(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

Require Import List Arith Lia.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW
  Require Import utils gcd pos vec subcode sss.

From Undecidability.MinskyMachines.MMA
  Require Import mma_defs.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Tactic Notation "rew" "length" := autorewrite with length_db.

Local Notation "e #> x" := (vec_pos e x).
Local Notation "e [ v / x ]" := (vec_change e x v).

Local Notation "P // s -[ k ]-> t" := (sss_steps (@mma_sss _) P k s t).
Local Notation "P // s -+> t" := (sss_progress (@mma_sss _) P s t).
Local Notation "P // s ->> t" := (sss_compute (@mma_sss _) P s t).
Local Notation "P // s ↓" := (sss_terminates (@mma_sss _) P s).

(* Utils for FRACTRAN with two counter *)

Section Minsky_Machine_alt_utils.

  Variable (n : nat).

  Ltac dest x y := destruct (pos_eq_dec x y) as [ | ]; [ subst x | ]; rew vec.

  Hint Resolve subcode_refl : core.

  Section mma_jump.

    Variable (j : nat) (x : pos n).

    Definition mma_jump := INC x :: DEC x j :: nil.

    Notation JUMP := mma_jump.

    Fact mma_jump_length : length JUMP = 2.
    Proof. auto. Qed.

    Fact mma_jump_progress i v w : w = v -> (i,JUMP) // (i,v) -+> (j,w).
      intros ->.
      unfold mma_jump.
      mma sss INC with x.
      mma sss DEC S with x j (v#>x); rew vec.
      mma sss stop.

  End mma_jump.

  Notation JUMP := mma_jump.

  Hint Rewrite mma_jump_length : length_db.

  Section mma_null.

    (* Empty one register/counter *)

    Variable (x : pos n) (i : nat).

    Definition mma_null := DEC x i :: nil.

    Fact mma_null_length : length mma_null = 1.
    Proof. auto. Qed.

    Let mma_null_spec k v w : v#>x = k
                             -> w = v[0/x]
                             -> (i,mma_null) // (i,v) -+> (1+i,w).
      unfold mma_null.
      revert v w.
      induction k as [ | k IHk ]; intros v w H1 H2; subst w.
      + mma sss DEC 0 with x i.
        mma sss stop; f_equal.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros z; dest z x.
      + mma sss DEC S with x i k.
        apply sss_progress_compute.
        apply IHk; rew vec.

    Fact mma_null_progress v st :
             st = (1+i,v[0/x])
          -> (i,mma_null) // (i,v) -+> st.
      intros; subst.
      apply mma_null_spec with (1 := eq_refl); auto.

  End mma_null.

  Notation NULL := mma_null.

  Hint Rewrite mma_null_length : length_db.

  Section mma_incs.

    (* Add a constant value k to register x *)

    Variable (x : pos n).

    Fixpoint mma_incs k :=
      match k with
        | 0 => nil
        | S k => INC x :: mma_incs k

    Fact mma_incs_length k : length (mma_incs k) = k.
    Proof. induction k; simpl; f_equal; auto. Qed.

    Fact mma_incs_compute k i v st :
             st = (k+i,v[(k+(v#>x))/x])
          -> (i,mma_incs k) // (i,v) ->> st.
      revert i v st; induction k as [ | k IHk ]; intros i v st ?; subst.
      + mma sss stop; f_equal; auto.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros p; dest p x.
      + simpl; mma sss INC with x.
        apply subcode_sss_compute with (P := (1+i,mma_incs k)); auto.
        apply IHk; f_equal; try lia.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros p; dest p x.

  End mma_incs.

  Notation INCS := mma_incs.

  Hint Rewrite mma_incs_length : length_db.

  Section mma_isempty.

    Variable (x : pos n) (p i : nat).

    Definition mma_isempty := DEC x (3+i) :: JUMP p x ++ INC x :: nil.

    Notation EMPTY := mma_isempty.

    Fact mma_isempty_length : length EMPTY = 4.
    Proof. auto. Qed.

    Fact mma_empty_progress v st : st = (p,v) -> v#>x = 0 -> (i,EMPTY) // (i,v) -+> st.
      intros -> H.
      unfold mma_isempty, mma_jump; simpl app.
      mma sss DEC 0 with x (3+i); rew vec.
      mma sss INC with x.
      mma sss DEC S with x p (0); rew vec.
      mma sss stop; f_equal.
      apply vec_pos_ext; intros y; dest y x; lia.

