(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

(* This file is mainly a complete re-implementation of the
    paper of Katrin Stark & Gert Smolka

          Finite Sets in Constructive Type Theory  

    Some automation of my own is added
    together with an injection nat2bt : nat -> bt/≈
    and a bijection pos2bt : pos n <-> { x | x ∈ nat2bt n }


Require Import List Arith Lia Max Wellfounded Setoid Eqdep_dec.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
  Require Import utils_tac utils_list utils_decidable finite seteq.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
  Require Import pos.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Wf
  Require Import wf_finite wf_chains.

From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
  Require Import notations fol_ops.

Set Implicit Arguments.

(* * Binary trees as concrete Hereditary Finite Sets *)

Inductive bt : Set := bt_leaf | bt_node : bt -> bt -> bt.

Local Notation "∅" := bt_leaf. (* Empty set *)
Local Infix "⪧" := bt_node. (* x⪧s is {x} ∪ s *)

Local Infix "∊" := In (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Infix "⊑" := incl (at level 70, no associativity).

Section bt_rect'.

  (* When we inspect bt as lists, we can switch to this principle 

        In fact, btrees code HF-sets like this

            {x1,...,xn} = x1⪧...⪧xn⪧∅

        We could also use rose-trees but may be this would be more
        difficult ?

  Variables (P : bt -> Type)
            (HP0 : P )
            (HP1 : forall x t, P t -> P (xt)).

  Theorem bt_rect' t : P t.
  Proof. induction t; auto. Qed.

End bt_rect'.

Fact bt_eq_dec (s t : bt) : { s = t } + { s <> t }.
Proof. decide equality. Qed.

Fact bt_eq_pirr (s t : bt) (H1 H2 : s = t) : H1 = H2.
Proof. apply UIP_dec, bt_eq_dec. Qed.

Fixpoint bt_depth t :=
  match t with
    | => 0
    | rs => max (S r) s
where "⌞ t ⌟" := (bt_depth t).

Fixpoint bt_list t :=
  match t with
    | => nil
    | st => s::bt_list t

Definition list_bt := fold_right bt_node .

Fact bt_list_bt l : bt_list (list_bt l) = l.
Proof. induction l; simpl; f_equal; auto. Qed.

Fact list_bt_list t : list_bt (bt_list t) = t.
Proof. induction t; simpl; f_equal; auto. Qed.

(* To bt_tree contain the same subtrees viewed as sets *)

Inductive bt_equiv : bt -> bt -> Prop :=
    | in_bte_refl : forall s, s s
    | in_bte_sym : forall s t, s t
                                       -> t s
    | in_bte_tran : forall r s t, r s
                                       -> s t
                                       -> r t
    | in_bte_cntr : forall s t, sst st
    | in_bte_comm : forall s t u, stu tsu
    | in_bte_cngr : forall s s' t t', s s'
                                       -> t t'
                                   -> st s't'
where "s ≈ t" := (bt_equiv s t).

#[export] Hint Constructors bt_equiv : core.

Local Notation "s ≉ t" := (~ s t).
Notation bte_refl := in_bte_refl.
Notation bte_trans := in_bte_tran.

Fact bte_sym x y : x y <-> y x.
Proof. split; auto. Qed.

Add Parametric Relation: (bt) (bt_equiv)
      reflexivity proved by bte_refl
      symmetry proved by in_bte_sym
      transitivity proved by bte_trans
as bte_rst.

Add Parametric Morphism: (bt_node) with signature
       (bt_equiv) ==> (bt_equiv) ==> (bt_equiv) as bt_node_congr.
Proof. intros; auto. Qed.

Fact bte_leaf_eq s t : s t -> (s = <-> t = ).
Proof. induction 1; try tauto; split; discriminate. Qed.

Fact bte_discr s t : st .
 intros H; apply bte_leaf_eq in H as [ _ H ].
 now spec in H.

Fact bte_inv_0 s : s <-> s = .
  + intros H; destruct s; auto.
    apply bte_discr in H; tauto.
  + intros ->; auto.

(* s belongs to t if adding s to t does not change t *)

Definition bt_mem s t := st t.

Local Infix "∈" := bt_mem.
Local Notation "s ∉ t" := (~ s t).

Section establishing_membership_inversion.

  (* A restricted definition of membership, not up to equivalence *)

  Reserved Notation "x ⋷ y" (at level 70, no associativity).

  Inductive bt_restr_mem : bt -> bt -> Prop :=
    | in_btrm_0 : forall s t, s st
    | in_btrm_1 : forall s t u, s u -> s tu
  where "s ⋷ t" := (bt_restr_mem s t).

  Hint Constructors bt_restr_mem : core.

  Fact btrm_inv u s t : u st <-> u = s \/ u t.
    + inversion 1; auto.
    + intros [ <- | ]; constructor; auto.

  Notation "s ≾ t" := (forall u, u s -> exists v, v t /\ u v).

  Fact bt_rincl_refl s : s s.
  Proof. intros u; exists u; auto. Qed.

  Fact bt_rincl_trans r s t : r s -> s t -> r t.
    intros H1 H2 u Hu.
    destruct H1 with (1 := Hu) as (v & Hv & ?).
    destruct H2 with (1 := Hv) as (w & ? & ?).
    exists w; split; eauto.

