(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
Require Import List Arith Lia Permutation.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
Require Import utils_list utils_decidable fin_base.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
Require Import pos vec.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Wf
Require Import measure_ind.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* * Finite quotient by a decidable equivalence *)
Section fp_quotient.
Variable (X : Type).
Implicit Type (R : X -> X -> Prop).
Record fp_quotient R := Mk_finite_partial_quotient {
fpq_size : nat;
fpq_class : X -> option (pos fpq_size);
fpq_repr : pos fpq_size -> X;
fpq_eq : forall c, fpq_class (fpq_repr c) = Some c;
fpq_None : forall x, ~ R x x <-> fpq_class x = None;
fpq_Some : forall x y, R x y <-> fpq_class x = fpq_class y /\ fpq_class x <> None;
Local Definition per R :=
(forall x y, R x y -> R y x) /\ (forall x y z, R x y -> R y z -> R x z).
Local Definition dec R :=
forall x y, { R x y } + { ~ R x y }.
Let Some_inj K (x y : K) : Some x = Some y -> x = y.
Proof. inversion 1; auto. Qed.
Theorem decidable_PER_fp_quotient l R :
(forall x, R x x <-> exists y, In y l /\ R x y)
-> per R -> dec R -> fp_quotient R.
revert R.
induction on l as IHl with measure (length l); intros R Hl (H1 & H2) H3.
destruct l as [ | x l ].
+ exists 0 (fun _ => None) (@pos_O_invert _).
* intros p; invert pos p.
* intros x; rewrite Hl; split; auto.
intros _ (? & [] & _).
* intros x y; split.
- intros H4.
assert (R x x) as C.
{ apply H2 with y; auto. }
apply Hl in C.
destruct C as (? & [] & _).
- intros (_ & []); auto.
+ destruct list_discrim with (P := R x) (Q := fun y => ~ R x y) (l := l)
as (lx & m & G1 & G2 & G3).
1: { intro; apply H3. }
rewrite Forall_forall in G2, G3.
set (T u v := ~ R x u /\ R u v).
destruct (IHl m) with (R := T) as [ n cl rp Q1 Q2 Q3 ].
* apply Permutation_length in G1; rewrite app_length in G1.
simpl; lia.
* intros u; unfold T; split.
- rewrite Hl.
intros (F1 & w & [ -> | F2 ] & F3).
++ apply H1 in F3; tauto.
++ exists w; split; auto.
apply Permutation_in with (1 := G1), in_app_or in F2.
destruct F2; auto.
apply G2 in H.
contradict F1.
apply H2 with w; auto.
- intros (v & F1 & F2 & F3); split; auto.
apply H2 with v; auto.
* split.
- intros u v (F1 & F2); split; auto.
contradict F1; apply H2 with v; auto.
- intros a b c (F1 & F2) (F3 & F4); split; auto.
apply H2 with b; auto.
* intros u v; unfold T.
destruct (H3 x u); destruct (H3 u v); tauto.
* destruct (H3 x x) as [ Hx | Hx ].
- set (cl' y := match H3 x y with
| left Hy => Some (pos0)
| right Hy => match cl y with
| Some p => Some (pos_nxt p)
| None => None
set (rp' p := match pos_S_inv p with
| inl _ => x
| inr (exist _ q _) => rp q
exists _ cl' rp'.
++ intros p; invert pos p; unfold cl', rp'; simpl.
** destruct (H3 x x) as [ | [] ]; auto.
** rewrite Q1.
destruct (H3 x (rp p)) as [ | H ]; auto.
unfold T in Q2.
specialize (Q1 p).
contradict Q1.
rewrite (proj1 (Q2 _)); try tauto; discriminate.
++ intros u; unfold cl'; split.
** intros H; destruct (H3 x u) as [ F1 | F1 ].
{ contradict H; apply H2 with x; auto. }
rewrite (proj1 (Q2 _)); auto.
intros (? & ?); tauto.
