(* * Encoding for binary numbers *)
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.Prelim Code.
From Undecidability Require Import ArithPrelim.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Export Bijection.
Require Export BinNums.
(* We use Coq's standard types positive and N *)
(* It is important to note that the least-significant bit is the last symbol in the encoding *)
Inductive sigPos : Type :=
| sigPos_xI : sigPos
| sigPos_xO : sigPos
| sigPos_xH : sigPos.
Global Instance sigPos_eq : eq_dec sigPos.
Proof. unfold dec. decide equality. Defined. (* because definition *)
Global Instance sigPos_fin : finTypeC (EqType sigPos).
Proof. split with (enum := [sigPos_xI; sigPos_xO; sigPos_xH]). intros [ | | ]; cbn; reflexivity. Qed.
Fixpoint encode_pos (x : positive) : list sigPos :=
match x with
| xI x' => encode_pos x' ++ [sigPos_xI]
| xO x' => encode_pos x' ++ [sigPos_xO]
| xH => [sigPos_xH]
Global Instance Encode_positive : codable sigPos positive :=
encode := encode_pos;
Lemma Encode_positive_hasSize x : size x = Pos.size_nat x.
Proof. induction x; cbn; auto; simpl_list; setoid_rewrite IHx; cbn; auto; lia. Qed.
Corollary Encode_positive_eq_nil x :
Encode_positive x <> nil.
Proof. intros H % length_zero_iff_nil. setoid_rewrite Encode_positive_hasSize in H. destruct x; cbn in *; lia. Qed.
Lemma app_singleton_inv (X : Type) (xs ys : list X) (x y : X) :
xs ++ [x] = ys ++ [y] -> xs = ys /\ x = y.
revert ys. induction xs as [ | x' xs' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct ys as [ | y']; cbn in *; inv H; auto.
exfalso. now apply app_cons_not_nil in H2.
- destruct ys as [ | y']; cbn in *; inv H; auto.
+ exfalso. symmetry in H2. now apply app_cons_not_nil in H2.
+ now apply IH in H2 as (->&->).
Lemma app_singleton_inv_nil (X : Type) (xs : list X) (x y : X) :
xs ++ [x] = [y] -> xs = nil /\ x = y.
destruct xs as [ | x' xs']; cbn in *; intros H; inv H; auto.
exfalso. symmetry in H2. now apply app_cons_not_nil in H2.
Lemma Encode_positive_injective : injective encode_pos.
cbn. hnf. intros n1. induction n1; intros n2 H; cbn in *.
- destruct n2; cbn in *; try congruence.
+ apply app_singleton_inv in H as (H1&H1'); inv H1'; auto using f_equal.
+ apply app_singleton_inv in H as (H1&H1'); inv H1'; auto using f_equal.
+ exfalso. apply app_singleton_inv_nil in H as (H&H'); inv H'.
- destruct n2; cbn in *; try congruence.
+ apply app_singleton_inv in H as (H1&H1'); inv H1'; auto using f_equal.
+ apply app_singleton_inv in H as (H1&H1'); inv H1'; auto using f_equal.
+ exfalso. apply app_singleton_inv_nil in H as (H&H'); inv H'.
- destruct n2; cbn in *; try congruence.
+ symmetry in H. apply app_singleton_inv_nil in H as (H1&H1'); inv H1'; auto using f_equal.
+ symmetry in H. apply app_singleton_inv_nil in H as (H1&H1'); inv H1'; auto using f_equal.
Lemma Encode_positive_startsWith_xH (x : positive) :
exists str', encode_pos x = sigPos_xH :: str'.
induction x; cbn; eauto.
- destruct IHx. eexists (_ ++ _); cbn. setoid_rewrite H; cbn; eauto.
- destruct IHx. eexists (_ ++ _); cbn. setoid_rewrite H; cbn; eauto.
(* Compute encode (42 *)
(* With this alphabet it is easier to derive the machines for N using the machines for positive *)
Notation sigN := (sigOption sigPos).
Definition N_to_optionPos : BinNums.N -> option positive :=
fun n => match n with
| N0 => None
| Npos p => Some p
Instance Encode_N : codable sigN BinNums.N :=
encode n := encode (N_to_optionPos n);
Definition Encode_N_size (n : N) : nat :=
match n with
| N0 => 1
| Npos p => S (Pos.size_nat p)
Lemma Encode_N_hasSize (n : N) :
size n = Encode_N_size n.
Proof. destruct n; cbn; auto. simpl_list. f_equal. apply Encode_positive_hasSize. Qed.
(* Check _ : Retract sigPos sigN. (* The obvious retract *) *)
(* Compute encode (42 *)
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.Prelim Code.
