From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.Prelim TM.Util.Relations TM.Util.TM_facts.

(* * Tapes-Lift *)

(* Select the m elements of V, of that their index is in I *)
Definition select (m n: nat) (X: Type) (I : Vector.t (Fin.t n) m) (V : Vector.t X n) : Vector.t X m := (Vector.nth V) I.

Corollary select_nth m n X (I : Vector.t (Fin.t n) m) (V : Vector.t X n) (k : Fin.t m) :
  (select I V) [@ k] = V [@ (I [@ k])].
Proof. now apply Vector.nth_map. Qed.

(* Relational tapes-lift *)
Section LiftTapes_Rel.

  Variable (sig : finType) (F : Type).
  Variable m n : nat.

  Variable I : Vector.t (Fin.t n) m.

  Definition not_index (i : Fin.t n) : Prop :=
    ~ Vector.In i I.

  Variable (R : pRel sig F m).

  Definition LiftTapes_select_Rel : pRel sig F n :=
    fun t '(y, t') => R (select I t) (y, select I t').

  Definition LiftTapes_eq_Rel : pRel sig F n :=
    ignoreParam (fun t t' => forall i : Fin.t n, not_index i -> t'[@i] = t[@i]).

  Definition LiftTapes_Rel := LiftTapes_select_Rel LiftTapes_eq_Rel.

  Variable T : tRel sig m.

  Definition LiftTapes_T : tRel sig n :=
    fun t k => T (select I t) k.

End LiftTapes_Rel.

Arguments not_index : simpl never.
Arguments LiftTapes_select_Rel {sig F m n} I R x y /.
Arguments LiftTapes_eq_Rel {sig F m n} I x y /.
Arguments LiftTapes_Rel {sig F m n } I R x y /.
Arguments LiftTapes_T {sig m n} I T x y /.

Lemma vector_hd_nth (X : Type) (n : nat) (xs : Vector.t X (S n)) : Vector.hd xs = xs[@Fin0].
Proof. now destruct_vector. Qed.

Lemma vector_tl_nth (X : Type) (n : nat) (i : Fin.t (S n)) (xs : Vector.t X (S (S n))) : ( xs)[@i] = xs[@Fin.FS i].
Proof. now destruct_vector. Qed.

Section Fill.

  Fixpoint lookup_index_vector {m n : nat} (I : Vector.t (Fin.t n) m) : Fin.t n -> option (Fin.t m) :=
    match I with
    | Vector.nil _ => fun (i : Fin.t n) => None
    | Vector.cons _ i' m' I' =>
      fun (i : Fin.t n) =>
        if Fin.eqb i i' then Some Fin0
        else match lookup_index_vector I' i with
             | Some j => Some (Fin.FS j)
             | None => None

  Lemma Some_inj (X : Type) (x y : X) :
    Some x = Some y -> x = y.
  Proof. congruence. Qed.

  Lemma lookup_index_vector_Some (m n : nat) (I : Vector.t (Fin.t n) m) (i : Fin.t n) (j : Fin.t m) :
    dupfree I ->
    I[@j] = i ->
    lookup_index_vector I i = Some j.
    induction 1 as [ | m i' I' H1 H2 IH]; intros Heq; cbn in *.
    - contradict (fin_destruct_O j).
    - destruct (Fin.eqb i i') eqn:Eqb; cbn in *.
      + f_equal. apply Fin.eqb_eq in Eqb as ->.
        pose proof (fin_destruct_S j) as [(j'&->) | ->]; cbn in *.
        * exfalso. contradict H1. eapply vect_nth_In; eauto.
        * reflexivity.
      + destruct (lookup_index_vector I' i) as [j' | ] eqn:El.
        * pose proof (fin_destruct_S j) as [(j''&->) | ->]; cbn in *.
          -- specialize IH with (1 := Heq). apply Some_inj in IH as ->. reflexivity.
          -- subst. enough (Fin.eqb i i = true) by congruence. now apply Fin.eqb_eq.
        * exfalso. pose proof (fin_destruct_S j) as [(j''&->) | ->]; cbn in *.
          -- specialize IH with (1 := Heq). congruence.
          -- subst. enough (Fin.eqb i i = true) by congruence. now apply Fin.eqb_eq.

