Andrej Dudenhefner (1)
(1) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Reduction from:
Uniform Diophantine Constraint Solvability (H10UC_SAT)
Finite Multiset Term Constraint Solvability (FMsetTC_SAT)
Finite Multiset Constraint Solvability (FMsetC_SAT)
Require Import Arith Lia List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.SetConstraints.FMsetC.
From Undecidability.SetConstraints.Util Require Facts mset_eq_utils mset_poly_utils.
Require Undecidability.DiophantineConstraints.H10C.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.ReducibilityFacts.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Local Notation "A ≡ B" := (mset_eq A B) (at level 65).
(* reduction from H10UC_SAT to FMsetTC_SAT *)
Module H10UC_FMsetTC.
(* terms *)
Inductive mset_term : Set :=
| mset_term_zero : mset_term
| mset_term_var : nat -> mset_term
| mset_term_plus : mset_term -> mset_term -> mset_term
| mset_term_h : mset_term -> mset_term.
Definition constraint : Set := mset_term * mset_term.
(* evaluate an mset wrt. a valuation φ *)
Fixpoint mset_sem (φ : nat -> list nat) (A : mset_term) : list nat :=
match A with
| mset_term_zero => [0]
| mset_term_var x => φ x
| mset_term_plus A B => (mset_sem φ A) ++ (mset_sem φ B)
| mset_term_h A => map S (mset_sem φ A)
(* does the valuation φ that satisfy all contraints *)
Definition mset_sat (φ : nat -> list nat) (l : list constraint) :=
Forall (fun '(A, B) => (mset_sem φ A) ≡ (mset_sem φ B)) l.
(* is there a valuation φ that satisfies all contraints *)
Definition FMsetTC_SAT (l: list constraint) :=
exists (φ : nat -> list nat), mset_sat φ l.
Import Facts mset_eq_utils mset_poly_utils.
Module Argument.
Local Notation "t ⊍ u" := (mset_term_plus t u) (at level 40).
Local Notation "'h' t" := (mset_term_h t) (at level 38).
Local Notation "•0" := mset_term_zero.
Coercion mset_term_var : nat >-> mset_term.
(* nat constraints are only satisfied by multisets containing only zeroes *)
Lemma nat_spec {n A B C} :
(map S B) ++ A ≡ [n] ++ B ++ B ++ B ++ B ->
(map S (map S C)) ++ A ≡ [2*n] ++ C ++ C ++ C ++ C ->
Forall (fun a => 0 = a) A.
move=> /(eval_eq (p := 4)) + /(eval_eq (p := 2)).
rewrite ? eval_norm ? eval_map Nat.pow_mul_r.
move=> /= ? ?.
have : eval 2 A = eval 4 A by lia.
apply /eval_nat_spec. by lia.
Fixpoint tower m n :=
match n with
| 0 => []
| S n => (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ [m*n]
Lemma nat_sat {m n} :
(map (fun i => m + i) (tower m n)) ++ (repeat 0 (4^n)) ≡ [m*n] ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n).
elim: n; first by (have -> : m * 0 = 0 by lia).
move=> n IH /=. rewrite ?map_app ?repeat_add /= app_nil_r.
pose L := (map (fun i => m + i) (tower m n)) ++ (repeat 0 (4^n)).
pose R := [m*n] ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n).
have -> : m + m * n = m * (S n) by nia.
under (eq_lr (A' := (m * S n) :: (L ++ L ++ L ++ L)) (B' := (m * S n) :: (R ++ R ++ R ++ R)));
[by eq_trivial | by eq_trivial |].
apply /eq_cons_iff.
by do 3 (apply /eq_appI; first done).
(* forces instance to be a sequence *)
(* first constraint of encode bound *)
(* type 1 constraint *)
Lemma seq_spec2 {d A B} : A ++ B ≡ [0] ++ (map (fun i => (S d) + i) A) ->
exists n, A ≡ map (fun i => (S d) * i) (seq 0 n) /\ B = [(S d) * n].
suff : forall k, A ++ B ≡ [(1+d) * k] ++ (map (fun i => (1 + d) + i) A) ->
A ≡ map (fun i => (1+d) * i) (seq k (length A)) /\ B = [(1+d) * (k + length A)].
have ->: [0] = [(1+d) * 0] by (f_equal; lia).
move=> H /H => [[? ->]]. by exists (length A).
move=> k. elim /(measure_ind (@length nat)) : A k => A IH k H.
move: (H) => /eq_length. rewrite ?app_length map_length /= => HAB.
have [b Hb] : exists b, B = [b].
{ move: (B) HAB => [|? [|? ?]] /=; [ by lia | by eexists | by lia ]. }
subst B.
move: (H) => /eq_in_iff /(_ ((1 + d) * k)) /iffRL /(_ ltac:(by left)) /in_app_iff [|].
- move /(@in_split nat) => [A1 [A2 ?]]. subst A.
have := IH (A1 ++ A2). apply: unnest.
{ rewrite ?app_length /=. by lia. }
move=> /(_ (1+k)). apply: unnest.
{ move: H. rewrite ?map_app /=.
move=> + c => /(_ c). rewrite ?(count_occ_app, count_occ_cons).
have -> : S (k + d * S k) = S (d + (k + d * k)) by lia.
by lia. }
move=> {IH} [IH ->]. constructor.
+ have ->: length (A1 ++ (1 + d) * k :: A2) = 1 + length (A1 ++ A2).
{ rewrite ?app_length /=. by lia. }
apply: (eq_trans eq_app_comm). apply /eq_cons_iff. by apply: (eq_trans eq_app_comm).
+ f_equal. rewrite ?app_length /=. by lia.
- case; last done. move=> ?. subst b.
move: H => /(eq_trans eq_app_comm) /eq_app_iff /eq_symm /eq_mapE.
apply: unnest; first by lia. move=> ?. subst A.
constructor=> /=; first done.
f_equal. by lia.
(* type 1 constraint satisfied by any sequence *)
Lemma seq_sat2 {d n} :
let A n := map (fun i => (S d) * i) (seq 0 n) in
(A n) ++ [(S d) * n] ≡ [0] ++ (map (fun i => (S d) + i) (A n)).
move=> A. elim: n.
{ apply /eq_eq. cbn. f_equal. by nia. }
move=> n IH.
rewrite /A seq_last ? map_app -/(A n) /plus -/plus.
rewrite /(map _ [n]) /(map _ [S d * n]).
have -> : S (d + S d * n) = S d * S n by lia.
under map_ext => i do rewrite -/(plus (S d) i).
rewrite -/(mset_eq _ _).
apply /(eq_lr
(A' := S d * S n :: (A n ++ [S d * n]))
(B' := S d * S n :: ([0] ++ map [eta Init.Nat.add (S d)] (A n))));
[by eq_trivial | by eq_trivial | ].
by apply /eq_cons_iff.
Lemma seq_sat1 {n} :
(seq 0 n) ++ [n] ≡ [0] ++ (map S (seq 0 n)).
have -> : S = (fun i => (S 0) + i) by done.
have -> : seq 0 n = map (fun i => (S 0) * i) (seq 0 n).
{ elim: n; first done.
move=> n IH. rewrite seq_last map_app - IH /=.
by rewrite Nat.add_0_r. }
have -> : [n] = [1*n] by f_equal; lia.
by apply: seq_sat2.
Lemma unify_spec {A m n} : A ++ (map (fun i => 2 * i) (seq 0 m)) ≡ (seq 0 n) ++ map S A ->
n = m.
move /eq_length. rewrite ?app_length ?map_length ?seq_length. by lia.
