From Undecidability.TM.Hoare Require Import HoareLogic.
Definition abbreviate {A:Type} (x:A) := x.
Arguments abbreviate {A} {x}.
(* The concept of abbreviations is taken from VST*)
Tactic Notation "abbreviate" constr(y) "as" ident(x) :=
(first [ is_var y
| let x' := fresh x in pose (x':= @abbreviate _ y);
change y with x']).
Tactic Notation "abbreviate" constr(y) ":" constr(t) "as" ident(x) :=
(first [ is_var y
| let x' := fresh x in pose (x':= @abbreviate t y);
change y with x']).
Ltac unfold_abbrev :=
repeat match goal with H := @abbreviate _ _ |- _ =>
unfold H, abbreviate; clear H
Ltac clear_abbrevs := repeat match goal with
| H := @abbreviate (_ -> Assert _ _) _ |- _ => clear H
| H := @abbreviate (Assert _) _ |- _ => clear H
Ltac force_sequential :=
lazymatch goal with
(*| P := @abbreviate ret_assert (normal_ret_assert _) |- semax _ _ _ ?P' =>
constr_eq P P'
| P := @abbreviate ret_assert _ |- semax _ _ ?c ?P' =>
constr_eq P P';
try (is_sequential false false c;
unfold abbreviate in P; subst P;
apply sequential; simpl_ret_assert)
| P := @abbreviate ret_assert _ |- _ => unfold abbreviate in P; subst P;
| P := _ : ret_assert |- semax _ _ _ ?P' =>
constr_eq P P'; unfold abbreviate in P; subst P;
| |- semax _ _ _ (normal_ret_assert ?P) =>
abbreviate (normal_ret_assert P) : ret_assert as POSTCONDITION
| |- semax _ _ ?c ?P =>
tryif (is_sequential false false c)
then (apply sequential; simpl_ret_assert;
match goal with |- semax _ _ _ ?Q =>
abbreviate Q : ret_assert as POSTCONDITION
else abbreviate P : ret_assert as POSTCONDITION *)
| |- TripleT _ _ _ ?P => abbreviate P as POSTCONDITION
| |- Triple _ _ ?P => abbreviate P as POSTCONDITION
Ltac abbreviate_TM := force_sequential.
Ltac start_TM := abbreviate_TM.
Definition abbreviate {A:Type} (x:A) := x.
Arguments abbreviate {A} {x}.
(* The concept of abbreviations is taken from VST*)
Tactic Notation "abbreviate" constr(y) "as" ident(x) :=
(first [ is_var y
| let x' := fresh x in pose (x':= @abbreviate _ y);
change y with x']).
Tactic Notation "abbreviate" constr(y) ":" constr(t) "as" ident(x) :=
(first [ is_var y
| let x' := fresh x in pose (x':= @abbreviate t y);
change y with x']).
Ltac unfold_abbrev :=
repeat match goal with H := @abbreviate _ _ |- _ =>
unfold H, abbreviate; clear H
Ltac clear_abbrevs := repeat match goal with
| H := @abbreviate (_ -> Assert _ _) _ |- _ => clear H
| H := @abbreviate (Assert _) _ |- _ => clear H
Ltac force_sequential :=
lazymatch goal with
(*| P := @abbreviate ret_assert (normal_ret_assert _) |- semax _ _ _ ?P' =>
constr_eq P P'
| P := @abbreviate ret_assert _ |- semax _ _ ?c ?P' =>
constr_eq P P';
try (is_sequential false false c;
unfold abbreviate in P; subst P;
apply sequential; simpl_ret_assert)
| P := @abbreviate ret_assert _ |- _ => unfold abbreviate in P; subst P;
| P := _ : ret_assert |- semax _ _ _ ?P' =>
constr_eq P P'; unfold abbreviate in P; subst P;
| |- semax _ _ _ (normal_ret_assert ?P) =>
abbreviate (normal_ret_assert P) : ret_assert as POSTCONDITION
| |- semax _ _ ?c ?P =>
tryif (is_sequential false false c)
then (apply sequential; simpl_ret_assert;
match goal with |- semax _ _ _ ?Q =>
abbreviate Q : ret_assert as POSTCONDITION
else abbreviate P : ret_assert as POSTCONDITION *)
| |- TripleT _ _ _ ?P => abbreviate P as POSTCONDITION
| |- Triple _ _ ?P => abbreviate P as POSTCONDITION
Ltac abbreviate_TM := force_sequential.
Ltac start_TM := abbreviate_TM.