    Andrej Dudenhefner (1) 
    (1) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
Require Import Arith Psatz.
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".

(* Enumerable X allows injection into nat *)
Class Enumerable (X: Type) :=
    to_nat : X -> nat;
    of_nat : nat -> X;
    enumP {x: X} : of_nat (to_nat x) = x

(* to_nat is injective *)
Lemma to_nat_inj {X: Type} {enumX: Enumerable X} {x y: X}:
  to_nat x = to_nat y <-> x = y.
  constructor; last by move->.
  move /(f_equal of_nat). by rewrite ?enumP.

Lemma enumarableI {X Y: Type} {enum: Enumerable X} (to_X: Y -> X) (of_X: X -> Y) :
  (forall (y: Y), of_X (to_X y) = y) -> Enumerable Y.
  move=> cancel. exists (fun y => to_nat (to_X y)) (fun x => of_X (of_nat x)).
  move=> y. by rewrite enumP cancel.

Instance nat_Enumerable : Enumerable nat.
Proof. by exists id id. Qed.

Instance bool_Enumerable : Enumerable bool.
  exists (fun b => if b then 1 else 0) (fun n => if n is 0 then false else true).
  by case.

Module nat2_Enumerable.

(* bijection from nat * nat to nat *)
Definition encode '(x, y) : nat :=
  y + (nat_rec _ 0 (fun i m => (S i) + m) (y + x)).

(* bijection from nat to nat * nat *)
Definition decode (n : nat) : nat * nat :=
  nat_rec _ (0, 0) (fun _ '(x, y) => if x is S x then (x, S y) else (S y, 0)) n.

Lemma decode_encode {xy: nat * nat} : decode (encode xy) = xy.
  move Hn: (encode xy) => n. elim: n xy Hn.
  { by move=> [[|?] [|?]]. }
  move=> n IH [x [|y [H]]] /=.
  - move: x => [|x [H]] /=; first done.
    by rewrite (IH (0, x)) /= -?H ?Nat.add_0_r.
  - by rewrite (IH (S x, y)) /= -?H ?Nat.add_succ_r.

Lemma encode_non_decreasing (x y: nat) : x + y <= encode (x, y).
Proof. elim: x=> [| x IH] /=; [| rewrite Nat.add_succ_r /=]; by lia. Qed.

End nat2_Enumerable.

Instance nat2_Enumerable : Enumerable (nat * nat).
  exists nat2_Enumerable.encode nat2_Enumerable.decode.
  move=> ?. by apply: nat2_Enumerable.decode_encode.

Instance prod_Enumerable {X Y: Type} {enumX: Enumerable X} {enumY: Enumerable Y} : Enumerable (X * Y).
    (fun '(x, y) => to_nat (to_nat x, to_nat y))
    (fun n => match of_nat n with | (n1, n2) => (of_nat n1, of_nat n2) end).
  move=> [x y]. by rewrite ?enumP.

Instance sum_Enumerable {X Y: Type} {enumX: Enumerable X} {enumY: Enumerable Y} : Enumerable (X + Y).
    (fun t => match t with | inl x => to_nat (0, to_nat x) | inr y => to_nat (1, to_nat y) end)
    (fun n => match of_nat n with | (0, n) => inl (of_nat n) | (1, n) => inr (of_nat n) | _ => inl (of_nat n) end).
  by case => ?; rewrite ?enumP.

Module list_Enumerable.
Section list_Enumerable_Section.
Variables (X: Type) (enumX: Enumerable X).

Fixpoint encode (L: list X) : nat :=
  if L is x :: L then 1+nat2_Enumerable.encode (1 + to_nat x, encode L) else 1+nat2_Enumerable.encode (0, 0).

Fixpoint decode (i: nat) (n: nat) : list X :=
  if i is S i then match nat2_Enumerable.decode (n-1) with | (0, _) => [] | (S n1, n2) => (of_nat n1) :: decode i n2 end else [].

Opaque nat2_Enumerable.encode nat2_Enumerable.decode.

Lemma decode_encode {L: list X} : decode (encode L) (encode L) = L.
  suff: forall i, encode L <= i -> decode i (encode L) = L by (apply; lia).
  move=> i. elim: i L; first by (move=> [|? L] /=; lia).
  move=> i IH [|x L] /= ?; first done.
  rewrite Nat.sub_0_r nat2_Enumerable.decode_encode enumP IH; last done.
  have := nat2_Enumerable.encode_non_decreasing (S (@to_nat X enumX x)) (encode L).
  by lia.

End list_Enumerable_Section.
End list_Enumerable.

Instance list_Enumerable {X: Type} {enumX: Enumerable X} : Enumerable (list X).
  exists (list_Enumerable.encode X enumX) (fun n => list_Enumerable.decode X enumX n n).
  move=> ?. by apply: list_Enumerable.decode_encode.