Natural Deduction for IEL

Require Export forms.
Require Import List Permutation.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Max.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import PslBase.Base.

First, we add a type for contexts and proof some basic facts about subsets, define notation for element.
Definition theory := form -> Prop.
Notation context := (list form).
Implicit Type Γ Ω : context.
Implicit Type T U: theory.
Implicit Types ϕ ψ: form.
Definition subset T U := forall ϕ, T ϕ -> U ϕ.
Definition equalCtx T U := forall ϕ, T ϕ <-> U ϕ.
Definition unionCtx T U := fun z => T z \/ U z.
Definition elem T ϕ := T ϕ.
Definition consT ϕ T := fun z => z = ϕ \/ T z.
Define Notation for Contexts
Notation "A ∪ B" := (unionCtx A B) (at level 50).
Notation "A ≡ B" := (equalCtx A B) (at level 50).
Notation "a ∈ B" := (elem B a) (at level 20).
Notation "A ⊆ B" := (subset A B) (at level 10).
Notation "s # Γ" := (consT s Γ) (at level 30).
Inductive DerivationType := minus | normal.

Existing Class DerivationType.

Natural Deduction

We define deduction for contexts first

Inductive nd : forall (D: DerivationType), list form -> form -> Prop :=
| ndA {D} (Γ: list form) s :List.In s Γ -> (nd D Γ s)
| ndE {D} (Γ: list form) s : (nd D Γ Bot) -> (nd D Γ s)

| ndII {D} (Γ: list form) s t : (nd D (s::Γ) t) -> (nd D Γ (s t))
| ndIE {D} (Γ: list form) s t : (nd D Γ (s t)) -> (nd D Γ s) -> (nd D Γ t)
| ndKImp {D} (Γ: list form) s t: (nd D Γ (K(s t))) -> (nd D Γ (K s K t))
| ndKpos {D} (Γ: list form) s: (nd D Γ s) -> (nd D Γ (K s))
| ndCEL {D} (Γ: list form) s t: nd D Γ (s t) -> nd D Γ s
| ndCER {D} (Γ: list form) s t: nd D Γ (s t) -> nd D Γ t
| ndCI {D} (Γ: list form) s t: nd D Γ s -> nd D Γ t -> nd D Γ (s t)
| ndDIL {D} (Γ: list form) s t: nd D Γ s -> (nd D Γ (s t))
| ndDIR {D} (Γ: list form) s t: nd D Γ t -> (nd D Γ (s t))
| ndDE {D} (Γ: list form) s t q: (nd D Γ (s t)) -> (nd D Γ (s q)) -> (nd D Γ (t q)) -> (nd D Γ q)
| ndIntRefl (Γ: list form) s: (nd normal Γ (K s)) -> (nd normal Γ (¬ ¬s))

Definition ndminus := @nd minus.
Global Hint Constructors nd : core export.

We reduce the theory case to existence of a contained sublist
Definition ndT (D: DerivationType) T ϕ :=
  exists L, (forall ψ, ψ el L -> T ψ) /\ @nd D L ϕ.

Arguments nd {_} _ _.
Arguments ndT {_} _ _.
Define notations for the derivation
Global Notation "Γ ⊢ φ" := (nd Γ φ) (at level 40).
Global Notation "T ⊢T φ" := (ndT T φ) (at level 40).

Global Notation "Γ ⊢+ φ" := (@nd normal Γ φ) (at level 40).
Global Notation "T ⊢T+ φ" := (@ndT normal T φ) (at level 40).

Global Notation "Γ ⊢- φ" := (@nd minus Γ φ) (at level 40).
Global Notation "T ⊢T- φ" := (@ndT minus T φ) (at level 40).


We show weakening for contexts and theories.
Section Weakening.
  Context {d : DerivationType}.

  Fact ndtW φ T U:
     T T φ -> T U -> U T φ.
    firstorder eauto.

  Fact ndW Γ φ Ω :
    ( Γ φ -> Γ <<= Ω -> Ω φ).
    intro H. revert Ω. induction H;eauto.
  (* For backwards compatability *)
  Definition weak := ndW.

  Lemma consWeak Γ ϕ ψ: Γ ϕ -> (ψ::Γ) ϕ.
    intro. apply ndW with (Γ := Γ); firstorder eauto.

  Fact derivationExtensional Γ Ω :
    (Γ === Ω) -> (forall φ, Ω φ <-> Γ φ).
    intros. split; firstorder eauto using ndW.
End Weakening.