  Lemma lookup_index_vector_Some' (m n : nat) (I : Vector.t (Fin.t n) m) (i : Fin.t n) (j : Fin.t m) :
    lookup_index_vector I i = Some j ->
    I[@j] = i.
    revert i j. induction I as [ | i' n' I' IH ]; intros i j Hj.
    - destruct_fin j.
    - pose proof (fin_destruct_S j) as [(j'&->) | ->]; cbn in *.
      + destruct (Fin.eqb i i'); inv Hj.
        destruct (lookup_index_vector I' i) as [ j'' | ] eqn:Ej''.
        * apply Some_inj in H0. apply Fin.FS_inj in H0 as ->. now apply IH.
        * congruence.
      + destruct (Fin.eqb i i') eqn:Ei'.
        * now apply Fin.eqb_eq in Ei'.
        * destruct (lookup_index_vector I' i) as [ j'' | ] eqn:Ej''.
          -- congruence.
          -- congruence.

  Lemma lookup_index_vector_None (m n : nat) (I : Vector.t (Fin.t n) m) (i : Fin.t n) :
    (~ Vector.In i I) ->
    lookup_index_vector I i = None.
    intros HNotIn.
    destruct (lookup_index_vector I i) eqn:E; auto.
    exfalso. apply lookup_index_vector_Some' in E.
    contradict HNotIn. eapply vect_nth_In; eauto.

  Variable X : Type.

  (* Replace the elements of init of which the index is in I with the element in V of that index. *)
  Definition fill {m n : nat} (I : Vector.t (Fin.t n) m) (init : Vector.t X n) (V : Vector.t X m) : Vector.t X n :=
    tabulate (fun i => match lookup_index_vector I i with
                    | Some j => V[@j]
                    | None => init[@i]

  Section Test.
    Variable (a b x y z : X).

    (* The following goals should hold by computation *)
    Goal fill [|Fin0; Fin1|] [|x;y;z|] [|a;b|] = [|a;b;z|].
    Proof. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.

    Goal fill [|Fin2; Fin1|] [|x;y;z|] [|a;b|] = [|x;b;a|].
    Proof. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.

    Goal fill [|Fin1; Fin0|] [|x;y;z|] [|a;b|] = [|b;a;z|]. (* a and b are swapped, z is unchanged. *)
    Proof. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.

    (* This didn't hold (by computation) for the old version with replacement *)
    Goal forall (ss : Vector.t X 3), fill [|Fin0; Fin1|] ss [|a;b|] = [|a;b; ss[@Fin2]|].
    Proof. intros. cbn. reflexivity. Qed.

  End Test.

  Variable m n : nat.
  Implicit Types (i : Fin.t n) (j : Fin.t m).
  Implicit Types (I : Vector.t (Fin.t n) m) (init : Vector.t X n) (V : Vector.t X m).

  Lemma fill_correct_nth I init V i j :
    dupfree I ->
    I[@j] = i ->
    (fill I init V)[@i] = V[@j].
    intros HDup Heq.
    unfold fill. simpl_vector.
    erewrite lookup_index_vector_Some; eauto.

  Lemma fill_not_index I init V (i : Fin.t n) :
    not_index I i ->
    (fill I init V)[@i] = init[@i].
    intros HNotIn. unfold not_index in HNotIn.
    unfold fill. simpl_vector.
    erewrite lookup_index_vector_None; eauto.

  Definition fill_default I (def : X) V :=
    fill I (Vector.const def n) V.

  Corollary fill_default_not_index I V def i :
    not_index I i ->
    (fill_default I def V)[@i] = def.
  Proof. intros. unfold fill_default. rewrite fill_not_index; auto. apply Vector.const_nth. Qed.

End Fill.

Section loop_map.
  Variable A B : Type.
  Variable (f : A -> A) (h : A -> bool) (g : A -> B).
  Hypothesis step_map_comp : forall a, g (f a) = g a.

  Lemma loop_map k a1 a2 :
    loop f h a1 k = Some a2 ->
    g a2 = g a1.
    revert a1 a2. induction k as [ | k' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
    - destruct (h a1); now inv H.
    - destruct (h a1).
      + now inv H.
      + apply IH in H. now rewrite step_map_comp in H.

End loop_map.

Section LiftNM.

  Variable sig : finType.

  Variable m n : nat.

  Variable F : finType.

  Variable pM : pTM sig F m.

  Variable I : Vector.t ((Fin.t n)) m.
  Variable I_dupfree : dupfree I.

  Definition LiftTapes_trans :=
    fun '(q, sym ) =>
      let (q', act) := trans (m := projT1 pM) (q, select I sym) in
      (q', fill_default I (None, Nmove) act).

  Definition LiftTapes_TM : TM sig n :=
      trans := LiftTapes_trans;
      start := start (projT1 pM);
      halt := halt (m := projT1 pM);

  Definition LiftTapes : pTM sig F n := (LiftTapes_TM; projT2 pM).

