Require Import Undecidability.StringRewriting.SR.
Require Import Undecidability.StringRewriting.Util.Definitions.
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.ListAutomation.
Import ListAutomationNotations.
Import RuleNotation.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* * SRH to SR *)
Section SRH_SR.
Local Notation "A <<= B" := (incl A B) (at level 70).
Local Notation symbol := nat.
Local Notation string := (string nat).
Local Notation SRS := (SRS nat).
Variables (R : SRS) (x0 : string) (a0 : symbol).
Notation Sigma := (a0 :: x0 ++ sym R).
Definition P :=
R ++ map (fun a => [a; a0] / [a0]) Sigma ++ map (fun a => [a0; a] / [a0]) Sigma.
Lemma sym_P :
sym P <<= Sigma.
unfold P. rewrite !sym_app. eapply incl_app; [ | eapply incl_app].
- eauto.
- eapply sym_map. cbn. intros ? [-> | [ | ] % in_app_iff] ? [ | [ | ]]; subst; eauto.
inv H. eauto. inv H0. inv H0. eauto. eauto. inv H0. eauto. inv H1.
- eapply sym_map. cbn. intros ? [-> | [ | ] % in_app_iff] ? [ | [ | ]]; subst; eauto.
inv H. eauto. inv H0. inv H0. eauto. eauto. inv H0. eauto. inv H1.
Lemma rewt_a0_L x :
x <<= Sigma -> rewt P (a0 :: x) [a0].
intros. induction x.
- reflexivity.
- econstructor.
replace (a0 :: a :: x) with ([] ++ [a0;a] ++ x) by now simpl_list. econstructor.
unfold P. rewrite !in_app_iff, !in_map_iff. eauto 9. firstorder.
Lemma rewt_a0_R x :
x <<= Sigma -> rewt P (x ++ [a0]) [a0].
induction x using rev_ind.
- econstructor.
- econstructor. replace ((x1 ++ [x]) ++ [a0]) with (x1 ++ ([x] ++ [a0]) ++ []). econstructor.
cbn. unfold P. rewrite !in_app_iff, !in_map_iff. eauto 9. now simpl_list.
rewrite app_nil_r. firstorder.
Lemma cons_incl X (a : X) (A B : list X) : a :: A <<= B -> A <<= B.
Proof. intros ? ? ?. eapply H. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma app_incl_l X (A B C : list X) : A ++ B <<= C -> A <<= C.
Proof. firstorder eauto. Qed.
Lemma app_incl_R X (A B C : list X) : A ++ B <<= C -> B <<= C.
Proof. firstorder eauto. Qed.
Lemma x_rewt_a0 x :
a0 el x -> x <<= Sigma -> rewt P x [a0].
intros (y & z & ->) % in_split ?.
transitivity (y ++ [a0]).
eapply rewt_app_L, rewt_a0_L. eapply cons_incl. eapply app_incl_R. eassumption.
eapply rewt_a0_R. eapply app_incl_l. eassumption.
Lemma SR_SRH x :
x <<= Sigma ->
rewt P x [a0] -> exists y, rewt R x y /\ a0 el y.
intros. pattern x; refine (rewt_induct _ _ H0).
+ exists [a0]. split. reflexivity. eauto.
+ clear H H0. intros. inv H. destruct H1 as [y []].
unfold P in H2. eapply in_app_iff in H2 as [ | [ (? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff | (? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff ] % in_app_iff].
* exists y. eauto using rewS, rewB, rewR.
* inv H2. eauto 9 using rewS, rewB, rewR.
* inv H2. eauto 9 using rewS, rewB, rewR.
Lemma equi :
SRH (R, x0, a0) <-> SR (P, x0, [a0]).
- intros (y & H & Hi).
unfold SR. transitivity y. eapply (rewt_subset H). unfold P. eapply incl_appl. eapply incl_refl.
eapply x_rewt_a0. firstorder. eapply rewt_sym with (x := x0); eauto.
- intros H. unfold SRH, SR in *.
eapply SR_SRH in H; eauto.
Theorem reduction :
exists (fun '(R, x, a) => (P R x a, x, [a])). intros [[R x0] a0].
now eapply equi.