  Hint Resolve bt_rincl_refl bt_rincl_trans : core.

  Tactic Notation "inv" "btri" hyp(H) :=
    revert H; rewrite btrm_inv; intros [ <- | ]; eauto.

  Fact bt_rincl_cntr s t : sst st.
  Proof. intros ? H; inv btri H. Qed.

  Fact bt_rincl_expand s t : st sst.
  Proof. intros ? H; inv btri H. Qed.

  Fact bt_rincl_comm r s t : rst srt.
  Proof. intros ? H; do 2 inv btri H. Qed.

  Fact bt_rincl_congr s s' t t' : s s' -> t t' -> st s't'.
  Proof. intros ? ? u H; inv btri H. Qed.

  Hint Resolve bt_rincl_cntr bt_rincl_expand bt_rincl_comm bt_rincl_congr : core.

  Lemma bte_rincl s t : s t -> s t.
    intros H; assert (s t /\ t s) as K; [ | apply K ].
    induction H as [ | | ? ? ? ? [] ? []
                   | | | ? ? ? ? ? [] ? [] ]; eauto; tauto.

  Fact btrm_btm s t : s t -> s t.
  Proof. induction 1; constructor; eauto. Qed.

  Hint Resolve btrm_btm : core.

  Fact btm_congr_l s t u : s t -> s u -> t u.
  Proof. intros; red; eauto. Qed.

  Fact btm_congr_r s t u : s t -> u s -> u t.
  Proof. intros; red; eauto. Qed.

  Fact btm_inv_0 s : s <-> False.
  Proof. split; try tauto; apply bte_discr. Qed.

  Fact btm_inv u s t : u st <-> u s \/ u t.
    + intros H.
      apply bte_rincl with (u := u) in H as (v & H & ?); auto.
      inv btri H.
      right; apply bte_trans with (vt); auto.
      apply btrm_btm; auto.
    + intros [].
      * apply btm_congr_l with s; auto.
      * apply bte_trans with (1 := in_bte_comm _ _ _); auto.

End establishing_membership_inversion.

Add Parametric Morphism: (bt_mem) with signature
       (bt_equiv) ==> (bt_equiv) ==> (iff) as bte_congr.
  intros x y H1 a b H2; split; intros H.
  + apply btm_congr_l with (1 := H1),
          btm_congr_r with (1 := H2); auto.
  + rewrite bte_sym in H1.
    rewrite bte_sym in H2.
    apply btm_congr_l with (1 := H1),
          btm_congr_r with (1 := H2); auto.

Tactic Notation "btm" "simpl" :=
  repeat match goal with
    | |- context[_ _ _] => rewrite btm_inv; auto; try tauto
    | |- context[_ ] => rewrite btm_inv_0; auto; try tauto

Theorem bt_list_spec t : forall s, s t <-> exists s', s s' /\ s' bt_list t.
  induction t as [ | s t IH ] using bt_rect'.
  + simpl; intro; btm simpl; firstorder.
  + simpl; intro u; btm simpl; rewrite IH; split.
    * intros [ | (? & ? & ?) ]; eauto.
    * intros (? & ? & [<- |]); eauto.

(* Very important to build the finite HF-model 

    Up to ≈, membership in t is finite *)

Theorem btm_finite_t t : { l | forall s, s t <-> exists s', s s' /\ s' l }.
Proof. exists (bt_list t); apply bt_list_spec. Qed.

Section bte_depth.

  Opaque max.

  (* Well-foundness *)

  Fact bte_depth_eq s t : s t -> s = t.
  Proof. induction 1; simpl; auto; lia. Qed.

  Fact btm_depth s t : s t -> s < t.
  Proof. intros H; apply bte_depth_eq in H as <-; simpl; lia. Qed.

  (* bt is well-founded for ∈ *)

  Theorem btm_wf : well_founded (fun s t => s t).
    apply wf_incl with (1 := btm_depth),
          wf_inverse_image, lt_wf.

End bte_depth.

Definition btree_wf_rect := well_founded_induction_type btm_wf.

Section establishing_decidability.

  Reserved Notation "x ≺ y" (at level 70, no associativity).

  (* A strict total order on btrees *)

  Inductive bt_lt : bt -> bt -> Prop :=
    | in_btlt_0 : forall s t, st
    | in_btlt_1 : forall s s' t t', s s' -> st s't'
    | in_btlt_2 : forall s t t', t t' -> st st'
  where "s ≺ t" := (bt_lt s t).

  Hint Constructors bt_lt : core.

  Fact bt_lt_irrefl s : ~ s s.
    intros H.
    assert (forall t, s t -> s <> t) as D;
      [ | apply D in H; destruct H; auto ].
    clear H; induction 1 as [ | ? ? ? ? ? IH | ? ? ? ? IH ];
      try discriminate; contradict IH; inversion IH; auto.

  Fact bt_lt_trans r s t : r s -> s t -> r t.
    intros H1; revert H1 t.
    induction 1; inversion 1; auto.

  Hint Resolve bt_lt_irrefl bt_lt_trans : core.

  Fact bt_lt_eq_lt_dec s t : { s t } + { s = t } + { t s }.
    revert t; induction s as [ | s1 H1 s2 H2 ]; intros [ | t1 t2 ]; auto.
    destruct (H1 t1) as [ [] | ]; auto;
      destruct (H2 t2) as [ [] | ]; subst; auto.