  Definition selectConf : mconfig sig (state LiftTapes_TM) n -> mconfig sig (state (projT1 pM)) m :=
    fun c => mk_mconfig (cstate c) (select I (ctapes c)).

  Lemma current_chars_select (t : tapes sig n) :
    current_chars (select I t) = select I (current_chars t).
  Proof. unfold current_chars, select. apply Vector.eq_nth_iff; intros i ? <-. now simpl_tape. Qed.

  Lemma doAct_select (t : tapes sig n) act :
    doAct_multi (select I t) act = select I (doAct_multi t (fill_default I (None, Nmove) act)).
    unfold doAct_multi, select. apply Vector.eq_nth_iff; intros i ? <-. simpl_tape.
    unfold fill_default. f_equal. symmetry. now apply fill_correct_nth.

  Lemma LiftTapes_comp_step (c1 : mconfig sig (state (projT1 pM)) n) :
    step (M := projT1 pM) (selectConf c1) = selectConf (step (M := LiftTapes_TM) c1).
    unfold selectConf. unfold step; cbn.
    destruct c1 as [q t] eqn:E1.
    unfold step in *. cbn -[current_chars doAct_multi] in *.
    rewrite current_chars_select.
    destruct (trans (q, select I (current_chars t))) as (q', act) eqn:E; cbn.
    f_equal. apply doAct_select.

  Lemma LiftTapes_lift (c1 c2 : mconfig sig (state LiftTapes_TM) n) (k : nat) :
    loopM (M := LiftTapes_TM) c1 k = Some c2 ->
    loopM (M := projT1 pM) (selectConf c1) k = Some (selectConf c2).
    intros HLoop.
    eapply loop_lift with (f := step (M := LiftTapes_TM)) (h := haltConf (M := LiftTapes_TM)).
    - cbn. auto.
    - intros ? _. now apply LiftTapes_comp_step.
    - apply HLoop.

  Lemma LiftTapes_comp_eq (c1 c2 : mconfig sig (state LiftTapes_TM) n) (i : Fin.t n) :
    not_index I i ->
    step (M := LiftTapes_TM) c1 = c2 ->
    (ctapes c2)[@i] = (ctapes c1)[@i].
    intros HI H. unfold LiftTapes_TM in *.
    destruct c1 as [state1 tapes1] eqn:E1, c2 as [state2 tapes2] eqn:E2.
    unfold step, select in *. cbn in *.
    destruct (trans (state1, select I (current_chars tapes1))) as (q, act) eqn:E3.
    inv H. erewrite Vector.nth_map2; eauto. now rewrite fill_default_not_index.

  Lemma LiftTapes_eq (c1 c2 : mconfig sig (state LiftTapes_TM) n) (k : nat) (i : Fin.t n) :
    not_index I i ->
    loopM (M := LiftTapes_TM) c1 k = Some c2 ->
    (ctapes c2)[@i] = (ctapes c1)[@i].
    intros Hi HLoop. unfold loopM in HLoop.
    eapply loop_map with (g := fun c => (ctapes c)[@i]); eauto.
    intros. now apply LiftTapes_comp_eq.

  Lemma LiftTapes_Realise (R : Rel (tapes sig m) (F * tapes sig m)) :
    pM R ->
    LiftTapes LiftTapes_Rel I R.
    intros H. split.
    - apply (H (select I t) k (selectConf outc)).
      now apply (@LiftTapes_lift (initc LiftTapes_TM t) outc k).
    - hnf. intros i HI. now apply (@LiftTapes_eq (initc LiftTapes_TM t) outc k i HI).

  Lemma LiftTapes_unlift (k : nat)
        (c1 : mconfig sig (state (LiftTapes_TM)) n)
        (c2 : mconfig sig (state (LiftTapes_TM)) m) :
    loopM (M := projT1 pM) (selectConf c1) k = Some c2 ->
    exists c2' : mconfig sig (state (LiftTapes_TM)) n,
      loopM (M := LiftTapes_TM) c1 k = Some c2' /\
      c2 = selectConf c2'.
    intros HLoop. unfold loopM in *. cbn in *.
    apply loop_unlift with (lift:=selectConf) (f:=step (M:=LiftTapes_TM)) (h:=haltConf (M:=LiftTapes_TM)) in HLoop as (c'&HLoop&->).
    - exists c'. split; auto.
    - auto.
    - intros ? _. apply LiftTapes_comp_step.

  Lemma LiftTapes_Terminates T :
    projT1 pM T ->
    projT1 LiftTapes LiftTapes_T I T.
    intros H initTapes k Term. hnf in *.
    specialize (H (select I initTapes) k Term) as (outc&H).
    pose proof (@LiftTapes_unlift k (initc LiftTapes_TM initTapes) outc H) as (X&X'&->). eauto.

