(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
Require Import List Arith Bool Lia Eqdep_dec.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
Require Import utils_tac utils_list utils_nat finite.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
Require Import pos vec.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Wf
Require Import wf_finite.
From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
Require Import notations decidable fol_ops fo_sig fo_terms fo_logic fo_sat
membership hfs reln_hfs.
Import fol_notations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Infix "∊" := In (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Infix "⊑" := incl (at level 70, no associativity).
(* * From Σ=(ø;{R^n}) to Σ=(ø;{R^2}) *)
Local Notation ø := vec_nil.
Section Sign_Sig2_encoding.
Variable (n : nat).
Notation Σ2 := (Σrel 2).
Notation Σn := (Σrel n).
Infix "∈" := Σ2_mem.
Infix "≈" := Σ2_equiv.
Infix "⊆" := Σ2_incl.
Notation "t ∋ ⦉ v ⦊" := (Σ2_is_tuple_in t v) (at level 70, format "t ∋ ⦉ v ⦊").
(* We bound quantification inside hf-set l ∈ p and r ∈ p represent a set
of ordered triples corresponding to M3 *)
Arguments Σrel_var {k}.
Fixpoint Σn_Σ2 (d r : nat) (A : fol_form Σn) : fol_form Σ2 :=
match A with
| ⊥ => ⊥
| fol_atom _ v => r ∋ ⦉vec_map Σrel_var v⦊
| fol_bin b A B => fol_bin b (Σn_Σ2 d r A) (Σn_Σ2 d r B)
| fol_quant fol_fa A => ∀ 0 ∈ (S d) ⤑ Σn_Σ2 (S d) (S r) A
| fol_quant fol_ex A => ∃ 0 ∈ (S d) ⟑ Σn_Σ2 (S d) (S r) A
Variable (X : Type) (M2 : fo_model Σ2 X).
Variable (Y : Type) (Mn : fo_model Σn Y).
Notation "a ∈ₘ b" := (fom_rels M2 tt (a##b##ø)) (at level 59, no associativity).
Notation P := (fun v => fom_rels Mn tt v).
Variable R : Y -> X -> Prop.
(* R represent a relation Mn <~> M2 = { x | x ∈ p } which
ensures the soundness & completeness of the encoding
These are the conditions for correctness
HR1 : R is onto from Mn to { x | x ∈ l }
HR2 : R is onto from { x | x ∈ l } to Mn
HR3 : R relates the n-ary relation in Mn
and the n-ary relation <_,...,_> ∈ r in M2
Let HR1 (d r : X) := forall y, exists x, x ∈ₘ d /\ R y x.
Let HR2 (d r : X) := forall x, x ∈ₘ d -> exists y, R y x.
Let HR3 (d r : X) := forall v w,
(forall p, R (vec_pos v p) (vec_pos w p))
-> P v <-> mb_is_tuple_in (fun a b => a ∈ₘ b) r w.
Notation "⟪ A ⟫" := (fun ψ => fol_sem M2 ψ A).
Notation "⟪ A ⟫'" := (fun φ => fol_sem Mn φ A) (at level 1, format "⟪ A ⟫'").
(* The correctness lemma *)
Lemma Σn_Σ2_correct (A : fol_form Σn) d r φ ψ :
HR1 (ψ d) (ψ r)
-> HR2 (ψ d) (ψ r)
-> HR3 (ψ d) (ψ r)
-> (forall x, x ∊ fol_vars A -> R (φ x) (ψ x))
-> ⟪ A ⟫' φ <-> ⟪Σn_Σ2 d r A⟫ ψ.
revert d r φ ψ.
induction A as [ | [] v | b A HA B HB | [] A HA ]; intros l r phi psy H1 H2 H3 H.
+ simpl; tauto.
+ simpl; red in H3.
rewrite H3 with (w := vec_map (fun x => psy (Σrel_var x)) v).
* apply (fol_quant_sem_ext fol_ex); intros x.
apply (fol_bin_sem_ext fol_conj); try tauto.
rewrite Σ2_is_tuple_spec; simpl.
rewrite !vec_map_map; simpl; tauto.
