FOL Reductions

Require Export PCP Deduction MarkovPost.


Section validity.

  Notation u := 0. Notation v := 1.
  Variable R : BSRS.
  Context {b : logic}.

  Definition prep (x : string bool) (t : term) : term := fold_right t_f t x.
  Definition iprep domain eta {I : interp domain eta} (x : list bool) (y : domain) := fold_right i_f y x.
  Definition enc s := (prep s t_e).

  Definition F1 := map (fun '(x,y) => Pr (enc x) (enc y)) R.
  Definition F2 := map (fun '(x, y) => u; v; Pr u v --> Pr (prep x u) (prep y v)) R.
  Definition F3 := ( u; Pr u u --> Q).

  Definition F : form b := F1 ==> F2 ==> F3 --> Q.

  Lemma enc_vars x :
    vars_t (enc x) = [].
    induction x; trivial.

  Lemma prep_subst y t1 x t :
    subst_t y t1 (prep x t) = prep x (subst_t y t1 t).
    induction x; cbn; f_equal; eauto.

  Lemma prep_vars x t :
    vars_t (prep x t) = vars_t t.
    induction x; cbn; eauto.

  Lemma iprep_eval domain eta (I : interp domain eta) rho x s :
    eval rho (prep x s) = iprep x (eval rho s).
    induction x; cbn; now do 2 f_equal.

  Lemma iprep_app domain eta (I : interp domain eta) x y d :
    iprep (x ++ y) d = iprep x (iprep y d).
    unfold iprep. now rewrite fold_right_app.

Standard Model

  Global Instance IB : interp (string bool) (fun _ => []) :=
      i_f b s := b :: s ;
      i_e := nil;
      i_P u v := derivable R u v ;
      i_Q := BPCP R

  Lemma IB_prep rho s t :
    eval rho (prep s t) = s ++ eval rho t.
    induction s; cbn; trivial.
    rewrite <- IHs. reflexivity.

  Lemma IB_enc rho s :
    eval rho (enc s) = s.
    unfold enc. rewrite IB_prep.
    cbn. apply app_nil_r.

  Lemma IB_drv rho t1 t2 :
    rho (Pr t1 t2) <-> derivable R (eval rho t1) (eval rho t2).
    cbn. reflexivity.


  Definition derivable' '(R', x/y) :=
    @derivable bool R' x y.

  Lemma M_stable domain eta {I : interp domain eta} :
    (forall rho, stable (rho Q))
    -> (forall rho t1 t2, stable (rho Pr t1 t2))
    -> forall phi rho, stable (rho phi).
    intros H1 H2 phi. induction phi; cbn in *; intros rho.
    - apply H2.
    - now apply H1.
    - unfold stable. tauto.
    - specialize (IHphi1 H1 H2 rho). specialize (IHphi2 H1 H2 rho).
      unfold stable in *. tauto.
    - intros H3 s. apply IHphi; firstorder.

  Fact IB_stable rho phi :
    MP -> stable (rho phi).
    intros HM. apply M_stable; clear rho.
    - intros rho. cbn. apply MP_enum_stable; trivial.
      + apply enumerable_PCP.
      + apply stack_discrete.
    - intros rho t1 t2.
      pose (drv := derivable' (R, (eval rho t1) / (eval rho t2))).
      change (~ ~ drv -> drv). apply MP_enum_stable; trivial.
      + apply enumerable_derivable.
      + apply discrete_iff. econstructor. exact _.


  Lemma IB_F1 rho :
    rho F1.
    unfold F1.
    intros ? ([x y] & <- & ?) % in_map_iff.
    cbn. econstructor. now rewrite !IB_enc.

  Lemma IB_F2 rho :
    rho F2.
    unfold F2. intros ? ([x y] & <- & ?) % in_map_iff u v ?. cbn.
    rewrite !IB_prep. cbn in *. eauto using derivable.

  Lemma IB_F3 rho :
    rho F3.
    cbn. apply cBPCP.