Definition unify_sat n :
{A | A ++ (map (fun i => 2*i) (seq 0 n)) ≡ (seq 0 n) ++ map S A}.
elim: n; first by exists [].
set f := (fun i => 2*i). move=> n [A HA]. exists (A ++ seq n n).
rewrite ?seq_last ?map_app /=.
apply /(eq_lr
(A' := (A ++ map f (seq 0 n)) ++ (seq n n ++ [f n]))
(B' := (seq 0 n ++ map S A) ++ ([n] ++ map S (seq n n))));
[by eq_trivial | by eq_trivial |].
apply: eq_appI; first done.
rewrite /f. have ->: 2 * n = n + n by lia.
apply: eq_eq. by rewrite seq_shift -seq_last.
(* embed nat^3 into nat to provide fresh variables *)
Definition embed '(x, y, z) := NatNat.encode (NatNat.encode (x, y), z).
Definition unembed n := let (xy, z) := NatNat.decode n in
(NatNat.decode xy, z).
Lemma embed_unembed {xyz} : unembed (embed xyz) = xyz.
case: xyz. case. move=> >.
by rewrite /embed /unembed ? NatNat.decode_encode.
Opaque embed unembed.
Definition encode_bound (x: nat): list constraint :=
let X n := embed (x, n, 0) in
((X 1) ⊍ (X 2), •0 ⊍ (h (X 1))); (* X 1 = 0..n-1, X 2 = n *)
((X 3) ⊍ (X 4), •0 ⊍ (h (h (X 3)))); (* X 3 = 0,2,..2*(m-1), X 4 = 2*m *)
((X 5) ⊍ (X 3), (X 1) ⊍ (h (X 5))); (* n = m *)
((h (X 6)) ⊍ (X 0), (X 2) ⊍ ((X 6) ⊍ ((X 6) ⊍ ((X 6) ⊍ (X 6)))));
((h (h (X 7))) ⊍ (X 0), (X 4) ⊍ ((X 7) ⊍ ((X 7) ⊍ ((X 7) ⊍ (X 7))))) (* X 0 = 0..0 of length 2^n *)
Definition encode_bound_spec {φ x} : mset_sat φ (encode_bound x) ->
Forall (fun a => 0 = a) (φ (embed (x, 0, 0))).
rewrite /encode_bound /mset_sat ? Forall_norm /mset_sem.
have -> (A) : map S (map S A) = map (fun i => (S 1) + i) A by rewrite map_map.
have -> : map S = map [eta Nat.add 1] by done.
move=> [/seq_spec2 [n [/eq_length Hn ->]]].
move=> [/seq_spec2 [m [/eq_length Hm ->]]].
move=> [/eq_length]. rewrite ? app_length Hn Hm ? map_length ? seq_length => ?.
have ? : n = m by lia. subst m. clear.
have -> : [eta Nat.add 1] = S by done.
have -> : 1 * n = n by lia.
move=> [H1 H2]. by apply: nat_spec.
(* 0 ++ 0,1 ++ 0,1,2 ++ ...*)
Definition pyramid n := flat_map (seq 0) (seq 0 n).
(* from a H10UC valuation φ construct a valuation for FMsetC *)
Definition construct_valuation (φ: nat -> nat) (n: nat): list nat :=
match unembed n with
| (x, 0, 0) => repeat 0 (4^(φ x))
| (x, 1, 0) => seq 0 (φ x)
| (x, 2, 0) => [(φ x)]
| (x, 3, 0) => map (fun i => 2*i) (seq 0 (φ x))
| (x, 4, 0) => [2*(φ x)]
| (x, 5, 0) => proj1_sig (unify_sat (φ x))
| (x, 6, 0) => tower 1 (φ x)
| (x, 7, 0) => tower 2 (φ x)
| (x, 0, 1) => repeat 0 (φ x)
| (x, 1, 1) => repeat 0 (length (pyramid (φ x)))
| (x, 2, 1) => repeat 0 (4^(φ x) - (φ x))
| (x, 3, 1) => repeat 0 (4^(φ x) - (length (pyramid (φ x))))
| (x, 4, 1) => seq 0 (φ x)
| (x, 5, 1) => [(φ x)]
| (x, 6, 1) => pyramid (φ x)
| (x, 7, 1) => flat_map pyramid (seq 0 (φ x))
| _ => []
Lemma encode_bound_sat {φ x} :
mset_sat (construct_valuation φ) (encode_bound x).
rewrite /encode_bound /mset_sat ? Forall_norm /mset_sem.
rewrite /construct_valuation ? embed_unembed.
pose A d n := map (fun i => (S d) * i) (seq 0 n).
constructor; first by apply: seq_sat1.
{ have -> (X) : map S (map S X) = map (fun i => 2+i) X by rewrite map_map.
by apply: seq_sat2. }
constructor; first by apply: proj2_sig (unify_sat _).
{ have -> (n): [n] = [1*n] by f_equal; lia.
by apply: nat_sat. }
rewrite map_map. by apply: nat_sat.
(* each n : nat is represented by a multiset containing n zeroes *)
Definition encode_nat (x: nat) : list constraint :=
let X n := embed (x, n, 1) in
(X 0 ⊍ X 2, mset_term_var (embed (x, 0, 0))); (* X 0 = 0..0 *)
(X 1 ⊍ X 3, mset_term_var (embed (x, 0, 0))); (* X 1 = 0..0 *)
(X 4 ⊍ X 5, •0 ⊍ (h (X 4))); (* X 4 = 0..m-1, X 5 = m*)
(X 4 ⊍ X 6, X 0 ⊍ (h (X 6))); (* m = length (X 0), length (X 6) ~ m * m *)
(X 6 ⊍ X 7, X 1 ⊍ (h (X 7))) (* length X 1 ~ m * m *)
(* auxiliary lemma for square_spec *)
Lemma square_spec_aux {n m A C} : C ++ (n :: A) ≡ (repeat 0 (S m)) ++ (map S A) ->
exists A', A ≡ (seq 0 n) ++ A' /\ C ++ A' ≡ (repeat 0 m) ++ (map S A').
elim: n A.
{ move=> A.
move /(eq_lr (A' := 0 :: (C ++ A)) (B' := 0 :: ((repeat 0 m) ++ map S A))).
move /(_ ltac:(by eq_trivial) ltac:(by eq_trivial)) /eq_cons_iff=> ?.
exists A. by constructor. }
move=> n IH A /copy [/eq_in_iff /(_ (S n)) /iffLR].
apply: unnest.
{ apply /in_app_iff. right. by left. }
move /in_app_iff. case; first by move /(@repeat_spec _ _ _ _).
move /in_map_iff=> [n' [+ +]] => [[->]].
move /(@in_split _ _) => [A1 [A2 ?]]. subst A.
move /(eq_lr (A' := S n :: (C ++ (n :: (A1 ++ A2)))) (B' := S n :: ((repeat 0 (S m)) ++ map S (A1 ++ A2)))).
move /(_ ltac:(by eq_trivial)). apply: unnest.
{ rewrite ? map_app map_cons. by eq_trivial. }
move /eq_cons_iff => /IH [A' [? ?]].
exists A'. constructor; last done.
rewrite seq_last /=.
apply /(eq_lr (A' := n :: (A1 ++ A2)) (B' := n :: (seq 0 n ++ A')));
[by eq_trivial | by eq_trivial | ].
by apply /eq_cons_iff.
(* forces B to be a n zeroes and A to be of length in proportion to n squared *)
Lemma square_spec {n A} : (seq 0 n) ++ A ≡ (repeat 0 n) ++ (map S A) ->
length A + length A + n = n * n.
elim: n A.