* intros p; rewrite !vec_pos_map.
case_eq (vec_pos v p).
2: intros [].
simpl; intros x Hx; rewrite Hx; simpl.
apply H; simpl; apply in_flat_map.
exists (vec_pos v p); split.
- apply in_vec_list, in_vec_pos.
- simpl; rewrite Hx; simpl; auto.
+ simpl; apply fol_bin_sem_ext; [ apply HA | apply HB ];
intros; auto; apply H, in_or_app; simpl; auto.
+ simpl; split.
* intros (x & Hx).
destruct (H1 x) as (y & G1 & G2).
exists y; split.
- rew fot; simpl; auto.
- revert Hx; apply HA; auto.
intros [ | n' ]; simpl; auto.
intros; apply H; simpl; apply in_flat_map; exists (S n'); simpl; auto.
* intros (y & G1 & G2); revert G1 G2; rew fot; simpl; intros G1 G2.
destruct (H2 _ G1) as (x & G3).
exists x; revert G2; apply HA; auto.
intros [ | n' ]; simpl; auto.
intros; apply H; simpl; apply in_flat_map; exists (S n'); simpl; auto.
+ simpl; split.
* intros G1 y; rew fot; simpl; intros G2.
destruct (H2 _ G2) as (x & G3).
generalize (G1 x); apply HA; auto.
intros [ | n' ]; simpl; auto.
intros; apply H; simpl; apply in_flat_map; exists (S n'); simpl; auto.
* intros G1 x.
destruct (H1 x) as (y & G2 & G3).
generalize (G1 _ G2); apply HA; auto.
intros [ | n' ]; simpl; auto.
intros; apply H; simpl; apply in_flat_map; exists (S n'); simpl; auto.
Variable A : fol_form Σn.
(* We make some space for l and r *)
Let B := fol_subst (fun v => £ (2+v)) A.
Let d := 0.
Let r := 1.
(* Notice that Σn_Σ2 A has two more free variables than A,
that could be quantified existentially over if needed *)
(* The FO membership axioms we need to add are somewhat minimal:
- d should be non empty
- and free variables of A (lifted twice) should be interpreted in d
Definition Σn_Σ2_enc := Σ2_non_empty d ⟑ Σ2_list_in d (fol_vars B) ⟑ Σn_Σ2 d r B.
End Sign_Sig2_encoding.
Section SAT2_SATn.
Variable n : nat.
(* We show the easy implication, any model of Σn_Σ2_enc A
gives rise to a model of A *)
Section nested.
Variables (A : fol_form (Σrel n))
(X : Type)
(M2 : fo_model (Σrel 2) X)
(M2fin : finite_t X)
(M2dec : fo_model_dec M2)
(ψ : nat -> X)
(HA : fol_sem M2 ψ (Σn_Σ2_enc A)).
Let mem a b := fom_rels M2 tt (a##b##ø).
Let mem_dec : forall x y, { mem x y } + { ~ mem x y }.
Proof. intros x y; apply (@M2dec tt). Qed.
(* A Boolean version of membership *)
Let P x := (if mem_dec x (ψ 0) then true else false) = true.
Let HP0 x : P x <-> mem x (ψ 0).
unfold P.
destruct (mem_dec x (ψ 0)); split; try tauto; discriminate.
Let HP1 : finite_t (sig P).
apply fin_t_finite_t.
+ intros; apply UIP_dec, bool_dec.
+ apply finite_t_fin_t_dec; auto.
intro; apply bool_dec.
Notation π1 := (@proj1_sig _ _).
Let Mn : fo_model (Σrel n) (sig P).
+ intros [].
+ intros [] v.
exact (mb_is_tuple_in mem (ψ 1) (vec_map π1 v)).
Let Mn_dec : fo_model_dec Mn.
Proof. intros [] v; apply mb_is_tuple_in_dec; auto. Qed.
Let R (x : sig P) (y : X) := π1 x = y.