  Lemma IB_F rho :
    rho F -> BPCP R.
    intros H. unfold F in H. rewrite !impl_sat in H. eapply H.
    - eapply IB_F1.
    - eapply IB_F2.
    - apply IB_F3.

  Lemma drv_val domain eta (I : interp domain eta) rho u v :
    derivable R u v -> rho (F1 ==> F2 ==> Pr (enc u) (enc v)).
    rewrite !impl_sat. intros. induction H.
    - eapply H0. eapply in_map_iff. exists (x/y). eauto.
    - eapply (H1 ( 0; 1; Pr 0 1 --> Pr (prep x 0) (prep y 1))) in IHderivable.
      + cbn. unfold enc in *. rewrite !iprep_eval in *. cbn in IHderivable.
        rewrite <- !iprep_app in IHderivable. eapply IHderivable.
      + eapply in_map_iff. exists (x/y). eauto.

  Theorem BPCP_valid :
    BPCP R <-> valid F.
    - intros [u H] D eta I rho.
      eapply (@drv_val _ _ I) in H. unfold F. cbn in *.
      rewrite !impl_sat in *. cbn in *.
      intros. eapply (H2 (eval rho (enc u))). eauto.
    - intros H. apply IB_F with (rho := fun _ => nil), H.


  Hint Resolve enc_vars.

  Definition ctx_S :=
    F3 :: rev F2 ++ rev F1.

  Lemma drv_prv s u v :
    derivable R u v -> (@prv s b ctx_S (Pr (enc u) (enc v))).
    induction 1.
    - econstructor. right. eapply in_app_iff. right.
      rewrite <- in_rev. eapply in_map_iff. exists (x/y). eauto.
    - assert (@prv s b ctx_S ( 0; 1; Pr 0 1 --> Pr (prep x 0) (prep y 1))).
      + econstructor. right. eapply in_app_iff. left.
        rewrite <- in_rev. eapply in_map_iff. exists (x/y). eauto.
      + eapply AllE with (t := enc u) in H1; eauto.
        cbn in H1. rewrite !prep_subst in H1. cbn in H1.
        eapply AllE with (t := enc v) in H1; eauto. cbn in H1.
        unfold enc in H1. rewrite !prep_subst in H1. cbn in H1.
        unfold enc, prep in *. rewrite !fold_right_app.
        eapply (ImpE H1). eassumption.

  Lemma impl_prv s A B phi :
    @prv s b (rev B ++ A) phi -> @ prv s b A (B ==> phi).
    revert A; induction B; intros A; cbn; simpl_list; intros.
    - firstorder.
    - eapply ImpI. now eapply IHB.

  Lemma BPCP_prv' s :
    BPCP R -> @prv s b nil F.
    intros [u H].
    apply drv_prv with (s:=s) in H. unfold F.
    repeat eapply impl_prv. simpl_list. eapply ImpI.
    assert (@prv s b ctx_S ( 0; Pr 0 0 --> Q)).
    econstructor. now unfold ctx_S. eapply AllE with (t := enc u) in H0.
    cbn in H0. now eapply (ImpE H0). apply prep_vars.

End validity.

Theorem BPCP_prv R :
  BPCP R <-> nil M (F R).
  - apply BPCP_prv'.
  - intros H % soundness. now apply (BPCP_valid R).


Lemma valid_satis phi :
  valid phi -> ~ satis (¬ phi).
  intros H1 (D & eta & I & rho & H2).
  apply H2, (H1 D eta I rho).

Theorem BPCP_satis R :
  ~ BPCP R <-> satis (¬ F R).
  - intros H. exists _, (fun _ => nil), (IB R), (fun _ => nil).
    intros H'. cbn. apply H, (IB_F H').
  - intros H1 H2 % (BPCP_valid R (b:=full)).
    apply (valid_satis H2), H1.