{ move=> A /eq_symm /eq_mapE ->; [by lia | done]. }
move=> n IH A. rewrite seq_last /(plus 0 _).
move /(eq_lr _ eq_refl (A' := seq 0 n ++ (n :: A))) => /(_ ltac:(by eq_trivial)).
move /square_spec_aux => [A' [/eq_length + /IH]].
rewrite app_length seq_length. by lia.
(* if encode bound is satisfied, then there is a square relationship on length of solutions *)
Lemma encode_nat_spec {φ x} : mset_sat φ (encode_bound x) -> mset_sat φ (encode_nat x) ->
length (φ (embed (x, 1, 1))) + length (φ (embed (x, 1, 1))) + length (φ (embed (x, 0, 1))) =
length (φ (embed (x, 0, 1))) * length (φ (embed (x, 0, 1))).
move /encode_bound_spec. rewrite /mset_sat /encode_nat ?Forall_norm /mset_sem.
pose X n := φ (embed (x, n, 1)). rewrite -?/(X _).
move=> H [/eq_Forall_iff /(_ [eta eq 0]) /iffRL /(_ H)].
rewrite Forall_norm=> [[HX0 _]].
move=> [/eq_Forall_iff /(_ [eta eq 0]) /iffRL /(_ H)].
rewrite Forall_norm=> [[? _]].
have -> : map S (X 4) = map [eta Init.Nat.add 1] (X 4) by done.
move=> [/seq_spec2 [n]].
have -> : map [eta Init.Nat.mul 1] (seq 0 n) = map id (seq 0 n).
{ under map_ext => i do have -> : 1*i = i by lia. done. }
rewrite map_id => [[Hn _]].
move=> [/eq_symm /eq_trans] => /(_ ((seq 0 n) ++ X 6)).
apply: unnest; first by apply: eq_appI.
move=> HX6. have HlX0 : length (X 0) = n.
{ move: HX6 => /eq_length. rewrite ? app_length map_length seq_length. by lia. }
move: HX6 => /eq_symm. have -> := Forall_repeat HX0. rewrite HlX0.
move /square_spec => ? /eq_length. rewrite ?app_length map_length repeat_length.
by lia.
Lemma pyramid_shuffle {n} : seq 0 n ++ pyramid n ≡ repeat 0 n ++ map S (pyramid n).
elim: n; first done.
move=> n IH.
rewrite /pyramid seq_last /plus flat_map_concat_map map_app concat_app.
rewrite -flat_map_concat_map -/(pyramid _) ? map_app /= ? app_nil_r seq_shift.
apply /(eq_lr
(A' := (seq 0 n ++ [n]) ++ (seq 0 n ++ pyramid n))
(B' := (0 :: seq 1 n) ++ (repeat 0 n ++ map S (pyramid n))));
[ by eq_trivial | by eq_trivial | ].
rewrite -seq_last -/(seq _ (S n)).
by apply /eq_app_iff.
Lemma pyramid_length n : n + length (pyramid n) <= 4 ^ n.
elim: n; first by (move=> /=; lia).
move=> n IH.
rewrite /pyramid seq_last /plus -/plus flat_map_concat_map map_app concat_app app_length.
rewrite -flat_map_concat_map -/(pyramid _).
rewrite /map /concat app_length seq_length /=.
have := Nat.pow_gt_lin_r 4 n ltac:(lia).
by lia.
Lemma encode_nat_sat_aux {n} :
pyramid n ++ flat_map pyramid (seq 0 n) ≡ repeat 0 (length (pyramid n)) ++ (map S (flat_map pyramid (seq 0 n))).
elim: n; first done.
move=> n IH.
rewrite /pyramid ? seq_last /plus ? (flat_map_concat_map, map_app, concat_app, app_length).
rewrite -?flat_map_concat_map -/pyramid -/(pyramid _) ?repeat_add seq_length /= ?app_nil_r.
apply /(eq_lr
(A' := (pyramid n ++ flat_map pyramid (seq 0 n)) ++ (seq 0 n ++ pyramid n))
(B' := (repeat 0 (length (pyramid n)) ++ map S (flat_map pyramid (seq 0 n))) ++ (repeat 0 n ++ map S (pyramid n))));
[by eq_trivial | by eq_trivial |].
apply: eq_appI; first done.
by apply: pyramid_shuffle.
Lemma encode_nat_sat {φ x} :
mset_sat (construct_valuation φ) (encode_nat x).
rewrite /encode_nat /mset_sat ?Forall_norm /mset_sem /construct_valuation ?embed_unembed.
rewrite -?repeat_add.
{ apply: eq_eq. f_equal. have := pyramid_length (φ x). by lia. }
{ apply: eq_eq. f_equal. have := pyramid_length (φ x). by lia. }
constructor; first by apply: seq_sat1.
constructor; first by apply: pyramid_shuffle.
by apply: encode_nat_sat_aux.
(* represent constraints of shape 1 + x + y * y = z *)
Definition encode_constraint x y z :=
encode_bound x ++ encode_bound y ++ encode_bound z ++
encode_nat x ++ encode_nat y ++ encode_nat z ++
let x := embed (x, 0, 1) in
let yy := embed (y, 1, 1) in
let y := embed (y, 0, 1) in
let z := embed (z, 0, 1) in
[ (•0 ⊍ x ⊍ yy ⊍ yy ⊍ y, mset_term_var z) ].
(* if mset constraint has a solution, then uniform diophantine constraint is satisfied *)
Lemma encode_constraint_spec {φ x y z} :
mset_sat φ (encode_constraint x y z) ->
1 + length (φ (embed (x, 0, 1))) + length(φ (embed (y, 0, 1))) * length(φ (embed (y, 0, 1))) = length(φ (embed (z, 0, 1))).
rewrite /encode_constraint /mset_sat ?Forall_app_iff -?/(mset_sat _ _).
move=> [Hx [Hy [Hz]]].
move=> [/(encode_nat_spec Hx) ? [/(encode_nat_spec Hy) ? [/(encode_nat_spec Hz) ?]]].
rewrite /mset_sat Forall_norm /mset_sem.
move /eq_length. rewrite ? app_length /=. by lia.
(* if uniform diophantine constraint is satisfied, then mset constraint has a solution *)
Lemma encode_constraint_sat {φ x y z} :
1 + (φ x) + (φ y) * (φ y) = (φ z) -> mset_sat (construct_valuation φ) (encode_constraint x y z).
move=> Hxyz.
rewrite /encode_constraint /mset_sat ? Forall_app_iff Forall_singleton_iff -?/(mset_sat _ _).
do 3 (constructor; first by apply: encode_bound_sat).
do 3 (constructor; first by apply: encode_nat_sat).
rewrite /mset_sem /construct_valuation ? embed_unembed.
have ->: [0] = repeat 0 1 by done.
rewrite -?repeat_add. apply: eq_eq. f_equal. move: Hxyz=> <-. clear.
elim: (φ y); clear; first by (move=> /=; lia).
move=> φy IH.
rewrite /pyramid seq_last /(plus 0 _) flat_map_concat_map map_app concat_app.
rewrite -flat_map_concat_map -/(pyramid _) /= ?app_length seq_length /=. by lia.
(* encode a single H10UC constraint as a list of FMsetC constraints *)
Definition encode_h10uc '(x, y, z) := encode_constraint x y z.
End Argument.
Import H10C.
(* many-one reduction from H10UC to FMsetC *)
Theorem reduction : H10UC_SAT ⪯ FMsetTC_SAT.
exists (fun h10ucs => flat_map Argument.encode_h10uc h10ucs).
move=> h10ucs. constructor.