Admissibility for theories

We show the nd rules admissible for theories (ndT), we need weakening for nd to do this
Section ndTAdmissible.
    Context {d : DerivationType}.
    Variable (T: theory).
    Fact ndtA s: T s -> T T s.
      intro. exists [s]; firstorder eauto. rewrite<- H0. auto.

    Fact ndtE s: ndT T -> T T s.
      intro. destruct H as [lB Hb]. exists lB. split; firstorder eauto.

    Fact ndtII s t: (s#T) T t -> T T (s t).
      destruct H as [lT lht].
      exists (rem lT s). split. destruct lht. intros a Ha. specialize (H a). destruct H. apply in_rem_iff in Ha. firstorder.
      subst a. apply in_rem_iff in Ha; tauto. auto. apply ndII. destruct lht. apply ndW with lT. auto.
      intros a Ha. decide (s = a). subst a; firstorder. right. firstorder eauto.

    Fact ndtIE s t: (T) T (s t) -> T T s -> T T t.
      intros. destruct H as [lH H], H0 as [lH0 H0]. exists (lH++lH0). split.
      - intros ψ Hp. apply in_app_iff in Hp. firstorder eauto.
      - apply ndIE with s.
        + apply ndW with lH. tauto. auto.
        + apply ndW with lH0; firstorder eauto.

    Fact ndtKImp s t: T T (K(s t)) -> T T (K s K t).
       firstorder eauto.

    Fact ndtKpos s: T T s -> T T (K s).
       firstorder auto.

    Fact ndtCEL s t: ndT T (s t) -> ndT T s.
      firstorder eauto.

    Fact ndtCER s t: ndT T (s t) -> ndT T t.
      firstorder eauto.

    Fact ndtCI s t: ndT T s -> ndT T t -> ndT T (s t).
      intros Hs Ht. destruct Hs as [ls [Hs1 Hs2]], Ht as [lt [Ht1 Ht2]].
      exists (ls++lt); firstorder eauto.
      - apply in_app_iff in H. destruct H; auto.
      - apply ndCI; firstorder eauto using ndW.

    Fact ndtDIL s t: ndT T s -> ndT T (s t).
      firstorder eauto.

    Fact ndtDIR s t: ndT T t -> ndT T (s t).
      firstorder eauto.

    Fact ndtDE s t q: ndT T (s t) -> ndT T (s q) -> ndT T (t q) -> ndT T q.
      intros Hs Ht Hq. destruct Hs as [ls [Hs1 Hs2]], Ht as [lt [Ht1 Ht2]], Hq as [lq [Hq1 Hq2]].
      exists (ls++lt++lq); firstorder eauto.
      - apply in_app_iff in H; destruct H; auto. apply in_app_iff in H. destruct H; eauto.
      - apply ndDE with s t; firstorder eauto using ndW.

    Fact ndtIntRefl s: @ndT normal T (K s) -> @ndT normal T (¬ ¬ s).
      intro. firstorder eauto.

End ndTAdmissible.
We can show implication agreement:
Lemma ImpAgree (D: DerivationType) (Γ: theory) (a b: form) :
  Γ T (a b) <-> (a#Γ T b).
  - intro H. apply ndtIE with a; auto. apply ndtW with Γ; firstorder eauto.
    apply ndtA. firstorder eauto.
  - intros. apply ndtII. firstorder eauto.

List and context derivation transaltion
Section Transl.
  Definition ctx2thy (Γ: context) : theory := fun x => In x Γ.

  Lemma ndTEq {D: DerivationType} Γ s: nd Γ s <-> ndT (ctx2thy Γ) s.
    - intro. exists Γ. firstorder eauto.
    - intro. destruct H as [lH H]. apply weak with lH; firstorder eauto.
End Transl.

Fixpoint shift (l: list form) (s: form) :=
  match l with
    nil => s
  | (x::xr) => (x (shift xr s)) end.

Definition kIfy (l: list form) := map K l.

Modal shifting lemma

Section shifting.
  Context {d : DerivationType}.

  Lemma ImplDistr (Γ: context) (a b:form) :
    (Γ (K(a b))) -> (Γ ((K a) (K b))).
    intros. apply ndKImp. exact H.

  Lemma ImpAss (Γ: context) (a b: form) :
    (Γ (a b)) <-> (nd (a::Γ) b).
    - intros.
      apply ndIE with (s := a). apply consWeak. exact H.
      apply ndA. left. auto.
    - intros. apply ndII. exact H.

