    Andrej Dudenhefner (1) 
    (1) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

  Facts on:
    Confluent Simple Stack Machines

Require Import PeanoNat Lia Relation_Operators Operators_Properties List.
Import ListNotations.

Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.

(* uniform boundedness of deterministic simple stack machines *)
Require Import Undecidability.StackMachines.SSM.

From Undecidability.StackMachines.Util Require Import Facts.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".

(* width of a configuration *)
Definition width : config -> nat := fun '(A, B, _) => length A + length B.

Lemma stack_eq_dec (A B: stack) : {A = B} + {A <> B}.
Proof. by do 2 (decide equality). Qed.

Section CSSM.

Context {M : ssm}.
Variable confluent_M : confluent M.
Arguments confluent_M {X Y1 Y2}.

(* reachability is monotone wrt. stacks *)
Lemma reachable_app {x x': state} {A B A' B' C D: stack} :
  reachable M (A, B, x) (A', B', x') -> reachable M (A++C, B++D, x) (A'++C, B'++D, x').
  move HX: (A, B, x) => X. move HX': (A', B', x') => X'.
  move=> H. elim: H C D x x' A B A' B' HX HX'; clear.
  - move=> X X'. case; clear.
    + move=> > H >. case=> -> -> ->. case=> -> -> ->.
      apply: rt_step. by apply: step_l.
    + move=> > H >. case=> -> -> ->. case=> -> -> ->.
      apply: rt_step. by apply: step_r.
  - move=> > <-. case=> -> -> ->.
    by apply: rt_refl.
  - move=> X [[A' B'] x'] Z ? IHXY ? IHYZ *.
    apply: rt_trans; [by apply: IHXY | by apply: IHYZ].

(* joinability of configurations *)
Definition equiv (X Y: config) := exists (Z: config), reachable M X Z /\ reachable M Y Z.

Lemma equiv_refl {X: config} : equiv X X.
Proof. exists X. constructor; by apply: rt_refl. Qed.

Lemma equiv_sym {X Y: config} : equiv X Y <-> equiv Y X.
Proof. constructor; move=> [Z [? ?]]; exists Z; by constructor. Qed.

Lemma equiv_trans {X Y Z: config} : equiv X Y -> equiv Y Z -> equiv X Z.
Proof using confluent_M.
  move=> [Z0 [? HYZ0]] [Z1 [HYZ1 ?]].
  have [Z2 [? ?]] := (confluent_M HYZ0 HYZ1).
  exists Z2. constructor; apply: rt_trans; by eassumption.

(* joinability is monotone wrt. stacks *)
Lemma equiv_app {x x': state} {A B A' B' C D: stack} : equiv (A, B, x) (A', B', x') ->
  equiv (A++C, B++D, x) (A'++C, B'++D, x').
  move=> [[[A'' B''] x''] [? ?]].
  exists (A''++C, B''++D, x''). constructor; by apply: reachable_app.

Corollary equiv_appR {x x': state} {A B A' B': stack} {b: bool} : equiv (A, B, x) (A', B', x') ->
  equiv (A, B ++ [b], x) (A', B' ++ [b], x').
Proof. move /(equiv_app (C := []) (D := [b])). by rewrite ? app_nil_r. Qed.

Corollary equiv_appL {x x': state} {A B A' B': stack} {a: bool} : equiv (A, B, x) (A', B', x') ->
  equiv (A++[a], B, x) (A'++[a], B', x').
Proof. move /(equiv_app (C := [a]) (D := [])). by rewrite ? app_nil_r. Qed.

(* list all stacks of length n *)
Fixpoint enum_stacks (n: nat) : list stack :=
  if n is S n then (map (cons true) (enum_stacks n)) ++ (map (cons false) (enum_stacks n)) else [[]].

(* all stacks of fixed length are enumerated *)
Lemma enum_stacksP {A: stack} : In A (enum_stacks (length A)).
  elim: A => /=; first by left.
  move=> a A IH. rewrite in_app_iff ? in_map_iff.
  case: a; [left | right]; exists A; by constructor.

(* list all states occurring in M' *)
Fixpoint enum_states (M': ssm) : list state :=
  match M' with
  | [] => []
  | (x, y, _, _, _) :: M' => x :: y :: enum_states M'

Lemma enum_statesP {x y: state} {a b: symbol} {d: dir} : In (x, y, a, b, d) M ->
  In x (enum_states M) /\ In y (enum_states M).
  elim: M x y a b d=> /=; clear; first done.
  move=> i M IH >. case.
  - move=> ->. constructor; [by left | by right; left].
  - move /IH=> [? ?]. move: i=> [[[[? ?] ?] ?] ?]. constructor; right; by right.

