_validEnv A : validEnv A -> validEnv' (map deClos A).
intros vA. induction A;simpl.
-unfold validEnv'. simpl. tauto.
-rewrite validEnv'_cons. apply validEnv_cons in vA as [ca cA]. split;auto. apply deClos_valComp; auto.
#[export] Hint Resolve deClos_validEnv : core.
Lemma subst_substList x s t A: validEnv' A -> subst (substList s (S x) A) x t = substList s x (t::A).
revert x;induction s;simpl;intros x cl.
-decide (S x > n);simpl. decide (x>n); destruct (Nat.eqb_spec n x);try lia;try tauto. subst. now rewrite minus_diag. decide (x>n). lia. destruct (n-x) eqn: eq. lia. assert (n2=n-S x) by lia. subst n2. destruct (nth_in_or_default (n-S x) A #n).
+ apply cl in i. now rewrite i.
+rewrite e. simpl. destruct (Nat.eqb_spec n x). lia. auto.
-now rewrite IHs1,IHs2.
-now rewrite IHs.
Lemma validComp_step s t l: validComp s -> s >[(l)] t -> validComp t.
Proof with repeat (subst || firstorder).
intros vs R. induction R;repeat inv_validComp...
-inv H3. constructor...
-inv H3. apply H1. apply nth_In. lia.
-inv H8. constructor;auto;intros a [?|?];subst;auto.
#[export] Hint Resolve validComp_step : core.
Lemma deClos_correct''' s t : validComp s -> s >(0) t -> deClos s = deClos t.
Proof with repeat (cbn in * || eauto || congruence || lia || subst).
intros cs R. remember 0 as n eqn:eq in R. revert eq. induction R;intros ?;repeat inv_validComp...
-destruct i... rewrite IHR1,IHR2...
-destruct IHR...
-rewrite IHR...
-simpl. rewrite <- minus_n_O. rewrite <-map_nth with (f:=deClos)...
Lemma deClos_correct'' s t : validComp s -> s >(1) t -> deClos s = deClos t \/ deClos s ≻ deClos t.
Proof with repeat (cbn in * || eauto || congruence || lia || subst).
intros cs R. remember 1 as n eqn:eq in R. revert eq. induction R;intros ?;repeat inv_validComp...
-destruct i...
+destruct IHR2... apply deClos_correct''' in R1... left... aply deClos_correct''' in R1... right...
right... split;eauto. destruct IHR. auto. left... right...
-destruct IHR. auto. left... right...
-left. simpl. rewrite <- minus_n_O. rewrite <-map_nth with (f:=deClos)...
-right. inv H. simpl. rewrite <-subst_substList...
Lemma deClos_correct l s t : validComp s -> s >[(l)] t -> deClos s >(l) deClos t.
Proof with repeat (cbn in * || eauto 10 using star || congruence || lia || subst).
intros cs R.
induction R...
-eapply pow_trans;eauto.
-inv cs;apply pow_step_congL...
-inv cs;apply pow_step_congR...
-rewrite <- minus_n_O. rewrite <-map_nth with (f:=deClos)...
-inv H. inv cs. inv H1. eexists;split... rewrite <- subst_substList...
(* relation that tries to capture that two closures 'reduce' to one another *)
Reserved Notation "s '=>' t" (at level 70).
Inductive reduceC : Comp -> Comp -> Prop :=
| redC s t: deClos s >* deClos t -> s => t
where "s '=>' t" := (reduceC s t).
[export] Hint Constructors reduceC. Lemma reduceC_if s t : s =[]> t -> deClos s >* deClos t. Proof. now inversion 1. Qed. (* ** Properties of the extended reduction relation *)
Instance reduceC_PreOrder : PreOrder reduceC.
constructor;repeat intros;constructor.
-inv H. inv H0. now rewrite H1.
Instance reduceC_App_proper :
Proper (reduceC ==> reduceC ==> reduceC) CompApp.
cbv. intros s s' A t t' B. constructor. simpl. apply star_step_app_proper.
-now inv A.
-now inv B.
Lemma CStep_reduceC l s t: validComp s -> s >(l) t -> s =[]> t.
intros. constructor. eapply deClos_correct;eauto.
(* relation that tries to capture that two closures 'are the same' *)
Reserved Notation "s '=[]=' t" (at level 70).