  (* Ordered insertion *)

  Fixpoint bt_insert s t : bt :=
    match t with
      | => s
      | tu => match bt_lt_eq_lt_dec s t with
        | inleft (left _) => stu
        | inleft (right _) => tu
        | inright _ => t⪧(su)
  where "s → t" := (bt_insert s t).

  Fact bt_lt_eq_lt_dec_refl s : exists H, bt_lt_eq_lt_dec s s = inleft (right H).
    destruct (bt_lt_eq_lt_dec s s) as [ [ C | H ] | C ].
    1,3: exfalso; revert C; apply bt_lt_irrefl.
    exists H; auto.

  Ltac bt_lt_eq H :=
    match goal with
      |- context [bt_lt_eq_lt_dec ?x ?x]
           => destruct (bt_lt_eq_lt_dec_refl x) as (H & ->)

  Fact bt_insert_leaf s : s = s.
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Fact bt_insert_eq s t : sst = st.
  Proof. simpl; bt_lt_eq H; auto. Qed.

  Fact bt_insert_lt s t u : s t -> stu = stu.
    intros H; simpl.
    destruct (bt_lt_eq_lt_dec s t) as [[|]|]; auto;
      destruct (@bt_lt_irrefl s); subst; eauto.

  Fact bt_insert_gt s t u : t s -> stu = t⪧(su).
    intros H; simpl.
    destruct (bt_lt_eq_lt_dec s t) as [[|]|]; auto;
      destruct (@bt_lt_irrefl s); subst; eauto.

  Fact bt_insert_equiv s t : st st.
    induction t as [ | t u Hu ] using bt_rect'; simpl; auto.
    destruct (bt_lt_eq_lt_dec s t) as [[]|]; subst; auto.
    apply bte_trans with (tsu); auto.

  Fixpoint bt_norm t :=
    match t with
      | =>
      | st => s t
  where "t †" := (bt_norm t).

  Hint Resolve bt_insert_equiv : core.

  Fact bt_norm_eq t : t t.
  Proof. induction t; simpl; eauto. Qed.

  Opaque bt_insert.

  Tactic Notation "rew" "bt" "insert" :=
      repeat match goal with
        | |- context[_] => rewrite bt_insert_leaf
        | |- context[?x?x_] => rewrite bt_insert_eq
        | H : ?x ?y |- context[?x?y_] => rewrite bt_insert_lt with (1 := H)
        | H : ?x ?y |- context[?y?x_] => rewrite bt_insert_gt with (1 := H)

  Tactic Notation "bt" "insert" "case" hyp(x) hyp(y) :=
      destruct (bt_lt_eq_lt_dec x y) as [ [|] | ]; subst; rew bt insert; auto.

  Tactic Notation "bt" "lt" "trans" constr(t) := apply bt_lt_trans with t; auto.

  Tactic Notation "bt" "lt" "cycle" :=
      match goal with
        | H1 : ?x ?x |- _ => destruct (@bt_lt_irrefl x); auto
        | H1 : ?x ?y,
          H2 : ?y ?x |- _ => destruct (@bt_lt_irrefl x); bt lt trans y
        | H1 : ?x ?y,
          H2 : ?y ?z,
          H3 : ?z ?x |- _ => destruct (@bt_lt_irrefl x); bt lt trans y; bt lt trans z

  Fact bt_insert_cntr s t : sst = st.
    induction t as [ | t1 t2 IH2 ] using bt_rect'; rew bt insert; auto.
    bt insert case s t1; f_equal; auto.

  Fact bt_insert_comm s t u : stu = tsu.
    induction u as [ | u1 u2 IH ] using bt_rect'.
    + rew bt insert; bt insert case s t.
    + bt insert case t u1;
      bt insert case s u1;
      bt insert case s t;
      try bt lt cycle;
      f_equal; auto.

  Hint Resolve bt_insert_cntr bt_insert_comm bt_norm_eq : core.

  Theorem bte_norm_iff s t : s t <-> s = t.
    + induction 1; simpl; auto.
      * transitivity s; auto.
      * f_equal; auto.
    + intros H.
      apply bte_trans with s ; auto.
      rewrite H; auto.

  Theorem bt_norm_idem s : s†† = s.
  Proof. apply bte_norm_iff; auto. Qed.

  Theorem bte_dec s t : { s t } + { s t }.
    destruct (bt_eq_dec s t) as [ H | H ];
    rewrite <- bte_norm_iff in H; auto.

End establishing_decidability.

Corollary btm_dec s t : { s t } + { s t }.
Proof. apply bte_dec. Qed.

Section more_decidability.

  Section btm_ex_dec.

    Variable (P : bt -> Prop) (HP : forall s t, s t -> P s -> P t).

    (* Exist. quantification over subsets *)

    Theorem btm_ex_dec t : (forall x, x t -> { P x } + { ~ P x })
                        -> { s | s t /\ P s } + { forall s, s t -> ~ P s }.
      intros H.
      destruct (btm_finite_t t) as (l & Hl).
      destruct list_choose_dep with (P := P) (Q := fun x => ~ P x) (l := l)
        as [ (s & H1 & H2) | H1 ].
      + intros; apply H, Hl; eauto.
      + left; exists s; split; auto; apply Hl; eauto.
      + right; intros s H2 H3.
        apply Hl in H2 as (s' & H2 & H4).
        apply (H1 _ H4); eauto.