Definition get_state : config -> state :=
  fun '(_, _, x) => x.

Lemma enum_states_step {X Y: config} : step M X Y ->
  In (get_state X) (enum_states M) /\ In (get_state Y) (enum_states M).
  case=> > /enum_statesP [? ?]; by constructor.

(* reachable configuration are either equal or have a state occurring in M *)
Lemma enum_states_reachable {X Y: config} : reachable M X Y ->
  X = Y \/ (In (get_state X) (enum_states M) /\ In (get_state Y) (enum_states M)).
  - move=> ? ? /enum_states_step ?. by right.
  - move=> ?. by left.
  - move=> > _ + _. case.
    + move=> ->. case; [move=> ->; by left | move=> ?; by right].
    + move=> [? ?]. case; [move=> <- | move=> [? ?]]; by right.

(* list all configurations with stack lengths lA and lB *)
Definition enum_configs (lA lB: nat) : list config :=
  list_prod (list_prod (enum_stacks lA) (enum_stacks lB)) (enum_states M).

(* all configurations with states occurring in M are listed *)
Lemma enum_configsP (x: state) (A B: stack) : In x (enum_states M) ->
  In (A, B, x) (enum_configs (length A) (length B)).
  move=> Hx. rewrite /enum_configs ? in_prod_iff.
  have ? := enum_stacksP. by (constructor; first by constructor).

(* space X is an overapproximation of reachable states from X *)
Definition space (X: config) : list config :=
  X :: flat_map (fun i => enum_configs i (width X - i)) (seq 0 (width X + 1)).

(* reachability preserves configuration width *)
Lemma reachable_width {X Y: config} : reachable M X Y -> width X = width Y.
  elim; clear.
  - move=> X Y. case=> *; rewrite /width /length; by lia.
  - done.
  - move=> *. by lia.

Lemma spaceP {X Y: config} : In (get_state X) (enum_states M) -> width X = width Y -> In X (space Y).
  rewrite /space. case: X => [[A B] x]. move=> HX <-. right.
  apply /in_flat_map. exists (length A). constructor=> /=.
  { apply /in_seq. by lia. }
  have -> : (length A + length B - length A = length B) by lia.
  by apply: enum_configsP.

Lemma spaceP0 {X Y: config} : reachable M X Y -> In Y (space X).
  move=> /copy [/enum_states_reachable + /reachable_width]. case.
  - move=> <- _. by left.
  - move=> [_ /spaceP] + ?. by apply.

Lemma space_equivP {X Y: config} : equiv X Y -> In Y (space X).
  move=> [Z] /copy [[/reachable_width + /reachable_width]] => <- /spaceP HY.
  move=> [/enum_states_reachable + /enum_states_reachable]. case.
  - move=> <-. case.
    + move=> <-. by left.
    + move=> [? ?]. by apply: HY.
  - move=> [? ?]. case.
    + move=> ?. subst Z. by apply: HY.
    + move=> [? ?]. by apply: HY.

Definition get_left : config -> stack :=
  fun '(A, _, _) => A.

Definition get_right : config -> stack :=
  fun '(_, B, _) => B.

(* step relation is decidable *)
Lemma step_dec (X Y: config) : decidable (step M X Y).
  case: (Exists_dec (fun '(x, y, a, b, d) =>
    (get_state X, get_state Y, if d then get_left X else b :: get_left X, if d then b :: get_right X else get_right X) =
    (x, y, if d then a :: get_left Y else get_left Y, if d then get_right Y else a :: get_right Y)) M).
  - move=> [[[[x y] a] b] d]. do 4 (decide equality).
  - move=> H. left. move: H. rewrite Exists_exists.
    move=> [[[[[x y] a] b] d]]. case: d.
    + move=> [?]. move: X Y => [[A ?] ?] [[? B] ?] /=. case: A; case: B=> //=.
      move=> >. case=> *. subst.
      by apply: step_l.
    + move=> [?]. move: X Y => [[? B] ?] [[A ?] ?] /=. case: A; case: B=> //=.
      move=> >. case=> *. subst.
      by apply: step_r.
  - move=> H. right. move=> HXY. apply: H. rewrite Exists_exists. case: HXY.
    + move=> x y a b A B H. exists (x, y, a, b, true) => /=. by constructor.
    + move=> x y a b A B H. exists (x, y, b, a, false) => /=. by constructor.