Inductive equivC : Comp -> Comp -> Prop :=
| eqC s t: deClos s == deClos t -> s =[]= t
where "s '=[]=' t" := (equivC s t).
#[export] Hint Constructors equivC.
Lemma equivC_if s t : s =[]= t -> deClos s == deClos t.
now inversion 1.
(* ** Properties of the equivalence relation *)
Instance equivC_Equivalence : Equivalence equivC.
constructor;repeat intros;constructor.
-inv H. now rewrite H0.
-inv H0. inv H. now rewrite H0.
Instance equivC_App_proper :
Proper (equivC ==> equivC ==> equivC) CompApp.
cbv. intros s s' A t t' B. constructor. simpl. apply equiv_app_proper.
-now inv A.
-now inv B.
Lemma CStep_equivC s t: validComp s -> s >[]> t -> s =[]= t.
intros vs R. induction R;repeat inv_validComp.
-now rewrite IHR.
-now rewrite IHR.
-constructor. reflexivity.
-constructor. simpl. rewrite <- minus_n_O. rewrite <-map_nth with (f:= deClos). reflexivity.
-constructor. rewrite deClos_correct'. reflexivity. auto. auto.
Lemma starC_equivC s t :
validComp s -> s >[]* t -> s =[]= t.
intros vs R. induction R.
-rewrite <-IHR.
+eauto using CStep_equivC.
+eauto using validComp_step.
Lemma substList_nil s x: substList s x [] = s.
revert x. induction s;intros;simpl.
-decide (x>n). reflexivity. now destruct(n-x).
Lemma equivC_deClos s : s => CompClos (deClos s) .
constructor. simpl. induction s;simpl.
-now destruct x.
-rewrite IHs1 at 1. rewrite IHs2 at 1. reflexivity.
-now rewrite substList_nil.
Goal uniform_confluent CStep.
Proof with try (congruence||(now (subst;tauto))||(now (right;eauto))||(now (right;eauto;eexists;eauto))).
intros s. induction s;intros.
-inv H.
-inv H;inv H0...
+destruct (IHs1 _ _ H4 H3) as ?|[? [? ?]]...
+destruct (IHs2 _ _ H4 H3) as ?|[? [? ?]]...
+inv H4; now inv H3.
+inv H3; now inv H4.
-inv H; inv H0...
Lemma lamComp_noStep l s t : lamComp s -> ~ s>(S l)t.
intros H R. remember (S l). revert Heqn. revert H. induction R;intros;try congruence.
destruct i. inv H. inv R.lia. .
Lemma validComp_closed s: closed s -> validComp (CompClos s []).
intros cs. constructor;simpl;try tauto. now apply closed_dcl.
Lemma lamComp_star s t : lamComp s -> s >* t -> s = t.
intros H R. induction R. auto. now apply lamComp_noStep in H0.
Lemma validComp_star s t: validComp s -> s >* t -> validComp t.
intros vs R. induction R; eauto using validComp_step.
Lemma deClos_lam p s: (λ s) = deClos p -> exists t, lamComp t /\ deClos t = (lam s) /\ p >* t.
revert s. apply Comp_ind_deep with (x:=p);clear p;simpl.
-intros p A IH s eq. destruct p; simpl in eq.
+rewrite <- minus_n_O in eq. change (var n) with (deClos (CompVar n)) in eq. rewrite map_nth in eq. apply IH in eq as t [? [? R]]. exists t;repeat split;auto. now rewrite CStepVar. destruct (nth_in_or_default n A (CompVar n)).
*rewrite e in eq. simpl in eq. congruence.
+inv eq.
+exists (CompClos (lam p) A). simpl. repeat split;auto. reflexivity.
Fixpoint normComp' s A:=
match s with
| app s t => (normComp' s A) (normComp' t A)
| var x => CompClos (var x) A (*nth x A (CompVar x)*)
| lam s => CompClos (lam s) A
Fixpoint normComp s :=
match s with
| CompApp s t => (normComp s) (normComp t)
| CompClos s A => normComp' s A
| s => s
Lemma normComp'_deClos s A: deClos (CompClos s A) = deClos (normComp' s A).
induction s;simpl.
-rewrite <- minus_n_O. reflexivity.
-simpl in *. congruence.
-simpl in *. congruence.
Lemma normComp_deClos s: deClos s = deClos (normComp s).
induction s;simpl.