    Fact mma_non_empty_progress v st : st = (4+i,v) -> v#>x <> 0 -> (i,EMPTY) // (i,v) -+> st.
      intros -> H.
      unfold mma_isempty.
      case_eq (v#>x).
      + now intros; subst.
      + clear H; intros u H.
        mma sss DEC S with x (3+i) u; rew vec.
        mma sss INC with x; auto.
        mma sss stop; f_equal.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros y; dest y x; lia.

  End mma_isempty.

  Notation EMPTY := mma_isempty.

  Hint Rewrite mma_isempty_length : length_db.

  Section mma_transfert.

    (* Added the content of src to dst while emptying src *)

    Variables (src dst : pos n) (Hsd : src <> dst) (i : nat).

    Definition mma_transfert := INC dst :: DEC src i :: DEC dst (3+i) :: nil.

    Fact mma_transfert_length : length mma_transfert = 3.
    Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

    Let mma_transfert_spec v w k x : v#>src = k
                                     -> v#>dst = x
                                     -> w = v[0/src][(1+k+x)/dst]
                                     -> (i,mma_transfert) // (i,v) -+> (2+i,w).
      unfold mma_transfert.
      revert v w x.
      induction k as [ | k IHk ]; intros v w x H1 H2 H3; subst w.
      + mma sss INC with dst.
        mma sss DEC 0 with src i; rew vec.
        mma sss stop; f_equal; auto.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros z; dest z dst; dest z src.
      + mma sss INC with dst.
        mma sss DEC S with src i k; rew vec.
        apply sss_progress_compute, IHk with (x := 1+x); rew vec.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros p.
        dest p dst; try lia; dest p src.

    Fact mma_transfert_progress v st :
           st = (3+i,v[0/src][((v#>src)+(v#>dst))/dst])
        -> (i,mma_transfert) // (i,v) -+> st.
    Proof using Hsd.
      intros ?; subst.
      apply sss_progress_trans with (2+i, v[0/src][(1+(v#>src)+(v#>dst))/dst]).
      + apply mma_transfert_spec with (1 := eq_refl) (2 := eq_refl); auto.
      + unfold mma_transfert.
        mma sss DEC S with dst (3+i) ((v#>src)+(v#>dst)); rew vec.
        mma sss stop.

  End mma_transfert.

  Notation TRANSFERT := mma_transfert.

  Hint Rewrite mma_transfert_length : length_db.

  Section mma_mult_cst.

    (* dst <- k*src+dst *)

    Variable (src dst : pos n) (Hsd : src <> dst) (k i : nat).

    Definition mma_mult_cst :=
           DEC src (3+i) :: JUMP (5+k+i) src
        ++ INCS dst k ++ JUMP i src.

    Fact mma_mult_cst_length : length mma_mult_cst = 5+k.
    Proof. unfold mma_mult_cst; rew length; lia. Qed.

    Let mma_mult_cst_spec x v st :
             v#>src = x
          -> st = (5+k+i,v[0/src][(x*k+(v#>dst))/dst])
          -> (i,mma_mult_cst) // (i,v) -+> st.
      unfold mma_mult_cst.
      revert v st; induction x as [ | x IHx ]; intros v st Hv ?; subst.
      + mma sss DEC 0 with src (3+i).
        apply sss_progress_compute.
        apply subcode_sss_progress with (P := (1+i,JUMP (5+k+i) src)); auto.
        apply mma_jump_progress.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros y; dest y dst; dest y src; lia.
      + mma sss DEC S with src (3+i) x.
        apply sss_compute_trans with (3+k+i,v[x/src][(k+(v#>dst))/dst]).
        * apply subcode_sss_compute with (P := (3+i,mma_incs dst k)); auto.
          apply mma_incs_compute; f_equal; try lia.
          apply vec_pos_ext; intros y; dest y dst; lia.
        * apply sss_compute_trans with (i,v[x/src][(k+(v#>dst))/dst]).
          - apply sss_progress_compute.
            apply subcode_sss_progress with (P := (3+k+i,JUMP i src)); auto.
            apply mma_jump_progress.
            apply vec_pos_ext; intros y; dest y dst; dest y src; lia.
          - apply sss_progress_compute, IHx; rew vec; f_equal.
            apply vec_pos_ext; intros y; dest y dst; try ring.
            dest y src.

    Fact mma_mult_cst_progress v st :
             st = (5+k+i,v[0/src][(k*(v#>src)+(v#>dst))/dst])
          -> (i,mma_mult_cst) // (i,v) -+> st.
    Proof using Hsd.
      intros ?; subst.
      apply mma_mult_cst_spec with (1 := eq_refl); do 2 f_equal.

  End mma_mult_cst.

  Notation MULT_CST := mma_mult_cst.