(* reachability in at most n steps *)
Inductive reachable_n : nat -> config -> config -> Prop :=
  | rn_refl n X : reachable_n n X X
  | rn_step n X Y Z: reachable_n n X Y -> step M Y Z -> reachable_n (1+n) X Z.

Lemma reachable_0E {X Y} : reachable_n 0 X Y -> X = Y.
  move Hn: (0) => n HXY. case: HXY Hn; first done. by lia.

Lemma reachable_SnE {n X Z} : reachable_n (1+n) X Z ->
  X = Z \/ (exists Y, reachable_n n X Y /\ step M Y Z).
  move Hn': (1+n) => n' HXY. case: HXY Hn'.
  - move=> *. by left.
  - move=> {}n' *. right. have ->: n = n' by lia. by firstorder done.

Lemma reachable_to_reachable_n {X Y} : reachable M X Y -> exists n, reachable_n n X Y.
  move /(@clos_rt_rtn1 config). elim.
  - exists 0. by apply: rn_refl.
  - move=> > ? _ [n ?]. exists (1+n). apply: rn_step; by eassumption.

Lemma reachable_n_to_reachable {n X Y} : reachable_n n X Y -> reachable M X Y.
  - move=> *. by apply: rt_refl.
  - move=> *. apply: rt_trans; first by eassumption.
    by apply: rt_step.

(* reachable_n is monotone *)
Lemma reachable_n_monotone {X Y m n} : m <= n -> reachable_n m X Y -> reachable_n n X Y.
  elim: n m X Y.
  { move=> m > ?. have ->: m = 0 by lia. move /reachable_0E => ->. by apply: rn_refl. }
  move=> n IH [|m] > ?.
  { move /reachable_0E => ->. by apply: rn_refl. }
  move /reachable_SnE. case.
  - move=> ->. by apply: rn_refl.
  - move=> [Z [? ?]]. apply: rn_step; last by eassumption.
    apply: IH; last by eassumption. by lia.

Lemma reachable_n_dec (n: nat) (X Y: config) : decidable (reachable_n n X Y).
  elim: n X Y.
  { move=> X Y. have : {X = Y} + {X <> Y} by do 4 (decide equality). case.
    - move=> ->. left. by apply: rn_refl.
    - move=> ?. right. by move /reachable_0E. }
  move=> n IH X Y.
  have : {X = Y} + {X <> Y} by do 4 (decide equality). case.
  { move=> ->. left. by apply: rn_refl. }
  move=> ?.
  case: (Exists_dec (fun Z => reachable_n n X Z /\ step M Z Y) (space X)).
  - move=> Z. have := IH X Z. have := step_dec Z Y. by firstorder done.
  - move=> + /ltac:(left). rewrite Exists_exists. move=> [?] [?] [?] ?.
    apply: rn_step; by eassumption.
  - move=> H. right. move=> /reachable_SnE. case; first done.
    move=> [Z [? ?]]. apply: H. rewrite Exists_exists. exists Z.
    constructor; last by constructor.
    apply: spaceP0. apply: reachable_n_to_reachable. by eassumption.

Lemma reachable_n_bounded {X Y: config} {n: nat} {L: list config} :
  (forall Z, reachable_n n X Z -> In Z L) -> reachable_n n X Y ->
  reachable_n (length L) X Y.
  elim /(measure_ind id): n L X Y. case.
  { move=> /= *. apply: reachable_n_monotone; last by eassumption. by lia. }
  move=> n IH L X Y HL. case: (reachable_n_dec n X Y) => HXY.
  { move=> _. apply: (IH n ltac:(lia)); last by eassumption.
    move=> ? ?. apply: HL. apply: reachable_n_monotone; last by eassumption. by lia. }
  move=> H'XY. have := HL _ H'XY. move /(@in_split config) => [L1 [L2 ?]]. subst L.
  move: H'XY => /reachable_SnE. case.
  { move=> ->. by apply: rn_refl. }
  move=> [Z [HXZ HZY]]. rewrite ?app_length /length -?/(length _).
  have ->: (length L1 + S (length L2)) = 1 + length (L1 ++ L2) by rewrite app_length; lia.
  apply: rn_step; last by eassumption.
  apply: (IH n ltac:(lia)); last by eassumption.
  move=> Z' HXZ'. have HYZ' : Y <> Z' by move=> ?; subst.
  move: HXZ' HYZ' => /reachable_n_monotone => /(_ (1+n) ltac:(lia)) /HL.
  rewrite ?in_app_iff /In -?/(In _ _). clear. by firstorder done.