** destruct (H3 x u) as [ F1 | F1 ]; try discriminate.
intros F2 F3.
destruct (proj1 (Q3 u u)) as (E & ?).
red; auto.
destruct (cl u); try discriminate; tauto.
++ intros u v; split.
** intros H.
unfold cl'.
destruct (H3 x u) as [ F1 | F1 ].
{ split; try discriminate.
destruct (H3 x v) as [ F2 | F2 ]; auto.
contradict F2; apply H2 with u; auto. }
destruct (H3 x v) as [ F2 | F2 ].
{ contradict F1; apply H2 with v; auto. }
destruct (proj1 (Q3 u v)) as (F3 & F4).
{ red; auto. }
rewrite <- F3.
destruct (cl u); auto.
split; auto; discriminate.
** intros (F1 & F2); revert F1 F2.
unfold cl'.
{ destruct (H3 x u) as [ F1 | F1 ];
destruct (H3 x v) as [ F2 | F2 ].
+ intros _ _; apply H2 with x; auto.
+ destruct (cl v); discriminate.
+ destruct (cl u); discriminate.
+ case_eq (cl u).
2: intros _ _ []; auto.
case_eq (cl v); try discriminate.
intros p Hp q Hq E _; apply Q3.
rewrite Hp, Hq; split; try discriminate.
apply Some_inj, pos_nxt_inj in E; subst; auto. }
- exists _ cl rp; auto.
++ intros u; split.
** intros H; apply Q2; unfold T; tauto.
** intros H; apply Q2 in H; contradict H; split; auto.
contradict Hx; apply H2 with u; auto.
++ intros u v; split.
** intros H; apply Q3.
split; auto.
contradict Hx; apply H2 with u; auto.
** intros H; apply Q3 in H; destruct H; auto.
Record fin_quotient R := Mk_finite_quotient {
fq_size : nat;
fq_class : X -> pos fq_size;
fq_repr : pos fq_size -> X;
fq_surj : forall c, fq_class (fq_repr c) = c;
fq_equiv : forall x y, R x y <-> fq_class x = fq_class y }.
(* We do not need the type to be finite, only the number of
equivalent classes need be finite *)
Theorem decidable_EQUIV_fin_quotient l R :
(forall x, R x x)
-> (forall x y, R x y -> R y x)
-> (forall x y z, R x y -> R y z -> R x z) (* R is an equivalence *)
-> (forall x y, { R x y } + { ~ R x y }) (* R is decidable *)
-> (forall x : X, exists y, In y l /\ R x y) (* finitely many classes *)
-> fin_quotient R.
intros H1 H2 H3 H4 H5.
destruct (@decidable_PER_fp_quotient l R)
as [ n cl rp Q1 Q2 Q3 ]; simpl; auto.
+ intros x; split; auto; intros _; exists x; auto.
+ split; auto.
+ assert (forall x, { y | cl x = Some y }) as H.
{ intros x; case_eq (cl x).
* intros p; exists p; auto.
* intros C; exfalso.
apply Q2 in C.
apply C; auto. }
set (cl' x := proj1_sig (H x)).
assert (H' : forall x, cl x = Some (cl' x)).
{ intros x; apply (proj2_sig (H x)). }
generalize cl' H'; clear H cl' H'; intros cl' H.
exists n cl' rp.
* intro x.
generalize (Q1 x); rewrite H.
injection 1; auto.
* intros x y; rewrite Q3.
- intros (C1 & _).
apply Some_inj; rewrite <- H, <- H; auto.
- intros E; rewrite H, H, E; split; auto; discriminate.
End fp_quotient.
Section restriction_by_list.
Variable (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop) (Rper : per R) (Rdec : dec R)
(l : list X) (Hl : forall x, In x l -> R x x).
Let T x y := R x y /\ exists z, In z l /\ R x z.
