Require Export Undecidability.TM.Code.CodeTM Undecidability.TM.Code.Copy Undecidability.TM.Code.ChangeAlphabet Undecidability.TM.Code.WriteValue.
Require Export Undecidability.TM.Compound.TMTac.
Require Export Undecidability.TM.Basic.Mono Undecidability.TM.Compound.Multi.
Require Import Lia.

Export Set Default Proof Using "Type".
(* * All tools for programming Turing machines *)

(* All Coq modules in that the user programms Turing machine should From Undecidability Require Import TM.Code.ProgrammingTools. The module should additionally require and import the modules containing the constructor and deconstructor machines, e.g. Require Import TM.Code.CaseNat, etc. *)

(* To get rid of all those uggly tape rewriting hypothesises. Be warned that maybe the goal can't be solved after that. *)
Ltac clear_tape_eqs :=
  repeat once lazymatch goal with
         | [ H: ?t'[@ ?x] = ?t[@ ?x] |- _ ] => clear H

Tactic Notation "destruct" "_" "in" constr(H):=
  match type of H with
  | context[match ?X with _ => _ end] => destruct X
  | context[match ?X with _ => _ end] => destruct X

(* Tactics for interactive refinements of Relations that ger derived instead of full TM_correct. See e.g. DecodaTape *)
Tactic Notation "tacInEvar" constr(E) tactic3(tac) :=
  is_evar E;
  let t := type of E in
  let __tmp_callInEvar := fresh "__tmp_callInEvar" in
  evar (__tmp_callInEvar:t);
  (only [__tmp_callInEvar]:tac);unify E __tmp_callInEvar;subst __tmp_callInEvar;instantiate.

Tactic Notation "introsSwitch" ne_simple_intropattern_list(P):=
  once lazymatch goal with
    |- (forall f' , ?REL _ (?Rmove f')) =>
    tacInEvar Rmove intros P;cbn beta;intros P

Tactic Notation "destructBoth" constr(g) "as" simple_intropattern(P) :=
  once lazymatch goal with
    |- (RealiseIn _ ?Rmove _) =>
    tacInEvar Rmove (destruct g as P);destruct g as P;cbn zeta iota beta
  | |- (?REL _ ?Rmove) =>
    tacInEvar Rmove (destruct g as P);destruct g as P;cbn zeta iota beta

Tactic Notation "destructBoth" constr(g) :=
  destructBoth g as [].

Tactic Notation "infTer" int_or_var(n) :=
  let t := try (first
  [match goal with
   |- exists x:_,_ => simple notypeclasses refine (@ex_intro _ _ _ _);[shelve|cbn beta]
   | simple apply conj | simple eapply Nat.le_refl])
  in t;do n t.

Tactic Notation "length_not_eq" "in" constr(H):=
  let H' := fresh "H" in
  specialize (f_equal (@length _) H) as H';repeat (try autorewrite with list in H';cbn in H');nia.

Ltac length_not_eq :=
  let H := fresh "H" in intros H;exfalso;length_not_eq in H.

Ltac specializeFin H' :=
  match type of H' with
    forall i : Fin.t ?n, _ => do_n_times_fin n ltac:(fun i => let H := fresh H' in specialize (H' i) as H;cbn in H)

(* Machine Notations *)

From Coq.ssr Require ssrfun.
Module Option := ssrfun.Option.