-rewrite <- normComp'_deClos. reflexivity.
Lemma normComp'_star s A: CompClos s A >* normComp' s A.
induction s;simpl;eauto using star.
-rewrite CStepApp. now rewrite IHs1,IHs2.
Lemma normComp_star s: s >* normComp s.
induction s;simpl.
-now rewrite <- IHs1,<-IHs2.
-apply normComp'_star.
Lemma normComp'_idem s A:normComp (normComp' s A)=normComp' s A.
induction s;simpl; congruence.
Lemma normComp_idem s: normComp (normComp s)=normComp s.
induction s;simpl.
-apply normComp'_idem.
Lemma normComp'_valid s A: validComp (CompClos s A) -> validComp (normComp' s A).
intros vA. induction s;simpl.
-inv vA. inv H3. auto.
Lemma normComp_valid s: validComp s -> validComp (normComp s).
intros vs. induction s;simpl.
-inv vs. auto.
-apply normComp'_valid. auto.
Lemma CompStep_correct2' s t : normComp s = s -> validComp s -> deClos s ≻ t -> exists t', t = deClos t' /\ s >* t'.
intros nc vs. revert t. induction vs as s1 s2|; intros t R.
-simpl in R. inv R;simpl in nc.
+destruct (deClos_lam H0) as t'[lt' [eq R]].
destruct (deClos_lam H1) as u [lu [equ Ru]].
inv lt'.
exists (CompClos s0 (u::A)). simpl;split.
*rewrite equ. rewrite <-subst_substList. simpl in eq. congruence. apply deClos_validEnv. apply validComp_star in R;auto. inv R. auto.
*rewrite R, Ru. inv lu. rewrite <- CStepVal. reflexivity. auto.
+apply IHvs2 in H2 as u [? R]. exists (s1 u). split; simpl. congruence. now rewrite R. congruence.
+apply IHvs1 in H2 as u [? R]. exists (u s2). split; simpl. congruence. now rewrite R. congruence.
-destruct s;simpl in nc.
+simpl in R. rewrite <- minus_n_O in R. change (var n) with (deClos (CompVar n)) in R. rewrite map_nth in R. apply H0 in R. destruct R as t' [? ?].
*eexists. split. eauto. now rewrite CStepVar.
*apply nth_In. now inv H2.
*destruct (nth_in_or_default n A (CompVar n)). apply H1 in i. inv i. now simpl. rewrite e. reflexivity.
+inv nc.
+simpl in R. inv R.
Lemma CompStep_correct2 s t : validComp s -> deClos s ≻ t -> exists t', t = deClos t' /\ s >* t'.
intros vs R. rewrite normComp_deClos in R. destruct (CompStep_correct2' (normComp_idem s) (normComp_valid vs) R) as t' [eq R']. exists t'. split. auto. now rewrite normComp_star.
Close Scope L.los.*)
(* **** Closure calculus *)
Inductive Comp : Type :=
| CompVar (x:nat)
| CompApp (s : Comp) (t : Comp) : Comp
| CompClos (s : term) (A : list Comp) : Comp.
Coercion CompApp : Comp >-> Funclass.
Inductive lamComp : Comp -> Prop := lambdaComp s A: lamComp (CompClos (lam s) A).
Inductive validComp : Comp -> Prop :=
| validCompApp s t : validComp s -> validComp t -> validComp (s t)
| validCompClos (s : term) (A : list Comp) :
(forall a, a el A -> validComp a) -> (forall a, a el A -> lamComp a) -> bound (length A) s -> validComp (CompClos s A).
#[export] Hint Constructors Comp lamComp validComp : core.
Definition validEnv A := forall a, a el A -> validComp a (*/\ lamComp a)*).
Definition validEnv' A := forall a, a el A -> closed a.
#[export] Hint Unfold validEnv validEnv' : core.
Lemma validEnv_cons a A : validEnv (a::A) <-> ((validComp a) /\ validEnv A).
unfold validEnv. simpl. split. auto. intros [? ?] a' [eq|el']; subst;auto.
Lemma validEnv'_cons a A : validEnv' (a::A) <-> (closed a /\ validEnv' A).
unfold validEnv'. simpl. intuition. now subst.