Let HT1 x : T x x <-> exists z, In z l /\ T x z.
+ intros (H1 & z & H2 & H3).
exists z; split; auto; split; eauto.
+ intros (z & H1 & H2 & y & H3 & H4); split; eauto.
apply (proj2 Rper) with z; auto.
apply (proj1 Rper); auto.
Let HT2 : per T.
+ intros x y (H1 & z & H2 & H3); split.
* apply (proj1 Rper); auto.
* exists z; split; auto.
apply (proj2 Rper) with x; auto.
apply (proj1 Rper); auto.
+ intros x y z (H1 & a & H2 & H3) (H4 & b & H5 & H6); split; eauto.
apply (proj2 Rper) with y; auto.
Let HT3 : dec T.
intros x y.
destruct (Rdec x y) as [ H1 | H1 ].
2: { right; contradict H1; destruct H1; auto. }
destruct list_choose_dep with (l := l) (P := R x) (Q := fun z => ~ R x z)
as [ (z & H) | H ].
+ intros; apply Rdec.
+ left; split; eauto.
+ right; intros (_ & z & H2 & H3).
revert H2 H3; apply H.
Theorem DEC_PER_list_proj_finite_discrete :
{ D & { _ : dec (@eq D) & { _ : finite_t D & { f : X -> D
| forall x y, In x l -> In y l -> R x y <-> f x = f y } } } }.
destruct decidable_PER_fp_quotient with (R := T) (l := l)
as [ n cls repr G1 G2 G3 ]; auto.
exists (option (pos n)).
exists. { red; decide equality; apply pos_eq_dec. }
exists. { apply finite_t_option, finite_t_pos. }
exists cls.
intros x y Hx Hy; split.
+ intros H; apply G3; split; auto; exists y; auto.
+ intros H.
apply G3; split; auto.
red; rewrite <- G2.
intros C; apply C.
assert (R x x) as H1 by now apply Hl.
split; eauto.
End restriction_by_list.
(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
Require Import List Arith Lia Permutation.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
Require Import utils_list utils_decidable fin_base.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
Require Import pos vec.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Wf
Require Import measure_ind.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* * Finite quotient by a decidable equivalence *)
Section fp_quotient.
Variable (X : Type).
Implicit Type (R : X -> X -> Prop).
Record fp_quotient R := Mk_finite_partial_quotient {
fpq_size : nat;
fpq_class : X -> option (pos fpq_size);
fpq_repr : pos fpq_size -> X;
fpq_eq : forall c, fpq_class (fpq_repr c) = Some c;
fpq_None : forall x, ~ R x x <-> fpq_class x = None;
fpq_Some : forall x y, R x y <-> fpq_class x = fpq_class y /\ fpq_class x <> None;
Local Definition per R :=
(forall x y, R x y -> R y x) /\ (forall x y z, R x y -> R y z -> R x z).
Local Definition dec R :=
forall x y, { R x y } + { ~ R x y }.
Let Some_inj K (x y : K) : Some x = Some y -> x = y.
Proof. inversion 1; auto. Qed.
Theorem decidable_PER_fp_quotient l R :
(forall x, R x x <-> exists y, In y l /\ R x y)
-> per R -> dec R -> fp_quotient R.
revert R.
induction on l as IHl with measure (length l); intros R Hl (H1 & H2) H3.
destruct l as [ | x l ].
+ exists 0 (fun _ => None) (@pos_O_invert _).
* intros p; invert pos p.
* intros x; rewrite Hl; split; auto.
intros _ (? & [] & _).
* intros x y; split.
- intros H4.
assert (R x x) as C.
{ apply H2 with y; auto. }
apply Hl in C.
destruct C as (? & [] & _).
- intros (_ & []); auto.
+ destruct list_discrim with (P := R x) (Q := fun y => ~ R x y) (l := l)
as (lx & m & G1 & G2 & G3).