- move=> [φ Hφ].
exists (Argument.construct_valuation φ).
elim: h10ucs Hφ; first by constructor.
move=> [[x y] z] h10cs IH.
move /Forall_forall. rewrite Forall_cons_iff. move=> [Hxyz /Forall_forall /IH].
move=> {}IH. apply /Forall_app_iff. constructor; last done.
by apply: Argument.encode_constraint_sat.
- move=> [φ] Hφ.
pose ψ := (fun x => length (φ (Argument.embed (x, 0, 1)))).
exists ψ. rewrite -Forall_forall.
elim: h10ucs Hφ; first done.
move=> [[x y] z] h10ucs IH.
rewrite /flat_map -/(flat_map _) /mset_sat Forall_app_iff /(Argument.encode_h10uc _).
move=> [/Argument.encode_constraint_spec Hxyz /IH ?].
by constructor.
End H10UC_FMsetTC.
(* reduction from FMsetTC_SAT to FMsetC_SAT *)
Module FMsetTC_FMsetC.
Import Facts mset_eq_utils mset_poly_utils.
Import H10UC_FMsetTC.
Import NatNat.
Module Argument.
Opaque NatNat.encode NatNat.decode.
Fixpoint term_to_nat (t: mset_term) : nat :=
match t with
| mset_term_zero => 1 + NatNat.encode (0, 0)
| mset_term_var x => 1 + NatNat.encode (0, 1+x)
| mset_term_plus t u => 1 + NatNat.encode (1 + term_to_nat t, 1 + term_to_nat u)
| mset_term_h t => 1 + NatNat.encode (1 + term_to_nat t, 0)
Fixpoint nat_to_term' (k: nat) (n: nat) : mset_term :=
match k with
| 0 => mset_term_zero
| S k =>
match n with
| 0 => mset_term_zero
| S n =>
match NatNat.decode n with
| (0, 0) => mset_term_zero
| (0, S x) => mset_term_var x
| (S nt, 0) => mset_term_h (nat_to_term' k nt)
| (S nt, S nu) => mset_term_plus (nat_to_term' k nt) (nat_to_term' k nu)
Definition nat_to_term (n: nat) : mset_term := nat_to_term' (1+n) n.
Lemma nat_term_cancel {t} : nat_to_term (term_to_nat t) = t.
rewrite /nat_to_term.
move Hk: (k in nat_to_term' k _) => k.
have : term_to_nat t < k by lia.
elim: t k {Hk}.
- move=> [|k]; [by lia | done].
- move=> x [|k]; first by lia.
by rewrite /= NatNat.decode_encode.
- move=> nt IHt nu IHu [|k]; first by lia.
rewrite /= NatNat.decode_encode => ?.
have ? := NatNat.encode_non_decreasing (S (term_to_nat nt)) (S (term_to_nat nu)).
rewrite IHt; first by lia. by rewrite IHu; first by lia.
- move=> nt IH [|k]; first by lia.
rewrite /= NatNat.decode_encode => ?.
have ? := NatNat.encode_non_decreasing (S (term_to_nat nt)) 0.
by rewrite IH; first by lia.
(* decompose mset_term into elementary constraints *)
Fixpoint term_to_msetcs (t: mset_term) : list msetc :=
match t with
| mset_term_zero => [msetc_zero (term_to_nat t)]
| mset_term_var x => []
| mset_term_plus u v =>
[msetc_sum (term_to_nat t) (term_to_nat u) (term_to_nat v)] ++
(term_to_msetcs u) ++ (term_to_msetcs v)
| mset_term_h u =>
[msetc_h (term_to_nat t) (term_to_nat u)] ++ (term_to_msetcs u)
Definition encode_eq (t u: mset_term) :=
[(msetc_sum 0 0 0);
(msetc_sum (term_to_nat t) 0 (term_to_nat u))].
(* encode FMsetC_PROBLEM as LPolyNC_PROBLEM *)
Definition encode_problem (msetcs : list constraint) : list msetc :=
flat_map (fun '(t, u) => (encode_eq t u) ++ term_to_msetcs t ++ term_to_msetcs u) msetcs.
Lemma term_to_nat_pos {t} : term_to_nat t = S (Nat.pred (term_to_nat t)).
Proof. case: t; by move=> *. Qed.
Lemma completeness {l} : FMsetTC_SAT l -> FMsetC_SAT (encode_problem l).
move=> [φ] Hφ.
pose ψ x := if x is 0 then [] else mset_sem φ (nat_to_term x).
have Hψ (A) : Forall (msetc_sem ψ) (term_to_msetcs A).
elim: A.
- by rewrite /term_to_msetcs ? Forall_norm /ψ.
- by rewrite /term_to_msetcs.
- move=> A IHA B IHB.
rewrite /term_to_msetcs -/term_to_msetcs ? Forall_norm.
constructor; last by constructor.
rewrite /ψ /msetc_sem ? nat_term_cancel.
by rewrite ? term_to_nat_pos.
- move=> A IH.
rewrite /term_to_msetcs -/term_to_msetcs ? Forall_norm.
constructor; last done.
rewrite /ψ /msetc_sem ? nat_term_cancel.
by rewrite ? term_to_nat_pos.
exists ψ.
rewrite - Forall_forall /encode_problem Forall_flat_mapP.
apply: Forall_impl; last eassumption.
move=> [A B]. rewrite ? Forall_norm.
move=> HφAB. constructor; last by constructor.
constructor; first done.
rewrite /ψ /msetc_sem.
rewrite (@term_to_nat_pos A) (@term_to_nat_pos B).
by rewrite - ? term_to_nat_pos ? nat_term_cancel.
Lemma soundness {l} : FMsetC_SAT (encode_problem l) -> FMsetTC_SAT l.
move=> [ψ]. rewrite -Forall_forall Forall_flat_mapP => Hψ.
pose φ x := ψ (term_to_nat (mset_term_var x)).
exists φ.
apply: Forall_impl; last by eassumption.
move=> [t u]. rewrite ? Forall_norm => [[+ [+]]].
rewrite /msetc_sem -/(msetc_sem _). move=> [/eq_app_nil_nilP /copy [Hψ0 ->]].
rewrite /app => Hψtu.
have Hφ (s) : Forall (msetc_sem ψ) (term_to_msetcs s) -> mset_sem φ s ≡ (ψ (term_to_nat s)).
clear. elim: s.
- rewrite /term_to_msetcs ? Forall_norm /msetc_sem /φ /mset_sem.
by apply /eq_symm.
- by move=> x _.
- move=> t IHt u IHu.
rewrite /term_to_msetcs -/term_to_msetcs ? Forall_norm.
move=> [+ [/IHt {}IHt /IHu {}IHu]].
rewrite /msetc_sem /φ /mset_sem -/mset_sem -/φ.
move /eq_symm. apply /eq_trans.
by apply: eq_appI.
- move=> t IH.
rewrite /term_to_msetcs -/term_to_msetcs ? Forall_norm.
move=> [+ /IH {}IH].
rewrite /msetc_sem /φ /mset_sem -/mset_sem -/φ.
move /eq_symm. apply /eq_trans.
by apply: eq_mapI.
move=> /Hφ Ht /Hφ Hu.
under eq_lr; by eassumption.
End Argument.
(* many-one reduction from FMsetTC to FMsetC *)
Theorem reduction : FMsetTC_SAT ⪯ FMsetC_SAT.
exists Argument.encode_problem.
move=> cs. constructor.
- exact Argument.completeness.
- exact Argument.soundness.
End FMsetTC_FMsetC.
Import H10C.
Theorem reduction : H10UC_SAT ⪯ FMsetC_SAT.
eapply reduces_transitive.
- exact H10UC_FMsetTC.reduction.
- exact FMsetTC_FMsetC.reduction.
