    Andrej Dudenhefner (1) 
    (1) Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany

  Confluence, boundedness, length preserving transformations 
  - Modules AddFreshLoop: add rules LXR <-> L'YR' where Y is fresh
  - Module DerivableRule: add derivable rule / removing redundant rule
  - Module DerivableRule': add rule that is derivable with a prefix
  - Module Reordering: change order, duplicate rules

Require Import Relation_Operators Operators_Properties List Lia PeanoNat.
Import ListNotations.

Require Import Undecidability.StackMachines.SMN.
From Undecidability.StackMachines.Util Require Import Facts List_facts SMN_facts.

Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Local Definition rt_rt1n := @clos_rt_rt1n_iff Config.
Local Definition rt_rtn1 := @clos_rt_rtn1_iff Config.
Local Definition app_norm := (@app_assoc', @app_nil_l, @app_nil_r).
Local Arguments rt_trans {A R x y z}.

Module AddFreshLoop.
Section Reduction.
  Variables (M : SMN) (L R L' R': list Symbol) (X Y: State).
  Variable confluent_M : confluent M.
  Arguments confluent_M {X Y1 Y2}.
  Variable length_preserving_M : length_preserving M.
  Variable XY_neq : X <> Y.
  Variable Y_fresh : Forall (fun '((_, _, x), (_, _, y)) => x <> Y /\ y <> Y) M.
  Variable lp_XY : length (L++R) = length (L'++R') /\ 1 <= length (L++R).

  Definition M' : SMN :=
    [((L, R, X), (L', R', Y)); ((L', R', Y), (L, R, X))] ++ M.

  Definition get_state (c: Config) := match c with (_, _, x) => x end.

  Definition valid_state (x: State) := x <> Y.

  Lemma step_fresh_l {l r x} : step M' (l, r, Y) x ->
    x = (L ++ skipn (length L') l, R ++ skipn (length R') r, X).
  Proof using lp_XY Y_fresh XY_neq.
    move Hy: (l, r, Y) => y Hyx. case: Hyx Hy => > + [] *.
    subst. rewrite /M' in_app_iff. move=> [[|[|]]|].
    - move=> [] *. by congruence.
    - move=> [] *. subst. by rewrite ?skipn_app ?Nat.sub_diag ?skipn_all.
    - done.
    - have := Y_fresh. rewrite Forall_forall. by move=> H /H [].

  Lemma step_fresh_r {l r x} : step M' x (l, r, Y) ->
    x = (L ++ skipn (length L') l, R ++ skipn (length R') r, X).
  Proof using lp_XY Y_fresh XY_neq.
    move Hy: (l, r, Y) => y Hyx. case: Hyx Hy => > + [] *.
    subst. rewrite /M' in_app_iff. move=> [[|[|]]|].
    - move=> [] *. subst. by rewrite ?skipn_app ?Nat.sub_diag ?skipn_all.
    - move=> [] *. by congruence.
    - done.
    - have := Y_fresh. rewrite Forall_forall. by move=> H /H [].

  Lemma simulation {n x y} : reachable_n M' n x y ->
    valid_state (get_state x) -> valid_state (get_state y) -> reachable_n M n x y.
  Proof using lp_XY Y_fresh XY_neq.
    elim: n x y; first by (move=> > /reachable_0E -> *; apply: rn_refl).
    move=> n IH x y /reachable_SnE [|]; first by (move=> -> *; apply: rn_refl).
    move=> [z1]. have : {get_state z1 = Y} + {get_state z1 <> Y} by decide equality. case; first last.
      move=> Hz1 [Hxz1] /IH {}IH Hx ?. apply: rn_step; last by apply: IH.
      move: Hxz1 Hx Hz1 => /step_app. case; last done.
      case=> > [|[|]]; move=> [] /= *; by congruence.
    move: n IH => [|n] IH; first by (move=> ? [_ /reachable_0E ?]; congruence).
    move=> + [+ /reachable_SnE H]. case: H; first by congruence.
    move=> [z2] [+]. move: z1 => [[l1 r1] z1] /= + + ?. subst z1.
    move: x z2 => [[l r] x] [[l2 r2] z2].
    move=> /step_fresh_l [] ? ? ? + /step_fresh_r [] => *. subst.
    apply: (reachable_n_monotone (m := S n)); first by lia.
    apply: IH; [|done|done].
    apply: reachable_n_monotone; last by eassumption. by lia.

  Lemma simulation' {x y} : reachable M' x y ->
    valid_state (get_state x) -> valid_state (get_state y) -> reachable M x y.
  Proof using lp_XY Y_fresh XY_neq.
    by move /reachable_to_reachable_n => [?] /simulation H /H => {}H /H /reachable_n_to_reachable.

  Lemma inverse_simulation {n x y} : reachable_n M n x y -> reachable_n M' n x y.
  Proof. move=> ?. apply: reachable_n_incl; last by eassumption. by apply: incl_appr. Qed.

  Lemma inverse_simulation' {x y} : reachable M x y -> reachable M' x y.
  Proof. move=> ?. apply: reachable_incl; last by eassumption. by apply: incl_appr. Qed.

  Lemma continue {x y} : reachable M' x y -> valid_state (get_state x) ->
    exists z, reachable M' y z /\ valid_state (get_state z).
  Proof using lp_XY Y_fresh XY_neq.
    have : {get_state y = Y} + {get_state y <> Y} by decide equality. case; first last.
    { move=> *. eexists. by constructor; first by apply: rt_refl. }
    move=> Hy. move /rt_rtn1 => Hxy. case: Hxy Hy; first by congruence.
    move=> ? ? /step_app. case; first last.
    { case=> >. have := Y_fresh. rewrite Forall_forall => H /H /= []. by congruence. }
    case=> v w > /= [|[|]]; [| by congruence | done].
    move=> [] <- <- <- <- <- <- _ _ _. exists (L ++ v, R ++ w, X).
    constructor; last done. apply: rt_step. apply: transition. right. by left.