(* reachability is decidable *)
Lemma reachable_dec (X Y: config) : decidable (reachable M X Y).
  have := reachable_n_dec (length (space X)) X Y. case=> HXY; [left | right].
  - apply: reachable_n_to_reachable. by eassumption.
  - move /reachable_to_reachable_n => [n H'XY]. apply: HXY. apply: reachable_n_bounded; last by eassumption.
    move=> *. apply: spaceP0. apply: reachable_n_to_reachable. by eassumption.

(* joinability is decidable *)
Lemma equiv_dec (X Y: config) : decidable (equiv X Y).
  case: (Exists_dec (fun Z => reachable M X Z /\ reachable M Y Z) (space X)).
  - move=> Z. case: (reachable_dec X Z) => ?; case: (reachable_dec Y Z) => ?; by firstorder done.
  - move=> + /ltac:(left). rewrite Exists_exists. move=> [Z [? ?]].
    eexists. by eassumption.
  - move=> + /ltac:(right) => + [Z [? ?]]. apply. rewrite Exists_exists.
    exists Z. constructor; [by apply: spaceP0 | by constructor].

(* X is narrow iff X ~ A|x|ϵ *)
Definition narrow (X: config) := exists (x: state) (A: stack), equiv X (A, [], x).

(* narrow X is decidable *)
Lemma narrow_dec (X: config) : decidable (narrow X).
  case: (Exists_dec (fun Y => get_right Y = [] /\ equiv X Y) (space X)).
  - move=> [[A + ] y]. case; first last.
    { move=> >. right. by move=> [+]. }
    case: (equiv_dec X (A, [], y)).
    + move=> ?. by left.
    + move=> ?. right. by move=> [_].
  - move=> + /ltac:(left). rewrite Exists_exists. move=> [[[A B] y] [_]] /= [->] ?.
    by exists y, A.
  - move=> + /ltac:(right) => + [y [A HX]]. rewrite Exists_exists. apply.
    exists (A, [], y). constructor; last done.
    by apply: space_equivP.

Lemma narrow_appL {x: state} {A B: stack} {a: bool} : narrow (A, B, x) -> narrow (A ++ [a], B, x).
  move=> [y [A']].
  move /(equiv_app (C := [a]) (D := [])). rewrite ? app_nil_r => ?.
  do 2 eexists. by eassumption.

Lemma remove_rendundant_suffixL {x: state} {A B: stack} {a: symbol} {Y: config}: reachable M (A++[a], B, x) Y ->
  (exists (x': state) (B': stack), reachable M (A++[a], B, x) ([], B', x')) \/
  (exists (C: stack), get_left Y = C ++ [a] /\ reachable M (A, B, x) (C, get_right Y, get_state Y)).
  move HX: (A ++ [a], B, x) => X H. elim: H x A B a HX.
  - move=> ? ?. case.
    + move=> x y a b. case.
      * move=> B ? > _. left. exists y, (b::B). apply: rt_step. by apply: step_l.
      * move=> a' A B ? >.
        have [A'' [a'' ->]] := (@exists_last _ (a' :: A) ltac:(done)).
        case. rewrite app_comm_cons. move /(@app_inj_tail symbol). case=> ? ? ? ?. subst.
        right. exists A''. constructor; first done.
        apply: rt_step. by apply: step_l.
    + move=> > ? >. case=> <- -> ->. right. eexists. constructor.
      * rewrite app_comm_cons. by reflexivity.
      * apply: rt_step. by apply: step_r.
  - move=> > <-. right. eexists. constructor; first by reflexivity.
    by apply: rt_refl.
  - move=> {}X {}[[A' B'] x'] Z. move=> _ IH1 _ IH2 x A B a ?. subst.
    case: (IH1 x A B a ltac:(done)).
    { move=> ?. by left. }
    move=> /= [C' [? Hxx']]. subst.
    case: (IH2 x' C' B' a ltac:(done)).
    + move=> [x'' [B'' ?]]. left.
      exists x'', B''. apply: rt_trans; last by eassumption.
      have -> : (B = B ++ []) by rewrite app_nil_r.
      have -> : (B' = B' ++ []) by rewrite app_nil_r.
      by apply: reachable_app.
    + move=> [C'' [? ?]]. right. exists C''. constructor; first done.
      apply: rt_trans; by eassumption.