Local Lemma SAT2_to_SATn : exists Y, fo_form_fin_dec_SAT_in A Y.
exists (sig P).
destruct HA as ( H2 & H3 & H4).
rewrite Σ2_non_empty_spec in H2.
rewrite Σ2_list_in_spec in H3.
revert H3 H4; set (B := A⦃fun v : nat => in_var (2 + v)⦄); intros H3 H4.
assert (H5 : forall n, n ∊ fol_vars B -> P (ψ n))
by (intros; apply HP0, H3; auto).
destruct H2 as (x0 & H0).
generalize H0; intros H2.
apply HP0 in H0.
set (phi := fun n : nat =>
match in_dec eq_nat_dec n (fol_vars B) with
| left H => exist _ (ψ n) (H5 _ H)
| right _ => exist _ x0 H0
end : sig P).
exists Mn, HP1, Mn_dec, (fun n => phi (2+n)).
unfold B in *; clear B.
rewrite <- Σn_Σ2_correct with (Mn := Mn) (φ := phi) (R := R) in H4.
+ rewrite fol_sem_subst in H4.
revert H4; apply fol_sem_ext; intro; rew fot; auto.
+ intros (x & Hx); exists x; unfold R; simpl; split; auto.
apply HP0 in Hx; auto.
+ intros x Hx; apply HP0 in Hx.
exists (exist _ x Hx); red; simpl; auto.
+ intros v w Hvw. simpl.
apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
apply vec_pos_ext; intros p.
rewrite vec_pos_map; apply Hvw.
+ intros j Hj; red.
unfold phi.
destruct (in_dec eq_nat_dec j (fol_vars A⦃fun v : nat => in_var (2 + v)⦄))
as [ H | [] ]; auto; simpl.
End nested.
Theorem SAT2_SATn A : fo_form_fin_dec_SAT (@Σn_Σ2_enc n A)
-> fo_form_fin_dec_SAT A.
intros (X & M2 & H1 & H2 & psy & H3).
apply SAT2_to_SATn with X M2 psy; auto.
End SAT2_SATn.
Section SATn_SAT2.
Variable n : nat.
(* This is the hard implication. From a model of A,
build a model of Σn_Σ2_enc A based on hereditary finite sets *)
Section The_HFS_model.
Variables (A : fol_form (Σrel n))
(X : Type) (Mn : fo_model (Σrel n) X)
(X_fin : finite_t X)
(X_discr : discrete X)
(Mn_dec : fo_model_dec Mn)
(φ : nat -> X)
(HA : fol_sem Mn φ A).
Notation P := (fom_rels Mn tt).
Local Lemma SATn_to_SAT2 : exists Y, fo_form_fin_dec_SAT_in (@Σn_Σ2_enc n A) Y.
destruct reln_hfs with (R := P)
as (Y & H1 & mem & H3 & d & r & i & s & H6 & H7 & H9); auto.
exists Y, (bin_rel_Σ2 mem), H1, (bin_rel_Σ2_dec _ H3), d·r·(fun n => i (φ n)).
unfold Σn_Σ2_enc; msplit 2; auto.
+ exists (i (φ 0)); simpl; rew fot; simpl; auto.
+ apply Σ2_list_in_spec.
intros ?; simpl.
rewrite fol_vars_map, in_map_iff.
intros (? & <- & ?); simpl; auto.
+ rewrite <- Σn_Σ2_correct
with (Mn := Mn)
(R := fun x y => y = i x)
(φ := (φ 0)·(φ 1)·φ); auto.
* rewrite fol_sem_subst.
revert HA; apply fol_sem_ext.
intros; simpl; rew fot; auto.
* intros x; exists (i x); split; auto; apply H6.
* intros ? ? ?; rewrite H9.
apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
apply vec_pos_ext; intro; rew vec.
* intros ?; rewrite fol_vars_map, in_map_iff.
intros (? & <- & ?); simpl; auto.
End The_HFS_model.
Theorem SATn_SAT2 A : fo_form_fin_discr_dec_SAT A
-> fo_form_fin_dec_SAT (@Σn_Σ2_enc n A).
intros (X & ? & Mn & ? & ? & psy & ?).
apply SATn_to_SAT2 with X Mn psy; auto.
End SATn_SAT2.