  Lemma synchronize_step {x y} : step M' x y ->
    exists z, reachable_n M' 1 x z /\ reachable_n M' 1 z y /\ valid_state (get_state z).
  Proof using lp_XY Y_fresh XY_neq.
    move=> /copy => [[[]]] >. rewrite /M' in_app_iff -/M'.
    move=> [[|[|]]|].
    - move=> [] <- <- <- <- <- <- ?. eexists.
      constructor; first by apply: rn_refl.
      by constructor; first by (apply: rn_step; [by eassumption | by apply: rn_refl]).
    - move=> [] <- <- <- <- <- <- ?. eexists.
      constructor; first by (apply: rn_step; [by eassumption | by apply: rn_refl]).
      by constructor; first by apply: rn_refl.
    - done.
    - have := Y_fresh. rewrite Forall_forall => H /H [? ?] ?. eexists.
      constructor; first by apply: rn_refl.
      by constructor; first by (apply: rn_step; [by eassumption | by apply: rn_refl]).

  Lemma synchronize {x y} : reachable M' x y ->
    exists z1 z2, reachable_n M' 1 x z1 /\ reachable_n M' 1 z2 y /\ reachable M z1 z2.
  Proof using lp_XY Y_fresh XY_neq.
    move /rt_rt1n. case.
    { exists x, x. constructor; first by apply: rn_refl.
      constructor; first by apply: rn_refl. by apply: rt_refl. }
    move=> ? ? + /rt_rt1n /rt_rtn1 Hz1y. case: Hz1y.
    { move /synchronize_step => [z] [? [? ?]]. exists z, z.
      constructor; first done. constructor; first done. by apply: rt_refl. }
    move=> ? ? /synchronize_step => [[z2]] [/reachable_n_to_reachable ? [? ?]].
    move=> /rt_rtn1 ? /synchronize_step => [[z1]] [? [/reachable_n_to_reachable ? ?]]. exists z1, z2.
    constructor; first done. constructor; first done.
    apply: simulation'; [| done | done].
    apply: rt_trans; first by eassumption.
    by apply: rt_trans; first by eassumption.

  Lemma confluent_valid_M' {x y1 y2} : valid_state (get_state x) ->
    reachable M' x y1 -> reachable M' x y2 ->
    exists z : Config, reachable M' y1 z /\ reachable M' y2 z.
  Proof using confluent_M lp_XY Y_fresh XY_neq.
    move=> Hx Hxy1 Hxy2. move: (Hxy1) => /continue => /(_ Hx). move=> [z1 [Hy1z1 ?]].
    move: (Hxy2) => /continue => /(_ Hx). move=> [z2 [Hy2z2 ?]].
    have Hxz1 : reachable M x z1.
    { apply: simulation'; [| done | done]. by apply: rt_trans; last by eassumption. }
    have Hxz2 : reachable M x z2.
    { apply: simulation'; [| done | done]. by apply: rt_trans; last by eassumption. }
    have [? [? ?]]:= confluent_M Hxz1 Hxz2. eexists.
    constructor; (apply: rt_trans; first by eassumption); apply: inverse_simulation'; by eassumption.

  Theorem confluent_M' : confluent M'.
  Proof using confluent_M lp_XY Y_fresh XY_neq.
    move=> x y1 y2.
    have : {get_state x = Y} + {get_state x <> Y} by decide equality. case; first last.
    { move=> *. apply: confluent_valid_M'; by eassumption. }
    move=> Hx /rt_rt1n Hxy1. case: Hxy1 Hx.
    { move=> *. eexists. constructor; first by eassumption. by apply: rt_refl. }
    move=> {}y1 y1' + + + /rt_rt1n Hxy2. case: Hxy2.
    - move=> ? /rt_rt1n ? ?.
      eexists. constructor; first by apply: rt_refl.
      apply: rt_trans; last by eassumption. by apply: rt_step.
    - move=> {}y2 y2'. move: x y1 y2 => [[l r] x] [[l1 r1] y1] [[l2 r2] y2].
      move=> + + + + /= Hx. subst x.
      move=> /step_fresh_l [] ? ? ? + /step_fresh_l [] ? ? ?. subst.
      move=> /rt_rt1n H1 /rt_rt1n H2.
      by apply: confluent_valid_M'; [| by eassumption | by eassumption].

  Lemma bounded_M' NM : bounded M NM -> bounded M' (NM * (1 + length M') * (1 + length M') * 4).
  Proof using lp_XY Y_fresh XY_neq.
    move=> bounded_M. move=> x.
    have [Lx [HLx H2Lx]] := next_n_configs M' 1 [x].
    have [L2x [HL2x H2L2x]] := concat_reachable Lx bounded_M.
    have [L3x [HL3x H2L3x]] := next_n_configs M' 1 L2x.
    exists L3x. constructor.
    - move=> ? /synchronize => [[z1]] [z2] [/HLx] /(_ ltac:(by left)).
      by move /HL2x => H [+ /H /HL3x {}H] => /H.
    - suff : length L2x <= NM * (1 + length M') * 2 by
        move: H2L3x => /=; clear; nia.
      move: H2Lx H2L2x => /=. clear. by nia.

  Lemma bounded_M NM' : bounded M' NM' -> bounded M NM'.
    move=> bounded_M' x. have [Lx [HLx ?]] := bounded_M' x. exists Lx.
    constructor; last done. by move=> ? /inverse_simulation' /HLx.

  Theorem boundedness : (exists NM, bounded M NM) <-> (exists NM', bounded M' NM').
  Proof using lp_XY Y_fresh XY_neq.
    constructor; move=> [? ?]; eexists; [by apply: bounded_M' | by apply: bounded_M].

  Lemma length_preserving_M' : length_preserving M'.
  Proof using length_preserving_M lp_XY Y_fresh XY_neq.
    move=> >. rewrite /M' in_app_iff. move=> [[|[|]]|].
    - move=> [] *. by subst.
    - move: lp_XY => [? ?] [] *. subst. constructor; [done | by lia].
    - done.
    - by move /length_preserving_M.

  Lemma step_fresh_rI l r l' r' y: reachable M (L ++ l, R ++ r, X) (l', r', y) -> reachable M' (L' ++ l, R' ++ r, Y) (l', r', y).
  Proof using lp_XY.
    move=> ?. apply: rt_trans; first last.
    - apply: reachable_incl; last by eassumption. move=> ? ?. by firstorder done.
    - apply: rt_step. apply: transition. by firstorder done.