  Hint Rewrite mma_mult_cst_length : length_db.

  Section mma_decs.

    (* "mma_dec dst p q k" at i 

        removes constant k to dst:

        if dst < k, dst ends up empty and jump to q
        if k <= dst, dst is decremented by k and jump to p 


    Variable (dst : pos n) (p q : nat).

    Fixpoint mma_decs k i :=
      match k with
        | 0 => INC dst :: DEC dst p :: nil
        | S k => DEC dst (3+i) :: INC dst :: DEC dst q :: mma_decs k (3+i)

    Fact mma_decs_length k i : length (mma_decs k i) = 2+3*k.
      revert i; induction k as [ | ? IHk ]; intros i; simpl; auto.
      rewrite IHk; lia.

    Let mma_decs_spec_lt k i v w :
            v#>dst < k
         -> w = v[0/dst]
         -> (i,mma_decs k i) // (i,v) -+> (q,w).
      revert i v w; induction k as [ | k IHk ]; intros i v w H1 ?; subst w.
      + lia.
      + unfold mma_decs; fold mma_decs.
        case_eq (v#>dst).
        * intros H2.
          mma sss DEC 0 with dst (3+i).
          mma sss INC with dst.
          mma sss DEC S with dst q (v#>dst); rew vec.
          mma sss stop; f_equal.
          apply vec_pos_ext; intros x; dest x dst.
        * intros d Hd.
          mma sss DEC S with dst (3+i) d.
          apply subcode_sss_compute with (P := (3+i,mma_decs k (3+i))); auto.
          apply sss_progress_compute, IHk; rew vec; try lia.

    Let mma_decs_spec_le k i v w :
            k <= v#>dst
         -> w = v[((v#>dst)-k)/dst]
         -> (i,mma_decs k i) // (i,v) -+> (p,w).
      revert i v w; induction k as [ | k IHk ]; intros i v w H1 ?; subst w.
      + simpl.
        mma sss INC with dst.
        mma sss DEC S with dst p (v#>dst); rew vec.
        mma sss stop; f_equal.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros x; dest x dst; try lia.
      + unfold mma_decs; fold mma_decs.
        mma sss DEC S with dst (3+i) ((v#>dst) - 1); try lia.
        apply subcode_sss_compute with (P := (3+i,mma_decs k (3+i))); auto.
        apply sss_progress_compute, IHk; rew vec; try lia.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros x; dest x dst; lia.

    Fact mma_decs_lt_progress k i v st :
             v#>dst < k
          -> st = (q,v[0/dst])
          -> (i,mma_decs k i) // (i,v) -+> st.
      intros H1 ?; subst st.
      apply mma_decs_spec_lt; auto.

    Fact mma_decs_le_progress k i v st :
             k <= v#>dst
          -> st = (p,v[((v#>dst)-k)/dst])
          -> (i,mma_decs k i) // (i,v) -+> st.
      intros H1 ?; subst st.
      apply mma_decs_spec_le; auto.

  End mma_decs.

  Notation DECS := mma_decs.

  Section mma_decs_copy.

    (* Same as mma_decs except that the quantity
       removed from dst is transfered into tmp *)

    Variable (dst tmp : pos n) (Hdt : dst <> tmp) (p q : nat).

    Fixpoint mma_decs_copy k i :=
      match k with
        | 0 => INC dst :: DEC dst p :: nil
        | S k => DEC dst (3+i) :: INC dst :: DEC dst q :: INC tmp :: mma_decs_copy k (4+i)

    Fact mma_decs_copy_length k i : length (mma_decs_copy k i) = 2+4*k.
      revert i; induction k as [ | ? IHk ]; intros i; simpl; auto.
      rewrite IHk; lia.

    Let mma_decs_copy_spec_lt k i v w :
            v#>dst < k
         -> w = v[0/dst][((v#>dst)+(v#>tmp))/tmp]
         -> (i,mma_decs_copy k i) // (i,v) -+> (q,w).
      revert i v w; induction k as [ | k IHk ]; intros i v w H1 ?; subst w.
      + lia.
      + unfold mma_decs_copy; fold mma_decs_copy.
        case_eq (v#>dst).
        * intros H2.
          mma sss DEC 0 with dst (3+i).
          mma sss INC with dst.
          mma sss DEC S with dst q (v#>dst); rew vec.
          mma sss stop; f_equal.
          apply vec_pos_ext; intros x; dest x tmp; dest x dst.
        * intros d Hd.
          mma sss DEC S with dst (3+i) d.
          mma sss INC with tmp.
          apply subcode_sss_compute with (P := (4+i,mma_decs_copy k (4+i))); auto.
          apply sss_progress_compute; rewrite plus_assoc.
          apply IHk; rew vec; try lia.
          apply vec_pos_ext; intros x; dest x tmp; try lia; dest x dst.