  Lemma kIfys2 (l: list form) (s: form):
    forall Γ, (Γ (K (shift (l) (s)))) -> Γ (shift (map K l) (K s)).
    induction l.
    + intros. simpl map. simpl shift. simpl shift in H. exact H.
    + intros. simpl map. simpl shift. apply ndII. apply IHl. apply ImpAss.
      apply ndKImp. exact H.

  Lemma partialShift (l1 l2: context) (s: form):
     (l1++l2) s <-> l1 (shift l2 s).
    revert l1. revert s. induction l2; intros.
    - simpl shift. rewrite app_nil_r. tauto.
    - split.
      + intro. apply ndII. apply IHl2. apply ndW with (l1++a::l2); auto.
      + intro. apply ndW with (a::(l1++l2)).
         simpl shift in H. apply ImpAss in H. apply IHl2 in H. auto.
         intros x Hx. destruct Hx as [Hx | Hx]; try apply in_app_iff in Hx; try subst x;try destruct Hx; eauto.
The next lemma shows that Krupski's rule from the sequent calculus is admissible in IEL
  Fact ndKKrupski (l1 l2: context) (s: form):
    (l1++l2++( K l1)) s -> (l2++( K l1)) (K s).
    apply ndW with ((l2 ++ map K l1) ++ (map K l1)); auto.
    apply partialShift, kIfys2, ndKpos. apply-> partialShift.
    apply ndW with (l1++l2++map K l1); auto.

Now we can prove the modal shifting lemma.
  Definition unbox (Γ: theory) : theory :=
    fun x => Γ (K x).

  Lemma unbox_rewrite (Γ: theory): forall φ,
      (Γ (K φ)) <-> ((unbox Γ) φ).
  Import ListNotations.

  Lemma modalShiftingLemma (Γ: theory) (s: form):
    ndT (unbox Γ ) s -> ndT Γ (K s).
    intros H0.
    destruct H0 as [y [H0]].
    exists ( K y). split.
    - intros. eauto. apply in_map_iff in H1. destruct H1 as [z Hz]. destruct Hz. rewrite<- H1. apply H0. auto.
      assert ((map K y) = ([]++(map K y))).
      { rewrite app_nil_l. auto. }
      rewrite H1. apply partialShift, kIfys2, ndKpos.
      apply-> partialShift. rewrite app_nil_l. auto.

End shifting.

Prime theories and contexts

Section Contexts.
  Context {d : DerivationType}.

We begin by defining what a theory is
  Definition dedClosed (T: theory) := forall φ, (T T φ) -> T φ.
  Definition consistent (T: theory) : Prop := ~(T T ).

  Definition is_prime (T: theory) := forall φ ψ, (T T (φ ψ) -> T T φ \/ T T ψ).
  Definition is_primeDN (T: theory) := forall φ ψ, ~~(T T (φ ψ) -> (T T φ \/ T T ψ)).

Lindenbaum Lemma

We will proof the Lindenbaum Lemma, which states that any set L of formulae which does not derive φ can be extended to a set of formula which
  • is prime
  • is a theory
  • does not derive φ
Note, that such a set is consistent (otherwise it would derive φ )

  Definition insert_form (Γ: theory) (φ ψ : form) : theory :=
    fun z => (Γ z \/ (~(ndT (ψ#Γ) φ) /\ ψ = z)).

  Definition insert_num (Γ: theory) (φ: form) (n: nat) :=
    insert_form Γ φ (decode n).
  Equations maxn (Gamma: theory) (φ: form) (n: nat) : theory :=
    maxn Gamma φ 0 := Gamma;
    maxn Gamma φ (S n) := insert_num (maxn Gamma φ n) φ n.

  Definition max (Gamma: theory) (φ: form) : theory :=
    fun z =>
      exists n, (maxn Gamma φ n) z.

Subset properties

  Lemma insert_form_subset (Γ: theory) φ ψ: Γ (insert_form Γ φ ψ).
    intros x H. left. exact H.

  Lemma insert_phi_subset (Γ: theory) φ i : Γ (insert_num Γ φ i).
    unfold insert_num. apply insert_form_subset.

  Lemma maxn_subset (Γ: theory) φ i: Γ (maxn Γ φ i).
    induction i.
    simpl. intros a B. assumption.
    intros a H. simp maxn. unfold insert_num. unfold insert_form. left. auto.

