(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

Require Import List Arith Lia.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Utils
  Require Import utils_tac utils_list finite.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
  Require Import pos vec.

From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
  Require Import notations utils fol_ops fo_sig fo_terms fo_logic.

Import fol_notations.

Set Implicit Arguments.

(* * First order definability and closure properties *)

Notation ø := vec_nil.

Opaque fo_term_subst fo_term_map fo_term_sem.

Section fo_definability.

  Variable (Σ : fo_signature) (ls : list (syms Σ)) (lr : list (rels Σ))
           (X : Type) (M : fo_model Σ X).

  Definition fot_definable (f : (nat -> X) -> X) :=
       { t | incl (fo_term_syms t) ls /\ forall φ, fo_term_sem M φ t = f φ }.

  Definition fol_definable (R : (nat -> X) -> Prop) :=
       { A | incl (fol_syms A) ls
          /\ incl (fol_rels A) lr
          /\ forall φ, fol_sem M φ A <-> R φ }.

  (* A FOL definable predicate is always extensional *)

  Fact fot_def_ext t : fot_definable t -> forall φ ψ, (forall n, φ n = ψ n) -> t φ = t ψ.
    intros (k & _ & Hk) phi psi H.
    rewrite <- Hk, <- Hk; apply fo_term_sem_ext; auto.

  Fact fol_def_ext R : fol_definable R -> forall φ ψ, (forall n, φ n = ψ n) -> R φ <-> R ψ.
    intros (A & _ & _ & HA) phi psi H.
    rewrite <- HA, <- HA; apply fol_sem_ext.
    intros; auto.

  (* We derive closure properties *)

  Fact fot_def_proj n : fot_definable (fun φ => φ n).
  Proof. exists (£ n); intros; split; rew fot; auto; intros _ []. Qed.

  Fact fot_def_map (f : nat -> nat) t :
           fot_definable t -> fot_definable (fun φ => t (fun n => φ (f n))).
    intros H; generalize (fot_def_ext H); revert H.
    intros (k & H1 & H2) H3.
    exists (fo_term_map f k); split.
    + rewrite fo_term_syms_map; auto.
    + intro phi; rewrite <- fo_term_subst_map; rew fot.
      rewrite H2; apply H3; intro; rew fot; auto.

  Fact fot_def_comp s v :
        In s ls
      -> (forall p, fot_definable (fun φ => vec_pos (v φ) p))
      -> fot_definable (fun φ => fom_syms M s (v φ)).
    intros H0 H; apply vec_reif_t in H.
    destruct H as (w & Hw).
    exists (in_fot _ w); split; rew fot.
    + intros x [ -> | H ]; auto; revert H.
      rewrite in_flat_map.
      intros (t & H1 & H2).
      apply in_vec_list, in_vec_inv in H1.
      destruct H1 as (p & <- ).
      revert H2; apply Hw.
    + intros phi; rew fot; f_equal.
      apply vec_pos_ext; intros p.
      rewrite vec_pos_map.
      apply Hw; auto.

  Fact fot_def_equiv f g :
         (forall φ, f φ = g φ) -> fot_definable f -> fot_definable g.
    intros E (t & H1 & H2); exists t; split; auto; intro; rewrite H2; auto.

  Fact fol_def_atom r v :
         In r lr
      -> (forall p, fot_definable (fun φ => vec_pos (v φ) p))
      -> fol_definable (fun φ => fom_rels M r (v φ)).
    intros H0 H; apply vec_reif_t in H.
    destruct H as (w & Hw).
    exists (@fol_atom _ _ w); msplit 2.
    + simpl; intro s; rewrite in_flat_map.
      intros (t & H1 & H2).
      apply in_vec_list, in_vec_inv in H1.
      destruct H1 as (p & <- ).
      revert H2; apply Hw.
    + simpl; intros ? [ -> | [] ]; auto.
    + intros phi; simpl.
      apply fol_equiv_ext; f_equal.
      apply vec_pos_ext; intros p.
      rewrite vec_pos_map; apply Hw; auto.

  Fact fol_def_True : fol_definable (fun _ => True).
  Proof. exists (); intros; simpl; msplit 2; try red; simpl; tauto. Qed.

  Fact fol_def_False : fol_definable (fun _ => False).
  Proof. exists ; intros; simpl; msplit 2; try red; simpl; tauto. Qed.

  Fact fol_def_equiv R T :
          (forall φ, R φ <-> T φ) -> fol_definable R -> fol_definable T.
    intros H (A & H1 & H2 & H3); exists A; msplit 2; auto; intro; rewrite <- H; auto.

  Fact fol_def_conj R T :
         fol_definable R -> fol_definable T -> fol_definable (fun φ => R φ /\ T φ).
    intros (A & H1 & H2 & H3) (B & HH4 & H5 & H6); exists (fol_bin fol_conj A B); msplit 2.
    1,2: simpl; intro; rewrite in_app_iff; intros []; auto.
    intro; simpl; rewrite H3, H6; tauto.