Ltac inv_validComp :=
match goal with
| H : validComp (CompApp _ _) |- _ => inv H
| H : validComp (CompClos _ _) |- _ => inv H
Definition Comp_ind_deep'
(P : Comp -> Prop)
(Pl : list Comp -> Prop)
(IHVar : forall x : nat, P (CompVar x))
(IHApp : forall s : Comp, P s -> forall t : Comp, P t -> P (s t))
(IHClos : forall (s : term) (A : list Comp),
Pl A -> P (CompClos s A))
(IHNil : Pl nil)
(IHCons : forall (a:Comp) (A : list Comp),
P a -> Pl A -> Pl (a::A))
(x:Comp) : P x :=
(fix f c : P c:=
match c with
| CompVar x => IHVar x
| CompApp s t => IHApp s (f s) t (f t)
| CompClos s A => IHClos s A
((fix g A : Pl A :=
match A with
[] => IHNil
| a::A => IHCons a A (f a) (g A)
end) A)
end) x
Definition Comp_ind_deep
(P : Comp -> Prop)
(IHVar : forall x : nat, P (CompVar x))
(IHApp : forall s : Comp, P s -> forall t : Comp, P t -> P (s t))
(IHClos : forall (s : term) (A : list Comp),
(forall a, a el A -> P a) -> P (CompClos s A)) : forall x, P x.
apply Comp_ind_deep' with (Pl:=fun A => (forall a, a el A -> P a));auto.
intros. inv H1;auto.
Lemma subst_comm s x1 u1 x2 u2 : closed u1 -> closed u2 -> x1 <> x2 -> subst (subst s x1 u1) x2 u2 = subst (subst s x2 u2) x1 u1.
Proof with try (congruence||auto).
intros cl1 cl2 neq. revert x1 x2 neq;induction s;simpl;intros.
-decide (n=x1); decide (n=x2); try rewrite cl1;try rewrite cl2;subst;simpl...
+decide (x1=x1)...
+decide (x2=x2)...
+decide (n=x2);decide (n=x1)...
-rewrite IHs1,IHs2...
-rewrite IHs...
*) (*
Lemma subst_twice s x u1 u2 : closed u1 -> subst (subst s x u1) x u2 = subst s x u1.
Proof with try (congruence||auto).
intros cl. revert x;induction s;simpl;intros.
-decide (n=x);subst. now rewrite cl. simpl. decide (n=x);subst;congruence.
-rewrite IHs1,IHs2...
-rewrite IHs...
Lemma subst_free a s k u y: closed a -> subst s k u = s -> subst (subst s y a) k u = subst s y a.
intros ca eq. revert y k u eq. induction s;simpl;intros.
-decide (n=y). now rewrite ca. apply eq.
-simpl in eq. inversion eq. rewrite H0, H1, IHs1, IHs2;auto.
-f_equal. simpl in eq. inversion eq. rewrite !H0. now rewrite IHs.
Lemma bound_ge k s m: bound k s -> m >= k -> bound m s.
intros. decide (m=k);subst.
-eapply bound_gt;eauto. lia.
Lemma bound_subst' x s a y: bound x s -> closed a -> bound x (subst s y a).
intros dcl cl. revert y. induction dcl;simpl;intros.
-decide (n=y);subst.
+eapply bound_ge. now apply closed_dcl. lia.
+now constructor.
-now constructor.
-now constructor.
Fixpoint substList' (s:term) (x:nat) (A: list term): term :=
match A with
| nil => s
| a::A => substList' (subst s x a) (S x) A
Fixpoint substList (s:term) (x:nat) (A: list term): term :=
match s with
| var n => if Dec (x>n) then var n else nth (n-x) A (var n)
| app s t => app (substList s x A) (substList t x A)
| lam s => lam (substList s (S x) A)
Fixpoint deClos (s:Comp) : term :=
match s with
| CompVar x => var x
| CompApp s t => app (deClos s) (deClos t)
| CompClos s A => substList s 0 (map deClos A)
(* Reduction *)
Reserved Notation "s '>[(' l ')]' t" (at level 50, format "s '>[(' l ')]' t").
Declare Scope LClos.