Andrej Dudenhefner (1)
(1) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Reduction from:
Uniform Diophantine Constraint Solvability (H10UC_SAT)
Finite Multiset Term Constraint Solvability (FMsetTC_SAT)
Finite Multiset Constraint Solvability (FMsetC_SAT)
Require Import Arith Lia List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.SetConstraints.FMsetC.
From Undecidability.SetConstraints.Util Require Facts mset_eq_utils mset_poly_utils.
Require Undecidability.DiophantineConstraints.H10C.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.ReducibilityFacts.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Local Notation "A ≡ B" := (mset_eq A B) (at level 65).
(* reduction from H10UC_SAT to FMsetTC_SAT *)
Module H10UC_FMsetTC.
(* terms *)
Inductive mset_term : Set :=
| mset_term_zero : mset_term
| mset_term_var : nat -> mset_term
| mset_term_plus : mset_term -> mset_term -> mset_term
| mset_term_h : mset_term -> mset_term.
Definition constraint : Set := mset_term * mset_term.
(* evaluate an mset wrt. a valuation φ *)
Fixpoint mset_sem (φ : nat -> list nat) (A : mset_term) : list nat :=
match A with
| mset_term_zero => [0]
| mset_term_var x => φ x
| mset_term_plus A B => (mset_sem φ A) ++ (mset_sem φ B)
| mset_term_h A => map S (mset_sem φ A)
(* does the valuation φ that satisfy all contraints *)
Definition mset_sat (φ : nat -> list nat) (l : list constraint) :=
Forall (fun '(A, B) => (mset_sem φ A) ≡ (mset_sem φ B)) l.
(* is there a valuation φ that satisfies all contraints *)
Definition FMsetTC_SAT (l: list constraint) :=
exists (φ : nat -> list nat), mset_sat φ l.
Import Facts mset_eq_utils mset_poly_utils.
Module Argument.
Local Notation "t ⊍ u" := (mset_term_plus t u) (at level 40).
Local Notation "'h' t" := (mset_term_h t) (at level 38).
Local Notation "•0" := mset_term_zero.
Coercion mset_term_var : nat >-> mset_term.
(* nat constraints are only satisfied by multisets containing only zeroes *)
Lemma nat_spec {n A B C} :
(map S B) ++ A ≡ [n] ++ B ++ B ++ B ++ B ->
(map S (map S C)) ++ A ≡ [2*n] ++ C ++ C ++ C ++ C ->
Forall (fun a => 0 = a) A.
move=> /(eval_eq (p := 4)) + /(eval_eq (p := 2)).
rewrite ? eval_norm ? eval_map Nat.pow_mul_r.
move=> /= ? ?.
have : eval 2 A = eval 4 A by lia.
apply /eval_nat_spec. by lia.
Fixpoint tower m n :=
match n with
| 0 => []
| S n => (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ [m*n]
Lemma nat_sat {m n} :
(map (fun i => m + i) (tower m n)) ++ (repeat 0 (4^n)) ≡ [m*n] ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n).
elim: n; first by (have -> : m * 0 = 0 by lia).
move=> n IH /=. rewrite ?map_app ?repeat_add /= app_nil_r.
pose L := (map (fun i => m + i) (tower m n)) ++ (repeat 0 (4^n)).
pose R := [m*n] ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n) ++ (tower m n).
have -> : m + m * n = m * (S n) by nia.
under (eq_lr (A' := (m * S n) :: (L ++ L ++ L ++ L)) (B' := (m * S n) :: (R ++ R ++ R ++ R)));
[by eq_trivial | by eq_trivial |].
apply /eq_cons_iff.
by do 3 (apply /eq_appI; first done).
(* forces instance to be a sequence *)
(* first constraint of encode bound *)
(* type 1 constraint *)
Lemma seq_spec2 {d A B} : A ++ B ≡ [0] ++ (map (fun i => (S d) + i) A) ->
exists n, A ≡ map (fun i => (S d) * i) (seq 0 n) /\ B = [(S d) * n].
suff : forall k, A ++ B ≡ [(1+d) * k] ++ (map (fun i => (1 + d) + i) A) ->
A ≡ map (fun i => (1+d) * i) (seq k (length A)) /\ B = [(1+d) * (k + length A)].
have ->: [0] = [(1+d) * 0] by (f_equal; lia).
move=> H /H => [[? ->]]. by exists (length A).
move=> k. elim /(measure_ind (@length nat)) : A k => A IH k H.
move: (H) => /eq_length. rewrite ?app_length map_length /= => HAB.
have [b Hb] : exists b, B = [b].
{ move: (B) HAB => [|? [|? ?]] /=; [ by lia | by eexists | by lia ]. }
subst B.
move: (H) => /eq_in_iff /(_ ((1 + d) * k)) /iffRL /(_ ltac:(by left)) /in_app_iff [|].
- move /(@in_split nat) => [A1 [A2 ?]]. subst A.
have := IH (A1 ++ A2). apply: unnest.
{ rewrite ?app_length /=. by lia. }
move=> /(_ (1+k)). apply: unnest.
{ move: H. rewrite ?map_app /=.
move=> + c => /(_ c). rewrite ?(count_occ_app, count_occ_cons).
have -> : S (k + d * S k) = S (d + (k + d * k)) by lia.
by lia. }
move=> {IH} [IH ->]. constructor.
+ have ->: length (A1 ++ (1 + d) * k :: A2) = 1 + length (A1 ++ A2).
{ rewrite ?app_length /=. by lia. }
apply: (eq_trans eq_app_comm). apply /eq_cons_iff. by apply: (eq_trans eq_app_comm).
+ f_equal. rewrite ?app_length /=. by lia.
- case; last done. move=> ?. subst b.
move: H => /(eq_trans eq_app_comm) /eq_app_iff /eq_symm /eq_mapE.
apply: unnest; first by lia. move=> ?. subst A.
constructor=> /=; first done.
f_equal. by lia.
(* type 1 constraint satisfied by any sequence *)
Lemma seq_sat2 {d n} :
let A n := map (fun i => (S d) * i) (seq 0 n) in
(A n) ++ [(S d) * n] ≡ [0] ++ (map (fun i => (S d) + i) (A n)).
move=> A. elim: n.
{ apply /eq_eq. cbn. f_equal. by nia. }
move=> n IH.
rewrite /A seq_last ? map_app -/(A n) /plus -/plus.
rewrite /(map _ [n]) /(map _ [S d * n]).
have -> : S (d + S d * n) = S d * S n by lia.
under map_ext => i do rewrite -/(plus (S d) i).
rewrite -/(mset_eq _ _).
apply /(eq_lr
(A' := S d * S n :: (A n ++ [S d * n]))
(B' := S d * S n :: ([0] ++ map [eta Init.Nat.add (S d)] (A n))));
[by eq_trivial | by eq_trivial | ].
by apply /eq_cons_iff.
Lemma seq_sat1 {n} :
(seq 0 n) ++ [n] ≡ [0] ++ (map S (seq 0 n)).
have -> : S = (fun i => (S 0) + i) by done.
have -> : seq 0 n = map (fun i => (S 0) * i) (seq 0 n).
{ elim: n; first done.
move=> n IH. rewrite seq_last map_app - IH /=.
by rewrite Nat.add_0_r. }
have -> : [n] = [1*n] by f_equal; lia.
by apply: seq_sat2.
Lemma unify_spec {A m n} : A ++ (map (fun i => 2 * i) (seq 0 m)) ≡ (seq 0 n) ++ map S A ->
n = m.
move /eq_length. rewrite ?app_length ?map_length ?seq_length. by lia.