  Fact fol_def_disj R T :
         fol_definable R -> fol_definable T -> fol_definable (fun φ => R φ \/ T φ).
    intros (A & H1 & H2 & H3) (B & HH4 & H5 & H6); exists (fol_bin fol_disj A B); msplit 2.
    1,2: simpl; intro; rewrite in_app_iff; intros []; auto.
    intro; simpl; rewrite H3, H6; tauto.

  Fact fol_def_imp R T :
         fol_definable R -> fol_definable T -> fol_definable (fun φ => R φ -> T φ).
    intros (A & H1 & H2 & H3) (B & HH4 & H5 & H6); exists (fol_bin fol_imp A B); msplit 2.
    1,2: simpl; intro; rewrite in_app_iff; intros []; auto.
    intro; simpl; rewrite H3, H6; tauto.

  Fact fol_def_fa (R : X -> (nat -> X) -> Prop) :
          fol_definable (fun φ => R (φ 0) (fun n => φ (S n)))
       -> fol_definable (fun φ => forall x, R x φ).
    intros (A & H1 & H2 & H3); exists (fol_quant fol_fa A); msplit 2; auto.
    intro; simpl; apply forall_equiv.
    intro; rewrite H3; simpl; tauto.

  Fact fol_def_ex (R : X -> (nat -> X) -> Prop) :
          fol_definable (fun φ => R (φ 0) (fun n => φ (S n)))
       -> fol_definable (fun φ => exists x, R x φ).
    intros (A & H1 & H2 & H3); exists (fol_quant fol_ex A); msplit 2; auto.
    intro; simpl; apply exists_equiv.
    intro; rewrite H3; simpl; tauto.

  Fact fol_def_list_fa K l (R : K -> (nat -> X) -> Prop) :
           (forall k, In k l -> fol_definable (R k))
        -> fol_definable (fun φ => forall k, In k l -> R k φ).
    intros H.
    set (f := fun k Hk => proj1_sig (H k Hk)).
    exists (fol_lconj (list_in_map l f)); msplit 2.
    + rewrite fol_syms_bigop.
      intros s; simpl; rewrite <- app_nil_end.
      rewrite in_flat_map.
      intros (A & H1 & H2).
      apply In_list_in_map_inv in H1.
      destruct H1 as (k & Hk & ->).
      revert H2; apply (proj2_sig (H k Hk)); auto.
    + rewrite fol_rels_bigop.
      intros s; simpl; rewrite <- app_nil_end.
      rewrite in_flat_map.
      intros (A & H1 & H2).
      apply In_list_in_map_inv in H1.
      destruct H1 as (k & Hk & ->).
      revert H2; apply (proj2_sig (H k Hk)); auto.
    + intros phi.
      rewrite fol_sem_lconj; split.
      * intros H1 k Hk; apply (proj2_sig (H k Hk)), H1.
        change (In (f k Hk) (list_in_map l f)).
        apply In_list_in_map.
      * intros H1 A H2.
        apply In_list_in_map_inv in H2.
        destruct H2 as (k & Hk & ->).
        apply (proj2_sig (H k Hk)); auto.

  Fact fol_def_bounded_fa m (R : nat -> (nat -> X) -> Prop) :
             (forall n, n < m -> fol_definable (R n))
          -> fol_definable (fun φ => forall n, n < m -> R n φ).
    intros H.
    apply fol_def_equiv with (R := fun φ => forall n, In n (list_an 0 m) -> R n φ).
    + intros phi; apply forall_equiv; intro; rewrite list_an_spec; simpl; split; try tauto.
      intros H1 ?; apply H1; lia.
    + apply fol_def_list_fa.
      intros n Hn; apply H; revert Hn; rewrite list_an_spec; lia.

  Fact fol_def_list_ex K l (R : K -> (nat -> X) -> Prop) :
           (forall k, In k l -> fol_definable (R k))
        -> fol_definable (fun φ => exists k, In k l /\ R k φ).
    intros H.
    set (f := fun k Hk => proj1_sig (H k Hk)).
    exists (fol_ldisj (list_in_map l f)); msplit 2.
    + rewrite fol_syms_bigop.
      intros s; simpl; rewrite <- app_nil_end.
      rewrite in_flat_map.
      intros (A & H1 & H2).
      apply In_list_in_map_inv in H1.
      destruct H1 as (k & Hk & ->).
      revert H2; apply (proj2_sig (H k Hk)); auto.
    + rewrite fol_rels_bigop.
      intros s; simpl; rewrite <- app_nil_end.
      rewrite in_flat_map.
      intros (A & H1 & H2).
      apply In_list_in_map_inv in H1.
      destruct H1 as (k & Hk & ->).
      revert H2; apply (proj2_sig (H k Hk)); auto.
    + intros phi.
      rewrite fol_sem_ldisj; split.
      * intros (A & H1 & HA).
        apply In_list_in_map_inv in H1.
        destruct H1 as (k & Hk & ->).
        exists k; split; auto.
        apply (proj2_sig (H k Hk)); auto.
      * intros (k & Hk & H1).
        exists (f k Hk); split.
        - apply In_list_in_map.
        - apply (proj2_sig (H k Hk)); auto.