Inductive CPow : nat -> Comp -> Comp -> Prop :=
| CPowRefl (s:Comp) : s >[(0)] s
| CPowTrans (s t u:Comp) i j : s >[(i)] t -> t >[(j)] u -> s >[(i+j)] u
| CPowAppL (s s' t :Comp) l: s >[(l)] s' -> (s t) >[(l)] (s' t)
| CPowAppR (s t t':Comp) l: t >[(l)] t' -> (s t) >[(l)] (s t')
| CPowApp (s t:term) (A:list Comp) :
CompClos (app s t) A >[(0)] (CompClos s A) (CompClos t A)
| CPowVar (x:nat) (A:list Comp):
CompClos (var x) A >[(0)] nth x A (CompVar x)
| CPowVal (s t:term) (A B:list Comp):
lambda t -> (CompClos (lam s) A) (CompClos t B) >[(1)] (CompClos s ((CompClos t B)::A))
where "s '>[(' l ')]' t" := (CPow l s t) : LClos.
Open Scope LClos.
Ltac inv_CompStep :=
match goal with
| H : (CompApp _ _) >(_) CompClos _ _ |- _ => inv H
| H : (CompClos _ _) >(_) CompApp _ _ |- _ => inv H
#[export] Hint Constructors CPow : core.
Lemma CPow_congL n s s' t :
s >[(n)] s' -> s t >[(n)] s' t.
induction 1;eauto.
Lemma CPow_congR n (s t t' : Comp) :
t >[(n)] t' -> s t >[(n)] s t'.
induction 1;eauto.
Lemma CPow_trans s t u i j k : s >[(i)] t -> t >[(j)] u -> i + j = k -> s >[(k)] u.
intros. subst. eauto.
Instance CPow'_App_properR n:
Proper (eq ==> (CPow n) ==> (CPow n)) CompApp.
intros ? ? -> ? ? ?. now eapply CPow_congR.
Definition CStar s t:= exists k , CPow k s t .
Notation "s '>*' t" := (CStar s t) (at level 50) : L.los.
Instance rStar'_PreOrder : PreOrder CStar.
constructor; hnf.
-now eexists.
-eapply star_trans.
Lemma rStar'_trans_l s s' t :
s >* s' -> s t >* s' t.
induction 1; eauto using star.
Lemma rStar'_trans_r (s t t' : Comp):
t >* t' -> s t >* s t'.
induction 1; eauto using star.
Instance rStar'_App_proper :
Proper ((star CStep) ==> (star CStep) ==> (star CStep)) CompApp.
cbv. intros s s' A t t' B. etransitivity.
apply rStar'_trans_l, A. apply rStar'_trans_r, B.
Instance CStep_star_subrelation : subrelation CStep (star CStep).
intros s t st. eauto using star.
(* Properties of step-indexed version *)
Notation "x '>^' n y" := (ARS.pow CStep n x y) (at level 50) : L.cope.
Lemma CStep_Lam n: forall (s t u:Comp), lamComp u -> (ARS.pow CStep n (s t) u) ->
exists m1 m2 (s' t':Comp),(m1 < n /\ ARS.pow CStep m1 s s' /\ lamComp s')
/\ (m2 < n /\ ARS.pow CStep m2 t t' /\ lamComp t').
Proof with repeat intuition;try now reflexivity.
induction n;intros ? ? ? lu R.
-inv R. inv lu.
-destruct R as u' [R R']. inv R.
+apply IHn in R'... decompose ex and R'. exists (S x), x0, x1, x2... change (S x) with (1+x). apply pow_add;simpl. exists s';intuition. eexists;simpl...
+apply IHn in R'... decompose ex and R'. exists x, (S x0), x1, x2... change (S x0) with (1+x0). apply pow_add;simpl. exists t';intuition. eexists;simpl...
+inv H2. eexists 0,0,_,_...
Lemma CStep_Lam' (s t u:Comp) : lamComp u -> (s t) >* u ->
exists (s' t':Comp),( s >* s' /\ lamComp s')
/\ (t >* t' /\ lamComp t').
Proof with repeat intuition;try now reflexivity.
intros lu R. apply star_pow in R. destruct R as n R. revert s t u lu R. induction n;intros.
-inv R. inv lu.
-destruct R as u' [R R']. inv R.
+apply IHn in R'... decompose ex and R'. exists x, x0... eauto using star.
+apply IHn in R'... decompose ex and R'. exists x, x0... eauto using star.
+inv H2. eexists _,_...
Lemma substList_bound x s A: bound x s -> substList s x A = s.
revert x;induction s;intros;simpl.
-inv H. decide (x>n);tauto.
-inv H. now rewrite IHs1,IHs2.
-inv H. rewrite IHs;auto.
