(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling *                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             * Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

Require Import List Arith Lia.

From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW.Vec
  Require Import pos vec.

From Undecidability.TRAKHTENBROT
  Require Import notations.

Set Implicit Arguments.

First order signatures and models

Record fo_signature := Mk_fo_signature {
  syms : Type;
  rels : Type;
  ar_syms : syms -> nat;
  ar_rels : rels -> nat

Only one relational symbol of arity n

Definition Σrel (n : nat) : fo_signature.
  exists Empty_set (* No function or constant symbols *)
         unit (* And one n-ary relational symbol *)
  + intros []. (* Value does not matter here *)
  + exact (fun _ => n). (* The n-ary relation *)

One relational symbol of arity n and (interpreted) equality

Definition Σrel_eq (n : nat) : fo_signature.
  exists Empty_set (* No function or constant symbols *)
         bool (* One ternary and equality *)
  + intros []. (* Value does not matter here *)
  + exact (fun b => if b then n else 2).

The signature for the encoding of the binary Post correspondance problem BPCP

(* Σbpcp_bool _ is unary, the two others are constants *)

Inductive Σbpcp_syms :=
  | Σbpcp_bool : bool -> Σbpcp_syms (* shortcut is fb _ *)
  | Σbpcp_unit : Σbpcp_syms (* shortcut is fe   *)
  | Σbpcp_undef : Σbpcp_syms (* shortcut is      *)

(* all these are binary symbols *)

Inductive Σbpcp_rels :=
  | Σbpcp_hand : Σbpcp_rels (* shortcut is p_P  *)
  | Σbpcp_ssfx : Σbpcp_rels (* shortcut is p_lt *)
  | Σbpcp_eq : Σbpcp_rels (* shortcut is p_eq *)

Definition Σbpcp : fo_signature.
  exists Σbpcp_syms Σbpcp_rels.
  + exact (fun s =>
      match s with
        | Σbpcp_bool _ => 1
        | _ => 0
  + exact (fun _ => 2).

Semantics: FO models

Record fo_model Σ (X : Type) := Mk_fo_model {
  fom_syms : forall s, vec X (ar_syms Σ s) -> X;
  fom_rels : forall r, vec X (ar_rels Σ r) -> Prop }.

FO model decidability/computability

Definition fo_model_dec Σ X (M : fo_model Σ X) :=
  forall r (v : vec _ (ar_rels _ r)), { fom_rels M r v } + { ~ fom_rels M r v }.

FO model from a binary rel

Definition rel2_on_vec X (R : X -> X -> Prop) (v : vec X 2) : Prop :=
  R (vec_head v) (vec_head (vec_tail v)).

Arguments rel2_on_vec {X} R v /.

Section bin_rel_Σ2.

  Variable (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop).

  Definition bin_rel_Σ2 : fo_model (Σrel 2) X.
    exists; intros [].
    exact (rel2_on_vec R).

  Hypothesis HR : forall x y, { R x y } + { ~ R x y }.

  Fact bin_rel_Σ2_dec : fo_model_dec bin_rel_Σ2.
  Proof. intros [] v; apply HR. Qed.

End bin_rel_Σ2.