  Lemma step_fresh_lI l r l' r' x: reachable M (l, r, x) (L ++ l', R ++ r', X) -> reachable M' (l, r, x) (L' ++ l', R' ++ r', Y) .
  Proof using lp_XY.
    move=> ?. apply: rt_trans.
    - apply: reachable_incl; last by eassumption. move=> ? ?. by firstorder done.
    - apply: rt_step. apply: transition. by firstorder done.

End Reduction.
End AddFreshLoop.

Module DerivableRule.
Section Reduction.
  Variables (M : SMN) (L R L' R': list Symbol) (X Y: State).
  Variable derivable : reachable M (L, R, X) (L', R', Y).
  Variable non_nil : 1 <= length (L ++ R).

  Definition M' : SMN := [((L, R, X), (L', R', Y))] ++ M.

  Lemma simulation {x y} : reachable M' x y <-> reachable M x y.
  Proof using derivable.
    clear non_nil. constructor; last by (apply: reachable_incl; apply /incl_appr).
    - move=> ? ?. case=> >. rewrite /M' in_app_iff. case.
      * case; last done.
        move=> [] *. subst. by apply: reachable_stack_app.
      * move=> ?. apply: rt_step. by apply: transition.
    - move=> *. by apply: rt_refl.
    - move=> *. apply: rt_trans; by eassumption.

  Lemma confluence : confluent M' <-> confluent M.
  Proof using derivable.
    - move=> HM' ? ? ? /simulation H1 /simulation H2.
      have [z [? ?]] := HM' _ _ _ H1 H2. exists z.
      constructor; by apply /simulation.
    - move=> HM ? ? ? /simulation H1 /simulation H2.
      have [z [? ?]] := HM _ _ _ H1 H2. exists z.
      constructor; by apply /simulation.

  Theorem boundedness : (exists NM, bounded M NM) <-> (exists NM', bounded M' NM').
  Proof using derivable.
    - move=> [NM] HM. exists NM => x. have [Lx [HLx ?]]:= HM x.
      exists Lx. constructor; last done.
      by move=> ? /simulation /HLx.
    - move=> [NM'] HM'. exists NM' => x. have [Lx [HLx ?]]:= HM' x.
      exists Lx. constructor; last done.
      by move=> ? /simulation /HLx.

  Lemma length_preservation : length_preserving M' <-> length_preserving M.
  Proof using non_nil derivable.
    constructor; first by (apply: length_preserving_incl; right).
    move=> HM >. rewrite /M' in_app_iff. case; last by move /HM.
    case; last done. move=> [] *. subst.
    move: (derivable) => /(length_preservingP HM). case; last done.
    move=> [] *. by subst.

  Lemma step_neq {l r x l' r' y} :
    X <> x \/ Y <> y -> step M' (l, r, x) (l', r', y) -> step M (l, r, x) (l', r', y).
    move Hx': (l, r, x) => x'. move Hy': (l', r', y) => y' H Hx'y'.
    case: Hx'y' Hx' Hy' H => > /= [].
    - move=> ? ? ? [?|?]; by congruence.
    - move /transition => + ? ? ?. by apply.

End Reduction.
End DerivableRule.

Module DerivableRule'.
Section Reduction.
  Variables (M : SMN) (R R': list Symbol) (A: Symbol) (X Y: State).
  Variable confluent_M : confluent M.
  Variable length_preserving_M : length_preserving M.
  Variable derivable : reachable M ([A], R, X) ([A], R', Y).
  Variable non_nil : 1 <= length R.

  Variable XY_neq : X <> Y.
  Variable unique_step_l : forall l r y, step M (l, r, X) y -> l = [A] ++ skipn 1 l.
  Variable unique_step_l' : forall l' r' y, step M y (l', r', X) -> l' = [A] ++ skipn 1 l'.

  Definition M' : SMN := [(([], R, X), ([], R', Y))] ++ M.

  Lemma unique_step_M'l' {l' r' y} : step M' y (l', r', X) -> l' = [A] ++ skipn 1 l'.
  Proof using unique_step_l' unique_step_l derivable XY_neq.
    move Hx: (l', r', X) => x Hyx. case: Hyx Hx.
    move=> v w >. rewrite /M' in_app_iff.
    case; first by (case; [by congruence | done]).
    move /transition => /(_ v w) + [] *. subst.
    by move /unique_step_l'.

  Lemma simulation {x y z} : step M' x y -> reachable M' y z -> reachable M y z.
  Proof using unique_step_l' unique_step_l derivable XY_neq.
    move=> Hxy. move /rt_rtn1. elim; first by apply: rt_refl.
    move=> y' {}z Hy'z. case: Hy'z.
    move=> v w >. rewrite /M' in_app_iff. case; first last.
    { move /transition => *.
      apply: rt_trans; first by eassumption. by apply: rt_step. }
    case; last done.
    (* case last step was the new rule *)
    move=> [] <- <- <- <- <- <-. rewrite -/M'.
    clear y'. move Hy': ([] ++ v, R ++ w, X) => y' Hyy'.
    case: Hyy' Hy' Hxy.
    { move=> <- /= /unique_step_M'l' -> _. by apply: reachable_stack_app. }
    move=> {}y' {}z + + ?. subst z.
    move=> /= /unique_step_M'l' -> *. apply: rt_trans; first by eassumption.
    by apply: reachable_stack_app.

  Lemma inverse_simulation {x y} : reachable M x y -> reachable M' x y.
  Proof. apply: reachable_incl. by right. Qed.

  Lemma bounded_M' NM : bounded M NM -> bounded M' (1 + NM * length M').
  Proof using unique_step_l' unique_step_l derivable XY_neq non_nil.
    move=> bounded_M x.
    have [ys [Hys H'ys]] := next_configs M' x.
    have [L [HL H'L]] := concat_reachable ys bounded_M.
    exists ([x] ++ L). constructor; first last.
    { move: H'ys H'L. rewrite app_length /=. by nia. }
    move=> ? /rt_rt1n Hxz. rewrite in_app_iff.
    case: Hxz Hys; first by (move=> *; left; left).
    move=> ? ? Hxy + Hys.
    move: Hxy (Hxy) => /Hys ? /simulation Hyz /rt_rt1n ?.
    right. apply: HL; [by eassumption | by apply: Hyz].

