(* * Combinators *)

(* * Export Modules for Combinators *)
From Undecidability.TM.Combinators Require Export Switch If SequentialComposition StateWhile While Mirror.

(* ** Simple Combinators *)

(* Identity operator *)
Section Id.
  (* The purpose of this operator is to deactivate TM_Correct. *)
  Variable (sig : finType) (n : nat).
  Variable (F : finType).

  Variable (pM : pTM sig F n).

  Definition Id := pM.
End Id.

(* Simple operator to change the labelling function *)
Section Relabel.
  Variable (sig : finType) (n : nat).
  Variable F F' : finType.
  Variable pM : { M : TM sig n & state M -> F }.
  Variable p : F -> F'.

  Definition Relabel : pTM sig F' n :=
    (projT1 pM; fun q => p (projT2 pM q)).

  Lemma Relabel_Realise R :
    pM R ->
    Relabel _y (R |_ y) ||_(p y).
    intros HRel.
    intros tin k outc HLoop.
    hnf in HRel. specialize HRel with (1 := HLoop).
    hnf. exists (projT2 pM (cstate outc)). hnf. cbn. auto.

  Lemma Relabel_RealiseIn R k :
    pM c(k) R ->
    Relabel c(k) _y (R |_ y) ||_(p y).
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.

  Lemma Relabel_Terminates T :
    projT1 pM T ->
    projT1 Relabel T.
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.

End Relabel.

Arguments Relabel : simpl never.

(* Special case of the above operator, where we just fix a label *)
Section Return.

  Variable (sig : finType) (n : nat).
  Variable F : finType.
  Variable pM : { M : TM sig n & state M -> F }.
  Variable F' : finType.
  Variable p : F'.

  Definition Return := Relabel pM (fun _ => p).

  Lemma Return_Realise R :
    pM R ->
    Return (_f (R |_ f)) ||_ p.
  Proof. intros. intros tin k outc HLoop. hnf. split; hnf; eauto. exists (projT2 pM (cstate outc)). hnf. eauto. Qed.

  Lemma Return_RealiseIn R k :
    pM c(k) R ->
    Return c(k) (_f (R |_ f)) ||_ p.
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.

  Lemma Return_Terminates T :
    projT1 pM T ->
    projT1 Return T.
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.

End Return.

Arguments Return : simpl never.

(* ** Tactic Support *)

(* Helper tactics for match *)

Local Ltac print e := idtac. (* idtac e *)
Local Tactic Notation "print_str" string(e1) := idtac. (* idtac e1 *)
Local Tactic Notation "print2" ident(e1) string(e2) := idtac. (* idtac e1 e2 *)
Local Ltac print_type e := first [ let x := type of e in print x | print_str "Untyped:"; print e ].

Ltac print_goal_cbn :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- ?H ] =>
    let H' := eval cbn in H in print H'

(* This tactic destructs a variable recursivle and shelves each goal where it couldn't destruct the variable further. The purpose of this tactic is to pre-instantiate functions to relations with holes of the form Param -> Rel _ _. We need this for the Switch Machine.
The implementation of this tactic is quiete uggly but works for parameters with up to 9 constructor arguments. This tactic may generates a lot of warnings, which can be ignored. *)

Export Set Warnings "-unused-intro-pattern".

Ltac destruct_shelve e :=
  cbn in e;
  print_str "Input:";
  print_type e;
  print_str "Output:";
  let x1 := fresh "x" in
  let x2 := fresh "x" in
  let x3 := fresh "x" in
  let x4 := fresh "x" in
  let x5 := fresh "x" in
  let x6 := fresh "x" in
  let x7 := fresh "x" in
  let x8 := fresh "x" in
  let x9 := fresh "x" in
  first [ destruct e as [x1|x2|x3|x4|x5|x6|x7|x8|x9]; print2 e "has 9 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3 | try destruct_shelve x4 | try destruct_shelve x5 | try destruct_shelve x6 | try destruct_shelve x7 | try destruct_shelve x8 | try destruct_shelve x9]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2|x3|x4|x5|x6|x7|x8]; print2 e "has 8 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3 | try destruct_shelve x4 | try destruct_shelve x5 | try destruct_shelve x6 | try destruct_shelve x7 | try destruct_shelve x8]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2|x3|x4|x5|x6|x7]; print2 e "has 7 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3 | try destruct_shelve x4 | try destruct_shelve x5 | try destruct_shelve x6 | try destruct_shelve x7]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2|x3|x4|x5|x6]; print2 e "has 6 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3 | try destruct_shelve x4 | try destruct_shelve x5 | try destruct_shelve x6]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2|x3|x4|x5]; print2 e "has 5 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3 | try destruct_shelve x4 | try destruct_shelve x5]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2|x3|x4]; print2 e "has 4 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3 | try destruct_shelve x4]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2|x3]; print2 e "has 3 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2 | try destruct_shelve x3]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1|x2]; print2 e "has 2 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 | try destruct_shelve x2]; shelve
        | destruct e as [x1]; print2 e "has 1 constructors"; [ try destruct_shelve x1 ]; shelve
        | destruct e as []; print2 e "has 0 constructors"; shelve

(* Eval simpl in ltac:(intros ?e; destruct_shelve e) : (option (bool + (bool + (bool + bool)))) -> Rel _ _. *)

Ltac smpl_match_case_solve_RealiseIn :=
  eapply RealiseIn_monotone'; [ | shelve].