  End btm_ex_dec.

  (* Univ. quantification of subsets *)

  Corollary btm_fa_dec (P : _ -> Prop) t :
                             (forall s t, s t -> P s -> P t)
                          -> (forall x, x t -> { P x } + { ~ P x })
                          -> { s | s t /\ ~ P s } + { forall s, s t -> P s }.
    intros H1 H2.
    destruct btm_ex_dec with (P := fun x => ~ P x) (t := t)
      as [ H | H ]; auto.
    + intros u v G1 G2; contradict G2; revert G2; apply H1; auto.
    + intros x Hx; specialize (H2 _ Hx); tauto.
    + right; intros s Hs; specialize (H _ Hs).
      destruct (H2 _ Hs); tauto.

  (* Decidable separation *)

  Definition btm_select (P : _ -> Prop) t :
                             (forall s t, s t -> P s -> P t)
                          -> (forall x, x t -> { P x } + { ~ P x })
                          -> { s | forall x, x s <-> x t /\ P x }.
    intros HP0.
    induction t as [ | s t Ht ] using bt_rect'; intros HP.
    + exists ; intros s; btm simpl.
    + destruct Ht as (t' & H').
      * intros x Hx; apply HP; btm simpl.
      * destruct (HP s) as [ H | H ]; btm simpl; auto.
        - exists (st'); intros x; btm simpl.
          rewrite H'.
          split; try tauto.
          intros [ H1 | (H1 & H2) ]; auto.
          split; auto.
          revert H; apply HP0; auto.
        - exists t'; intros x; rewrite H'; btm simpl.
          split; try tauto.
          intros ([H1|H1] & H2); split; auto.
          contradict H; revert H2; apply HP0; auto.

  (* When x ∈ s, one can compute t st s = {x} U t /\ x ∉ t *)

  Definition btm_partition x s : x s -> { t | s xt /\ x t }.
    induction s as [ | y s IHs ] using bt_rect'.
    + intros H; exfalso; revert H; btm simpl.
    + intros H; rewrite btm_inv in H.
      destruct (bte_dec x y) as [ H1 | H1 ];
      destruct (btm_dec x s) as [ H2 | H2 ]; try (exfalso; tauto).
      * destruct (IHs H2) as (t & H3 & H4).
        exists t; split; auto.
        rewrite <- H1, H3; auto.
      * exists s; auto.
      * destruct (IHs H2) as (t & H3 & H4).
        exists (yt); split; auto.
        - apply bte_trans with (yxt); auto.
        - contradict H4; revert H4; btm simpl.

End more_decidability.

Definition bt_incl x y := forall u, u x -> u y.
Local Infix "⊆" := bt_incl.

Add Parametric Morphism: (bt_incl) with signature
     (bt_equiv) ==> (bt_equiv) ==> (iff) as bti_congr.
  intros x y H1 a b H2; split; intros H z.
  + rewrite <- H2, <- H1; apply H.
  + rewrite H1, H2; apply H.

Fact bti_refl x : x x.
Proof. red; auto. Qed.

#[export] Hint Resolve bti_refl : core.

Fact bti_trans x y z : x y -> y z -> x z.
Proof. intros H1 H2 k Hx; apply H2, H1; auto. Qed.

#[export] Hint Resolve bti_trans : core.

Fact bti_comp s t : t st.
Proof. intro; rewrite btm_inv; auto. Qed.

Fact bti_0 x : x.
Proof. intro; btm simpl. Qed.

Fact bti_inv_0 x : x <-> x = .
  split; intros H; subst; auto.
  destruct x as [ | s t ]; auto.
  specialize (H s); revert H; btm simpl.
  intros []; auto.

Fact bti_mono_r x s t : s t -> xs xt.
Proof. intros ? ?; btm simpl; intros []; auto. Qed.

Fact bte_bti s t : s t -> s t.
Proof. intros ? ?; apply btm_congr_r; auto. Qed.

Fact btm_bti x s : x s -> xs s.
Proof. intro; apply bte_bti; auto. Qed.

Fact bti_congr_l x y t : x y -> x t-> y t.
  intros H1 H2 z Hz.
  apply H2; revert Hz; apply btm_congr_r; auto.

Fact bti_congr_r x s t : s t -> x s -> x t.
  intros H1 H2 z Hz.
  generalize (H2 _ Hz); apply btm_congr_r; auto.

#[export] Hint Resolve bti_0 bti_refl bti_comp bti_mono_r btm_dec btm_congr_l : core.

Lemma bti_dec s t : { s t } + { ~ s t }.
  destruct btm_fa_dec with (P := fun x => x t) (t := s)
    as [ (? & ? & ?) | ]; eauto.

Lemma bti_norm_incl s t : s t <-> map bt_norm (bt_list s) map bt_norm (bt_list t).
  + intros H ?; rewrite !in_map_iff.
    intros (x & <- & Hx).
    specialize (H x); spec in H.
    { apply bt_list_spec; exists x; auto. }
    apply bt_list_spec in H as (y & ? & ?).
    exists y; split; auto.
    apply bte_norm_iff; auto.
  + intros H x Hx.
    apply bt_list_spec in Hx as (y & H1 & H2).
    apply in_map with (f := bt_norm), H, in_map_iff in H2
      as (z & H3 & H2).
    apply bt_list_spec; exists z; split; auto.
    apply bte_norm_iff in H3; eauto.

