(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

Require Import Arith Eqdep_dec.

From Undecidability.Shared Require Import DLW.Utils.utils DLW.Vec.vec DLW.Vec.pos.
From Undecidability.MuRec Require Import recalg.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Reserved Notation " '[' f ';' v ']' '-[' n '>>' x " (at level 70).

(* The intuitive meaning of f;v -n>> x is There is a computation of f(v) which costs n and results in x We define it in such a way that 1/ the cost is never 0, 2/ the cost of compound computation is greater than the sum of the costs of its sub-computations 3/ the cost and the result are unique (if they exist) *)

Inductive* ra_ca : forall k, recalg k -> vec nat k -> nat -> nat -> Prop :=
    | in_ra_ca_cst : forall n v, [ra_cst n; v] -[ 1 >> n
    | in_ra_ca_zero : forall v, [ra_zero; v] -[ 1 >> 0
    | in_ra_ca_succ : forall v, [ra_succ; v] -[ 1 >> S (vec_head v)
    | in_ra_ca_proj : forall k v j, [@ra_proj k j; v] -[ 1 >> vec_pos v j
    | in_ra_ca_comp : forall k i f (gj : vec (recalg i) k) v q w p x,
                                   (forall j, [vec_pos gj j; v] -[ vec_pos q j >> vec_pos w j)
                               -> [f; w] -[ p >> x
                               -> [ra_comp f gj; v] -[1+p+vec_sum q>> x

    | in_ra_ca_rec_0 : forall k f (g : recalg (S (S k))) v n x,
                                              [f; v] -[ n >> x
                               -> [ra_rec f g; 0##v] -[ S n >> x

    | in_ra_ca_rec_S : forall k f (g : recalg (S (S k))) v n p x q y,
                                              [ra_rec f g; n##v] -[ p >> x
                               -> [g; n##x##v] -[ q >> y
                               -> [ra_rec f g; S n##v] -[ 1+p+q >> y
    | in_ra_ca_min : forall k (f : recalg (S k)) v x p w q ,
                           (forall j : pos x, [f; pos2nat j##v] -[ vec_pos q j >> S (vec_pos w j))
                               -> [f; x##v] -[ p >> 0
                               -> [ra_min f; v] -[1+p+vec_sum q>> x
where " [ f ; v ] -[ n >> x " := (@ra_ca _ f v n x).

Section inversion_lemmas.

  (* The inversion tactic won't work for the dependent predicate ra_ca so
      we build the inversion lemma by hand.

      Notice the presence of type-castings (eq_rect ...) which disappear
      when we instanciate that lemma on the individual cases 
      (the lemmas ra_ca_*_inv below)

      The statement of the lemma is complicated but the proof is trivial !!

  Lemma ra_ca_inv k (f : recalg k) v n x :
    [f;v] -[n>> x -> (n = 1 /\ exists (H : k = 0), eq_rect _ _ f _ H = ra_cst x)
                  \/ (n = 1 /\ x = 0 /\ exists (H : k = 1), eq_rect _ _ f _ H = ra_zero)
                  \/ (n = 1 /\ exists (H : k = 1), x = S (vec_head (eq_rect _ _ v _ H)) /\ eq_rect _ _ f _ H = ra_succ)
                  \/ (n = 1 /\ exists p, x = vec_pos v p /\ f = ra_proj p)
                  \/ (exists i (h : recalg i) gj w q m, n = 1+q+vec_sum m /\ [h;w] -[q>> x
                              /\ (forall p, [vec_pos gj p;v] -[vec_pos m p>> vec_pos w p)
                              /\ f = ra_comp h gj)
                  \/ (exists k' (H : k = S k') (h : recalg k') g m,
                                 n = S m
                              /\ vec_head (eq_rect _ _ v _ H) = 0
                              /\ [h;vec_tail (eq_rect _ _ v _ H)] -[m>> x
                              /\ eq_rect _ _ f _ H = ra_rec h g)
                  \/ (exists k' (H : k = S k') m y (h : recalg k') g p q,
                                 vec_head (eq_rect _ _ v _ H) = S m
                              /\ n = 1+p+q
                              /\ [ra_rec h g; m##vec_tail (eq_rect _ _ v _ H)] -[p>> y
                              /\ [g; m##y##vec_tail (eq_rect _ _ v _ H)] -[q>> x
                              /\ eq_rect _ _ f _ H = ra_rec h g)
                  \/ (exists (g : recalg (S k)) (m w : vec _ x) q,
                                 n = 1+q+vec_sum m
                              /\ (forall p, [g; pos2nat p##v] -[vec_pos m p>> S (vec_pos w p))
                              /\ [g; x##v] -[q>> 0
                              /\ f = ra_min g)
    induction 1 as [ | |
                   | k v j
                   | k i f gj v q w p x
                   | k f g v n x
                   | k f g v n p x q y
                   | k f v x p w q
    do 0 right; left; split; auto; exists eq_refl; auto.
    do 1 right; left; do 2 (split; auto); exists eq_refl; auto.
    do 2 right; left; split; auto; exists eq_refl; split; simpl; auto.
    do 3 right; left; split; auto; exists j; auto.
    do 4 right; left; exists k, f, gj, w, p, q; auto.
    do 5 right; left; exists k, eq_refl, f, g, n; auto.
    do 6 right; left; exists k, eq_refl, n, x, f, g, p, q; auto.
    do 7 right; exists f, q, w, p; auto.