  Lemma bounded_M NM' : bounded M' NM' -> bounded M NM'.
    move=> bounded_M' x. have [L [HL ?]] := bounded_M' x. exists L.
    constructor; last done. by move=> ? /inverse_simulation /HL.

  Theorem boundedness : (exists NM, bounded M NM) <-> (exists NM', bounded M' NM').
  Proof using unique_step_l' unique_step_l derivable XY_neq non_nil.
    constructor; move=> [? ?]; eexists; [by apply: bounded_M' | by apply: bounded_M].

  Lemma length_preserving_M' : length_preserving M'.
  Proof using unique_step_l' unique_step_l derivable XY_neq non_nil length_preserving_M.
    move=> >. rewrite /M' in_app_iff. case; last by move /length_preserving_M.
    case; last done. move=> [] *. subst. move=> /=. constructor; last done.
    have /length_preservingP := derivable. move /(_ length_preserving_M).
    case; first by congruence.
    rewrite ?app_length /=. by lia.

  Lemma confluent_M' : confluent M'.
  Proof using unique_step_l' unique_step_l derivable XY_neq confluent_M.
    move=> ? ? ? /rt_rt1n + /rt_rt1n. case.
    { move=> /rt_rt1n ?. eexists. constructor; first by eassumption.
      by apply: rt_refl. }
    move=> ? ? Hxy1 /rt_rt1n Hy1z1 Hxy2. case: Hxy2 Hxy1.
    { move=> ?. eexists. constructor; first by apply: rt_refl.
      apply: rt_trans; last by eassumption. by apply: rt_step. }
    move=> ? ? Hxy2 /rt_rt1n Hy2z2 Hxy1.
    move: Hy1z1 Hy2z2 => /simulation => /(_ _ Hxy1) Hy1z1 /simulation => /(_ _ Hxy2) Hy2z2.
    case: Hxy1 Hxy2 Hy1z1 Hy2z2 => v1 w1 >.
    rewrite /M' in_app_iff -/M'. case.
    - case; last done.
      (* case y1 is taken by new rule *)
      move=> [] <- <- <- <- <- <- /=.
      move Hx: (v1, R ++ w1, X) => x Hxy2. case: Hxy2 Hx => v2 w2 >.
      rewrite /M' in_app_iff -/M'. case.
        (* case y1 and y2 are taken by new rule *)
      { case; last done.
        move=> [] <- <- <- <- <- <- [] <- /app_inv_head <- /=.
        move=> /confluent_M => H /H => [[? [? ?]]].
        eexists. constructor; apply: inverse_simulation; by eassumption. }
      (* case y1 is taken by new rule, y2 is taken in M *)
      move /transition => /(_ v2 w2) + H. rewrite -H.
      move=> Hxy2. move: Hxy2 (Hxy2) => /unique_step_l ->.
      move=> /(@rt_step Config) /(@rt_trans Config) => {}H + /H.
      have /reachable_stack_app := derivable.
      move=> /(_ (skipn 1 v1) w1) /(@rt_trans Config) => {}H /H.
      move=> /confluent_M => {}H /H [? [? ?]].
      eexists. constructor; apply: inverse_simulation; by eassumption.
      (* case y1 is taken in M *)
    - move /transition => /(_ v1 w1) Hxy2.
      move Hx: (c in step M' c _) => ? Hxy1. case: Hxy1 Hx Hxy2.
      move=> v2 w2 >. rewrite /M' in_app_iff -/M'. case.
      { case; last done.
        (* case y2 is taken by new rule, y1 is taken in M *)
        move=> [] <- <- <- <- <- <- /= ->.
        move=> Hxy1. move: Hxy1 (Hxy1) => /unique_step_l ->.
        move=> /(@rt_step Config) /(@rt_trans Config) => {}H /H Hxz1.
        have /reachable_stack_app := derivable.
        move=> /(_ (skipn 1 v2) w2) /(@rt_trans Config) => {}H /H.
        move: Hxz1=> /confluent_M {}H /H [? [? ?]].
        eexists. constructor; apply: inverse_simulation; by eassumption. }
      (* case y1 and y2 are taken in M *)
      move /transition => /(_ v2 w2) + ->.
      move=> /(@rt_step Config) /(@rt_trans Config) => {}H + + /H.
      move=> /(@rt_step Config) /(@rt_trans Config) => {}H /H.
      move=> /confluent_M => {}H /H [? [? ?]].
      eexists. constructor; apply: inverse_simulation; by eassumption.

End Reduction.
End DerivableRule'.

Module Reordering.
Section Reduction.
  Variables (M1 M2 : SMN) (L R L' R': list Symbol) (X Y: State).

  Definition M : SMN := M1 ++ (((L, R, X), (L', R', Y)) :: M2).
  Definition M' : SMN := [((L, R, X), (L', R', Y))] ++ M1 ++ M2.

  Lemma simulation {x y} : reachable M' x y <-> reachable M x y.
    constructor; apply: reachable_incl=> ?; rewrite /M /M' ?in_app_iff /=; by firstorder done.

  Lemma confluence : confluent M' <-> confluent M.
    constructor; apply: confluent_incl; rewrite /M /M' => ?; rewrite /= ?in_app_iff /=; by firstorder done.

  Lemma boundedness' {n} : bounded M' n <-> bounded M n.
    - move=> HM' x. have [Lx [HLx ?]]:= HM' x.
      exists Lx. constructor; last done.
      by move=> ? /simulation /HLx.
    - move=> HM x. have [Lx [HLx ?]]:= HM x.
      exists Lx. constructor; last done.
      by move=> ? /simulation /HLx.

  Theorem boundedness : (exists NM, bounded M NM) <-> (exists NM', bounded M' NM').
  Proof. by constructor; move=> [? ?]; eexists; apply /boundedness'. Qed.

  Lemma length_preservation : length_preserving M' <-> length_preserving M.
    rewrite /M' /M.
    constructor; apply: length_preserving_incl; move=> ?; rewrite ?in_app_iff /=; by firstorder done.

