(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

(* ** Bitwise operations on nat as list bool *)

Require Import List Lia Bool Setoid.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
  Require Import utils_tac.

Set Implicit Arguments.

(* Section lb. *)

  Local Reserved Notation "x ⪯ y" (at level 70, no associativity).
  Local Reserved Notation "x ⟂ y" (at level 70, no associativity).
  Local Reserved Notation "x ↓ y" (at level 40, left associativity).
  Local Reserved Notation "x ↑ y" (at level 41, left associativity).

  Local Notation lb := (list bool).
  Local Notation "⟘" := false.
  Local Notation "⟙" := true.
  Local Infix "⪦" := Bool.le (at level 70, no associativity).

  Fact leb_refl : forall x, x x.
  Proof. intros []; simpl; auto. Qed.

  Fact leb_trans : forall x y z, x y -> y z -> x z.
  Proof. intros [] [] []; simpl; auto. Qed.

  Fact leb_strict : .
  Proof. exact I. Qed.

  #[export] Hint Resolve leb_refl leb_trans leb_strict : core.

  (* We develop the Boolean algebra of lists of Booleans *)

  (* The masking relation *)

  Inductive lb_mask : lb -> lb -> Prop :=
    | in_lb_mask_0 : forall l, nil l
    | in_lb_mask_1 : forall l, l nil -> ::l nil
    | in_lb_mask_2 : forall x y l m, x y -> l m -> x::l y::m
  where "l ⪯ m" := (lb_mask l m).

  Fact lb_mask_inv_nil l : ::l nil -> l nil.
  Proof. inversion 1; auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_mask_inv_left x l : x::l nil -> x = /\ l nil.
  Proof. inversion 1; auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_mask_inv_cons x y l m : x::l y::m -> Bool.le x y /\ l m.
  Proof. inversion 1; tauto. Qed.

  Fact lb_mask_inv_cons_nil l : ::l nil -> False.
  Proof. inversion 1. Qed.

  Fact lb_mask_inv_cons_cons l m : ::l ::m -> False.
    intros H; apply lb_mask_inv_cons, proj1 in H; discriminate.

  Definition lb_mask_leb := in_lb_mask_2.

  Fact lb_mask_refl l : l l.
  Proof. induction l as [ | [] ]; constructor; simpl; auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_mask_trans l m k : l m -> m k -> l k.
    intros H1; revert H1 k.
    induction 1 as [ l | l H1 IH1 | x y l m H1 IH1 ].
    + intros; constructor.
    + intros [ | z k ] Hk.
      * constructor; auto.
      * constructor; simpl; auto; apply IH1; constructor.
    + intros [ | z k ] Hk.
      * apply lb_mask_inv_left in Hk; destruct Hk as (? & Hk); subst y.
        destruct x; simpl in H1; try discriminate.
        constructor; auto.
      * apply lb_mask_inv_cons in Hk.
        destruct Hk as (H2 & Hk).
        constructor; auto.
        revert x y z H1 H2.
        intros [] [] []; simpl; auto.

  #[export] Hint Resolve lb_mask_refl lb_mask_trans : core.

  Definition lb_mask_equiv l m := l m /\ m l.

  Local Infix "≂" := lb_mask_equiv (at level 70, no associativity).

  Fact lb_mask_equiv_refl l : l l.
  Proof. split; auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_mask_equiv_sym l m : l m -> m l.
  Proof. intros []; split; auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_mask_equiv_trans l m k : l m -> m k -> l k.
  Proof. intros [] []; split; eauto. Qed.

  #[export] Hint Resolve in_lb_mask_0 lb_mask_refl lb_mask_equiv_refl : core.

  Add Parametric Relation: (lb) (lb_mask_equiv)
      reflexivity proved by lb_mask_equiv_refl
      symmetry proved by lb_mask_equiv_sym
      transitivity proved by lb_mask_equiv_trans
    as lb_mask_equiv_rst.

  Local Notation lbeq := lb_mask_equiv (only parsing).

  Add Parametric Morphism: (lb_mask) with signature (lbeq) ==> (lbeq) ==> (iff) as lb_mask_le_iff.
    intros x1 y1 (H1 & H2) x2 y2 (H3 & H4); split; intros H5.
    + apply lb_mask_trans with (1 := H2), lb_mask_trans with (1 := H5); auto.
    + apply lb_mask_trans with (1 := H1), lb_mask_trans with (1 := H5); auto.