Fact list_bt_norm_eq l : list_bt l list_bt (map bt_norm l).
Proof. induction l as [ | x l IH ]; simpl; auto; rewrite IH, bt_norm_eq; auto. Qed.

Fact list_seteq_bte l m : list_seteq l m -> list_bt l list_bt m.
Proof. induction 1; simpl; eauto. Qed.

(* The proof is done via the PHP and seteq (bi inclusion)
   inductive characterisation 
   This avoids using decidable equality and would
   allow for the development of HF-Sets with UR-elements
   over a non-decidable type, possibly ? *)

Lemma bti_equiv s t : s t -> t s -> s t.
  intros H1 H2.
  rewrite <- (list_bt_list s), <- (list_bt_list t).
  do 2 apply bte_trans with (1 := list_bt_norm_eq _), bte_sym.
  apply list_seteq_bte, lseq_lequiv_iff.
  split; apply bti_norm_incl; auto.

Fact bte_incl_equiv s t : s t <-> s t /\ t s.
  + intro; split; apply bte_bti; auto.
  + intros []; apply bti_equiv; auto.

Fact bte_ext s t : s t <-> forall x, x s <-> x t.
Proof. rewrite bte_incl_equiv; firstorder. Qed.

Fact bti_inv x s t : x st <-> x t \/ exists y, y t /\ x sy.
  + intros H.
    destruct (btm_dec s x) as [ H1 | H1 ].
    * destruct btm_partition with (1 := H1)
        as (y & H2 & H3).
      right; exists y; split; auto.
      intros z Hz.
      assert (z st) as C.
      { apply H.
        apply btm_congr_r with (1 := in_bte_sym H2), btm_inv; auto. }
      apply btm_inv in C; destruct C as [C|]; auto.
      contradict H3; revert Hz; apply btm_congr_l; auto.
    * left.
      intros y Hy.
      specialize (H _ Hy).
      apply btm_inv in H.
      destruct H as [ H | ]; auto.
      contradict H1.
      revert Hy; apply btm_congr_l; auto.
  + intros [ H | (y & H1 & H2) ].
    * apply bti_trans with (1 := H); auto.
    * intros z Hz.
      apply bti_congr_r with (1 := H2) in Hz; auto.
      revert Hz; btm simpl; intros []; auto.

(* Set union *)

Fixpoint bt_cup s t :=
  match s with
    | => t
    | xs => x⪧(s t)
where "s ∪ t" := (bt_cup s t).

Theorem bt_cup_spec x s t : x s t <-> x s \/ x t.
  revert x; induction s as [ | y s Hs ] using bt_rect';
    intros x; simpl; btm simpl.
  rewrite Hs; tauto.

Fact bt_cup_left s t : s s t.
Proof. intro; rewrite bt_cup_spec; auto. Qed.

Fact bt_cup_right s t : t s t.
Proof. intro; rewrite bt_cup_spec; auto. Qed.

#[export] Hint Resolve bt_cup_left bt_cup_right : core.

Add Parametric Morphism: (bt_cup) with signature
       (bt_equiv) ==> (bt_equiv) ==> (bt_equiv) as bt_cup_congr.
  intros s s' H t t'; revert H.
  do 3 rewrite bte_ext; intros H1 H2 x.
  do 2 rewrite bt_cup_spec.
  rewrite H1, H2; tauto.

Fact bt_cup_incl s t x : s t x <-> s x /\ t x.
  + intros H; split; apply bti_trans with (2 := H); auto.
  + intros [] z; rewrite bt_cup_spec; intros []; auto.

Fact bt_cup_mono s s' t t' : s s' -> t t' -> s t s' t'.
  intros H1 H2 x; do 2 rewrite bt_cup_spec.
  intros [ H | H ]; [ left | right ]; revert H; auto.

#[export] Hint Resolve bt_cup_mono : core.

(* We compute the transitive closure *)

Definition bt_transitive t := forall u v, u v -> v t -> u t.

Fact bt_transitive_incl u t : bt_transitive t -> u t -> u t.
Proof. intros H H1 x H2; revert H2 H1; apply H. Qed.

Fixpoint bt_tc t :=
  match t with
    | =>
    | st => s⪧(s t)
where "↓ t" := (bt_tc t).

(* ↓t contains t *)

Fact bt_tc_incr t : t t.
  intro; induction t; simpl; auto; btm simpl.
  rewrite bt_cup_spec; tauto.

#[export] Hint Resolve bt_tc_incr : core.

(* ↓t is transitive *)

Theorem bt_tc_trans t : bt_transitive t.
  induction t as [ | s Hs t Ht ]; simpl; intros u v H1; btm simpl.
  rewrite !bt_cup_spec; intros [ H2 | [] ]; eauto.
  rewrite H2 in H1; right; left; auto; apply bt_tc_incr; auto.

#[export] Hint Resolve bt_tc_trans : core.

