(* Version: 19.09. *)
Require Import Undecidability.SystemF.SysF.
Require Import Morphisms.
Module UnscopedNotations.
Notation "f >> g" := (funcomp g f) (*fun x => g (f x)*) (at level 50).
Notation "s .: sigma" := (scons s sigma) (at level 70).
End UnscopedNotations.
Definition fext_eq {X Y} (f g : X -> Y) := (forall x, f x = g x).
(* Notation "f === g :> X" := (@fext_eq _ X f g) (at level 100). *)
Local Notation "f === g" := (fext_eq f g) (at level 80).
Import UnscopedNotations.
Definition shift := S.
Definition scons {X: Type} (x : X) (xi : nat -> X) :=
fun n => match n with
|0 => x
|S n => xi n
Definition var_zero := 0.
Definition funcomp {X Y Z} (g : Y -> Z) (f : X -> Y) :=
fun x => g (f x).
Local Arguments funcomp {X Y Z}.
Instance funcomp_Proper {X Y Z} :
Proper (fext_eq ==> fext_eq ==> fext_eq) (@funcomp X Y Z).
repeat intros ?. cbv in *. congruence.
Definition up_ren (xi : nat -> nat) :=
0 .: (xi >> S).
Definition ap {X Y} (f : X -> Y) {x y : X} (p : x = y) : f x = f y :=
match p with eq_refl => eq_refl end.
Definition apc {X Y} {f g : X -> Y} {x y : X} (p : f = g) (q : x = y) : f x = g y :=
match q with eq_refl => match p with eq_refl => eq_refl end end.
Lemma up_ren_ren (xi: nat -> nat) (zeta : nat -> nat) (rho: nat -> nat) (E: forall x, (xi >> zeta) x = rho x) :
forall x, (up_ren xi >> up_ren zeta) x = up_ren rho x.
intros [|x].
- reflexivity.
- unfold up_ren. simpl. unfold funcomp. rewrite <- E. reflexivity.
Definition id {X} (x: X) := x.
Lemma scons_eta {T} (f : nat -> T) :
f var_zero .: shift >> f === f.
Proof. intros [|x]; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma scons_eta_id {n : nat} : var_zero .: shift === @id nat.
Proof. intros [|x]; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma scons_comp (T: Type) U (s: T) (sigma: nat -> T) (tau: T -> U ) :
(s .: sigma) >> tau === scons (tau s) (sigma >> tau) .
intros [|x]; reflexivity.
Ltac fsimpl :=
unfold up_ren; repeat match goal with
| [|- context[id >> ?f]] => change (id >> f) with f (* AsimplCompIdL *)
| [|- context[?f >> id]] => change (f >> id) with f (* AsimplCompIdR *)
| [|- context [id ?s]] => change (id s) with s
| [|- context[(?f >> ?g) >> ?h]] =>
change ((?f >> ?g) >> ?h) with (f >> (g >> h)) (* AsimplComp *)
| [|- context[(?s.:?sigma) var_zero]] => change ((s.:sigma)var_zero) with s
| [|- context[(?f >> ?g) >> ?h]] =>
change ((f >> g) >> h) with (f >> (g >> h))
| [|- context[?f >> (?x .: ?g)]] =>
change (f >> (x .: g)) with g
| [|- context[var_zero]] => change var_zero with 0
| [|- context[?x2 .: shift >> ?f]] =>
change x2 with (f 0); rewrite (@scons_eta _ _ f)
| [|- context[(?v .: ?g) 0]] =>
change ((v .: g) 0) with v
| [|- context[(?v .: ?g) (S ?n)]] =>
change ((v .: g) (S n)) with (g n)
| [|- context[?f 0 .: ?g]] =>
change g with (shift >> f); rewrite scons_eta
| _ => first [progress (rewrite ?scons_comp) | progress (rewrite ?scons_eta_id)]
Ltac fsimplc :=
unfold up_ren; repeat match goal with
| [H : context[id >> ?f] |- _] => change (id >> f) with f in H(* AsimplCompIdL *)
| [H: context[?f >> id] |- _] => change (f >> id) with f in H(* AsimplCompIdR *)
| [H: context [id ?s] |- _] => change (id s) with s in H
| [H: context[(?f >> ?g) >> ?h] |- _] =>
change ((?f >> ?g) >> ?h) with (f >> (g >> h)) in H(* AsimplComp *)
| [H : context[(?s.:?sigma) var_zero] |- _] => change ((s.:sigma)var_zero) with s in H
| [H: context[(?f >> ?g) >> ?h] |- _] =>
change ((f >> g) >> h) with (f >> (g >> h)) in H
| [H: context[?f >> (?x .: ?g)] |- _] =>
change (f >> (x .: g)) with g in H
| [H: context[var_zero] |- _] => change var_zero with 0 in H
| [H: context[?x2 .: shift >> ?f] |- _] =>
change x2 with (f 0) in H; rewrite (@scons_eta _ _ f) in H
| [H: context[(?v .: ?g) 0] |- _] =>
change ((v .: g) 0) with v in H
| [H: context[(?v .: ?g) (S ?n)] |- _] =>
change ((v .: g) (S n)) with (g n) in H
| [H: context[?f 0 .: ?g] |- _] =>
change g with (shift >> f); rewrite scons_eta in H
| _ => first [progress (rewrite ?scons_comp in *) | progress (rewrite ?scons_eta_id in *) ]
Tactic Notation "fsimpl" "in" "*" :=
fsimpl; fsimplc.
Ltac unfold_funcomp := match goal with
| |- context[(?f >> ?g) ?s] => change ((f >> g) s) with (g (f s))
Require Import Undecidability.SystemF.SysF.