  Fact fol_def_subst (R : (nat -> X) -> Prop) (f : nat -> (nat -> X) -> X) :
          (forall n, fot_definable (f n))
       -> fol_definable R
       -> fol_definable (fun φ => R (fun n => f n φ)).
    intros H1 H2.
    generalize (fol_def_ext H2); intros H3.
    destruct H2 as (A & G1 & G2 & HA).
    set (rho := fun n => proj1_sig (H1 n)).
    exists (fol_subst rho A); msplit 2.
    + red; apply Forall_forall; apply fol_syms_subst.
      * intros n Hn; rewrite Forall_forall.
        intro; apply (fun n => proj2_sig (H1 n)).
      * apply Forall_forall, G1.
    + rewrite fol_rels_subst; auto.
    + intros phi.
      rewrite fol_sem_subst, HA.
      apply H3; intro; unfold rho; rew fot.
      apply (fun n => proj2_sig (H1 n)).

End fo_definability.

Create HintDb fol_def_db.

#[export] Hint Resolve fot_def_proj fot_def_map fot_def_comp fol_def_True fol_def_False : fol_def_db.

Tactic Notation "fol" "def" :=
   repeat (( apply fol_def_conj
           || apply fol_def_disj
           || apply fol_def_imp
           || apply fol_def_ex
           || apply fol_def_fa
           || (apply fol_def_atom; intro)
           || apply fol_def_subst); auto with fol_def_db); auto with fol_def_db.

Section extra.

  Variable (Σ : fo_signature) (ls : list (syms Σ)) (lr : list (rels Σ))
           (X : Type) (M : fo_model Σ X).

  (* More closure properties *)

  Fact fol_def_iff R T :
         fol_definable ls lr M R
      -> fol_definable ls lr M T
      -> fol_definable ls lr M (fun φ => R φ <-> T φ).
    intros; fol def.

  Fact fol_def_subst2 R t1 t2 :
           fol_definable ls lr M (fun φ => R (φ 0) (φ 1))
        -> fot_definable ls M t1
        -> fot_definable ls M t2
        -> fol_definable ls lr M (fun φ => R (t1 φ) (t2 φ)).
    intros H1 H2 H3.
    set (f n := match n with
        | 0 => t1
        | 1 => t2
        | _ => fun φ => φ 0
    change (fol_definable ls lr M (fun φ => R (f 0 φ) (f 1 φ))).
    apply fol_def_subst with (2 := H1) (f := f).
    intros [ | [ | n ] ]; simpl; fol def.

  Let env_vec (φ : nat -> X) n := vec_set_pos (fun p => φ (@pos2nat n p)).
  Let env_env (φ : nat -> X) n k := φ (n+k).

  Fact fol_def_vec_fa n (R : vec X n -> (nat -> X) -> Prop) :
           (fol_definable ls lr M (fun φ => R (env_vec φ n) (env_env φ n)))
         -> fol_definable ls lr M (fun φ => forall v, R v φ).
    revert R; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; intros R HR.
    + revert HR; apply fol_def_equiv; intros phi; simpl.
      split; auto; intros ? v; vec nil v; auto.
    + set (T φ := forall v x, R (x##v) φ).
      apply fol_def_equiv with (R := T).
      * intros phi; unfold T; split.
        - intros H v; vec split v with x; auto.
        - intros H ? ?; apply (H (_##_)).
      * unfold T; apply IHn, fol_def_fa, HR.

  Fact fol_def_vec_ex n (R : vec X n -> (nat -> X) -> Prop) :
           (fol_definable ls lr M (fun φ => R (env_vec φ n) (env_env φ n)))
         -> fol_definable ls lr M (fun φ => exists v, R v φ).
    revert R; induction n as [ | n IHn ]; intros R HR.
    + revert HR; apply fol_def_equiv; intros phi; simpl.
      * exists vec_nil; auto.
      * intros (v & Hv); revert Hv; vec nil v; auto.
    + set (T φ := exists v x, R (x##v) φ).
      apply fol_def_equiv with (R := T).
      * intros phi; unfold T; split.
        - intros (v & x & Hv); exists (x##v); auto.
        - intros (v & Hv); revert Hv; vec split v with x; exists v, x; auto.
      * unfold T; apply IHn, fol_def_ex, HR.

  Fact fol_def_finite_fa I (R : I -> (nat -> X) -> Prop) :
            finite_t I
         -> (forall i, fol_definable ls lr M (R i))
         -> fol_definable ls lr M (fun φ => forall i : I, R i φ).
    intros (l & Hl) H.
    apply fol_def_equiv with (R := fun φ => forall i, In i l -> R i φ).
    + intros phi; apply forall_equiv; intro; split; auto.
    + apply fol_def_list_fa; auto.

  Fact fol_def_finite_ex I (R : I -> (nat -> X) -> Prop) :
            finite_t I
         -> (forall i, fol_definable ls lr M (R i))
         -> fol_definable ls lr M (fun φ => exists i : I, R i φ).
    intros (l & Hl) H.
    apply fol_def_equiv with (R := fun φ => exists i, In i l /\ R i φ).
    + intros phi; apply exists_equiv; intro; split; auto; tauto.
    + apply fol_def_list_ex; auto.

End extra.