Definition unify_sat n :
{A | A ++ (map (fun i => 2*i) (seq 0 n)) ≡ (seq 0 n) ++ map S A}.
elim: n; first by exists [].
set f := (fun i => 2*i). move=> n [A HA]. exists (A ++ seq n n).
rewrite ?seq_last ?map_app /=.
apply /(eq_lr
(A' := (A ++ map f (seq 0 n)) ++ (seq n n ++ [f n]))
(B' := (seq 0 n ++ map S A) ++ ([n] ++ map S (seq n n))));
[by eq_trivial | by eq_trivial |].
apply: eq_appI; first done.
rewrite /f. have ->: 2 * n = n + n by lia.
apply: eq_eq. by rewrite seq_shift -seq_last.
(* embed nat^3 into nat to provide fresh variables *)
Definition embed '(x, y, z) := NatNat.encode (NatNat.encode (x, y), z).
Definition unembed n := let (xy, z) := NatNat.decode n in
(NatNat.decode xy, z).
Lemma embed_unembed {xyz} : unembed (embed xyz) = xyz.
case: xyz. case. move=> >.
by rewrite /embed /unembed ? NatNat.decode_encode.
Opaque embed unembed.
Definition encode_bound (x: nat): list constraint :=
let X n := embed (x, n, 0) in
((X 1) ⊍ (X 2), •0 ⊍ (h (X 1))); (* X 1 = 0..n-1, X 2 = n *)
((X 3) ⊍ (X 4), •0 ⊍ (h (h (X 3)))); (* X 3 = 0,2,..2*(m-1), X 4 = 2*m *)
((X 5) ⊍ (X 3), (X 1) ⊍ (h (X 5))); (* n = m *)
((h (X 6)) ⊍ (X 0), (X 2) ⊍ ((X 6) ⊍ ((X 6) ⊍ ((X 6) ⊍ (X 6)))));
((h (h (X 7))) ⊍ (X 0), (X 4) ⊍ ((X 7) ⊍ ((X 7) ⊍ ((X 7) ⊍ (X 7))))) (* X 0 = 0..0 of length 2^n *)
Definition encode_bound_spec {φ x} : mset_sat φ (encode_bound x) ->
Forall (fun a => 0 = a) (φ (embed (x, 0, 0))).
rewrite /encode_bound /mset_sat ? Forall_norm /mset_sem.
have -> (A) : map S (map S A) = map (fun i => (S 1) + i) A by rewrite map_map.
have -> : map S = map [eta Nat.add 1] by done.
move=> [/seq_spec2 [n [/eq_length Hn ->]]].
move=> [/seq_spec2 [m [/eq_length Hm ->]]].
move=> [/eq_length]. rewrite ? app_length Hn Hm ? map_length ? seq_length => ?.
have ? : n = m by lia. subst m. clear.
have -> : [eta Nat.add 1] = S by done.
have -> : 1 * n = n by lia.
move=> [H1 H2]. by apply: nat_spec.
(* 0 ++ 0,1 ++ 0,1,2 ++ ...*)
Definition pyramid n := flat_map (seq 0) (seq 0 n).
(* from a H10UC valuation φ construct a valuation for FMsetC *)
Definition construct_valuation (φ: nat -> nat) (n: nat): list nat :=
match unembed n with
| (x, 0, 0) => repeat 0 (4^(φ x))
| (x, 1, 0) => seq 0 (φ x)
| (x, 2, 0) => [(φ x)]
| (x, 3, 0) => map (fun i => 2*i) (seq 0 (φ x))
| (x, 4, 0) => [2*(φ x)]
| (x, 5, 0) => proj1_sig (unify_sat (φ x))
| (x, 6, 0) => tower 1 (φ x)
| (x, 7, 0) => tower 2 (φ x)
| (x, 0, 1) => repeat 0 (φ x)
| (x, 1, 1) => repeat 0 (length (pyramid (φ x)))
| (x, 2, 1) => repeat 0 (4^(φ x) - (φ x))
| (x, 3, 1) => repeat 0 (4^(φ x) - (length (pyramid (φ x))))
| (x, 4, 1) => seq 0 (φ x)
| (x, 5, 1) => [(φ x)]
| (x, 6, 1) => pyramid (φ x)
| (x, 7, 1) => flat_map pyramid (seq 0 (φ x))
| _ => []
Lemma encode_bound_sat {φ x} :
mset_sat (construct_valuation φ) (encode_bound x).
rewrite /encode_bound /mset_sat ? Forall_norm /mset_sem.
rewrite /construct_valuation ? embed_unembed.
pose A d n := map (fun i => (S d) * i) (seq 0 n).
constructor; first by apply: seq_sat1.
{ have -> (X) : map S (map S X) = map (fun i => 2+i) X by rewrite map_map.
by apply: seq_sat2. }
constructor; first by apply: proj2_sig (unify_sat _).
{ have -> (n): [n] = [1*n] by f_equal; lia.
by apply: nat_sat. }
rewrite map_map. by apply: nat_sat.
(* each n : nat is represented by a multiset containing n zeroes *)
Definition encode_nat (x: nat) : list constraint :=
let X n := embed (x, n, 1) in
(X 0 ⊍ X 2, mset_term_var (embed (x, 0, 0))); (* X 0 = 0..0 *)
(X 1 ⊍ X 3, mset_term_var (embed (x, 0, 0))); (* X 1 = 0..0 *)
(X 4 ⊍ X 5, •0 ⊍ (h (X 4))); (* X 4 = 0..m-1, X 5 = m*)
(X 4 ⊍ X 6, X 0 ⊍ (h (X 6))); (* m = length (X 0), length (X 6) ~ m * m *)
(X 6 ⊍ X 7, X 1 ⊍ (h (X 7))) (* length X 1 ~ m * m *)
(* auxiliary lemma for square_spec *)
Lemma square_spec_aux {n m A C} : C ++ (n :: A) ≡ (repeat 0 (S m)) ++ (map S A) ->
exists A', A ≡ (seq 0 n) ++ A' /\ C ++ A' ≡ (repeat 0 m) ++ (map S A').
elim: n A.
{ move=> A.
move /(eq_lr (A' := 0 :: (C ++ A)) (B' := 0 :: ((repeat 0 m) ++ map S A))).
move /(_ ltac:(by eq_trivial) ltac:(by eq_trivial)) /eq_cons_iff=> ?.
exists A. by constructor. }
move=> n IH A /copy [/eq_in_iff /(_ (S n)) /iffLR].
apply: unnest.
{ apply /in_app_iff. right. by left. }
move /in_app_iff. case; first by move /(@repeat_spec _ _ _ _).
move /in_map_iff=> [n' [+ +]] => [[->]].
move /(@in_split _ _) => [A1 [A2 ?]]. subst A.
move /(eq_lr (A' := S n :: (C ++ (n :: (A1 ++ A2)))) (B' := S n :: ((repeat 0 (S m)) ++ map S (A1 ++ A2)))).
move /(_ ltac:(by eq_trivial)). apply: unnest.
{ rewrite ? map_app map_cons. by eq_trivial. }
move /eq_cons_iff => /IH [A' [? ?]].
exists A'. constructor; last done.
rewrite seq_last /=.
apply /(eq_lr (A' := n :: (A1 ++ A2)) (B' := n :: (seq 0 n ++ A')));
[by eq_trivial | by eq_trivial | ].
by apply /eq_cons_iff.
(* forces B to be a n zeroes and A to be of length in proportion to n squared *)
Lemma square_spec {n A} : (seq 0 n) ++ A ≡ (repeat 0 n) ++ (map S A) ->
length A + length A + n = n * n.
elim: n A.