  (* The next proofs by hand are long but not complicated ... we simply have to
     discard all the unnecessary cases generated by the general
     inversion lemma using the discriminate tactic *)

  (* Automation is our friend here *)

  (* This is to destruct the inversion lemma 

     This lemma creates variables which are partly hard coded ...
     this is not ideal and could be improved

  Local Ltac myinv :=
    let H := fresh in
    intros H;
    apply ra_ca_inv in H;
    destruct H as [ (? & ? & ?)
                  | [ (? & ? & ? & ?)
                  | [ (? & ? & ? & ?)
                  | [ (? & ? & ? & ?)
                  | [ (? & ? & ? & w' & q' & m' & ? & ? & ? & ?)
                  | [ (? & ? & ? & ? & m' & ? & ? & ? & ?)
                  | [ (? & ? & ? & y' & ? & ? & p' & q' & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?)
                    | (? & m' & w' & q' & ? & ? & ? & ?)
                    ] ] ] ] ] ] ].

  Ltac injc H := injection H; clear H;
                 repeat match goal with
                          |- _ = _ -> _ =>
                          intro; subst end.

  Ltac eqgoal :=
    match goal with
      |- ?a -> ?b => replace a with b; auto

  Ltac inst H :=
    let K := fresh in
    match goal with
    | [ G : ?x -> _ |- _ ] =>
      match G with
        H => assert (x) as K; [ clear H | specialize (H K); clear K ]

  Fact eq_gen { X } (P : X -> Type) x : (forall y, y = x -> P y) -> P x.
  Proof. intros H; apply H, eq_refl. Qed.

  Ltac gen_eq t := apply eq_gen with (x := t).

  Fact eq_nat_pirr (n m : nat) (H1 H2 : n = m) : H1 = H2.
  Proof. apply UIP_dec, eq_nat_dec. Qed.

  (* Remove identities of the form H : n = n :> nat and eliminates H 
   by replacing it with eq_refl *)

  Ltac natid :=
      match goal with
      | [ H: ?x = ?x :> nat |- _ ] => let G := fresh
                                    in generalize (@eq_nat_pirr _ _ H eq_refl);
                                       intros G; subst H
    simpl eq_rect in * |- *.

  Local Ltac natSimpl :=
    repeat match goal with [ H : S _ = S _ |- _ ] => let G := fresh in injection H; intro G; subst; natid end.

  Local Ltac mydiscr :=
     repeat match goal with
            | H : _ = _ :> nat |- _ => discriminate H; fail
            | H : _ = _ :> recalg _ |- _ => discriminate H; fail

  Local Ltac myauto := myinv; subst; natid; natSimpl; mydiscr; auto.

  Lemma ra_ca_cst_inv i v n x : [ra_cst i;v] -[n>> x -> n = 1 /\ x = i.
  Proof. inversion_clear 1; auto. Qed.

  Lemma ra_ca_zero_inv v n x : [ra_zero;v] -[n>> x -> n = 1 /\ x = 0.
  Proof. inversion_clear 1; auto. Qed.

  Lemma ra_ca_succ_inv v n x : [ra_succ;v] -[n>> x -> n = 1 /\ x = S (vec_head v).
  Proof. myauto. Qed.

  Local Ltac ra_inj :=
    match goal with
       | H : ra_proj _ = ra_proj _ |- _ => apply ra_proj_inj in H
       | H : ra_comp _ _ = ra_comp _ _ |- _ => apply ra_comp_inj in H; destruct H as (? & ? & ?)
       | H : ra_rec _ _ = ra_rec _ _ |- _ => apply ra_rec_inj in H; destruct H
       | H : ra_min _ = ra_min _ |- _ => apply ra_min_inj in H
    end; subst; simpl in * |- *.

  Lemma ra_ca_proj_inv k (p : pos k) v n x : [ra_proj p;v] -[n>> x -> n = 1 /\ x = vec_pos v p.
    myauto; ra_inj; auto.

  (* These 4 proofs use variable names which are hard coded
     in the tactic myinv ... they should not conflict with
     other variables names but be warned that this is not 
     an ideal situation for the stability of those proofs

  Lemma ra_ca_comp_inv k i f (gj : vec (recalg i) k) v n x :
     [ra_comp f gj;v] -[n>> x -> exists p w q,
                                   n = 1+p+vec_sum q
                                /\ (forall j, [vec_pos gj j;v] -[vec_pos q j>> vec_pos w j)
                                /\ [f;w] -[p>> x.
    myauto; ra_inj.
    exists q', w', m'; auto.

  Lemma ra_ca_rec_0_inv k f g v n x :
    [@ra_rec k f g; 0##v] -[n>> x -> exists m, n = S m /\ [f;v] -[m>> x.
    myauto; ra_inj.
    exists m'; auto.

  Lemma ra_ca_rec_S_inv k f g v i n x :
     [@ra_rec k f g; S i##v] -[n>> x -> exists y p q,
                                          n = 1+q+p
                                       /\ [ra_rec f g; i##v] -[q>> y
                                       /\ [g; i##y##v] -[p>> x.
    myauto; ra_inj; natSimpl.
    exists y', q', p'; auto.

  Lemma ra_ca_min_inv k f v n x :
     [@ra_min k f;v] -[n>> x -> exists p w q,
                                 n = 1+p+vec_sum q
                              /\ [f;x##v] -[p>> 0
                              /\ forall j, [f;pos2nat j##v] -[vec_pos q j>> S (@vec_pos _ x w j).
    myauto; ra_inj.
    exists q', w', m'; auto.

End inversion_lemmas.