(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

Set Implicit Arguments.

Section Acc_irrelevance.

  Variable (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop).

  (* Equivalence of two accessibility proofs kind of hereditary
     closure under FunExt *)

  Inductive Acc_eq : forall x, Acc R x -> Acc R x -> Prop :=
    | in_Acc_eq : forall x A1 A2, (forall y H, @Acc_eq y (A1 y H) (A2 y H))
                               -> @Acc_eq x (Acc_intro _ A1) (Acc_intro _ A2).

  (* All accessibility proofs are equivalent !!
      But equality between those proofs cannot be proved w/o FunExt 
      Notice that we use a dependent induction principle here *)

  Fact Acc_eq_total x H1 H2 : @Acc_eq x H1 H2.
    revert H2.
    induction H1 as [ ? ? IH ] using Acc_inv_dep.
    intros []; constructor; intros; apply IH.

  (* This provides a way to show that a dependent function 
               forall x, Acc R x -> P x 
      is Acc irrelevant *)

  Variables (P : X -> Type) (f : forall x, Acc R x -> P x)
            (Hf : forall x H1 H2, (forall y Hy, f (H1 y Hy) = f (H2 _ Hy))
                               -> f (Acc_intro x H1) = f (Acc_intro x H2)).

  Theorem Acc_irrelevance x H1 H2 : @f x H1 = f H2.
    generalize (Acc_eq_total H1 H2).
    induction 1 as [ x H1 H2 _ IH ].
    apply Hf, IH.

End Acc_irrelevance.