From Undecidability Require Import ArithPrelim.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Export Bijection.
Require Export BinNums.
(* We use Coq's standard types positive and N *)
(* It is important to note that the least-significant bit is the last symbol in the encoding *)
Inductive sigPos : Type :=
| sigPos_xI : sigPos
| sigPos_xO : sigPos
| sigPos_xH : sigPos.
Global Instance sigPos_eq : eq_dec sigPos.
Proof. unfold dec. decide equality. Defined. (* because definition *)
Global Instance sigPos_fin : finTypeC (EqType sigPos).
Proof. split with (enum := [sigPos_xI; sigPos_xO; sigPos_xH]). intros [ | | ]; cbn; reflexivity. Qed.
Fixpoint encode_pos (x : positive) : list sigPos :=
match x with
| xI x' => encode_pos x' ++ [sigPos_xI]
| xO x' => encode_pos x' ++ [sigPos_xO]
| xH => [sigPos_xH]
Global Instance Encode_positive : codable sigPos positive :=
encode := encode_pos;
Lemma Encode_positive_hasSize x : size x = Pos.size_nat x.
Proof. induction x; cbn; auto; simpl_list; setoid_rewrite IHx; cbn; auto; lia. Qed.
Corollary Encode_positive_eq_nil x :
Encode_positive x <> nil.
Proof. intros H % length_zero_iff_nil. setoid_rewrite Encode_positive_hasSize in H. destruct x; cbn in *; lia. Qed.
Lemma app_singleton_inv (X : Type) (xs ys : list X) (x y : X) :
xs ++ [x] = ys ++ [y] -> xs = ys /\ x = y.
revert ys. induction xs as [ | x' xs' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct ys as [ | y']; cbn in *; inv H; auto.
exfalso. now apply app_cons_not_nil in H2.
- destruct ys as [ | y']; cbn in *; inv H; auto.
+ exfalso. symmetry in H2. now apply app_cons_not_nil in H2.
+ now apply IH in H2 as (->&->).
Lemma app_singleton_inv_nil (X : Type) (xs : list X) (x y : X) :
xs ++ [x] = [y] -> xs = nil /\ x = y.
destruct xs as [ | x' xs']; cbn in *; intros H; inv H; auto.
exfalso. symmetry in H2. now apply app_cons_not_nil in H2.
Lemma Encode_positive_injective : injective encode_pos.
cbn. hnf. intros n1. induction n1; intros n2 H; cbn in *.
- destruct n2; cbn in *; try congruence.
+ apply app_singleton_inv in H as (H1&H1'); inv H1'; auto using f_equal.
+ apply app_singleton_inv in H as (H1&H1'); inv H1'; auto using f_equal.
+ exfalso. apply app_singleton_inv_nil in H as (H&H'); inv H'.
- destruct n2; cbn in *; try congruence.
+ apply app_singleton_inv in H as (H1&H1'); inv H1'; auto using f_equal.
+ apply app_singleton_inv in H as (H1&H1'); inv H1'; auto using f_equal.
+ exfalso. apply app_singleton_inv_nil in H as (H&H'); inv H'.
- destruct n2; cbn in *; try congruence.
+ symmetry in H. apply app_singleton_inv_nil in H as (H1&H1'); inv H1'; auto using f_equal.
+ symmetry in H. apply app_singleton_inv_nil in H as (H1&H1'); inv H1'; auto using f_equal.
Lemma Encode_positive_startsWith_xH (x : positive) :
exists str', encode_pos x = sigPos_xH :: str'.
induction x; cbn; eauto.
- destruct IHx. eexists (_ ++ _); cbn. setoid_rewrite H; cbn; eauto.
- destruct IHx. eexists (_ ++ _); cbn. setoid_rewrite H; cbn; eauto.
(* Compute encode (42 *)
(* With this alphabet it is easier to derive the machines for N using the machines for positive *)
Notation sigN := (sigOption sigPos).
Definition N_to_optionPos : BinNums.N -> option positive :=
fun n => match n with
| N0 => None
| Npos p => Some p
Instance Encode_N : codable sigN BinNums.N :=
encode n := encode (N_to_optionPos n);
Definition Encode_N_size (n : N) : nat :=
match n with
| N0 => 1
| Npos p => S (Pos.size_nat p)
Lemma Encode_N_hasSize (n : N) :
size n = Encode_N_size n.
Proof. destruct n; cbn; auto. simpl_list. f_equal. apply Encode_positive_hasSize. Qed.
(* Check _ : Retract sigPos sigN. (* The obvious retract *) *)
(* Compute encode (42 *)