  Add Parametric Morphism: (@cons bool) with signature (eq) ==> (lbeq) ==> (lbeq) as lb_mask_equiv_cons.
    intros [] ? ? []; split; apply lb_mask_leb; simpl; auto.

  Fact lb_mask_app l m a b : length l = length m -> l m -> a b -> l++a m++b.
    revert m; induction l as [ | x l IHl ]; intros [ | y m ]; try discriminate; auto;
      simpl; intros H H1 H2.
    apply lb_mask_inv_cons in H1; destruct H1 as (H1 & H3).
    constructor 3; auto.

  Fact lb_mask_equiv_app l m a b : length l = length m -> l m -> a b -> l++a m++b.
    intros H (? & ?) (? & ?); split; apply lb_mask_app; auto.

  Inductive lb_ortho : lb -> lb -> Prop :=
    | in_lb_ortho_0 : forall l, nil l
    | in_lb_ortho_1 : forall l, l nil
    | in_lb_ortho_2 : forall x y l m, (x = \/ y = ) -> l m -> x::l y::m
  where "x ⟂ y" := (lb_ortho x y).

  #[export] Hint Constructors lb_ortho : core.

  Fact lb_ortho_cons_inv x y l m : x::l y::m -> (x = \/ y = ) /\ l m.
  Proof. inversion 1; auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_ortho_anti_left a b x : a b -> b x -> a x.
    intros H; revert H x.
    induction 1 as [ l | m H1 IH1 | x y l m H1 H2 IH2 ]; intros z H3; try (constructor; fail);
      destruct z as [ | v z ]; try (constructor; fail).
    + constructor; auto; apply IH1; constructor.
    + apply lb_ortho_cons_inv in H3.
      destruct H3 as (H3 & H4).
      constructor; auto.
      revert x y v H1 H3.
      intros [] [] []; simpl; auto.

  Fact lb_ortho_sym a b : a b -> b a.
  Proof. induction 1; constructor; tauto. Qed.

  Fact lb_ortho_anti a b x y : a b -> x y -> b y -> a x.
    intros H1 H2 H3.
    apply lb_ortho_anti_left with (1 := H1), lb_ortho_sym,
          lb_ortho_anti_left with (1 := H2), lb_ortho_sym.

  Add Parametric Morphism: (lb_ortho) with signature (lbeq) ==> (lbeq) ==> (iff) as lb_ortho_iff.
  Proof. intros ? ? [] ? ? []; split; apply lb_ortho_anti; auto. Qed.

  Section lb_pointwise.

    Variable (f : bool -> bool -> bool).

    Fixpoint lb_pointwise l m :=
      match l, m with
        | nil, nil => nil
        | _, nil => map (fun x => f x ) l
        | nil, _ => map (f ) m
        | x::l, y::m => f x y :: lb_pointwise l m

    Fact lb_pointwise_nil : lb_pointwise nil nil = nil.
    Proof. trivial. Qed.

    Fact lb_pointwise_left l : lb_pointwise l nil = map (fun x => f x ) l.
    Proof. destruct l; trivial. Qed.

    Fact lb_pointwise_right l : lb_pointwise nil l = map (f ) l.
    Proof. destruct l; trivial. Qed.

    Fact lb_pointwise_cons x l y m : lb_pointwise (x::l) (y::m) = f x y :: lb_pointwise l m.
    Proof. trivial. Qed.

    Fact lb_pointwise_length n l m : length l <= n -> length m <= n -> length (lb_pointwise l m) <= n.
      revert l m; induction n as [ | n IHn ].
      + intros [] []; simpl; lia.
      + intros [ | x l ] [ | y m ]; simpl; try rewrite map_length; auto.
        intros; apply le_n_S, IHn; lia.

    Fact lb_pointwise_sym l m : (forall x y, f x y = f y x) -> lb_pointwise l m = lb_pointwise m l.
      intros H; revert l m; induction l as [ | x l IHl ]; intros m.
      + rewrite lb_pointwise_left, lb_pointwise_right.
        apply map_ext; intro; auto.
      + destruct m as [ | y m ].
        * rewrite lb_pointwise_left, lb_pointwise_right.
          apply map_ext; intro; auto.
        * do 2 rewrite lb_pointwise_cons; f_equal; auto.

    Variable (Hf1 : forall x a b, Bool.le a b -> Bool.le (f x a) (f x b))
             (Hf2 : f = ).

    Let lbpw_mono_1 l m : lb_pointwise l nil lb_pointwise l m.
      rewrite lb_pointwise_left.
      revert m; induction l as [ | x l IHl ]; intros m.
      + simpl; constructor.
      + destruct m as [ | y m ]; simpl.
        * apply lb_mask_refl.
        * apply lb_mask_leb; auto.