Lemma substList_closed s A x: closed s -> substList s x A = s.
intros. apply substList_bound. destruct x. now apply closed_dcl. eapply bound_gt;[rewrite <- closed_dcl|];auto. lia.
Lemma substList_var' y x A: y >= x -> substList (var y) x A = nth (y-x) A (var y).
intros ge. simpl. decide (x>y). lia. auto.
Lemma substList_var y A: substList (var y) 0 A = nth y A (var y).
rewrite substList_var'. f_equal. lia. lia.
Lemma substList_is_bound y A s: validEnv' A -> bound (y+|A|) (s) -> bound y (substList s y A).
intros vA. revert y. induction s;intros y dA.
-apply closed_k_bound. intros k u ge. simpl. decide (y>n).
+simpl. destruct (Nat.eqb_spec n k). lia. auto.
+inv dA. assert (n-y<|A|) by lia. now rewrite (vA _ (nth_In A #n H)).
-inv dA. simpl. constructor;auto.
-simpl. constructor. apply IHs. now inv dA.
Lemma substList_closed' A s: validEnv' A -> bound (|A|) (s) -> closed (substList s 0 A).
intros. rewrite closed_dcl. apply substList_is_bound;auto.
Lemma deClos_valComp a: validComp a -> closed (deClos a).
intros va. induction va;simpl.
-now apply app_closed.
-apply substList_closed'. intros a ain. rewrite in_map_iff in ain. destruct ain as [a' [eq a'in]];subst. now apply H0. now rewrite map_length.
Lemma deClos_validEnv A : validEnv A -> validEnv' (map deClos A).
intros vA. induction A;simpl.
-unfold validEnv'. simpl. tauto.
-rewrite validEnv'_cons. apply validEnv_cons in vA as [ca cA]. split;auto. apply deClos_valComp; auto.
#[export] Hint Resolve deClos_validEnv : core.
Lemma subst_substList x s t A: validEnv' A -> subst (substList s (S x) A) x t = substList s x (t::A).
revert x;induction s;simpl;intros x cl.
-decide (S x > n);simpl. decide (x>n); destruct (Nat.eqb_spec n x);try lia;try tauto. subst. now rewrite minus_diag. decide (x>n). lia. destruct (n-x) eqn: eq. lia. assert (n2=n-S x) by lia. subst n2. destruct (nth_in_or_default (n-S x) A #n).
+ apply cl in i. now rewrite i.
+rewrite e. simpl. destruct (Nat.eqb_spec n x). lia. auto.
-now rewrite IHs1,IHs2.
-now rewrite IHs.
Lemma validComp_step s t l: validComp s -> s >[(l)] t -> validComp t.
Proof with repeat (subst || firstorder).
intros vs R. induction R;repeat inv_validComp...
-inv H3. constructor...
-inv H3. apply H1. apply nth_In. lia.
-inv H8. constructor;auto;intros a [?|?];subst;auto.
#[export] Hint Resolve validComp_step : core.
Lemma deClos_correct''' s t : validComp s -> s >(0) t -> deClos s = deClos t.
Proof with repeat (cbn in * || eauto || congruence || lia || subst).
intros cs R. remember 0 as n eqn:eq in R. revert eq. induction R;intros ?;repeat inv_validComp...
-destruct i... rewrite IHR1,IHR2...
-destruct IHR...
-rewrite IHR...
-simpl. rewrite <- minus_n_O. rewrite <-map_nth with (f:=deClos)...
Lemma deClos_correct'' s t : validComp s -> s >(1) t -> deClos s = deClos t \/ deClos s ≻ deClos t.
Proof with repeat (cbn in * || eauto || congruence || lia || subst).
intros cs R. remember 1 as n eqn:eq in R. revert eq. induction R;intros ?;repeat inv_validComp...
-destruct i...
+destruct IHR2... apply deClos_correct''' in R1... left... aply deClos_correct''' in R1... right...
right... split;eauto. destruct IHR. auto. left... right...
-destruct IHR. auto. left... right...
-left. simpl. rewrite <- minus_n_O. rewrite <-map_nth with (f:=deClos)...
-right. inv H. simpl. rewrite <-subst_substList...
Lemma deClos_correct l s t : validComp s -> s >[(l)] t -> deClos s >(l) deClos t.
Proof with repeat (cbn in * || eauto 10 using star || congruence || lia || subst).
intros cs R.
induction R...