Lemma form_discrete {b : logic} :
  discrete (form b).
  apply discrete_iff. constructor. apply eq_dec_form.

Hint Resolve stack_enum form_discrete.

Definition UA :=
  ~ enumerable (compl BPCP).

Corollary valid_red :
  BPCP @valid frag.
  exists (fun R => F R). intros R. apply (BPCP_valid R).

Corollary valid_undec :
  UA -> ~ decidable (@valid frag).
  intros H. now apply (not_decidable valid_red).

Corollary valid_unenum :
  UA -> ~ enumerable (compl (@valid frag)).
  intros H. now apply (not_coenumerable valid_red).

Corollary prv_red :
  BPCP @prv intu frag nil.
  exists (fun R => F R). intros R. apply (BPCP_prv R).

Corollary prv_undec :
  UA -> ~ decidable (@prv intu frag nil).
  intros H. now apply (not_decidable prv_red).

Corollary prv_unenum :
  UA -> ~ enumerable (compl (@prv intu frag nil)).
  intros H. apply (not_coenumerable prv_red); trivial.

Corollary satis_red :
  compl BPCP @satis full.
  exists (fun R => ¬ F R). intros R. apply (BPCP_satis R).

Corollary satis_undec :
  UA -> ~ decidable (@satis full).
  intros H1 H2 % (dec_red satis_red).
  now apply H1, dec_count_enum.

Corollary satis_enum :
  UA -> ~ enumerable (@satis full).
  intros H1 H2 % (enumerable_red satis_red); auto.

Non-Standard Model

Module NonStan. Section Nonstan.

  Variable R : BSRS.

  Instance IB : interp (option (string bool)) (fun _ => Some nil) :=
      i_f b x := match x with Some u => Some (b :: u) | None => None end ;
      i_e := Some nil;
      i_P x y := match x, y with Some u, Some v => derivable R u v | _, _ => True end ;
      i_Q := False

  Lemma IB_eval_Some rho t u v :
    eval rho t = Some v -> eval rho (prep u t) = Some (u ++ v).
    intros H. induction u; cbn; trivial.
    unfold prep in IHu. now rewrite IHu.

  Lemma IB_eval_None rho t u :
    eval rho t = None -> eval rho (prep u t) = None.
    intros H. induction u; cbn; trivial.
    unfold prep in IHu. now rewrite IHu.

  Lemma IB_enc rho u :
    eval rho (enc u) = Some u.
    unfold enc. rewrite <- (app_nil_r u) at 2.
    now apply IB_eval_Some.

  Lemma IB_deriv rho u v :
    rho (Pr (enc u) (enc v)) <-> derivable R u v.
    cbn. rewrite !IB_enc. reflexivity.

  Lemma IB_deriv' rho t1 t2 u v :
    eval rho t1 = Some u -> eval rho t2 = Some v ->
    rho (Pr t1 t2) <-> derivable R u v.
    intros H1 H2. cbn. rewrite H1, H2. reflexivity.

  Lemma IB_F1 rho :
    rho F1 R.
    unfold F1.
    intros ? ([x y] & <- & ?) % in_map_iff.
    cbn. rewrite !IB_enc. now constructor.

  Lemma IB_F2 rho :
    rho F2 R.
    unfold F2. intros ? ([x y] & <- & ?) % in_map_iff [u|] [v|] ?; cbn in *.
    - erewrite !IB_eval_Some; cbn; auto. now constructor 2.
    - erewrite IB_eval_Some, IB_eval_None; cbn; auto.
    - erewrite IB_eval_None; cbn; auto.
    - erewrite !IB_eval_None; cbn; auto.

  Lemma IB_F rho :
    rho F R.
    unfold F. rewrite !impl_sat. intros _ _ H.
    apply (H None). cbn. auto.

  Lemma IB_nonstandard rho :
    rho ¬ 0; ¬ Pr 0 0.
    intros H. apply (H None). cbn. auto.

End Nonstan. End NonStan.