    Let lbpw_mono_f_0 g l m : g = -> Bool.le (g ) (g ) -> l m -> map g l map g m.
      intros H1 H2.
      assert (Hg : forall x y, x y -> g x g y).
      { intros [] []; simpl; auto; discriminate. }
      induction 1; simpl; try rewrite H1; constructor; auto.

    Let lbpw_mono_2 l m : m nil -> lb_pointwise l m lb_pointwise l nil.
      revert m; induction l as [ | x l IHl ]; intros [ | y m ] H.
      + constructor.
      + rewrite lb_pointwise_right.
        apply lbpw_mono_f_0 with (g := f ) in H; auto.
      + apply lb_mask_refl.
      + rewrite lb_pointwise_cons, lb_pointwise_left.
        apply lb_mask_inv_left in H.
        destruct H as (E & H); subst y.
        apply lb_mask_leb.
        1: destruct (f x ); simpl; auto.
        apply lb_mask_trans with (1 := IHl _ H).
        rewrite lb_pointwise_left.
        apply lb_mask_refl.

    Fact lb_pointwise_mono_left l m k : l m -> lb_pointwise k l lb_pointwise k m.
      intros H; revert m H k.
      induction l as [ | x l IHl ]; intros m H k; auto.
      destruct m as [ | y m ].
      * apply lbpw_mono_2; auto.
      * destruct k as [ | u k ].
        - apply lbpw_mono_f_0; auto.
        - do 2 rewrite lb_pointwise_cons.
          apply lb_mask_inv_cons in H; destruct H.
          apply lb_mask_leb; auto.

  End lb_pointwise.

  Definition lb_meet := (lb_pointwise andb).
  Definition lb_join := (lb_pointwise orb).

  Local Infix "↓" := lb_meet.
  Local Infix "↑" := lb_join.

  Fact lb_meet_left x : xnil nil.
    unfold lb_meet.
    split; try (constructor; fail).
    rewrite lb_pointwise_left.
    induction x as [ | [] x ]; simpl; constructor; auto.

  Fact lb_meet_comm l m : lm = ml.
    apply lb_pointwise_sym.
    destruct x; destruct y; auto.

  Fact lb_meet_right x : nilx nil.
    rewrite lb_meet_comm; apply lb_meet_left.

  Fact lb_meet_cons x y l m : (x::l) (y::m) = x && y :: lm.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_meet_mono l m a b : l m -> a b -> la mb.
    intros H1 H2.
    apply lb_mask_trans with (lb).
    + apply lb_pointwise_mono_left;auto.
      intros [] [] []; simpl; auto; discriminate.
    + do 2 rewrite (lb_meet_comm _ b).
      apply lb_pointwise_mono_left;auto.
      intros [] [] []; simpl; auto; discriminate.

  Add Parametric Morphism: (lb_meet) with signature (lbeq) ==> (lbeq) ==> (lbeq) as lb_meet_eq.
  Proof. intros ? ? [] ? ? []; split; apply lb_meet_mono; auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_meet_length_le n l m : length l <= n -> length m <= n -> length (lm) <= n.
  Proof. apply lb_pointwise_length. Qed.

  Fact lb_meet_length a b : length a = length b -> length (ab) = length a.
    revert b; induction a as [ | x a IHa ]; intros [ | y b ]; try discriminate; auto;
      intros H.
    rewrite lb_meet_cons; simpl; f_equal; auto.

  Fact lb_meet_app l m a b : length l = length m -> (l++a)↓(m++b) = lm++ab.
    revert m; induction l as [ | x l IHl ]; intros [ | y m ]; try discriminate; intros H.
    + simpl; auto.
    + simpl app.
      rewrite lb_meet_cons; f_equal.
      apply IHl.
      simpl in H; inversion H; auto.

  Fact lb_join_left x : xnil = x.
    unfold lb_join.
    rewrite lb_pointwise_left.
    induction x as [ | [] ]; simpl; f_equal; auto.

  Fact lb_join_comm l m : lm = ml.
    apply lb_pointwise_sym.
    destruct x; destruct y; auto.

  Fact lb_join_right x : nilx = x.
    rewrite lb_join_comm; apply lb_join_left.

  Fact lb_join_cons x y l m : (x::l) (y::m) = x || y :: lm.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_join_length_le n l m : length l <= n -> length m <= n -> length (lm) <= n.
  Proof. apply lb_pointwise_length. Qed.