(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling * *)
(* *)
(* * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
Require Import List Arith Bool Lia Eqdep_dec.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
Require Import utils_tac utils_list utils_nat finite.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
Require Import pos vec.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Wf
Require Import wf_finite.
From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
Require Import notations decidable fol_ops fo_sig fo_terms fo_logic fo_sat
membership hfs reln_hfs.
Import fol_notations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Infix "∊" := In (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Infix "⊑" := incl (at level 70, no associativity).
(* * From Σ=(ø;{R^n}) to Σ=(ø;{R^2}) *)
Local Notation ø := vec_nil.
Section Sign_Sig2_encoding.
Variable (n : nat).
Notation Σ2 := (Σrel 2).
Notation Σn := (Σrel n).
Infix "∈" := Σ2_mem.
Infix "≈" := Σ2_equiv.
Infix "⊆" := Σ2_incl.
Notation "t ∋ ⦉ v ⦊" := (Σ2_is_tuple_in t v) (at level 70, format "t ∋ ⦉ v ⦊").
(* We bound quantification inside hf-set l ∈ p and r ∈ p represent a set
of ordered triples corresponding to M3 *)
Arguments Σrel_var {k}.
Fixpoint Σn_Σ2 (d r : nat) (A : fol_form Σn) : fol_form Σ2 :=
match A with
| ⊥ => ⊥
| fol_atom _ v => r ∋ ⦉vec_map Σrel_var v⦊
| fol_bin b A B => fol_bin b (Σn_Σ2 d r A) (Σn_Σ2 d r B)
| fol_quant fol_fa A => ∀ 0 ∈ (S d) ⤑ Σn_Σ2 (S d) (S r) A
| fol_quant fol_ex A => ∃ 0 ∈ (S d) ⟑ Σn_Σ2 (S d) (S r) A
Variable (X : Type) (M2 : fo_model Σ2 X).
Variable (Y : Type) (Mn : fo_model Σn Y).
Notation "a ∈ₘ b" := (fom_rels M2 tt (a##b##ø)) (at level 59, no associativity).
Notation P := (fun v => fom_rels Mn tt v).
Variable R : Y -> X -> Prop.
(* R represent a relation Mn <~> M2 = { x | x ∈ p } which
ensures the soundness & completeness of the encoding
These are the conditions for correctness
HR1 : R is onto from Mn to { x | x ∈ l }
HR2 : R is onto from { x | x ∈ l } to Mn
HR3 : R relates the n-ary relation in Mn
and the n-ary relation <_,...,_> ∈ r in M2
Let HR1 (d r : X) := forall y, exists x, x ∈ₘ d /\ R y x.
Let HR2 (d r : X) := forall x, x ∈ₘ d -> exists y, R y x.
Let HR3 (d r : X) := forall v w,
(forall p, R (vec_pos v p) (vec_pos w p))
-> P v <-> mb_is_tuple_in (fun a b => a ∈ₘ b) r w.
Notation "⟪ A ⟫" := (fun ψ => fol_sem M2 ψ A).
Notation "⟪ A ⟫'" := (fun φ => fol_sem Mn φ A) (at level 1, format "⟪ A ⟫'").
(* The correctness lemma *)
Lemma Σn_Σ2_correct (A : fol_form Σn) d r φ ψ :
HR1 (ψ d) (ψ r)
-> HR2 (ψ d) (ψ r)
-> HR3 (ψ d) (ψ r)
-> (forall x, x ∊ fol_vars A -> R (φ x) (ψ x))
-> ⟪ A ⟫' φ <-> ⟪Σn_Σ2 d r A⟫ ψ.
revert d r φ ψ.
induction A as [ | [] v | b A HA B HB | [] A HA ]; intros l r phi psy H1 H2 H3 H.
+ simpl; tauto.
+ simpl; red in H3.
rewrite H3 with (w := vec_map (fun x => psy (Σrel_var x)) v).
* apply (fol_quant_sem_ext fol_ex); intros x.
apply (fol_bin_sem_ext fol_conj); try tauto.
rewrite Σ2_is_tuple_spec; simpl.
rewrite !vec_map_map; simpl; tauto.