-eapply pow_trans;eauto.
-inv cs;apply pow_step_congL...
-inv cs;apply pow_step_congR...
-rewrite <- minus_n_O. rewrite <-map_nth with (f:=deClos)...
-inv H. inv cs. inv H1. eexists;split... rewrite <- subst_substList...
(* relation that tries to capture that two closures 'reduce' to one another *)
Reserved Notation "s '=>' t" (at level 70).
Inductive reduceC : Comp -> Comp -> Prop :=
| redC s t: deClos s >* deClos t -> s => t
where "s '=>' t" := (reduceC s t).
[export] Hint Constructors reduceC. Lemma reduceC_if s t : s =[]> t -> deClos s >* deClos t. Proof. now inversion 1. Qed. (* ** Properties of the extended reduction relation *)
Instance reduceC_PreOrder : PreOrder reduceC.
constructor;repeat intros;constructor.
-inv H. inv H0. now rewrite H1.
Instance reduceC_App_proper :
Proper (reduceC ==> reduceC ==> reduceC) CompApp.
cbv. intros s s' A t t' B. constructor. simpl. apply star_step_app_proper.
-now inv A.
-now inv B.
Lemma CStep_reduceC l s t: validComp s -> s >(l) t -> s =[]> t.
intros. constructor. eapply deClos_correct;eauto.
(* relation that tries to capture that two closures 'are the same' *)
Reserved Notation "s '=[]=' t" (at level 70).
Inductive equivC : Comp -> Comp -> Prop :=
| eqC s t: deClos s == deClos t -> s =[]= t
where "s '=[]=' t" := (equivC s t).
#[export] Hint Constructors equivC.
Lemma equivC_if s t : s =[]= t -> deClos s == deClos t.
now inversion 1.
(* ** Properties of the equivalence relation *)
Instance equivC_Equivalence : Equivalence equivC.
constructor;repeat intros;constructor.
-inv H. now rewrite H0.
-inv H0. inv H. now rewrite H0.
Instance equivC_App_proper :
Proper (equivC ==> equivC ==> equivC) CompApp.
cbv. intros s s' A t t' B. constructor. simpl. apply equiv_app_proper.
-now inv A.
-now inv B.
Lemma CStep_equivC s t: validComp s -> s >[]> t -> s =[]= t.
intros vs R. induction R;repeat inv_validComp.
-now rewrite IHR.
-now rewrite IHR.
-constructor. reflexivity.
-constructor. simpl. rewrite <- minus_n_O. rewrite <-map_nth with (f:= deClos). reflexivity.
-constructor. rewrite deClos_correct'. reflexivity. auto. auto.
Lemma starC_equivC s t :
validComp s -> s >[]* t -> s =[]= t.
intros vs R. induction R.
-rewrite <-IHR.
+eauto using CStep_equivC.
+eauto using validComp_step.
Lemma substList_nil s x: substList s x [] = s.
revert x. induction s;intros;simpl.
-decide (x>n). reflexivity. now destruct(n-x).
Lemma equivC_deClos s : s => CompClos (deClos s) .
constructor. simpl. induction s;simpl.
-now destruct x.
-rewrite IHs1 at 1. rewrite IHs2 at 1. reflexivity.
-now rewrite substList_nil.
Goal uniform_confluent CStep.
Proof with try (congruence||(now (subst;tauto))||(now (right;eauto))||(now (right;eauto;eexists;eauto))).
intros s. induction s;intros.
-inv H.
-inv H;inv H0...
+destruct (IHs1 _ _ H4 H3) as ?|[? [? ?]]...
+destruct (IHs2 _ _ H4 H3) as ?|[? [? ?]]...
+inv H4; now inv H3.
+inv H3; now inv H4.
-inv H; inv H0...
Lemma lamComp_noStep l s t : lamComp s -> ~ s>(S l)t.
intros H R. remember (S l). revert Heqn. revert H. induction R;intros;try congruence.
destruct i. inv H. inv R.lia. .
Lemma validComp_closed s: closed s -> validComp (CompClos s []).
intros cs. constructor;simpl;try tauto. now apply closed_dcl.
Lemma lamComp_star s t : lamComp s -> s >* t -> s = t.
intros H R. induction R. auto. now apply lamComp_noStep in H0.