(* ↓s is the least transitive containing s *)

Fact bt_tc_incl_transitive s t : bt_transitive t -> s t -> s t.
  intros H.
  induction s as [ | u Hu v Hv ]; simpl; auto.
  intros H1 x; btm simpl; rewrite bt_cup_spec.
  intros [ H2 | [ H2 | H2 ] ].
  + rewrite H2; apply H1; btm simpl.
  + revert H2; apply Hu.
    intros a Ha; apply H with (1 := Ha), H1; btm simpl.
  + revert H2; apply Hv; intros ? ?; apply H1; btm simpl.

(* Hence it is a closure operator, ie as already proved, increasing
    but also monotonic *)

Fact bt_tc_mono s t : s t -> s t.
  intros H.
  apply bt_tc_incl_transitive; auto.
  apply bti_trans with (1 := H); auto.

(* And idempotent *)

Fact bt_tc_idem t : (↓↓t) t.
Proof. apply bt_tc_incl_transitive; auto. Qed.

#[export] Hint Resolve bt_tc_mono bt_tc_idem : core.

(* It is nice to set union *)

Fact bt_tc_cup s t : ↓(s t) s t.
  apply bt_tc_incl_transitive; auto.
  intros x y; do 2 rewrite bt_cup_spec.
  intros H [ H1 | H1 ]; [ left | right ];
    revert H H1; apply bt_tc_trans.

Fact bt_tc_congr_l u v t : u v -> u t -> v t.
Proof. intros E; rewrite E; auto. Qed.

Fact bt_tc_congr_r u s t : s t -> u s <-> u t.
  intros H; revert u.
  rewrite bte_incl_equiv in H; destruct H.
  apply bte_ext, bti_equiv; auto.

Add Parametric Morphism: (bt_tc) with signature
     (bt_equiv) ==> (bt_equiv) as bt_tc_congr.
Proof. intros; apply bte_ext; intro; apply bt_tc_congr_r; auto. Qed.

Section bt_pow.

  (* We build the power set *)

  (* bt_mcomp x {t1,...,tk} => {{x} ∪ t1,...,{x} ∪ tk} **)

  Fixpoint bt_mcomp x t :=
    match t with
      | =>
      | st => (xs) (bt_mcomp x t)

  Fact bt_mcomp_spec x t u : u bt_mcomp x t <-> exists k, k t /\ u xk.
    revert u; induction t as [ | s t Ht ] using bt_rect'; intros u; simpl.
    + rewrite btm_inv_0; split; try tauto.
      intros (k & Hk & _); revert Hk; rewrite btm_inv_0; auto.
    + rewrite btm_inv; split.
      * intros [ H | H ].
        - exists s; split; auto; btm simpl.
        - rewrite Ht in H.
          destruct H as (k & ? & ?).
          exists k; split; auto.
          btm simpl.
      * intros (k & H1 & H2); revert H1 H2.
        rewrite btm_inv, Ht.
        intros [H2|H2] H1; auto.
        - left; apply bte_trans with (1 := H1); auto.
        - right; exists k; auto.

  (* Powerset bti_inv x ⊆ s⪧t <-> x ⊆ t \/ exists y, y ⊆ t /\ x ≈ s⪧y *)

  Fixpoint bt_pow t :=
    match t with
      | =>
      | xt => bt_pow t bt_mcomp x (bt_pow t)

  Fact bt_pow_spec t x : x bt_pow t <-> x t.
    revert x; induction t as [ | s t Ht ] using bt_rect'; intros x; simpl.
    + rewrite btm_inv, btm_inv_0, bti_inv_0, bte_inv_0; tauto.
    + rewrite bti_inv, bt_cup_spec, bt_mcomp_spec, Ht.
      split; intros [ | (y & H) ]; auto; right; exists y;
        revert H; rewrite Ht; auto.

  (* Powerset of transitive is transitive *)

  Fact bt_pow_transitive t : bt_transitive t -> bt_transitive (bt_pow t).
    intros H x y H1.
    do 2 rewrite bt_pow_spec.
    intros H2 z Hz.
    apply H2 in H1.
    revert Hz H1; apply H.

  Fact bt_pow_trans_incl t : bt_transitive t -> t bt_pow t.
    intros Ht.
    intros x Hx.
    apply bt_pow_spec; intros y Hy.
    revert Hx; apply Ht; auto.

  Fact bt_pow_iter_trans t n : bt_transitive t -> bt_transitive (iter bt_pow t n)
                                               /\ t iter bt_pow t n.
    revert t; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; simpl; intros t Ht; auto; split.
    + apply IHn, bt_pow_transitive; auto.
    + destruct (IHn _ (bt_pow_transitive Ht)) as [ _ H ].
      apply bti_trans with (2 := H), bt_pow_trans_incl; auto.

  Fact bt_pow_iter_mono t t' n : t t' -> iter bt_pow t n iter bt_pow t' n.
    revert t t'; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; simpl; auto; intros t t' H.
    apply IHn; intro; do 2 rewrite bt_pow_spec.
    intro; apply bti_trans with t; auto.

  Fact bt_pow_iter_le t n m : n <= m -> bt_transitive t -> iter bt_pow t n iter bt_pow t m.
    intros H; revert H t.
    induction 1 as [ | m Hm IHm ]; auto; intros t Ht.
    apply bti_trans with (1 := IHm _ Ht); simpl.
    apply bt_pow_iter_mono, bt_pow_trans_incl; auto.