  Fact lb_join_mono l m a b : l m -> a b -> la mb.
    intros H1 H2.
    apply lb_mask_trans with (lb).
    + apply lb_pointwise_mono_left;auto.
      intros [] [] []; simpl; auto; discriminate.
    + do 2 rewrite (lb_join_comm _ b).
      apply lb_pointwise_mono_left;auto.
      intros [] [] []; simpl; auto; discriminate.

  Add Parametric Morphism: (lb_join) with signature (lbeq) ==> (lbeq) ==> (lbeq) as lb_join_eq.
  Proof. intros ? ? [] ? ? []; split; apply lb_join_mono; auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_ortho_meet_nil x y : x y <-> xy nil.
    + intros H; split; try constructor; revert H.
      induction 1 as [ m | l | x y l m ].
      - rewrite lb_meet_right; constructor.
      - rewrite lb_meet_left; constructor.
      - rewrite lb_meet_cons.
        simpl; destruct H; [ destruct y | destruct x ]; try discriminate; subst; simpl; constructor; auto.
    + intros [ H1 _ ]; revert H1.
      revert y; induction x as [ | x l IHl ]; intros [ | y m ]; simpl; intros H; try (constructor; fail).
      destruct x; destruct y; simpl in H |- *; try (inversion H; fail);
        apply lb_mask_inv_nil in H; constructor; auto.

  #[export] Hint Resolve lb_mask_equiv_refl : core.

  Fact lb_join_inc_left a b : a ab.
    revert b; induction a as [ | x a IHa ]; intros b.
    + constructor.
    + destruct b as [ | y b ].
      * rewrite lb_join_left; auto.
      * rewrite lb_join_cons.
        apply lb_mask_leb; auto.
        destruct x; destruct y; simpl; auto.

  Fact lb_meet_dec_left a b : ab a.
    revert b; induction a as [ | x a IHa ]; intros b.
    + rewrite lb_meet_right; constructor.
    + destruct b as [ | y b ].
      * rewrite lb_meet_left; constructor.
      * rewrite lb_meet_cons.
        apply lb_mask_leb; auto.
        destruct x; destruct y; simpl; auto.

  Fact lb_join_inc_right a b : b ab.
  Proof. rewrite lb_join_comm; apply lb_join_inc_left. Qed.

  Fact lb_meet_dec_right a b : ab b.
  Proof. rewrite lb_meet_comm; apply lb_meet_dec_left. Qed.

  #[export] Hint Resolve lb_join_inc_left lb_join_inc_right lb_meet_dec_left lb_meet_dec_right : core.

  Fact lb_mask_join a b : a b <-> ab b.
    + intros H; split.
      2: rewrite lb_join_comm; auto.
      induction H as [ | | x y ? ? H ].
      * rewrite lb_join_right; auto.
      * rewrite lb_join_left; constructor; auto.
      * rewrite lb_join_cons; constructor; auto.
        revert x y H; intros [] []; simpl; auto.
    + intros (H1 & _).
      apply lb_mask_trans with (2 := H1); auto.

  Fact lb_mask_meet a b : a b <-> ab a.
    + intros H; split; auto.
      induction H as [ | | x y ? ? H ].
      * constructor.
      * rewrite lb_meet_left; constructor; auto.
      * rewrite lb_meet_cons; constructor; auto.
        revert x y H; intros [] []; simpl; auto.
    + intros (H1 & H2).
      apply lb_mask_trans with (1 := H2).
      rewrite lb_meet_comm; auto.

  Fact lb_meet_idem a : aa = a.
    induction a as [ | x a ]; auto.
    rewrite lb_meet_cons; f_equal; auto.
    destruct x; simpl; auto.

  Fact lb_join_idem a : aa = a.
    induction a as [ | x a ]; auto.
    rewrite lb_join_cons; f_equal; auto.
    destruct x; simpl; auto.

  Tactic Notation "rew" "lb" :=
       repeat ( rewrite lb_meet_left || rewrite lb_meet_right
              || rewrite lb_join_left || rewrite lb_join_right); auto.

  Fact lb_join_meet_distr a b c : a↑(bc) (ab)↓(ac).
    revert b c; induction a as [ | x a IHa ]; intros b c.
    + rew lb.
    + destruct b as [ | y b ].
      * rew lb.
        rewrite (proj1 (lb_mask_meet _ _)); auto.
      * destruct c as [ | z c ].
        - rew lb.
          rewrite lb_meet_comm.
          rewrite (proj1 (lb_mask_meet _ _)); auto.
        - repeat rewrite lb_meet_cons.
          repeat rewrite lb_join_cons.
          repeat rewrite lb_meet_cons.
          apply lb_mask_equiv_cons; auto.
          destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; auto.