{ move=> A /eq_symm /eq_mapE ->; [by lia | done]. }
move=> n IH A. rewrite seq_last /(plus 0 _).
move /(eq_lr _ eq_refl (A' := seq 0 n ++ (n :: A))) => /(_ ltac:(by eq_trivial)).
move /square_spec_aux => [A' [/eq_length + /IH]].
rewrite app_length seq_length. by lia.
(* if encode bound is satisfied, then there is a square relationship on length of solutions *)
Lemma encode_nat_spec {φ x} : mset_sat φ (encode_bound x) -> mset_sat φ (encode_nat x) ->
length (φ (embed (x, 1, 1))) + length (φ (embed (x, 1, 1))) + length (φ (embed (x, 0, 1))) =
length (φ (embed (x, 0, 1))) * length (φ (embed (x, 0, 1))).
move /encode_bound_spec. rewrite /mset_sat /encode_nat ?Forall_norm /mset_sem.
pose X n := φ (embed (x, n, 1)). rewrite -?/(X _).
move=> H [/eq_Forall_iff /(_ [eta eq 0]) /iffRL /(_ H)].
rewrite Forall_norm=> [[HX0 _]].
move=> [/eq_Forall_iff /(_ [eta eq 0]) /iffRL /(_ H)].
rewrite Forall_norm=> [[? _]].
have -> : map S (X 4) = map [eta Init.Nat.add 1] (X 4) by done.
move=> [/seq_spec2 [n]].
have -> : map [eta Init.Nat.mul 1] (seq 0 n) = map id (seq 0 n).
{ under map_ext => i do have -> : 1*i = i by lia. done. }
rewrite map_id => [[Hn _]].
move=> [/eq_symm /eq_trans] => /(_ ((seq 0 n) ++ X 6)).
apply: unnest; first by apply: eq_appI.
move=> HX6. have HlX0 : length (X 0) = n.
{ move: HX6 => /eq_length. rewrite ? app_length map_length seq_length. by lia. }
move: HX6 => /eq_symm. have -> := Forall_repeat HX0. rewrite HlX0.
move /square_spec => ? /eq_length. rewrite ?app_length map_length repeat_length.
by lia.
Lemma pyramid_shuffle {n} : seq 0 n ++ pyramid n ≡ repeat 0 n ++ map S (pyramid n).
elim: n; first done.
move=> n IH.
rewrite /pyramid seq_last /plus flat_map_concat_map map_app concat_app.
rewrite -flat_map_concat_map -/(pyramid _) ? map_app /= ? app_nil_r seq_shift.
apply /(eq_lr
(A' := (seq 0 n ++ [n]) ++ (seq 0 n ++ pyramid n))
(B' := (0 :: seq 1 n) ++ (repeat 0 n ++ map S (pyramid n))));
[ by eq_trivial | by eq_trivial | ].
rewrite -seq_last -/(seq _ (S n)).
by apply /eq_app_iff.
Lemma pyramid_length n : n + length (pyramid n) <= 4 ^ n.
elim: n; first by (move=> /=; lia).
move=> n IH.
rewrite /pyramid seq_last /plus -/plus flat_map_concat_map map_app concat_app app_length.
rewrite -flat_map_concat_map -/(pyramid _).
rewrite /map /concat app_length seq_length /=.
have := Nat.pow_gt_lin_r 4 n ltac:(lia).
by lia.
Lemma encode_nat_sat_aux {n} :
pyramid n ++ flat_map pyramid (seq 0 n) ≡ repeat 0 (length (pyramid n)) ++ (map S (flat_map pyramid (seq 0 n))).
elim: n; first done.
move=> n IH.
rewrite /pyramid ? seq_last /plus ? (flat_map_concat_map, map_app, concat_app, app_length).
rewrite -?flat_map_concat_map -/pyramid -/(pyramid _) ?repeat_add seq_length /= ?app_nil_r.
apply /(eq_lr
(A' := (pyramid n ++ flat_map pyramid (seq 0 n)) ++ (seq 0 n ++ pyramid n))
(B' := (repeat 0 (length (pyramid n)) ++ map S (flat_map pyramid (seq 0 n))) ++ (repeat 0 n ++ map S (pyramid n))));
[by eq_trivial | by eq_trivial |].
apply: eq_appI; first done.
by apply: pyramid_shuffle.
Lemma encode_nat_sat {φ x} :
mset_sat (construct_valuation φ) (encode_nat x).
rewrite /encode_nat /mset_sat ?Forall_norm /mset_sem /construct_valuation ?embed_unembed.
rewrite -?repeat_add.
{ apply: eq_eq. f_equal. have := pyramid_length (φ x). by lia. }
{ apply: eq_eq. f_equal. have := pyramid_length (φ x). by lia. }
constructor; first by apply: seq_sat1.
constructor; first by apply: pyramid_shuffle.
by apply: encode_nat_sat_aux.
(* represent constraints of shape 1 + x + y * y = z *)
Definition encode_constraint x y z :=
encode_bound x ++ encode_bound y ++ encode_bound z ++
encode_nat x ++ encode_nat y ++ encode_nat z ++
let x := embed (x, 0, 1) in
let yy := embed (y, 1, 1) in
let y := embed (y, 0, 1) in
let z := embed (z, 0, 1) in
[ (•0 ⊍ x ⊍ yy ⊍ yy ⊍ y, mset_term_var z) ].
(* if mset constraint has a solution, then uniform diophantine constraint is satisfied *)
Lemma encode_constraint_spec {φ x y z} :
mset_sat φ (encode_constraint x y z) ->
1 + length (φ (embed (x, 0, 1))) + length(φ (embed (y, 0, 1))) * length(φ (embed (y, 0, 1))) = length(φ (embed (z, 0, 1))).
rewrite /encode_constraint /mset_sat ?Forall_app_iff -?/(mset_sat _ _).
move=> [Hx [Hy [Hz]]].
move=> [/(encode_nat_spec Hx) ? [/(encode_nat_spec Hy) ? [/(encode_nat_spec Hz) ?]]].
rewrite /mset_sat Forall_norm /mset_sem.
move /eq_length. rewrite ? app_length /=. by lia.
(* if uniform diophantine constraint is satisfied, then mset constraint has a solution *)
Lemma encode_constraint_sat {φ x y z} :
1 + (φ x) + (φ y) * (φ y) = (φ z) -> mset_sat (construct_valuation φ) (encode_constraint x y z).
move=> Hxyz.
rewrite /encode_constraint /mset_sat ? Forall_app_iff Forall_singleton_iff -?/(mset_sat _ _).
do 3 (constructor; first by apply: encode_bound_sat).
do 3 (constructor; first by apply: encode_nat_sat).
rewrite /mset_sem /construct_valuation ? embed_unembed.
have ->: [0] = repeat 0 1 by done.
rewrite -?repeat_add. apply: eq_eq. f_equal. move: Hxyz=> <-. clear.
elim: (φ y); clear; first by (move=> /=; lia).
move=> φy IH.
rewrite /pyramid seq_last /(plus 0 _) flat_map_concat_map map_app concat_app.
rewrite -flat_map_concat_map -/(pyramid _) /= ?app_length seq_length /=. by lia.
(* encode a single H10UC constraint as a list of FMsetC constraints *)
Definition encode_h10uc '(x, y, z) := encode_constraint x y z.
End Argument.
Import H10C.
(* many-one reduction from H10UC to FMsetC *)
Theorem reduction : H10UC_SAT ⪯ FMsetTC_SAT.
exists (fun h10ucs => flat_map Argument.encode_h10uc h10ucs).
move=> h10ucs. constructor.