Lemma remove_rendundant_suffixR {x: state} {A B: stack} {b: symbol} {Y: config} : reachable M (A, B++[b], x) Y ->
  (exists (x': state) (A': stack), reachable M (A, B++[b], x) (A', [], x')) \/
  (exists (D: stack), get_right Y = D ++ [b] /\ reachable M (A, B, x) (get_left Y, D, get_state Y)).
  move HX: (A, B ++ [b], x) => X H. elim: H x A B b HX.
  - move=> ? ?. case.
    + move=> > ? >. case=> -> <- ->. right. eexists. constructor.
      * rewrite app_comm_cons. by reflexivity.
      * apply: rt_step. by apply: step_l.
    + move=> x y a b A. case.
      * move=> ? > _. left. exists y, (a::A). apply: rt_step. by apply: step_r.
      * move=> b' B ? >.
        have [B'' [b'' ->]] := (@exists_last _ (b' :: B) ltac:(done)).
        case=> ?. rewrite app_comm_cons. move /(@app_inj_tail symbol). case=> ? ? ?. subst.
        right. exists B''. constructor; first done.
        apply: rt_step. by apply: step_r.
  - move=> > <-. right. eexists. constructor; first by reflexivity.
    by apply: rt_refl.
  - move=> {}X {}[[A' B'] x'] Z. move=> _ IH1 _ IH2 x A B b ?. subst.
    case: (IH1 x A B b ltac:(done)).
    { move=> ?. by left. }
    move=> /= [D' [? Hxx']]. subst.
    case: (IH2 x' A' D' b ltac:(done)).
    + move=> [x'' [A'' ?]]. left.
      exists x'', A''. apply: rt_trans; last by eassumption.
      have -> : (A = A ++ []) by rewrite app_nil_r.
      have -> : (A' = A' ++ []) by rewrite app_nil_r.
      by apply: reachable_app.
    + move=> [D'' [? ?]]. right. exists D''. constructor; first done.
      apply: rt_trans; by eassumption.

(* if M is bounded, then the sizes of right stacks of reachable configurations differ at most by n *)
Lemma bounded_stack_difference {n: nat} {x y: state} {A B C D: stack} : bounded M n -> reachable M (A, B, x) (C, D, y) ->
  length B <= length D + n /\ length D <= length B + n.
  move /(_ (A, B, x)) => [L [HL1 HL2]]. move /reachable_to_reachable_n => [m].
  move /(reachable_n_bounded (L := L)). apply: unnest.
  { move=> *. apply: HL1. apply: reachable_n_to_reachable. by eassumption. }
  move /reachable_n_monotone => /(_ n ltac:(lia)). clear m HL1 HL2 L.
  elim: n x y A B C D.
  { move=> > /reachable_0E [] *. subst. by lia. }
  move=> n IH x y A B C D /reachable_SnE. case.
  { move=> [] *. subst. by lia. }
  move=> [[[C' D'] z]] [/IH] {}IH.
  move HZ: (C', D', z) => Z. move HY: (C, D, y) => Y HZY.
  case: HZY HZ HY.
  - move=> > _ [] ? ? ? [] ? ? ?. subst. move: IH. rewrite /length -?/(length _). by lia.
  - move=> > _ [] ? ? ? [] ? ? ?. subst. move: IH. rewrite /length -?/(length _). by lia.

(* bound on size of the right stack for narrow configurations with empty left stack *)
Definition bounded' (n: nat) : Prop := forall (c: config) (x y: state) (A B: stack),
  reachable M (A, [], x) c -> reachable M ([], B, y) c -> length B <= n.

Lemma length_flat_map_le {X: Type} {f g: nat -> list X} {l1 l2: nat} : l1 <= l2 ->
  (forall i, length (f i) <= length (g i)) ->
  length (flat_map f (seq 0 l1)) <= length (flat_map g (seq 0 l2)).
  move: (X in (seq X)) => i. move=> + Hfg. elim: l1 l2 i.
  {move=> /= *. by lia. }
  move=> l1 IH l2 i ?. have -> : (l2 = S (l2 - 1)) by lia.
  move=> /=. rewrite ? app_length.
  have := (IH (l2 - 1) (S i) ltac:(lia)).
  have := (Hfg i). by lia.