  Lemma LiftTapes_RealiseIn R k :
    pM c(k) R ->
    LiftTapes c(k) LiftTapes_Rel I R.
    intros (H1&H2) % Realise_total. apply Realise_total. split.
    - now apply LiftTapes_Realise.
    - eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
      + apply LiftTapes_Terminates; eauto.
      + firstorder.

End LiftNM.

Arguments LiftTapes : simpl never.
Notation "pM @ ts" := (LiftTapes pM ts) (at level 41, only parsing).

(* * Tactic Support *)

(* TODO: Some of this is probably deprecated, e.g. the app_tapes stuff *)

Lemma smpl_dupfree_helper1 (n : nat) :
  dupfree [|Fin.F1 (n := n)|].
Proof. vector_dupfree. Qed.

Lemma smpl_dupfree_helper2 (n : nat) :
  dupfree [|Fin.FS (Fin.F1 (n := n))|].
Proof. vector_dupfree. Qed.

Ltac smpl_dupfree :=
  once lazymatch goal with
  | [ |- dupfree [|Fin.F1 |] ] => apply smpl_dupfree_helper1
  | [ |- dupfree [|Fin.FS |] ] => apply smpl_dupfree_helper2
  | [ |- dupfree _ ] => now vector_dupfree (* fallback tactic *)

Ltac smpl_TM_LiftN :=
  once lazymatch goal with
  | [ |- LiftTapes _ _ _] =>
    apply LiftTapes_Realise; [ smpl_dupfree | ]
  | [ |- LiftTapes _ _ c(_) _] => apply LiftTapes_RealiseIn; [ smpl_dupfree | ]
  | [ |- projT1 (LiftTapes _ _) _] => apply LiftTapes_Terminates; [ smpl_dupfree | ]
Smpl Add smpl_TM_LiftN : TM_Correct.

Ltac is_num_const n :=
  once lazymatch n with
  | O => idtac
  | S ?n => is_num_const n
  | _ => fail "Not a number"

Section Test_Is_Num_Const.
  Variable n : nat.
  Eval cbn in ltac:(is_num_const 42).
  Fail Eval cbn in ltac:(is_num_const n).
  Fail Eval cbn in ltac:(is_num_const (S n)).
End Test_Is_Num_Const.

(* This tactical executes t 0, ..., t (n-1). *)
Ltac do_n_times n t :=
  match n with
  | O => idtac
  | (S ?n') =>
    t 0;
    do_n_times n' ltac:(fun i => let next := constr:(S i) in t next)
Eval cbn in ltac:(do_n_times 42 ltac:(fun a => idtac a)).

(* This similiar tactical executes t Fin0, ..., t Fin_(n-1). *)
Ltac do_n_times_fin_rect n m t :=
  once lazymatch n with
  | O => idtac
  | S ?n' =>
    let m' := eval hnf in (pred m) in
    let one := eval cbv in (@Fin.F1 _ : Fin.t m) in
    t one;
    do_n_times_fin_rect n' m' ltac:(fun i => let next := eval hnf in (Fin.FS i) in t next)

Ltac do_n_times_fin n t := do_n_times_fin_rect n n t.

Eval cbn in ltac:(do_n_times_fin 3 ltac:(fun a => idtac a)).
Eval cbn in ltac:(do_n_times_fin 3 ltac:(fun a => let x := eval simpl in (a : Fin.t 3) in idtac x)).

(* Check whether a vector (syntactically) contains an element *)
Ltac vector_contains a vect :=
  once lazymatch vect with
  | @Vector.nil ?A => fail "Vector doesn't contain" a
  | @Vector.cons ?A a ?n ?vect' => idtac
  | @Vector.cons ?A ?b ?n ?vect' => vector_contains a vect'
  | _ => fail "No vector" vect

(* Fail Check ltac:(vector_contains 42 (@Vector.nil nat); idtac "yes!"). *)
(* Check ltac:(vector_contains 42 |4;8;15;16;23;42|; idtac "yes!"). *)

 * The tactic simpl_not_in_vector tries to specialise hypothesises of the form
 * H : forall i : Fin.t n, not_index [F1; ...; Fk] i -> _
 * with i := Fin0, ..., i := Fin(n-1) to new assumptions H_0.

Lemma splitAllFin k' n (P : Fin.t (k'+n) -> Prop):
  (forall i, P i) -> (forall (i : Fin.t k'), P (Fin.L n i)) /\ (forall (i : Fin.t n), P (Fin.R k' i)).