1: { intro; apply H3. }
rewrite Forall_forall in G2, G3.
set (T u v := ~ R x u /\ R u v).
destruct (IHl m) with (R := T) as [ n cl rp Q1 Q2 Q3 ].
* apply Permutation_length in G1; rewrite app_length in G1.
simpl; lia.
* intros u; unfold T; split.
- rewrite Hl.
intros (F1 & w & [ -> | F2 ] & F3).
++ apply H1 in F3; tauto.
++ exists w; split; auto.
apply Permutation_in with (1 := G1), in_app_or in F2.
destruct F2; auto.
apply G2 in H.
contradict F1.
apply H2 with w; auto.
- intros (v & F1 & F2 & F3); split; auto.
apply H2 with v; auto.
* split.
- intros u v (F1 & F2); split; auto.
contradict F1; apply H2 with v; auto.
- intros a b c (F1 & F2) (F3 & F4); split; auto.
apply H2 with b; auto.
* intros u v; unfold T.
destruct (H3 x u); destruct (H3 u v); tauto.
* destruct (H3 x x) as [ Hx | Hx ].
- set (cl' y := match H3 x y with
| left Hy => Some (pos0)
| right Hy => match cl y with
| Some p => Some (pos_nxt p)
| None => None
set (rp' p := match pos_S_inv p with
| inl _ => x
| inr (exist _ q _) => rp q
exists _ cl' rp'.
++ intros p; invert pos p; unfold cl', rp'; simpl.
** destruct (H3 x x) as [ | [] ]; auto.
** rewrite Q1.
destruct (H3 x (rp p)) as [ | H ]; auto.
unfold T in Q2.
specialize (Q1 p).
contradict Q1.
rewrite (proj1 (Q2 _)); try tauto; discriminate.
++ intros u; unfold cl'; split.
** intros H; destruct (H3 x u) as [ F1 | F1 ].
{ contradict H; apply H2 with x; auto. }
rewrite (proj1 (Q2 _)); auto.
intros (? & ?); tauto.
** destruct (H3 x u) as [ F1 | F1 ]; try discriminate.
intros F2 F3.
destruct (proj1 (Q3 u u)) as (E & ?).
red; auto.
destruct (cl u); try discriminate; tauto.
++ intros u v; split.
** intros H.
unfold cl'.
destruct (H3 x u) as [ F1 | F1 ].
{ split; try discriminate.
destruct (H3 x v) as [ F2 | F2 ]; auto.
contradict F2; apply H2 with u; auto. }
destruct (H3 x v) as [ F2 | F2 ].
{ contradict F1; apply H2 with v; auto. }
destruct (proj1 (Q3 u v)) as (F3 & F4).
{ red; auto. }
rewrite <- F3.
destruct (cl u); auto.
split; auto; discriminate.
** intros (F1 & F2); revert F1 F2.
unfold cl'.
{ destruct (H3 x u) as [ F1 | F1 ];
destruct (H3 x v) as [ F2 | F2 ].
+ intros _ _; apply H2 with x; auto.
+ destruct (cl v); discriminate.
+ destruct (cl u); discriminate.
+ case_eq (cl u).
2: intros _ _ []; auto.
case_eq (cl v); try discriminate.
intros p Hp q Hq E _; apply Q3.
rewrite Hp, Hq; split; try discriminate.
apply Some_inj, pos_nxt_inj in E; subst; auto. }
- exists _ cl rp; auto.
++ intros u; split.
** intros H; apply Q2; unfold T; tauto.
** intros H; apply Q2 in H; contradict H; split; auto.
contradict Hx; apply H2 with u; auto.
++ intros u v; split.
** intros H; apply Q3.
split; auto.
contradict Hx; apply H2 with u; auto.