* intros p; rewrite !vec_pos_map.
case_eq (vec_pos v p).
2: intros [].
simpl; intros x Hx; rewrite Hx; simpl.
apply H; simpl; apply in_flat_map.
exists (vec_pos v p); split.
- apply in_vec_list, in_vec_pos.
- simpl; rewrite Hx; simpl; auto.
+ simpl; apply fol_bin_sem_ext; [ apply HA | apply HB ];
intros; auto; apply H, in_or_app; simpl; auto.
+ simpl; split.
* intros (x & Hx).
destruct (H1 x) as (y & G1 & G2).
exists y; split.
- rew fot; simpl; auto.
- revert Hx; apply HA; auto.
intros [ | n' ]; simpl; auto.
intros; apply H; simpl; apply in_flat_map; exists (S n'); simpl; auto.
* intros (y & G1 & G2); revert G1 G2; rew fot; simpl; intros G1 G2.
destruct (H2 _ G1) as (x & G3).
exists x; revert G2; apply HA; auto.
intros [ | n' ]; simpl; auto.
intros; apply H; simpl; apply in_flat_map; exists (S n'); simpl; auto.
+ simpl; split.
* intros G1 y; rew fot; simpl; intros G2.
destruct (H2 _ G2) as (x & G3).
generalize (G1 x); apply HA; auto.
intros [ | n' ]; simpl; auto.
intros; apply H; simpl; apply in_flat_map; exists (S n'); simpl; auto.
* intros G1 x.
destruct (H1 x) as (y & G2 & G3).
generalize (G1 _ G2); apply HA; auto.
intros [ | n' ]; simpl; auto.
intros; apply H; simpl; apply in_flat_map; exists (S n'); simpl; auto.
Variable A : fol_form Σn.
(* We make some space for l and r *)
Let B := fol_subst (fun v => £ (2+v)) A.
Let d := 0.
Let r := 1.
(* Notice that Σn_Σ2 A has two more free variables than A,
that could be quantified existentially over if needed *)
(* The FO membership axioms we need to add are somewhat minimal:
- d should be non empty
- and free variables of A (lifted twice) should be interpreted in d
Definition Σn_Σ2_enc := Σ2_non_empty d ⟑ Σ2_list_in d (fol_vars B) ⟑ Σn_Σ2 d r B.
End Sign_Sig2_encoding.
Section SAT2_SATn.
Variable n : nat.
(* We show the easy implication, any model of Σn_Σ2_enc A
gives rise to a model of A *)
Section nested.
Variables (A : fol_form (Σrel n))
(X : Type)
(M2 : fo_model (Σrel 2) X)
(M2fin : finite_t X)
(M2dec : fo_model_dec M2)
(ψ : nat -> X)
(HA : fol_sem M2 ψ (Σn_Σ2_enc A)).
Let mem a b := fom_rels M2 tt (a##b##ø).
Let mem_dec : forall x y, { mem x y } + { ~ mem x y }.
Proof. intros x y; apply (@M2dec tt). Qed.
(* A Boolean version of membership *)
Let P x := (if mem_dec x (ψ 0) then true else false) = true.
Let HP0 x : P x <-> mem x (ψ 0).
unfold P.
destruct (mem_dec x (ψ 0)); split; try tauto; discriminate.
Let HP1 : finite_t (sig P).
apply fin_t_finite_t.
+ intros; apply UIP_dec, bool_dec.
+ apply finite_t_fin_t_dec; auto.
intro; apply bool_dec.
Notation π1 := (@proj1_sig _ _).
Let Mn : fo_model (Σrel n) (sig P).
+ intros [].
+ intros [] v.
exact (mb_is_tuple_in mem (ψ 1) (vec_map π1 v)).
Let Mn_dec : fo_model_dec Mn.
Proof. intros [] v; apply mb_is_tuple_in_dec; auto. Qed.
Let R (x : sig P) (y : X) := π1 x = y.