Require Import Morphisms.
Module UnscopedNotations.
Notation "f >> g" := (funcomp g f) (*fun x => g (f x)*) (at level 50).
Notation "s .: sigma" := (scons s sigma) (at level 70).
End UnscopedNotations.
Definition fext_eq {X Y} (f g : X -> Y) := (forall x, f x = g x).
(* Notation "f === g :> X" := (@fext_eq _ X f g) (at level 100). *)
Local Notation "f === g" := (fext_eq f g) (at level 80).
Import UnscopedNotations.
Definition shift := S.
Definition scons {X: Type} (x : X) (xi : nat -> X) :=
fun n => match n with
|0 => x
|S n => xi n
Definition var_zero := 0.
Definition funcomp {X Y Z} (g : Y -> Z) (f : X -> Y) :=
fun x => g (f x).
Local Arguments funcomp {X Y Z}.
Instance funcomp_Proper {X Y Z} :
Proper (fext_eq ==> fext_eq ==> fext_eq) (@funcomp X Y Z).
repeat intros ?. cbv in *. congruence.
Definition up_ren (xi : nat -> nat) :=
0 .: (xi >> S).
Definition ap {X Y} (f : X -> Y) {x y : X} (p : x = y) : f x = f y :=
match p with eq_refl => eq_refl end.
Definition apc {X Y} {f g : X -> Y} {x y : X} (p : f = g) (q : x = y) : f x = g y :=
match q with eq_refl => match p with eq_refl => eq_refl end end.
Lemma up_ren_ren (xi: nat -> nat) (zeta : nat -> nat) (rho: nat -> nat) (E: forall x, (xi >> zeta) x = rho x) :
forall x, (up_ren xi >> up_ren zeta) x = up_ren rho x.
intros [|x].
- reflexivity.
- unfold up_ren. simpl. unfold funcomp. rewrite <- E. reflexivity.
Definition id {X} (x: X) := x.
Lemma scons_eta {T} (f : nat -> T) :
f var_zero .: shift >> f === f.
Proof. intros [|x]; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma scons_eta_id {n : nat} : var_zero .: shift === @id nat.
Proof. intros [|x]; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma scons_comp (T: Type) U (s: T) (sigma: nat -> T) (tau: T -> U ) :
(s .: sigma) >> tau === scons (tau s) (sigma >> tau) .
intros [|x]; reflexivity.
Ltac fsimpl :=
unfold up_ren; repeat match goal with
| [|- context[id >> ?f]] => change (id >> f) with f (* AsimplCompIdL *)
| [|- context[?f >> id]] => change (f >> id) with f (* AsimplCompIdR *)
| [|- context [id ?s]] => change (id s) with s
| [|- context[(?f >> ?g) >> ?h]] =>
change ((?f >> ?g) >> ?h) with (f >> (g >> h)) (* AsimplComp *)
| [|- context[(?s.:?sigma) var_zero]] => change ((s.:sigma)var_zero) with s
| [|- context[(?f >> ?g) >> ?h]] =>
change ((f >> g) >> h) with (f >> (g >> h))
| [|- context[?f >> (?x .: ?g)]] =>
change (f >> (x .: g)) with g
| [|- context[var_zero]] => change var_zero with 0
| [|- context[?x2 .: shift >> ?f]] =>
change x2 with (f 0); rewrite (@scons_eta _ _ f)
| [|- context[(?v .: ?g) 0]] =>
change ((v .: g) 0) with v
| [|- context[(?v .: ?g) (S ?n)]] =>
change ((v .: g) (S n)) with (g n)
| [|- context[?f 0 .: ?g]] =>
change g with (shift >> f); rewrite scons_eta
| _ => first [progress (rewrite ?scons_comp) | progress (rewrite ?scons_eta_id)]
Ltac fsimplc :=
unfold up_ren; repeat match goal with
| [H : context[id >> ?f] |- _] => change (id >> f) with f in H(* AsimplCompIdL *)
| [H: context[?f >> id] |- _] => change (f >> id) with f in H(* AsimplCompIdR *)
| [H: context [id ?s] |- _] => change (id s) with s in H
| [H: context[(?f >> ?g) >> ?h] |- _] =>
change ((?f >> ?g) >> ?h) with (f >> (g >> h)) in H(* AsimplComp *)
| [H : context[(?s.:?sigma) var_zero] |- _] => change ((s.:sigma)var_zero) with s in H
| [H: context[(?f >> ?g) >> ?h] |- _] =>
change ((f >> g) >> h) with (f >> (g >> h)) in H
| [H: context[?f >> (?x .: ?g)] |- _] =>
change (f >> (x .: g)) with g in H
| [H: context[var_zero] |- _] => change var_zero with 0 in H
| [H: context[?x2 .: shift >> ?f] |- _] =>
change x2 with (f 0) in H; rewrite (@scons_eta _ _ f) in H
| [H: context[(?v .: ?g) 0] |- _] =>
change ((v .: g) 0) with v in H
| [H: context[(?v .: ?g) (S ?n)] |- _] =>
change ((v .: g) (S n)) with (g n) in H
| [H: context[?f 0 .: ?g] |- _] =>
change g with (shift >> f); rewrite scons_eta in H
| _ => first [progress (rewrite ?scons_comp in *) | progress (rewrite ?scons_eta_id in *) ]
Tactic Notation "fsimpl" "in" "*" :=
fsimpl; fsimplc.
Ltac unfold_funcomp := match goal with
| |- context[(?f >> ?g) ?s] => change ((f >> g) s) with (g (f s))