End bt_pow.

Add Parametric Morphism: (bt_pow) with signature
     (bt_equiv) ==> (bt_equiv) as bt_pow_congr.
Proof. intros ? ? H; apply bte_ext; intro; do 2 rewrite bt_pow_spec; rewrite H; tauto. Qed.

Definition bt_opair s t := (s)⪧(st)⪧.

Local Notation "⟬ s , t ⟭" := (bt_opair s t) (at level 1, format "⟬ s , t ⟭").

Section ordered_pairs.

  (* We start workin with pairs *)

  Fact bt_sg_inv x y : x y <-> x y.
    split; auto.
    rewrite bte_ext.
    intros H; specialize (H x).
    do 2 rewrite btm_inv, btm_inv_0 in H.
    apply proj1 in H; destruct H; try tauto; auto.

  Fact bt_sg_db_inv a x y : a xy <-> a x /\ a y.
    + intros H.
      rewrite bte_ext in H.
      generalize (proj2 (H x)) (proj2 (H y)).
      btm simpl; intros [|[]] [|[]]; auto.
    + intros [].
      apply bte_trans with (aa); auto.

  Fact bt_db_inv a b x y :
          ab xy
      <-> a x /\ b x /\ x y
       \/ a x /\ b y
       \/ a y /\ b x.
    + intros H.
      rewrite bte_ext in H.
      generalize (proj1 (H a)) (proj1 (H b)) (proj2 (H x)) (proj2 (H y)).
      btm simpl; intros [|[|[]]] [|[|[]]] [|[|[]]] [|[|[]]]; auto.
    + intros [ (H1&H2&H3) | [ (H1&H2) | (H1&H2) ] ]; auto.
      * do 2 (apply in_bte_cngr; auto).
        apply bte_trans with x; auto.
      * apply bte_trans with (1 := in_bte_comm _ _ _).
        do 2 (apply in_bte_cngr; auto).

  Fact bt_db_inv' a b x y :
          ab xy
      <-> a x /\ b y \/ a y /\ b x.
    + intros H.
      rewrite bte_ext in H.
      generalize (proj1 (H a)) (proj1 (H b)) (proj2 (H x)) (proj2 (H y)).
      btm simpl; intros [|[|[]]] [|[|[]]] [|[|[]]] [|[|[]]]; auto.
    + intros [ (H1&H2) | (H1&H2) ]; auto.
      rewrite H1, H2; auto.

  (* ordered pairs   (x,y) = { {x},{x,y} } *)

  Fact bt_opair_spec x s t : x s,t <-> x s \/ x st.
  Proof. unfold bt_opair; btm simpl. Qed.

  Fact bt_opair_equiv s t s' t' : s,t s',t' <-> ss' /\ tt'.
    2: intros []; unfold bt_opair; auto.
    intros H.
    apply bt_db_inv' in H as [ (H1 & H2) | (H1 & H2) ].
    + rewrite bt_sg_inv in H1.
      apply bt_db_inv' in H2 as [ (H2 & H3) | (H2 & H3) ]; auto.
      rewrite H3, <- H2; auto.
    + apply bte_sym, bt_sg_db_inv in H2 as (H3 & H4).
      apply bt_sg_db_inv in H1 as (H1 & H2).
      rewrite <- H4, <- H2; auto.

End ordered_pairs.

Add Parametric Morphism: (bt_opair) with signature
       (bt_equiv) ==> (bt_equiv) ==> (bt_equiv) as bt_pair_congr.
Proof. intros; apply bt_opair_equiv; auto. Qed.

Fact btm_opair_pow x y t : x t -> y t -> x,y bt_pow (bt_pow t).
  rewrite bt_pow_spec.
  intros ? ? ?.
  rewrite bt_opair_spec; intros [-> | ->]; apply bt_pow_spec.
  + intro; btm simpl; intros [ -> | [] ]; auto.
  + intro; btm simpl; intros [ -> | [ -> | [] ] ]; auto.

Section FOL_encoding.

  (* FOL encoding a triples belonging to a set *)

  Fact bt_enc_equiv s t : s t <-> forall x, x s <-> x t.
  Proof. apply bte_ext. Qed.

  Fact bt_enc_empty s : s <-> forall x, ~ x s.
  Proof. rewrite bte_ext; apply forall_equiv; intro; btm simpl. Qed.

  Fact bt_enc_sg s t : s t <-> forall x, x s <-> x t.
  Proof. rewrite bte_ext; apply forall_equiv; intro; btm simpl. Qed.

  Fact bt_enc_db u s t : u st <-> forall x, x u <-> x s \/ x t.
  Proof. rewrite bte_ext; apply forall_equiv; intros; btm simpl. Qed.

  Fact bt_enc_opair p s t : p s,t <-> (forall x, x p <-> x s \/ x st).
    rewrite bte_ext; apply forall_equiv; intro.
    rewrite bt_opair_spec; tauto.

  Fact bt_enc_otriple p r s t : p r,⟬s,t⟭⟭ <-> exists a, p r,a /\ a s,t .
    + exists s,t; auto.
    + intros (a & H1 & H2).
      apply bte_trans with (1 := H1).
      apply bt_opair_equiv; auto.