    Let mma_decs_copy_spec_le k i v w :
            k <= v#>dst
         -> w = v[((v#>dst)-k)/dst][(k+(v#>tmp))/tmp]
         -> (i,mma_decs_copy k i) // (i,v) -+> (p,w).
      revert i v w; induction k as [ | k IHk ]; intros i v w H1 ?; subst w.
      + simpl.
        mma sss INC with dst.
        mma sss DEC S with dst p (v#>dst); rew vec.
        mma sss stop; f_equal.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros x; dest x dst; try lia; dest x tmp.
      + unfold mma_decs_copy; fold mma_decs_copy.
        mma sss DEC S with dst (3+i) ((v#>dst) - 1); try lia.
        mma sss INC with tmp.
        apply subcode_sss_compute with (P := (4+i,mma_decs_copy k (4+i))); auto.
        apply sss_progress_compute, IHk; rew vec; try lia.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros x; dest x tmp; try lia; dest x dst; lia.

    Fact mma_decs_copy_lt_progress k i v st :
             v#>dst < k
          -> st = (q,v[0/dst][((v#>dst)+(v#>tmp))/tmp])
          -> (i,mma_decs_copy k i) // (i,v) -+> st.
    Proof using Hdt.
      intros H1 ?; subst st.
      apply mma_decs_copy_spec_lt; auto.

    Fact mma_decs_copy_le_progress k i v st :
             k <= v#>dst
          -> st = (p,v[((v#>dst)-k)/dst][(k+(v#>tmp))/tmp])
          -> (i,mma_decs_copy k i) // (i,v) -+> st.
    Proof using Hdt.
      intros H1 ?; subst st.
      apply mma_decs_copy_spec_le; auto.

  End mma_decs_copy.

  Notation DECS_COPY := mma_decs_copy.

  Hint Rewrite mma_decs_length mma_decs_copy_length : length_db.

  Section mma_mod_cst.

    (* test whether k divides src and transfer of src into dst *)

    Variable (x t : pos n) (Hxt : x <> t) (p q k i : nat).

    Definition mma_mod_cst :=
            EMPTY x p i ++ DECS_COPY x t i q k (4+i).

    Fact mma_mod_cst_length : length mma_mod_cst = 6+4*k.
    Proof. unfold mma_mod_cst; rew length; lia. Qed.

    (* This is of no use when k = 0 *)

    Hypothesis (Hk : 0 < k).

    Let mma_mod_cst_spec_0 v :
           v#>x = 0
        -> (i,mma_mod_cst) // (i,v) -+> (p,v).
      intros H; unfold mma_mod_cst.
      apply subcode_sss_progress with (P := (i, EMPTY x p i)); auto.
      apply mma_empty_progress; auto.

    Let mma_mod_cst_spec_1 a b v w :
           v#>x = a*k+b
        -> w = v[b/x][(a*k+(v#>t))/t]
        -> (i,mma_mod_cst) // (i,v) ->> (i,w).
      revert v w; induction a as [ | a IHa ]; intros v w H1 H2; subst w.
      + mma sss stop; f_equal.
        simpl in H1; rewrite <- H1; simpl; rew vec.
      + unfold mma_mod_cst.
        apply sss_compute_trans with (4+i,v).
        * apply sss_progress_compute,
                subcode_sss_progress with (P := (i, EMPTY x p i)); auto.
          apply mma_non_empty_progress; auto; lia.
        * apply sss_compute_trans with (i, v[(a*k+b)/x][(k+(v#>t))/t]).
          - apply subcode_sss_compute with (P := (4+i,mma_decs_copy x t i q k (4+i))); auto.
            apply sss_progress_compute, mma_decs_copy_le_progress; auto; rew vec.
            { simpl; generalize (a*k); intro; lia. }
            do 3 f_equal; rewrite H1; simpl mult; generalize (a*k); intro; lia.
          - apply IHa; rew vec.
            apply vec_pos_ext; intros y; dest y t; try ring; dest y x.

    Let mma_mod_cst_spec_2 v w :
           0 < v#>x < k
        -> w = v[0/x][((v#>x)+(v#>t))/t]
        -> (i,mma_mod_cst) // (i,v) -+> (q,w).
      intros H ?; subst; unfold mma_mod_cst.
      apply sss_progress_trans with (4+i,v).
      + apply subcode_sss_progress with (P := (i, EMPTY x p i)); auto.
        apply mma_non_empty_progress; auto; lia.
      + apply subcode_sss_progress with (P := (4+i, DECS_COPY x t i q k (4+i))); auto.
        apply mma_decs_copy_lt_progress; auto; lia.