Lemma length_enum_stacks {l: nat} : length (enum_stacks l) = Nat.pow 2 l.
  elim: l; first done.
  move=> l /=. rewrite app_length ? map_length. move=> ->. by lia.

Lemma length_enum_configs {lA lB} : length (enum_configs lA lB) = length (enum_stacks lA) * length (enum_stacks lB) * length (enum_states M).
Proof. by rewrite /enum_configs ? prod_length. Qed.

(* size of space is monotonous in configuration width *)
Lemma space_length {X Y: config} :
  width X <= width Y -> length (space X) <= length (space Y).
  rewrite /space => /=. move: (width X) => l1. move: (width Y) => l2. clear.
  move=> H. apply: le_n_S.
  apply: length_flat_map_le; first by lia.
  move=> i. rewrite ? length_enum_configs ? length_enum_stacks.
  have ?: 2 ^ (l1 - i) <= 2 ^ (l2 - i).
  { apply: Nat.pow_le_mono_r; by lia. }
  suff : 2 ^ i * 2 ^ (l1 - i) <= 2 ^ i * 2 ^ (l2 - i) by nia.
  by nia.

(* a configuration X either explores its full space or has a redundint suffix on one of the stacks *)
Theorem reachable_suffixes (X: config) :
  (exists A x y B, reachable M X (A, [], x) /\ reachable M X ([], B, y)) \/
  (exists AX a, get_left X = AX ++ [a] /\ forall Y, reachable M X Y -> exists AY, get_left Y = AY ++ [a] /\
    reachable M (AX, get_right X, get_state X) (AY, get_right Y, get_state Y)) \/
  (exists BX b, get_right X = BX ++ [b] /\ forall Y, reachable M X Y -> exists BY, get_right Y = BY ++ [b] /\
    reachable M (get_left X, BX, get_state X) (get_left Y, BY, get_state Y)).
  case: (Exists_dec (fun Y => get_right Y = [] /\ reachable M X Y) (space X)).
  { move=> [[A +] x]. case; first last.
    - move=> >. right. by move => [? ?].
    - case: (reachable_dec X (A, [], x)); first last.
      + move=> >. right. by move => [? ?].
      + move=> ?. by left. }
  1: case: (Exists_dec (fun Y => get_left Y = [] /\ reachable M X Y) (space X)).
  { move=> [[+ B] x]. case; first last.
    - move=> >. right. by move => [? ?].
    - case: (reachable_dec X ([], B, x)); first last.
      + move=> >. right. by move => [? ?].
      + move=> ?. by left. }
  all: rewrite ?Exists_exists.
  - move=> [[[A1 B1] x1]] + [[[A2 B2] x2]] => /= [[_ [? ?]]] [_ [? ?]]. subst.
    left. do 4 eexists. constructor; by eassumption.
  - move=> HX _. right. left. case: (stack_eq_dec (get_left X) []).
    { move=> ?. exfalso. apply: HX. exists X. constructor; first by left.
      constructor; first done. apply: rt_refl. }
    move /exists_last => [A [a HAa]]. exists A, a. constructor; first done.
    move=> Y. move: X HX HAa => [[AX BX] xX] HX /= HAa. subst.
    case /remove_rendundant_suffixL; last done.
    move=> [x' [B' ?]]. exfalso. apply: HX. exists ([], B', x').
    constructor; first by apply: spaceP0.
    by constructor.
  - move=> HX. right. right. case: (stack_eq_dec (get_right X) []).
    { move=> ?. exfalso. apply: HX. exists X. constructor; first by left.
      constructor; first done. apply: rt_refl. }
    move /exists_last => [B [b HBb]]. exists B, b. constructor; first done.
    move=> Y. move: X HX HBb => [[AX BX] xX] HX /= HBb. subst.
    case /remove_rendundant_suffixR; last done.
    move=> [x' [A' ?]]. exfalso. apply: HX. exists (A', [], x').
    constructor; first by apply: spaceP0.
    by constructor.