  Lemma simulation_step {x y} : step M' x y <-> step M x y.
    constructor; apply: step_incl=> ?; rewrite /M /M' ?in_app_iff /=; by firstorder done.

End Reduction.
End Reordering.

Module Transform.

Definition basic (op: Instruction) : bool :=
  match op with
  | (([], [a], _), ([b], [], _)) => true
  | (([a], [], _), ([], [b], _)) => true
  | _ => false

Definition weight_Instruction (op: Instruction) : nat :=
  if basic op then 0 else
    match op with
    | ((l, r, _), (l', _, _)) => 1 + length (l ++ l' ++ l ++ r)

Definition weight (M: SMN) : nat :=
  fold_right (fun op w => w + weight_Instruction op) 0 M.

Fixpoint fresh_State (M: SMN) : State :=
  match M with
  | [] => 1
  | ((_, _, x), (_, _, y)) :: M => 1 + x + y + fresh_State M

Lemma fresh_StateP {M: SMN} {l r x l' r' y} :
  In ((l, r, x), (l', r', y)) M -> x < fresh_State M /\ y < fresh_State M.
  elim: M; first done.
  move=> [[[l1 r1] x1] [[l2 r2] x2]] M IH /= [|].
  - move=> [] *. subst. by lia.
  - move /IH. by lia.

Lemma fresh_StateP' (M: SMN) :
  Forall (fun '((_, _, x), (_, _, y)) => x <> fresh_State M /\ y <> fresh_State M) M.
  rewrite Forall_forall. move=> [[[l1 r1] x1] [[l2 r2] x2]] /fresh_StateP. by lia.

Lemma weight_split op M1 M2 : weight (M1 ++ op :: M2) = weight_Instruction op + weight (M1 ++ M2).
  elim: M1.
  - move=> /=. by lia.
  - move=> op1 M1 /= ->. by lia.

Lemma minimize_weight_lhs {M: SMN} {a l r l' r' x y} :
  In (a :: l, r, x, (l', r', y)) M ->
  weight_Instruction (a :: l, r, x, (l', r', y)) <> 0 ->
  confluent M -> length_preserving M ->
  { M' : SMN | weight M' < weight M /\
    (confluent M' /\ length_preserving M' /\ ((exists NM, bounded M NM) <-> (exists NM', bounded M' NM'))) }.
  move=> HM Hop confluent_M lp_M.
  pose z := fresh_State M.
  pose M1 := AddFreshLoop.M' M [a] [] [] [a] x z.
  pose M2 := DerivableRule.M' M1 l (a::r) l' r' z y.
  have : In (a :: l, r, x, (l', r', y)) M2.
  { rewrite /M2 /M1 /AddFreshLoop.M' /DerivableRule.M' ?in_app_iff.
    move: HM. clear. by firstorder done. }
  move /in_split_informative => /(_ ltac:(by do 5 (decide equality))) => [[[M21 M22] HM2]].
  pose M3 := Reordering.M' M21 M22 (a :: l) r l' r' x y.
  pose M4 := DerivableRule.M' (M21 ++ M22) (a::l) r l' r' x y.
  have ? : x <> z by (move: HM => /fresh_StateP; subst z; lia).
  have ? : y <> z by (move: HM => /fresh_StateP; subst z; lia).
  (* lzar -> l'yr' is derivable *)
  have ? : reachable M1 (l, a :: r, z) (l', r', y).
  { apply: AddFreshLoop.step_fresh_rI; first by (move=> /=; lia).
    apply: rt_step. move: HM => /transition => /(_ [] []). by rewrite ?app_norm. }
  (* alxr -> l'yr' is redundant *)
  have ? : reachable (M21 ++ M22) (a :: l, r, x) (l', r', y).
  { apply: (rt_trans (y := (l, a :: r, z))); apply: rt_step;
      (apply: (@DerivableRule.step_neq _ (a :: l) r l' r' x y); first by [left | right]);
      apply /Reordering.simulation_step; rewrite /Reordering.M -HM2 /M2.
    - apply: (stepI l r [a] [] [] [a] x z);
        [done | done | clear; by firstorder done ].
    - apply: (stepI [] [] l (a :: r) l' r' z y);
        [by rewrite ?app_norm | by rewrite ?app_norm | clear; by firstorder done ]. }
  exists (M21 ++ M22). constructor; [| constructor; [| constructor]].
  - suff: weight M2 < weight M + (weight_Instruction (a :: l, r, x, (l', r', y))).
    { rewrite HM2 weight_split. move: (weight_Instruction _) (weight _). by lia. }
    move: Hop. rewrite /M2 /DerivableRule.M' /= /weight_Instruction.
    case: (basic (a :: l, r, x, (l', r', y))); first by lia.
    move=> _. case: (basic (l, a :: r, z, (l', r', y))).
    { rewrite /= ?app_length. by lia. }
    rewrite /= ?app_length /= ?app_length. by lia.
  - apply /DerivableRule.confluence; first by eassumption.
    apply /Reordering.confluence. rewrite /Reordering.M -HM2.
    apply /DerivableRule.confluence; first by eassumption.
    apply: AddFreshLoop.confluent_M'; [done | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].
  - apply /DerivableRule.length_preservation;
      [by eassumption | rewrite app_length /=; lia | ].
    apply /Reordering.length_preservation. rewrite /Reordering.M -HM2.
    apply /DerivableRule.length_preservation;
      [by eassumption | rewrite app_length /=; lia | ].
    apply: AddFreshLoop.length_preserving_M'; [done | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].
  - rewrite (DerivableRule.boundedness (M21 ++ M22)); last by eassumption.
    rewrite -(Reordering.boundedness M21 M22).
    rewrite /Reordering.M -HM2.
    rewrite -(DerivableRule.boundedness); last by eassumption.
    rewrite -(AddFreshLoop.boundedness); [done | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].