    Fact mma_mod_cst_divides_progress v a st :
            v#>x = a*k
         -> st = (p,v[0/x][((v#>x)+(v#>t))/t])
         -> (i,mma_mod_cst) // (i,v) -+> st.
    Proof using Hxt Hk.
      intros H1 ?; subst st.
      apply sss_compute_progress_trans with (i,v[0/x][((v#>x)+(v#>t))/t]).
      + apply mma_mod_cst_spec_1 with (a := a) (b := 0); try lia.
        rewrite <- H1; auto.
      + apply mma_mod_cst_spec_0; rew vec.

    Fact mma_mod_cst_not_divides_progress v a b st :
            v#>x = a*k+b
         -> 0 < b < k
         -> st = (q,v[0/x][((v#>x)+(v#>t))/t])
         -> (i,mma_mod_cst) // (i,v) -+> st.
    Proof using Hxt Hk.
      intros H1 H2 ?; subst st.
      apply sss_compute_progress_trans with (i,v[b/x][(a*k+(v#>t))/t]).
      + apply mma_mod_cst_spec_1 with (a := a) (b := b); try lia; auto.
      + apply mma_mod_cst_spec_2; rew vec.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros y; dest y t; try lia; dest y x.

  End mma_mod_cst.

  Notation MOD_CST := mma_mod_cst.

  Hint Rewrite mma_decs_length mma_mod_cst_length : length_db.

  Section mma_div_cst.

    (* Division by a constant *)

    Variable (s d : pos n) (Hsd : s <> d) (k i : nat).

    Let p := (2+3*k+i).
    Let q := (5+3*k+i).

    Definition mma_div_cst :=
         DECS s p q k i ++ INC d :: JUMP i s.

    Fact mma_div_cst_length : length mma_div_cst = 5+3*k.
    Proof. unfold mma_div_cst; rew length; lia. Qed.

    Hypothesis (Hk : 0 < k).

    Let mma_div_cst_spec a v w :
           v#>s = a*k
        -> w = v[0/s][(a+(v#>d))/d]
        -> (i, mma_div_cst) // (i,v) -+> (q,w).
      unfold mma_div_cst; revert v w; induction a as [ | a IHa ]; intros v w H1 ?; subst w.
      + apply subcode_sss_progress with (P := (i,mma_decs s p q k i)); auto.
        apply mma_decs_lt_progress; try lia.
        f_equal; simpl.
        apply vec_pos_ext; intros y; dest y d.
      + apply sss_progress_trans with (p,v[(a*k)/s]).
        * apply subcode_sss_progress with (P := (i,mma_decs s p q k i)); auto.
          apply mma_decs_le_progress.
          - rewrite H1; simpl; generalize (a*k); intro; lia.
          - f_equal.
            apply vec_pos_ext; intros y; dest y d; dest y s.
            rewrite H1; simpl; generalize (a*k); intro; lia.
        * unfold p.
          mma sss INC with d.
          apply sss_compute_trans with (i,v[(a*k)/s][(S (v[(a*k)/s]#>d))/d]).
          - apply sss_progress_compute,
                  subcode_sss_progress with (P := (3+3*k+i, JUMP i s)); auto.
            apply mma_jump_progress; auto.
          - apply sss_progress_compute, IHa; rew vec.
            apply vec_pos_ext; intros y; dest y d; try lia; dest y s.

    Fact mma_div_cst_progress a v st :
            v#>s = a*k
         -> st = (q,v[0/s][(a+(v#>d))/d])
         -> (i, mma_div_cst) // (i,v) -+> st.
    Proof using Hsd Hk.
      intros H1 H2; subst st; apply mma_div_cst_spec with (1 := H1); auto.

  End mma_div_cst.

  Notation DIV_CST := mma_div_cst.

  Hint Rewrite mma_div_cst_length : length_db.

  Section mma_loop.

    Variables (x : pos n) (i : nat).

    Definition mma_loop := JUMP i x.

    Fact mma_loop_loop v : (i,mma_loop) // (i,v) -+> (i,v).
    Proof. apply mma_jump_progress; auto. Qed.

    Theorem mma_loop_spec v : ~ (i,mma_loop) // (i,v) .
      apply sss_progress_non_termination.
      + apply mma_sss_fun.
      + apply mma_loop_loop.

  End mma_loop.

  Notation LOOP := mma_loop.

End Minsky_Machine_alt_utils.