  Fact bt_enc_rel3 a b c t : a,⟬b,c⟭⟭ t <-> exists p, p a,⟬b,c⟭⟭ /\ p t.
    + exists a,⟬b,c⟭⟭ ; auto.
    + intros (p & H1 & H2).
      revert H2; apply btm_congr_l; auto.

  Fixpoint tuple l :=
    match l with
      | nil =>
      | x::l => x,tuple l

  Fact bt_enc_tuple_0 p : p tuple nil <-> p .
  Proof. simpl; tauto. Qed.

  Fact bt_enc_tuple p x l : p tuple (x::l) <-> exists a, p x,a /\ a tuple l.
    simpl; split.
    + exists (tuple l); auto; split; auto.
    + intros (a & H1 & H2).
      apply bte_trans with (1 := H1).
      apply bt_opair_equiv; auto.

End FOL_encoding.

Section nat2bt.

  (* We build the usual embedding of nat into bt *)

  Fixpoint nat2bt n : bt :=
    match n with
      | 0 =>
      | S n => (nat2bt n)⪧(nat2bt n)

  Fact nat2bt_transitive n : bt_transitive (nat2bt n).
    induction n as [ | n IHn ]; simpl.
    + intros ? ?; btm simpl.
    + intros a b; btm simpl.
      intros H1 [ <- | H3 ]; right; auto.
      revert H1 H3; apply IHn.

  Hint Resolve nat2bt_transitive : core.

  Fact nat2bt_mono n m : n <= m -> nat2bt n nat2bt m.
    induction 1 as [ | m Hm IHm ]; auto.
    apply bti_trans with (1 := IHm).
    apply bt_transitive_incl; auto.
    simpl; btm simpl.

  Section bt2nat.

    Let nat2bt_inv_full m x : x nat2bt m -> { n | n < m /\ x nat2bt n }.
      revert x; induction m as [ | m IHm ]; intros x; simpl; btm simpl.
      + intro E; exfalso; revert E; btm simpl.
      + intros H; rewrite btm_inv in H.
        destruct (bte_dec x (nat2bt m)) as [ H1 | H1 ].
        * exists m; split; auto.
        * destruct (IHm x) as (n & H2 & H3); try tauto.
          exists n; split; auto; lia.

    Definition bt2nat n x Hx := proj1_sig (@nat2bt_inv_full n x Hx).

    Fact bt2nat_lt n x Hx : @bt2nat n x Hx < n.
    Proof. apply (proj2_sig (@nat2bt_inv_full n x Hx)). Qed.

    Fact bt2nat_fix n x Hx : nat2bt (@bt2nat n x Hx) x.
    Proof. apply bte_sym, (proj2_sig (@nat2bt_inv_full n x Hx)). Qed.

  End bt2nat.

  Fact nat2bt_inj n m : nat2bt n nat2bt m -> n = m.
    revert m; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; intros [ | m ]; simpl; auto.
    + intros H; symmetry in H; apply bte_discr in H; tauto.
    + intros H; apply bte_discr in H; tauto.
    + intros H; rewrite bte_ext in H.
      f_equal; apply IHn; clear IHn.
      generalize (proj1 (H (nat2bt n)))
                 (proj2 (H (nat2bt m))); btm simpl.
      intros [H0 | H0] [H1 | H1]; auto.
      apply btm_depth in H0.
      apply btm_depth in H1.

  Hint Resolve nat2bt_mono : core.

  Fact nat2bt_order_iso n m : nat2bt n nat2bt m <-> n <= m.
    split; eauto.
    intros H.
    destruct (le_lt_dec m n); try lia.
    cut (n = m); try lia.
    apply nat2bt_inj, bti_equiv; eauto.

  Fact nat2bt_strict n m : nat2bt n nat2bt m <-> n < m.
    + intros H.
      destruct (le_lt_dec m n) as [ H1 | ]; auto.
      generalize (nat2bt_mono H1 H); intros H2.
      apply btm_depth in H2; lia.
    + intros H; apply (nat2bt_mono H).
      simpl; btm simpl.

End nat2bt.

Section pos2bt.

  (* And now a bijection between pos n and nat2bt n *)

  Definition pos2bt n (p : pos n) := nat2bt (pos2nat p).

  Fact pos2bt_in n p : @pos2bt n p nat2bt n.
  Proof. apply nat2bt_strict, pos2nat_prop. Qed.

  Let bt2pos_full n x : x nat2bt n -> { p | x @pos2bt n p }.
    intros Hx.
    assert (bt2nat _ Hx < n).
    { apply nat2bt_strict; rewrite bt2nat_fix; auto. }
    exists (nat2pos H); unfold pos2bt; rewrite pos2nat_nat2pos.
    rewrite bt2nat_fix; auto.

  Definition bt2pos n x Hx := proj1_sig (@bt2pos_full n x Hx).

  Fact bt2pos_fix n x Hx : pos2bt (@bt2pos n x Hx) x.
  Proof. apply bte_sym, (proj2_sig (@bt2pos_full n x Hx)). Qed.

  Fact pos2bt_inj n p q : @pos2bt n p pos2bt q -> p = q.
  Proof. intro H; apply pos2nat_inj, nat2bt_inj, H. Qed.

End pos2bt.