** intros H; apply Q3 in H; destruct H; auto.
Record fin_quotient R := Mk_finite_quotient {
fq_size : nat;
fq_class : X -> pos fq_size;
fq_repr : pos fq_size -> X;
fq_surj : forall c, fq_class (fq_repr c) = c;
fq_equiv : forall x y, R x y <-> fq_class x = fq_class y }.
(* We do not need the type to be finite, only the number of
equivalent classes need be finite *)
Theorem decidable_EQUIV_fin_quotient l R :
(forall x, R x x)
-> (forall x y, R x y -> R y x)
-> (forall x y z, R x y -> R y z -> R x z) (* R is an equivalence *)
-> (forall x y, { R x y } + { ~ R x y }) (* R is decidable *)
-> (forall x : X, exists y, In y l /\ R x y) (* finitely many classes *)
-> fin_quotient R.
intros H1 H2 H3 H4 H5.
destruct (@decidable_PER_fp_quotient l R)
as [ n cl rp Q1 Q2 Q3 ]; simpl; auto.
+ intros x; split; auto; intros _; exists x; auto.
+ split; auto.
+ assert (forall x, { y | cl x = Some y }) as H.
{ intros x; case_eq (cl x).
* intros p; exists p; auto.
* intros C; exfalso.
apply Q2 in C.
apply C; auto. }
set (cl' x := proj1_sig (H x)).
assert (H' : forall x, cl x = Some (cl' x)).
{ intros x; apply (proj2_sig (H x)). }
generalize cl' H'; clear H cl' H'; intros cl' H.
exists n cl' rp.
* intro x.
generalize (Q1 x); rewrite H.
injection 1; auto.
* intros x y; rewrite Q3.
- intros (C1 & _).
apply Some_inj; rewrite <- H, <- H; auto.
- intros E; rewrite H, H, E; split; auto; discriminate.
End fp_quotient.
Section restriction_by_list.
Variable (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop) (Rper : per R) (Rdec : dec R)
(l : list X) (Hl : forall x, In x l -> R x x).
Let T x y := R x y /\ exists z, In z l /\ R x z.
Let HT1 x : T x x <-> exists z, In z l /\ T x z.
+ intros (H1 & z & H2 & H3).
exists z; split; auto; split; eauto.
+ intros (z & H1 & H2 & y & H3 & H4); split; eauto.
apply (proj2 Rper) with z; auto.
apply (proj1 Rper); auto.
Let HT2 : per T.
+ intros x y (H1 & z & H2 & H3); split.
* apply (proj1 Rper); auto.
* exists z; split; auto.
apply (proj2 Rper) with x; auto.
apply (proj1 Rper); auto.
+ intros x y z (H1 & a & H2 & H3) (H4 & b & H5 & H6); split; eauto.
apply (proj2 Rper) with y; auto.
Let HT3 : dec T.
intros x y.
destruct (Rdec x y) as [ H1 | H1 ].
2: { right; contradict H1; destruct H1; auto. }
destruct list_choose_dep with (l := l) (P := R x) (Q := fun z => ~ R x z)
as [ (z & H) | H ].
+ intros; apply Rdec.
+ left; split; eauto.
+ right; intros (_ & z & H2 & H3).
revert H2 H3; apply H.
Theorem DEC_PER_list_proj_finite_discrete :
{ D & { _ : dec (@eq D) & { _ : finite_t D & { f : X -> D
| forall x y, In x l -> In y l -> R x y <-> f x = f y } } } }.
destruct decidable_PER_fp_quotient with (R := T) (l := l)
as [ n cls repr G1 G2 G3 ]; auto.
exists (option (pos n)).
exists. { red; decide equality; apply pos_eq_dec. }
exists. { apply finite_t_option, finite_t_pos. }
exists cls.
intros x y Hx Hy; split.
+ intros H; apply G3; split; auto; exists y; auto.
+ intros H.
apply G3; split; auto.
red; rewrite <- G2.
intros C; apply C.
assert (R x x) as H1 by now apply Hl.
split; eauto.
End restriction_by_list.