Lemma validComp_star s t: validComp s -> s >* t -> validComp t.
intros vs R. induction R; eauto using validComp_step.
Lemma deClos_lam p s: (λ s) = deClos p -> exists t, lamComp t /\ deClos t = (lam s) /\ p >* t.
revert s. apply Comp_ind_deep with (x:=p);clear p;simpl.
-intros p A IH s eq. destruct p; simpl in eq.
+rewrite <- minus_n_O in eq. change (var n) with (deClos (CompVar n)) in eq. rewrite map_nth in eq. apply IH in eq as t [? [? R]]. exists t;repeat split;auto. now rewrite CStepVar. destruct (nth_in_or_default n A (CompVar n)).
*rewrite e in eq. simpl in eq. congruence.
+inv eq.
+exists (CompClos (lam p) A). simpl. repeat split;auto. reflexivity.
Fixpoint normComp' s A:=
match s with
| app s t => (normComp' s A) (normComp' t A)
| var x => CompClos (var x) A (*nth x A (CompVar x)*)
| lam s => CompClos (lam s) A
Fixpoint normComp s :=
match s with
| CompApp s t => (normComp s) (normComp t)
| CompClos s A => normComp' s A
| s => s
Lemma normComp'_deClos s A: deClos (CompClos s A) = deClos (normComp' s A).
induction s;simpl.
-rewrite <- minus_n_O. reflexivity.
-simpl in *. congruence.
-simpl in *. congruence.
Lemma normComp_deClos s: deClos s = deClos (normComp s).
induction s;simpl.
-rewrite <- normComp'_deClos. reflexivity.
Lemma normComp'_star s A: CompClos s A >* normComp' s A.
induction s;simpl;eauto using star.
-rewrite CStepApp. now rewrite IHs1,IHs2.
Lemma normComp_star s: s >* normComp s.
induction s;simpl.
-now rewrite <- IHs1,<-IHs2.
-apply normComp'_star.
Lemma normComp'_idem s A:normComp (normComp' s A)=normComp' s A.
induction s;simpl; congruence.
Lemma normComp_idem s: normComp (normComp s)=normComp s.
induction s;simpl.
-apply normComp'_idem.
Lemma normComp'_valid s A: validComp (CompClos s A) -> validComp (normComp' s A).
intros vA. induction s;simpl.
-inv vA. inv H3. auto.
Lemma normComp_valid s: validComp s -> validComp (normComp s).
intros vs. induction s;simpl.
-inv vs. auto.
-apply normComp'_valid. auto.
Lemma CompStep_correct2' s t : normComp s = s -> validComp s -> deClos s ≻ t -> exists t', t = deClos t' /\ s >* t'.
intros nc vs. revert t. induction vs as s1 s2|; intros t R.
-simpl in R. inv R;simpl in nc.
+destruct (deClos_lam H0) as t'[lt' [eq R]].
destruct (deClos_lam H1) as u [lu [equ Ru]].
inv lt'.
exists (CompClos s0 (u::A)). simpl;split.
*rewrite equ. rewrite <-subst_substList. simpl in eq. congruence. apply deClos_validEnv. apply validComp_star in R;auto. inv R. auto.
*rewrite R, Ru. inv lu. rewrite <- CStepVal. reflexivity. auto.
+apply IHvs2 in H2 as u [? R]. exists (s1 u). split; simpl. congruence. now rewrite R. congruence.
+apply IHvs1 in H2 as u [? R]. exists (u s2). split; simpl. congruence. now rewrite R. congruence.
-destruct s;simpl in nc.
+simpl in R. rewrite <- minus_n_O in R. change (var n) with (deClos (CompVar n)) in R. rewrite map_nth in R. apply H0 in R. destruct R as t' [? ?].
*eexists. split. eauto. now rewrite CStepVar.
*apply nth_In. now inv H2.
*destruct (nth_in_or_default n A (CompVar n)). apply H1 in i. inv i. now simpl. rewrite e. reflexivity.
+inv nc.
+simpl in R. inv R.
Lemma CompStep_correct2 s t : validComp s -> deClos s ≻ t -> exists t', t = deClos t' /\ s >* t'.
intros vs R. rewrite normComp_deClos in R. destruct (CompStep_correct2' (normComp_idem s) (normComp_valid vs) R) as t' [eq R']. exists t'. split. auto. now rewrite normComp_star.
Close Scope L.los.*)