- move=> [φ Hφ].
exists (Argument.construct_valuation φ).
elim: h10ucs Hφ; first by constructor.
move=> [[x y] z] h10cs IH.
move /Forall_forall. rewrite Forall_cons_iff. move=> [Hxyz /Forall_forall /IH].
move=> {}IH. apply /Forall_app_iff. constructor; last done.
by apply: Argument.encode_constraint_sat.
- move=> [φ] Hφ.
pose ψ := (fun x => length (φ (Argument.embed (x, 0, 1)))).
exists ψ. rewrite -Forall_forall.
elim: h10ucs Hφ; first done.
move=> [[x y] z] h10ucs IH.
rewrite /flat_map -/(flat_map _) /mset_sat Forall_app_iff /(Argument.encode_h10uc _).
move=> [/Argument.encode_constraint_spec Hxyz /IH ?].
by constructor.
End H10UC_FMsetTC.
(* reduction from FMsetTC_SAT to FMsetC_SAT *)
Module FMsetTC_FMsetC.
Import Facts mset_eq_utils mset_poly_utils.
Import H10UC_FMsetTC.
Import NatNat.
Module Argument.
Opaque NatNat.encode NatNat.decode.
Fixpoint term_to_nat (t: mset_term) : nat :=
match t with
| mset_term_zero => 1 + NatNat.encode (0, 0)
| mset_term_var x => 1 + NatNat.encode (0, 1+x)
| mset_term_plus t u => 1 + NatNat.encode (1 + term_to_nat t, 1 + term_to_nat u)
| mset_term_h t => 1 + NatNat.encode (1 + term_to_nat t, 0)
Fixpoint nat_to_term' (k: nat) (n: nat) : mset_term :=
match k with
| 0 => mset_term_zero
| S k =>
match n with
| 0 => mset_term_zero
| S n =>
match NatNat.decode n with
| (0, 0) => mset_term_zero
| (0, S x) => mset_term_var x
| (S nt, 0) => mset_term_h (nat_to_term' k nt)
| (S nt, S nu) => mset_term_plus (nat_to_term' k nt) (nat_to_term' k nu)
Definition nat_to_term (n: nat) : mset_term := nat_to_term' (1+n) n.
Lemma nat_term_cancel {t} : nat_to_term (term_to_nat t) = t.
rewrite /nat_to_term.
move Hk: (k in nat_to_term' k _) => k.
have : term_to_nat t < k by lia.
elim: t k {Hk}.
- move=> [|k]; [by lia | done].
- move=> x [|k]; first by lia.
by rewrite /= NatNat.decode_encode.
- move=> nt IHt nu IHu [|k]; first by lia.
rewrite /= NatNat.decode_encode => ?.
have ? := NatNat.encode_non_decreasing (S (term_to_nat nt)) (S (term_to_nat nu)).
rewrite IHt; first by lia. by rewrite IHu; first by lia.
- move=> nt IH [|k]; first by lia.
rewrite /= NatNat.decode_encode => ?.
have ? := NatNat.encode_non_decreasing (S (term_to_nat nt)) 0.
by rewrite IH; first by lia.
(* decompose mset_term into elementary constraints *)
Fixpoint term_to_msetcs (t: mset_term) : list msetc :=
match t with
| mset_term_zero => [msetc_zero (term_to_nat t)]
| mset_term_var x => []
| mset_term_plus u v =>
[msetc_sum (term_to_nat t) (term_to_nat u) (term_to_nat v)] ++
(term_to_msetcs u) ++ (term_to_msetcs v)
| mset_term_h u =>
[msetc_h (term_to_nat t) (term_to_nat u)] ++ (term_to_msetcs u)
Definition encode_eq (t u: mset_term) :=
[(msetc_sum 0 0 0);
(msetc_sum (term_to_nat t) 0 (term_to_nat u))].
(* encode FMsetC_PROBLEM as LPolyNC_PROBLEM *)
Definition encode_problem (msetcs : list constraint) : list msetc :=
flat_map (fun '(t, u) => (encode_eq t u) ++ term_to_msetcs t ++ term_to_msetcs u) msetcs.
Lemma term_to_nat_pos {t} : term_to_nat t = S (Nat.pred (term_to_nat t)).
Proof. case: t; by move=> *. Qed.
Lemma completeness {l} : FMsetTC_SAT l -> FMsetC_SAT (encode_problem l).
move=> [φ] Hφ.
pose ψ x := if x is 0 then [] else mset_sem φ (nat_to_term x).
have Hψ (A) : Forall (msetc_sem ψ) (term_to_msetcs A).
elim: A.
- by rewrite /term_to_msetcs ? Forall_norm /ψ.
- by rewrite /term_to_msetcs.
- move=> A IHA B IHB.
rewrite /term_to_msetcs -/term_to_msetcs ? Forall_norm.
constructor; last by constructor.
rewrite /ψ /msetc_sem ? nat_term_cancel.
by rewrite ? term_to_nat_pos.
- move=> A IH.
rewrite /term_to_msetcs -/term_to_msetcs ? Forall_norm.
constructor; last done.
rewrite /ψ /msetc_sem ? nat_term_cancel.
by rewrite ? term_to_nat_pos.
exists ψ.
rewrite - Forall_forall /encode_problem Forall_flat_mapP.
apply: Forall_impl; last eassumption.
move=> [A B]. rewrite ? Forall_norm.
move=> HφAB. constructor; last by constructor.
constructor; first done.
rewrite /ψ /msetc_sem.
rewrite (@term_to_nat_pos A) (@term_to_nat_pos B).
by rewrite - ? term_to_nat_pos ? nat_term_cancel.
Lemma soundness {l} : FMsetC_SAT (encode_problem l) -> FMsetTC_SAT l.
move=> [ψ]. rewrite -Forall_forall Forall_flat_mapP => Hψ.
pose φ x := ψ (term_to_nat (mset_term_var x)).
exists φ.
apply: Forall_impl; last by eassumption.
move=> [t u]. rewrite ? Forall_norm => [[+ [+]]].
rewrite /msetc_sem -/(msetc_sem _). move=> [/eq_app_nil_nilP /copy [Hψ0 ->]].
rewrite /app => Hψtu.
have Hφ (s) : Forall (msetc_sem ψ) (term_to_msetcs s) -> mset_sem φ s ≡ (ψ (term_to_nat s)).
clear. elim: s.
- rewrite /term_to_msetcs ? Forall_norm /msetc_sem /φ /mset_sem.
by apply /eq_symm.
- by move=> x _.
- move=> t IHt u IHu.
rewrite /term_to_msetcs -/term_to_msetcs ? Forall_norm.
move=> [+ [/IHt {}IHt /IHu {}IHu]].
rewrite /msetc_sem /φ /mset_sem -/mset_sem -/φ.
move /eq_symm. apply /eq_trans.
by apply: eq_appI.
- move=> t IH.
rewrite /term_to_msetcs -/term_to_msetcs ? Forall_norm.
move=> [+ /IH {}IH].
rewrite /msetc_sem /φ /mset_sem -/mset_sem -/φ.
move /eq_symm. apply /eq_trans.
by apply: eq_mapI.
move=> /Hφ Ht /Hφ Hu.
under eq_lr; by eassumption.
End Argument.
(* many-one reduction from FMsetTC to FMsetC *)
Theorem reduction : FMsetTC_SAT ⪯ FMsetC_SAT.
exists Argument.encode_problem.
move=> cs. constructor.
- exact Argument.completeness.
- exact Argument.soundness.
End FMsetTC_FMsetC.
Import H10C.
Theorem reduction : H10UC_SAT ⪯ FMsetC_SAT.
eapply reduces_transitive.
- exact H10UC_FMsetTC.reduction.
- exact FMsetTC_FMsetC.reduction.