Lemma minimize_weight_rhs {M: SMN} {a r l' r' x y} :
  In (([], r, x), (a :: l', r', y)) M ->
  weight_Instruction (([], r, x), (a :: l', r', y)) <> 0 ->
  confluent M -> length_preserving M ->
  { M' : SMN | weight M' < weight M /\ (confluent M' /\ length_preserving M' /\ ((exists NM, bounded M NM) <-> (exists NM', bounded M' NM'))) }.
  move=> HM Hop confluent_M lp_M.
  pose z := fresh_State M.
  pose M1 := AddFreshLoop.M' M [a] [] [] [a] y z.
  pose M2 := DerivableRule.M' M1 [] r l' (a::r') x z.
  have : In ([], r, x, (a :: l', r', y)) M2.
  { rewrite /M2 /M1 /AddFreshLoop.M' /DerivableRule.M' ?in_app_iff.
    move: HM. clear. by firstorder done. }
  move /in_split_informative => /(_ ltac:(by do 5 (decide equality))) => [[[M21 M22] HM2]].
  pose M3 := Reordering.M' M21 M22 [] r (a::l') r' x y.
  pose M4 := DerivableRule.M' (M21 ++ M22) [] r (a::l') r' x y.
  have ? : x <> z by (move: HM => /fresh_StateP; subst z; lia).
  have ? : y <> z by (move: HM => /fresh_StateP; subst z; lia).
  (* xr -> l'zar' is derivable *)
  have ? : reachable M1 ([], r, x) (l', a::r', z).
  { apply: AddFreshLoop.step_fresh_lI; first by (move=> /=; lia).
    apply: rt_step. move: HM => /transition => /(_ [] []). by rewrite ?app_norm. }
  (* xr -> al'yr' is redundant *)
  have ? : reachable (M21 ++ M22) ([], r, x) (a :: l', r', y).
  { apply: (rt_trans (y := (l', a :: r', z))); apply: rt_step;
      (apply: (@DerivableRule.step_neq _ [] r (a::l') r' x y); first by [left | right]);
      apply /Reordering.simulation_step; rewrite /Reordering.M -HM2 /M2.
    - apply: (stepI [] [] [] r l' (a :: r') x z);
        [by rewrite ?app_norm | by rewrite ?app_norm | clear; by firstorder done ].
    - apply: (stepI l' r' [] [a] [a] [] z y);
        [done | done | clear; by firstorder done]. }
  exists (M21 ++ M22). constructor; [| constructor; [| constructor]].
  - suff: weight M2 < weight M + (weight_Instruction ([], r, x, (a::l', r', y))).
    { rewrite HM2 weight_split. move: (weight_Instruction _) (weight _). by lia. }
    move: Hop. rewrite /M2 /DerivableRule.M' /= /weight_Instruction.
    case: (basic ([], r, x, (a :: l', r', y))); first by lia.
    move=> _. case: (basic ([], r, x, (l', a :: r', z))).
    { rewrite /= ?app_length. by lia. }
    rewrite /= ?app_length /= ?app_length. by lia.
  - apply /DerivableRule.confluence; first by eassumption.
    apply /Reordering.confluence. rewrite /Reordering.M -HM2.
    apply /DerivableRule.confluence; first by eassumption.
    apply: AddFreshLoop.confluent_M'; [done | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].
  - apply /DerivableRule.length_preservation; [by eassumption | move: HM => /lp_M; by lia | ].
    apply /Reordering.length_preservation. rewrite /Reordering.M -HM2.
    apply /DerivableRule.length_preservation; [by eassumption | move: HM => /lp_M; by lia | ].
    apply: AddFreshLoop.length_preserving_M'; [done | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].
  - rewrite (DerivableRule.boundedness (M21 ++ M22)); last by eassumption.
    rewrite -(Reordering.boundedness M21 M22).
    rewrite /Reordering.M -HM2.
    rewrite -(DerivableRule.boundedness); last by eassumption.
    rewrite -(AddFreshLoop.boundedness); [done | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].

Lemma minimize_weight_short {M: SMN} {a b x y} :
  In (([], [a], x), ([], [b], y)) M ->
  confluent M -> length_preserving M ->
  { M' : SMN | weight M' < weight M /\ (confluent M' /\ length_preserving M' /\ ((exists NM, bounded M NM) <-> (exists NM', bounded M' NM'))) }.
  move=> HM confluent_M lp_M.
  pose z := fresh_State M.
  pose M1 := AddFreshLoop.M' M [] [a] [a] [] x z.
  pose M2 := DerivableRule.M' M1 [a] [] [] [b] z y.
  have : In ([], [a], x, ([], [b], y)) M2.
  { rewrite /M2 /M1 /AddFreshLoop.M' /DerivableRule.M' ?in_app_iff.
    move: HM. clear. by firstorder done. }
  move /in_split_informative => /(_ ltac:(by do 5 (decide equality))) => [[[M21 M22] HM2]].
  pose M3 := Reordering.M' M21 M22 [] [a] [] [b] x y.
  pose M4 := DerivableRule.M' (M21 ++ M22) [] [a] [] [b] x y.
  have ? : x <> z by (move: HM => /fresh_StateP; subst z; lia).
  have ? : y <> z by (move: HM => /fresh_StateP; subst z; lia).
  (* az -> yb is derivable *)
  have ? : reachable M1 ([a], [], z) ([], [b], y).
  { apply: AddFreshLoop.step_fresh_rI; first by (move=> /=; lia).
    apply: rt_step. move: HM => /transition => /(_ [] []). by rewrite ?app_norm. }
  (* alxr -> l'yr' is redundant *)
  have ? : reachable (M21 ++ M22) ([], [a], x) ([], [b], y).
  { apply: (rt_trans (y := ([a], [], z))); apply: rt_step;
      (apply: (@DerivableRule.step_neq _ [] [a] [] [b] x y); first by [left | right]);
      apply /Reordering.simulation_step; rewrite /Reordering.M -HM2 /M2.
    - apply: (stepI [] [] [] [a] [a] [] x z);
        [done | done | clear; by firstorder done].
    - apply: (stepI [] [] [a] [] [] [b] z y);
        [done | done | clear; by firstorder done]. }
  exists (M21 ++ M22). constructor; [| constructor; [| constructor]].
  - suff: weight M2 < weight M + (weight_Instruction ([], [a], x, ([], [b], y))).
    { rewrite HM2 weight_split. move: (weight_Instruction _) (weight _). by lia. }
    rewrite /weight_Instruction /basic.
    rewrite /M2 /DerivableRule.M' /= /weight_Instruction /=. by lia.
  - apply /DerivableRule.confluence; first by eassumption.
    apply /Reordering.confluence. rewrite /Reordering.M -HM2.
    apply /DerivableRule.confluence; first by eassumption.
    apply: AddFreshLoop.confluent_M'; [done | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].
  - apply /DerivableRule.length_preservation; [by eassumption | move=> /=; by lia | ].
    apply /Reordering.length_preservation. rewrite /Reordering.M -HM2.
    apply /DerivableRule.length_preservation; [by eassumption | move=> /=; by lia | ].
    apply: AddFreshLoop.length_preserving_M'; [done | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].
  - rewrite (DerivableRule.boundedness (M21 ++ M22)); last by eassumption.
    rewrite -(Reordering.boundedness M21 M22).
    rewrite /Reordering.M -HM2.
    rewrite -(DerivableRule.boundedness); last by eassumption.
    rewrite -(AddFreshLoop.boundedness); [done | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].