Fixpoint not_indexb {n} (v : list (Fin.t n)) (i : Fin.t n) {struct v}: bool :=
match v with
  []%list => true
| (i'::v)%list => if Fin.eqb i' i then false else not_indexb v i

Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Lemma not_index_reflect n m (v : Vector.t _ m) (i : Fin.t n):
  not_index v i <-> not_indexb (Vector.to_list v) i = true.
  unfold Vector.to_list. depind v;cbn. easy.
  specialize (Fin.eqb_eq _ h i) as H'.
  destruct Fin.eqb. { destruct H' as [->]. 2:easy. split. 2:easy. destruct 1. constructor. }
  rewrite <- IHv. cbv;intuition. apply H1. now constructor. apply H1.
  inversion H2;subst. now specialize (H0 eq_refl). apply Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec in H6;subst. easy.
  decide equality.

Arguments not_indexb : simpl nomatch.

Lemma not_index_reflect_helper n m (v : Vector.t _ m) (P : Fin.t n -> Prop):
(forall i : Fin.t n, not_index v i -> P i)
-> (forall i : Fin.t n, if not_indexb (Vector.to_list v) i then P i else True).
  intros H i. specialize (H i). setoid_rewrite not_index_reflect in H. destruct not_indexb;now eauto.

Lemma not_index_reflect_helper2 n' (l : list _) (P : Fin.t n' -> Prop):
(forall i : Fin.t n', if not_indexb l i then P i else True)
-> (forall i : Fin.t n', not_index (Vector.of_list l) i -> P i).
  intros H i. specialize (H i). setoid_rewrite not_index_reflect.
  rewrite VectorSpec.to_list_of_list_opp. destruct not_indexb;now eauto.

Local Definition _Flag_DisableWarning := Lock unit.

Local Definition _flag_DisableWarning : _Flag_DisableWarning := tt.

Ltac simpl_not_in_vector_one :=
  let moveCnstLeft :=
    let rec loop k n :=
      lazymatch n with
        S ?n => loop uconstr:(S k) n
      | _ => uconstr:(k + n)
    in loop 0
  once lazymatch goal with
  | [ H : forall i : Fin.t ?n, not_index ?vect i -> _ |- _ ] =>
    specialize (not_index_reflect_helper H);clear H;intros H;
    let n' := moveCnstLeft n in
    change n with n' in H at 1;
    let tmp := fresh "tmp" in
    apply splitAllFin in H as [tmp H];
    cbn [not_indexb Vector.to_list Fin.R Vector.caseS Fin.eqb Vector.nth] in H;
    let helper i :=
      let H' := fresh H "_0" in
      assert (H':= tmp i);
      cbn in H';
      once lazymatch type of H' with
        | if (if Nat.eqb ?k ?k then false else true) then _ else True =>
        fail 1000 "arguments for not_indexb should have been set to [simpl nomatch]";clear H'
        | if not_indexb (?i::_)%list ?i then _ else True => clear H'
        | ?i = ?j => idtac
        | True => clear H'
        | ?G => idtac "simpl_not_in_vector_one is not intended for this kind of non-ground tape index" G
    once lazymatch type of tmp with
      forall i : Fin.t ?n, _ =>
        do_n_times_fin n helper;clear tmp
    match type of H with
    | forall i : Fin.t 0, _ => clear H
    | forall u, if _ then _ else _ =>
          specialize (not_index_reflect_helper2 H);clear H;intros H;cbn [Vector.of_list] in H
    | forall i : Fin.t _, _[@ _] = _[@ _] => idtac
    | ?t => match goal with
            | H : _Flag_DisableWarning |- _ => idtac
            | |- _ => idtac "unexpected case in simpl_not_in_vector_one" t

Ltac simpl_not_in_vector := repeat simpl_not_in_vector_one.

(* (* Test *) *)
(* Goal True. *)
(*   assert (forall i : Fin.t 10, not_index |Fin8; Fin1; Fin2; Fin3| i -> i = i) as HInj by firstorder. *)
(*   simpl_not_in_vector_one. *)
(*   Fail Check HInj. *)
(*   Show Proof. *)
(*   Check (HInj_0 : Fin0 = Fin0). *)
(*   Check (HInj_1 : Fin4 = Fin4). *)
(*   Check (HInj_2 : Fin5 = Fin5). *)
(*   Check (HInj_3 : Fin6 = Fin6). *)
(*   Check (HInj_4 : Fin7 = Fin7). *)
(*   Check (HInj_5 : Fin9 = Fin9). *)
(* Abort. *)

Ltac simpl_not_in := repeat simpl_not_in_vector.