  Fact lb_meet_join_distr a b c : a↓(bc) (ab)↑(ac).
    revert b c; induction a as [ | x a IHa ]; intros b c.
    + rew lb.
    + destruct b as [ | y b ].
      * rew lb.
      * destruct c as [ | z c ].
        - rew lb.
        - repeat rewrite lb_meet_cons.
          repeat rewrite lb_join_cons.
          repeat rewrite lb_meet_cons.
          apply lb_mask_equiv_cons; auto.
          destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; auto.

  Fact lb_meet_assoc a b c : a↓(bc) abc.
    revert b c; induction a as [ | x a IHa ]; intros b c.
    + rew lb.
    + destruct b as [ | y b ].
      * rew lb.
      * destruct c as [ | z c ].
        - rew lb.
        - repeat rewrite lb_meet_cons.
          apply lb_mask_equiv_cons; auto.
          destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; auto.

  Fact lb_join_assoc a b c : a↑(bc) abc.
    revert b c; induction a as [ | x a IHa ]; intros b c.
    + rew lb.
    + destruct b as [ | y b ].
      * rew lb.
      * destruct c as [ | z c ].
        - rew lb.
        - repeat rewrite lb_join_cons.
          apply lb_mask_equiv_cons; auto.
          destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; auto.

  #[export] Hint Resolve lb_meet_mono lb_join_mono : core.

  Fact lb_join_spec a b c : a c -> b c -> ab c.
  Proof. intros; rewrite <- (lb_join_idem c); auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_meet_spec a b c : c a -> c b -> c ab.
  Proof. intros; rewrite <- (lb_meet_idem c); auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_meet_join_idem a b : a↓(ab) a.
  Proof. rewrite <- lb_mask_meet; auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_join_meet_idem a b : a↑(ab) a.
  Proof. rewrite lb_join_comm, <- lb_mask_join; auto. Qed.

  Fact lb_join_nil_eq a b : ab nil -> a nil /\ b nil.
    intros H; split.
    rewrite <- (lb_meet_left a), <- H, lb_meet_join_idem; auto.
    rewrite <- (lb_meet_left b), <- H, lb_join_comm, lb_meet_join_idem; auto.

  Fact lb_ortho_join a x y : a xy <-> a x /\ a y.
    do 3 rewrite lb_ortho_meet_nil; split.
    + intros H; apply lb_join_nil_eq.
      rewrite <- lb_meet_join_distr, H; auto.
    + intros (H1 & H2).
      rewrite lb_meet_join_distr, H1, H2; auto.

  Fact lb_ortho_mask_nil a x : a x -> x a -> x nil.
    induction 1 as [ | | x y l m H1 H2 IH2 ]; auto.
    + split; auto.
    + intros H.
      apply lb_mask_inv_cons in H; destruct H as (H3 & H4).
      rewrite IH2; auto; split; auto.
      revert x y H1 H3.
      intros [] []; simpl; intros [] ?; try discriminate; constructor; auto.

  (* c = a - b *)

  Section lb_complement.

    Let bin_comp a b :=
      match a, b with
        | , =>
        | , =>
        | , =>
        | , =>

    Definition lb_complement a b : { c | b c /\ ab cb }.
       revert b; induction a as [ | x a IHa ]; intros b.
       + exists nil; split; auto.
       + destruct b as [ | y b ].
         - exists (x :: a); split; auto.
         - destruct (IHa b) as (c & H1 & H2).
           exists (bin_comp x y::c).
           revert x y; intros [] []; simpl; split; auto;
             rewrite H2; simpl; auto.

  End lb_complement.

  Definition lb_minus a b : a b -> { c | a c /\ b ac }.
    intros H.
    destruct (lb_complement b a) as (c & H1 & H2).
    exists c; split; auto.
    rewrite lb_mask_join in H.
    rewrite <- H, (lb_join_comm a), (lb_join_comm a); auto.

(* End lb.

[export] Hint Resolve leb_refl leb_trans leb_strict. export Hint Resolve lb_mask_refl lb_mask_trans.
[export] Hint Resolve in_lb_mask_0 lb_mask_refl lb_mask_equiv_refl. Local Hint Constructors lb_mask lb_ortho. export Hint Resolve lb_mask_equiv_refl.
[export] Hint Resolve lb_join_inc lb_meet_dec_left lb_meet_dec_right. *)