Lemma minimize_weight_length {M: SMN} {a r b r' x y} :
  In (([], a :: r, x), ([], b :: r', y)) M ->
  weight_Instruction (([], a :: r, x), ([], b :: r', y)) <> 0 ->
  1 <= length r ->
  confluent M -> length_preserving M ->
  { M' : SMN | weight M' < weight M /\ (confluent M' /\ length_preserving M' /\ ((exists NM, bounded M NM) <-> (exists NM', bounded M' NM'))) }.
  move=> HM Hop Hr confluent_M lp_M.
  pose z1 := fresh_State M.
  pose M1 := AddFreshLoop.M' M [] [a] [a] [] x z1.
  pose z2 := fresh_State M1.
  pose M2 := AddFreshLoop.M' M1 [] [b] [a] [] y z2.
  pose M3 := DerivableRule'.M' M2 r r' z1 z2.
  have : In ([], a :: r, x, ([], b :: r', y)) M3.
  { rewrite /M3 /M2 /M1 /AddFreshLoop.M' /DerivableRule'.M' ?in_app_iff.
    move: HM. clear. by firstorder done. }
  move /in_split_informative => /(_ ltac:(by do 5 (decide equality))) => [[[M31 M32] HM3]].
  pose M4 := Reordering.M' M31 M32 [] (a::r) [] (b::r') x y.
  pose M5 := DerivableRule.M' (M31 ++ M32) [] (a::r) [] (b::r') x y.
  have ? : x <> z1 by (move: HM => /fresh_StateP; subst z1; lia).
  have ? : y <> z1 by (move: HM => /fresh_StateP; subst z1; lia).
  have [? ?] : x <> z2 /\ y <> z2.
  { have /fresh_StateP : In ([], a :: r, x, ([], b :: r', y)) M1.
    { rewrite /M1 /AddFreshLoop.M' ?in_app_iff. by right. }
    unfold z2; lia. }
  have ? : z1 <> z2.
  { have /fresh_StateP : In ([], [a], x, ([a], [], z1)) M1.
    { rewrite /M1 /AddFreshLoop.M' ?in_app_iff. left. by left. }
    unfold z2; lia. }
  (* az1r -> az2r' is derivable *)
  have ? : reachable M2 ([a], r, z1) ([a], r', z2).
  { apply: AddFreshLoop.step_fresh_lI; first by (move=> /=; lia).
    apply: AddFreshLoop.step_fresh_rI; first by (move=> /=; lia).
    apply: rt_step. move: HM => /transition => /(_ [] []). by rewrite ?app_norm. }
  (* xar -> ybr' is redundant *)
  have ? : reachable (M31 ++ M32) ([], a::r, x) ([], b :: r', y).
  { apply: (rt_trans (y := ([a], r, z1))); [| apply: (rt_trans (y := ([a], r', z2)))]; apply: rt_step;
      (apply: (@DerivableRule.step_neq _ [] (a :: r) [] (b :: r') x y); first by [left | right]);
      apply /Reordering.simulation_step; rewrite /Reordering.M -HM3 /M3.
    - apply: (stepI [] r [] [a] [a] [] x z1);
        [done | done | clear; by firstorder done].
    - apply: (stepI [a] [] [] r [] r' z1 z2);
        [by rewrite ?app_norm | by rewrite ?app_norm | clear; by firstorder done].
    - apply: (stepI [] r' [a] [] [] [b] z2 y);
        [done | done | clear; by firstorder done]. }
  (* z1 is only exited with a on the left stack *)
  have ? : forall l'' r'' z , step M2 (l'', r'', z1) z -> l'' = [a] ++ skipn 1 l''.
  { move=> l'' r'' z. move HZ1: (l'', r'', z1) => Z1 HZ1z. case: HZ1z HZ1.
    move=> >. rewrite /M2 /AddFreshLoop.M' /M1 /AddFreshLoop.M' ?in_app_iff. case.
    { case; [by congruence | case; [by congruence | done]]. }
    - case; first by congruence.
      case; last done.
      move=> + [] *. move=> [] *. by subst.
    - move /fresh_StateP=> ? [] *. subst z1. by lia. }
  (* z1 is only entered with a on the left stack *)
  have ? : forall l'' r'' z , step M2 z (l'', r'', z1) -> l'' = [a] ++ skipn 1 l''.
  { move=> l'' r'' z. move HZ1: (l'', r'', z1) => Z1 HZ1z. case: HZ1z HZ1.
    move=> >. rewrite /M2 /AddFreshLoop.M' /M1 /AddFreshLoop.M' ?in_app_iff. case.
    { case; [by congruence | case; [by congruence | done]]. }
    case; [case|].
    - move=> + [] * => [[]] *. by subst.
    - case; [by congruence | done].
    - move /fresh_StateP=> ? [] *. subst z1. by lia. }
  exists (M31 ++ M32). constructor; [| constructor; [| constructor]].
  - suff: weight M3 < weight M + (weight_Instruction ([], (a::r), x, ([], (b::r'), y))).
    { rewrite HM3 weight_split. move: (weight_Instruction _) (weight _). by lia. }
    move: Hop.
    rewrite /M3 /DerivableRule.M' /= /weight_Instruction.
    case: (basic ([], a :: r, x, ([], b :: r', y))); first by lia.
    move=> _. case: (basic ([], r, z1, ([], r', z2))).
    { rewrite /= ?app_length. by lia. }
    rewrite /= ?app_length /= ?app_length. by lia.
  - apply /DerivableRule.confluence; first by eassumption.
    apply /Reordering.confluence. rewrite /Reordering.M -HM3.
    apply /DerivableRule'.confluent_M'; [| by eassumption | done | done | done ].
    apply: AddFreshLoop.confluent_M'; [ | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].
    apply: AddFreshLoop.confluent_M'; [ done | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].
  - apply /DerivableRule.length_preservation; [by eassumption | move=> /=; by lia | ].
    apply /Reordering.length_preservation. rewrite /Reordering.M -HM3.
    apply /DerivableRule'.length_preserving_M'; [| by eassumption | done | done | done | done ].
    apply: AddFreshLoop.length_preserving_M'; [ | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].
    apply: AddFreshLoop.length_preserving_M'; [ done | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].
  - rewrite (DerivableRule.boundedness (M31 ++ M32)); last by eassumption.
    rewrite -(Reordering.boundedness M31 M32).
    rewrite /Reordering.M -HM3.
    rewrite -(DerivableRule'.boundedness); [ | by eassumption | done | done | done | done ].
    rewrite -(AddFreshLoop.boundedness); [ | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].
    rewrite -(AddFreshLoop.boundedness); [ done | done | by apply: fresh_StateP' | by move=> /=; lia ].