Local Lemma SAT2_to_SATn : exists Y, fo_form_fin_dec_SAT_in A Y.
exists (sig P).
destruct HA as ( H2 & H3 & H4).
rewrite Σ2_non_empty_spec in H2.
rewrite Σ2_list_in_spec in H3.
revert H3 H4; set (B := A⦃fun v : nat => in_var (2 + v)⦄); intros H3 H4.
assert (H5 : forall n, n ∊ fol_vars B -> P (ψ n))
by (intros; apply HP0, H3; auto).
destruct H2 as (x0 & H0).
generalize H0; intros H2.
apply HP0 in H0.
set (phi := fun n : nat =>
match in_dec eq_nat_dec n (fol_vars B) with
| left H => exist _ (ψ n) (H5 _ H)
| right _ => exist _ x0 H0
end : sig P).
exists Mn, HP1, Mn_dec, (fun n => phi (2+n)).
unfold B in *; clear B.
rewrite <- Σn_Σ2_correct with (Mn := Mn) (φ := phi) (R := R) in H4.
+ rewrite fol_sem_subst in H4.
revert H4; apply fol_sem_ext; intro; rew fot; auto.
+ intros (x & Hx); exists x; unfold R; simpl; split; auto.
apply HP0 in Hx; auto.
+ intros x Hx; apply HP0 in Hx.
exists (exist _ x Hx); red; simpl; auto.
+ intros v w Hvw. simpl.
apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
apply vec_pos_ext; intros p.
rewrite vec_pos_map; apply Hvw.
+ intros j Hj; red.
unfold phi.
destruct (in_dec eq_nat_dec j (fol_vars A⦃fun v : nat => in_var (2 + v)⦄))
as [ H | [] ]; auto; simpl.
End nested.
Theorem SAT2_SATn A : fo_form_fin_dec_SAT (@Σn_Σ2_enc n A)
-> fo_form_fin_dec_SAT A.
intros (X & M2 & H1 & H2 & psy & H3).
apply SAT2_to_SATn with X M2 psy; auto.
End SAT2_SATn.
Section SATn_SAT2.
Variable n : nat.
(* This is the hard implication. From a model of A,
build a model of Σn_Σ2_enc A based on hereditary finite sets *)
Section The_HFS_model.
Variables (A : fol_form (Σrel n))
(X : Type) (Mn : fo_model (Σrel n) X)
(X_fin : finite_t X)
(X_discr : discrete X)
(Mn_dec : fo_model_dec Mn)
(φ : nat -> X)
(HA : fol_sem Mn φ A).
Notation P := (fom_rels Mn tt).
Local Lemma SATn_to_SAT2 : exists Y, fo_form_fin_dec_SAT_in (@Σn_Σ2_enc n A) Y.
destruct reln_hfs with (R := P)
as (Y & H1 & mem & H3 & d & r & i & s & H6 & H7 & H9); auto.
exists Y, (bin_rel_Σ2 mem), H1, (bin_rel_Σ2_dec _ H3), d·r·(fun n => i (φ n)).
unfold Σn_Σ2_enc; msplit 2; auto.
+ exists (i (φ 0)); simpl; rew fot; simpl; auto.
+ apply Σ2_list_in_spec.
intros ?; simpl.
rewrite fol_vars_map, in_map_iff.
intros (? & <- & ?); simpl; auto.
+ rewrite <- Σn_Σ2_correct
with (Mn := Mn)
(R := fun x y => y = i x)
(φ := (φ 0)·(φ 1)·φ); auto.
* rewrite fol_sem_subst.
revert HA; apply fol_sem_ext.
intros; simpl; rew fot; auto.
* intros x; exists (i x); split; auto; apply H6.
* intros ? ? ?; rewrite H9.
apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
apply vec_pos_ext; intro; rew vec.
* intros ?; rewrite fol_vars_map, in_map_iff.
intros (? & <- & ?); simpl; auto.
End The_HFS_model.
Theorem SATn_SAT2 A : fo_form_fin_discr_dec_SAT A
-> fo_form_fin_dec_SAT (@Σn_Σ2_enc n A).
intros (X & ? & Mn & ? & ? & psy & ?).
apply SATn_to_SAT2 with X Mn psy; auto.
End SATn_SAT2.