(* This disables the automatic exploration of all possible branvhes in a switch machine. 
It is useful if some branches do perform the same work to nos split the proof unless required.
See CaseBool for an example. Usage with the tactical destructBoth allows to refine the relation when performing caseSplits *)

Definition TM_Correct_noSwitchAuto := unit.
Opaque TM_Correct_noSwitchAuto.
Ltac TM_Correct_noSwitchAuto := let f := fresh "flag" in assert (f := (tt:TM_Correct_noSwitchAuto)).

Ltac smpl_match_RealiseIn :=
  once lazymatch goal with
  | H : TM_Correct_noSwitchAuto |- _ => eapply Switch_RealiseIn with (R2:= fun x => _ );[TM_Correct| ]
  | [ |- Switch ?M1 ?M2 c(?k1) ?R] =>
    is_evar R;
    let tM2 := type of M2 in
    let x := fresh "x" in
    match tM2 with
    | ?F -> _ =>
      eapply (Switch_RealiseIn
                (F := FinType(EqType F))
                (R2 := ltac:(now ((*print_goal;*) intros x; destruct_shelve x))));
      | intros x; repeat destruct _; smpl_match_case_solve_RealiseIn

Ltac smpl_match_Realise :=
  once lazymatch goal with
  | H : TM_Correct_noSwitchAuto |- _ => eapply Switch_Realise with (R2:= fun x => _ );[TM_Correct| ]
  | [ |- Switch ?M1 ?M2 ?R] =>
    is_evar R;
    let tM2 := type of M2 in
    let x := fresh "x" in
    match tM2 with
    | ?F -> _ =>
      eapply (Switch_Realise
                (F := FinType(EqType F))
                (R2 := ltac:(now (intros x; destruct_shelve x))));
      | intros x; repeat destruct _

Ltac smpl_match_Terminates :=
  once lazymatch goal with
  | H : TM_Correct_noSwitchAuto |- _ => eapply Switch_TerminatesIn with (T2:= fun x => _ );[TM_Correct|TM_Correct | ]
  | [ |- projT1 (Switch ?M1 ?M2) ?R] =>
    is_evar R;
    let tM2 := type of M2 in
    let x := fresh "x" in
    match tM2 with
    | ?F -> _ =>
      eapply (Switch_TerminatesIn
                (F := FinType(EqType F))
                (T2 := ltac:(now (intros x; destruct_shelve x))));
      [ (* show weak realisation of the machine over which is matched *)
      | (* Show termination of the machine over which is matched *)
      | intros x; repeat destruct _ (* Show termination of each case-machine *)

(* There is no rule for Id on purpose. *)
Ltac smpl_TM_Combinators :=
  once lazymatch goal with
  | [ |- Switch _ _ _] => smpl_match_Realise
  | [ |- Switch _ _ c(_) _] => smpl_match_RealiseIn
  | [ |- projT1 (Switch _ _) _] => smpl_match_Terminates
  | [ |- If _ _ _ _] => eapply If_Realise
  | [ |- If _ _ _ c(_) _] => eapply If_RealiseIn
  | [ |- projT1 (If _ _ _) _] => eapply If_TerminatesIn
  | [ |- Seq _ _ _] => eapply Seq_Realise
  | [ |- Seq _ _ c(_) _] => eapply Seq_RealiseIn
  | [ |- projT1 (Seq _ _) _] => eapply Seq_TerminatesIn
  | [ |- While _ _] => eapply While_Realise
  | [ |- projT1 (While _) _] => eapply While_TerminatesIn
  | [ |- StateWhile _ _ _] => eapply StateWhile_Realise
  | [ |- projT1 (StateWhile _ _) _] => eapply StateWhile_TerminatesIn
  | [ |- Relabel _ _ _] => eapply Relabel_Realise
  | [ |- Relabel _ _ c(_) _] => eapply Relabel_RealiseIn
  | [ |- projT1 (Relabel _ _) _] => eapply Relabel_Terminates
  | [ |- Return _ _ _] => eapply Return_Realise
  | [ |- Return _ _ c(_) _] => eapply Return_RealiseIn
  | [ |- projT1 (Return _ _) _] => eapply Return_Terminates

Smpl Add smpl_TM_Combinators : TM_Correct.