Lemma overweight_Instruction {M} : weight M <> 0 -> { op | In op M /\ weight_Instruction op <> 0 }.
  elim: M; first done.
  move=> op M IH /=. have [-> ? |] : { weight M = 0 } + { weight M <> 0 } by decide equality.
  - exists op. constructor; [by left | done].
  - move /IH => [op' [? ?]] _. exists op'. constructor; [by right | done].

(* from any confluent and length preserving SMN construct a boundedness-equivalent, confluent, length preserving SMN with only rules of weight 0 *)
Theorem minimize_weight (M: SMN) :
  confluent M -> length_preserving M ->
  { M' : SMN | weight M' = 0 /\ (confluent M' /\ length_preserving M' /\ ((exists NM, bounded M NM) <-> (exists NM', bounded M' NM'))) }.
  elim /(measure_rect weight): M => M IH confluent_M lp_M.
  have [? |] : {weight M = 0} + {weight M <> 0} by decide equality.
  { exists M. by firstorder done. }
  move /overweight_Instruction => [[[[l r] x] [[l' r'] y]] []].
  move: l => [|a l]; first last.
  { (* reduce lhs l size *)
    move /minimize_weight_lhs => H /H => /(_ confluent_M lp_M) => [[M' [? [? [? ?]]]]].
    case: (IH M'); [ done | done | done |].
    move=> M'' [? [? [? HM'']]]. exists M''.
    constructor; [done | constructor; [ done | constructor; [done | by rewrite -HM'']]]. }
  move: l' => [|a l']; first last.
  { (* reduce rhs l size *)
    move /minimize_weight_rhs => H /H => /(_ confluent_M lp_M) => [[M' [? [? [? ?]]]]].
    case: (IH M'); [ done | done | done |].
    move=> M'' [? [? [? HM'']]]. exists M''.
    constructor; [done | constructor; [ done | constructor; [done | by rewrite -HM'']]]. }
  move: r => [|a r]; first by (move /lp_M => /=; lia).
  move: r' => [|b r']; first by (move /lp_M => /=; lia).
  move: r => [|a' r].
    (* replace rules xa -> yb *)
  - move: r' => [|? ?]; last by (move /lp_M => /=; lia).
    move=> + _ => /minimize_weight_short => /(_ confluent_M lp_M) => [[M' [? [? [? ?]]]]].
    case: (IH M'); [ done | done | done |]. move=> M'' [? [? [? HM'']]]. exists M''.
    constructor; [done | constructor; [ done | constructor; [done | by rewrite -HM'']]].
    (* reduce overall size of rule xr -> yr' *)
  - have : 1 <= length (a' :: r) by (move=> /=; lia).
    move: (a' :: r) => {}r.
    move /minimize_weight_length => H /H => {}H /H => /(_ confluent_M lp_M) => [[M' [? [? [? ?]]]]].
    case: (IH M'); [ done | done | done |]. move=> M'' [? [? [? HM'']]]. exists M''.
    constructor; [done | constructor; [ done | constructor; [done | by rewrite -HM'']]].

End Transform.

(* basic instructions are of shape xa -> by or ax -> yb *)
Inductive basic : Instruction -> Prop :=
  | basic_r a b x y : basic (([], [a], x), ([b], [], y))
  | basic_l a b x y : basic (([a], [], x), ([], [b], y)).

(* from any confluent and length preserving SMN construct a boundedness-equivalent, confluent, SMN with only basic instructions *)
Theorem construct_basic_SMN (M: SMN) :
  confluent M -> length_preserving M ->
  { M' : SMN | Forall basic M' /\ (confluent M' /\ ((exists NM, bounded M NM) <-> (exists NM', bounded M' NM'))) }.
  move /Transform.minimize_weight => H /H => [[M']] [HM'] [? [_ ?]].
  exists M'. constructor; last by constructor.
  apply /Forall_forall => op /(@in_split Instruction) => [[?]] [? ?]. subst M'.
  move: HM'. rewrite Transform.weight_split => ?.
  have : Transform.weight_Instruction op = 0 by lia. clear.
  rewrite /Transform.weight_Instruction.
  case Hop: (Transform.basic op); last by move: op Hop => [[[l r] ?] [[l' r'] ?]].
  move: op Hop => [[[l r] ?] [[l' r'] ?]] /=.
  move: l r l' r' => [|a [|? ?]] [|b [|? ?]] [|a' [|? ?]] [|b' [|? ?]] *; by [| apply: basic_r | apply: basic_l].