(* if sizes of right stacks of narrow configurations with empty left stack are bounded by m,
  then M is bounded *)

Lemma bounded_of_bounded' {n: nat}: bounded' n -> exists (m: nat), bounded M m.
Proof using confluent_M.
  move=> Hn.
  pose W := (repeat false n, repeat false n, 0) : config.
  exists (length (space W)). elim /(measure_ind width).
  move=> X IH. case: (reachable_suffixes X); last case.
  - move=> [?] [?] [?] [?] [+ /copy] => /confluent_M H [/H{H}] [Y].
    move=> [/Hn] H /H{H} ? /reachable_width HwX. move=> /= in HwX.
    exists (space X). constructor.
    + by move=> ? /spaceP0.
    + apply: space_length => /=. rewrite repeat_length. by lia.
  - move: X IH => [[A B] x] IH. move=> [AX] [a] [HA HX]. move=> /= in HA. subst.
    case: (IH (AX, B, x)).
    { move=> /=. rewrite app_length /length. by lia. }
    move=> L [HL1 HL2]. exists (map (fun '(A, B, x) => (A ++ [a], B, x)) L).
    constructor; last by rewrite map_length.
    move=> [[A' y] B'] /HX [AY] /= [->] /HL1 ?. rewrite in_map_iff.
    eexists. by constructor; last by eassumption.
  - move: X IH => [[A B] x] IH. move=> [BX] [b] [HB HX]. move=> /= in HB. subst.
    case: (IH (A, BX, x)).
    { move=> /=. rewrite app_length /length. by lia. }
    move=> L [HL1 HL2]. exists (map (fun '(A, B, x) => (A, B ++ [b], x)) L).
    constructor; last by rewrite map_length.
    move=> [[A' y] B'] /HX [BY] /= [->] /HL1 ?. rewrite in_map_iff.
    eexists. by constructor; last by eassumption.

Lemma bounded_to_bounded' {n: nat}: bounded M n -> exists (m: nat), bounded' m.
  move=> Hn. exists (n+n). rewrite /bounded'.
  move=> [[A' B'] z] x y A B /(bounded_stack_difference Hn) + /(bounded_stack_difference Hn) => /=.
  by lia.

(* right stack size bound translates to all narrow configurations *)
Lemma extend_bounded' {n: nat} {X: config} : bounded' n -> narrow X -> length (get_right X) <= n.
Proof using confluent_M.
  move: X => [[A B] x] Hn. elim /(measure_ind (@length symbol)) : A => A IH.
  case: (stack_eq_dec A []).
  { move=> -> [y [A']] [Z [+ ?]]. move /Hn. apply. by eassumption. }
  move /exists_last => [A' [a HA]]. subst A. rename A' into A.
  move=> [y [A']] [Z [Hx]]. case: (stack_eq_dec A' []).
  { move=> ->. move: Hx => /reachable_width + /reachable_width => <- /=. by lia. }
  move /exists_last => [A'' [a' HA']]. subst A'. rename A'' into A'.
  move: Z Hx => [[A'' B''] z] /copy [/remove_rendundant_suffixL]. case.
  { move=> [x' [B']] /copy [/reachable_width] /= HB Hx1 Hx2 Hy.
    have [Y [HY1 HY2]] := (confluent_M Hx1 Hx2).
    move: Hy HY2 HY1 => /(@rt_trans config). move=> H /H{H}.
    move /Hn => H /H{H}. by lia. }
  move=> /= [A''' [? Hx]]. subst A''. rename A''' into A''.
  move=> _ /copy [/remove_rendundant_suffixL]. case.
  { move=> [x' [B']]. move=> /copy [/reachable_width] /=.
    rewrite app_length => /= ?. move /Hn.
    move /(_ _ _ ltac:(apply: rt_refl)) => ?.
    move: Hx => /reachable_width + /reachable_width => /=.
    rewrite ?app_length => /=. by lia. }
  move=> [A''']. move=> [/(@app_inj_tail symbol) [? ?]]. subst.
  move=> ? _. apply: (IH A).
  - rewrite app_length /length. by lia.
  - do 3 eexists. constructor; by eassumption.

(* equivalent characterizations of boundedness *)
Theorem boundedP : (exists n, bounded M n) <-> (exists m, bounded' m).
Proof using confluent_M.
  - move=> [?]. by apply /bounded_to_bounded'.
  - move=> [?]. by apply /bounded_of_bounded'.

Lemma narrow_equiv {X Y: config} : equiv X Y -> narrow X -> narrow Y.
Proof using confluent_M.
  move=> /equiv_sym HXY [x [A HX]]. exists x, A.
  apply: (equiv_trans); by eassumption.