Require Import Undecidability.StringRewriting.Util.Definitions.
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.ListAutomation.
Import ListAutomationNotations.
Import RuleNotation.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* * SRH to SR *)
Section SRH_SR.
Local Notation "A <<= B" := (incl A B) (at level 70).
Local Notation symbol := nat.
Local Notation string := (string nat).
Local Notation SRS := (SRS nat).
Variables (R : SRS) (x0 : string) (a0 : symbol).
Notation Sigma := (a0 :: x0 ++ sym R).
Definition P :=
R ++ map (fun a => [a; a0] / [a0]) Sigma ++ map (fun a => [a0; a] / [a0]) Sigma.
Lemma sym_P :
sym P <<= Sigma.
unfold P. rewrite !sym_app. eapply incl_app; [ | eapply incl_app].
- eauto.
- eapply sym_map. cbn. intros ? [-> | [ | ] % in_app_iff] ? [ | [ | ]]; subst; eauto.
inv H. eauto. inv H0. inv H0. eauto. eauto. inv H0. eauto. inv H1.
- eapply sym_map. cbn. intros ? [-> | [ | ] % in_app_iff] ? [ | [ | ]]; subst; eauto.
inv H. eauto. inv H0. inv H0. eauto. eauto. inv H0. eauto. inv H1.
Lemma rewt_a0_L x :
x <<= Sigma -> rewt P (a0 :: x) [a0].
intros. induction x.
- reflexivity.
- econstructor.
replace (a0 :: a :: x) with ([] ++ [a0;a] ++ x) by now simpl_list. econstructor.
unfold P. rewrite !in_app_iff, !in_map_iff. eauto 9. firstorder.
Lemma rewt_a0_R x :
x <<= Sigma -> rewt P (x ++ [a0]) [a0].
induction x using rev_ind.
- econstructor.
- econstructor. replace ((x1 ++ [x]) ++ [a0]) with (x1 ++ ([x] ++ [a0]) ++ []). econstructor.
cbn. unfold P. rewrite !in_app_iff, !in_map_iff. eauto 9. now simpl_list.
rewrite app_nil_r. firstorder.
Lemma cons_incl X (a : X) (A B : list X) : a :: A <<= B -> A <<= B.
Proof. intros ? ? ?. eapply H. firstorder. Qed.
Lemma app_incl_l X (A B C : list X) : A ++ B <<= C -> A <<= C.
Proof. firstorder eauto. Qed.
Lemma app_incl_R X (A B C : list X) : A ++ B <<= C -> B <<= C.
Proof. firstorder eauto. Qed.
Lemma x_rewt_a0 x :
a0 el x -> x <<= Sigma -> rewt P x [a0].
intros (y & z & ->) % in_split ?.
transitivity (y ++ [a0]).
eapply rewt_app_L, rewt_a0_L. eapply cons_incl. eapply app_incl_R. eassumption.
eapply rewt_a0_R. eapply app_incl_l. eassumption.
Lemma SR_SRH x :
x <<= Sigma ->
rewt P x [a0] -> exists y, rewt R x y /\ a0 el y.
intros. pattern x; refine (rewt_induct _ _ H0).
+ exists [a0]. split. reflexivity. eauto.
+ clear H H0. intros. inv H. destruct H1 as [y []].
unfold P in H2. eapply in_app_iff in H2 as [ | [ (? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff | (? & ? & ?) % in_map_iff ] % in_app_iff].
* exists y. eauto using rewS, rewB, rewR.
* inv H2. eauto 9 using rewS, rewB, rewR.
* inv H2. eauto 9 using rewS, rewB, rewR.
Lemma equi :
SRH (R, x0, a0) <-> SR (P, x0, [a0]).
- intros (y & H & Hi).
unfold SR. transitivity y. eapply (rewt_subset H). unfold P. eapply incl_appl. eapply incl_refl.
eapply x_rewt_a0. firstorder. eapply rewt_sym with (x := x0); eauto.
- intros H. unfold SRH, SR in *.
eapply SR_SRH in H; eauto.
Theorem reduction :
exists (fun '(R, x, a) => (P R x a, x, [a])). intros [[R x0] a0].
now eapply equi.