  Fact max_subset (Γ: theory) φ: Γ (max Γ φ).
    intros x H. exists 0. auto.
End Contexts.

Section Chaining.
  (* We proof, that if Δ = ∪ Δ_i derives a formula φ there already is a level i, s.t. Δ_i derives φ. *)
  Variable (D: DerivationType).
  Lemma max_In_lemma (Γ: theory) φ ψ: (max Γ φ) ψ <-> exists i, (maxn Γ φ i) ψ.

  Lemma maxn_subset_ij i j (Γ: theory) φ: i <= j -> (maxn Γ φ i) (maxn Γ φ j).
    intro. induction H; firstorder.

  Lemma maxnlist (l: list form) (Γ: theory) φ: (forall x, (List.In x l -> (max Γ φ) x)) -> exists i, forall x, (List.In x l -> (maxn Γ φ i) x ).
    induction l. (* TODO: Use length induction here *)
    + intros. exists 0. intro. specialize (H x). intro. exfalso. apply H0.
    + intros.
      assert (exists i, forall x, List.In x l -> maxn Γ φ i x).
      apply IHl. intros x H1. apply (H x). right. assumption.
      (specialize (H a)).
      assert (exists i, maxn Γ φ i a).
        rewrite<- max_In_lemma.
        apply H.
        left. auto.
      destruct H0 as [li lH]. destruct H1 as [ai aH].
      exists (Nat.max li ai).
      intros ψ L.
      destruct L.
    - apply maxn_subset_ij with (i := ai) (j := Nat.max li ai). apply le_max_r.
      rewrite<- H0. apply aH.
    - apply maxn_subset_ij with (i := li) (j := Nat.max li ai). apply le_max_l.
      apply lH. assumption.
  Fact maxn_chain (Γ: theory) φ ψ:
    (ndT (max Γ φ) ψ) <-> exists i, (ndT (maxn Γ φ i) ψ).
    intro. destruct H as (l & linc & H).
    assert (exists i, forall x', List.In x' l -> (maxn Γ φ i) x').
       eauto using maxnlist.
    destruct H0 as [ni nH].
    exists ni.
    exists l. auto.
    + intro. firstorder eauto.
End Chaining.

Section Lindenbaum.
  Variable (Dt: DerivationType).
  Lemma does_not_derive_i (Γ: theory) φ i:
    ~(ndT Γ φ) -> ~(ndT (maxn Γ φ i) φ).
    induction i.
    - intuition.
    - intros nP. specialize (IHi nP).
      apply IHi.
      apply ndtW with (maxn Γ φ (S i)); auto.
      intros a Ha. simp maxn in Ha. destruct Ha.
      + auto.
      + destruct H0. exfalso. apply H0. apply ndtW with (maxn Γ φ (S i)).
        simp maxn. unfold insert_num. intros x Hx. destruct Hx; eauto.
        firstorder eauto.
        firstorder eauto.

  Fact does_not_derive (Γ: theory) φ:
    ~(ndT Γ φ) -> ~(ndT (max Γ φ) φ).
    intros. intro D.
    apply maxn_chain in D. destruct D.
    pose (does_not_derive_i H H0). auto.

  Lemma subset_derives (A B: theory) φ: A B -> ~(B T φ) -> ~(A T φ).
    intros H H0. intro H1. apply H0. apply ndtW with (T := A); auto.
Theory property
  Fact maxIsTheory (Γ: theory) φ ψ: ~(ndT Γ φ) -> (ndT (max Γ φ) ψ) -> (max Γ φ ψ).
    intros D M.
    apply max_In_lemma.
    destruct (decode_surj ψ).
    exists (S x).
    simp maxn.
    unfold insert_num. rewrite H. unfold insert_form.
    right. split. 2: reflexivity. intro.
    assert (max Γ φ T φ).
    apply ndtIE with (s := ψ). apply ndtII. apply ndtW with# maxn Γ φ x) . auto. intros a Ha; destruct Ha; firstorder auto. auto.
    apply does_not_derive in D.

  Lemma equalCtxCons A B a: A B -> a#A a#B.

  Lemma max_nd_is_in (Γ: theory) φ γ: ~(ndT Γ φ) ->
                                       ((max Γ φ) T γ) <-> ((max Γ φ γ)).
    split. intro. apply maxIsTheory; auto.
    intro. apply ndtA. auto.

  Lemma wm (P: Prop) : ~~(P \/ ~P).

  Lemma max_does_not_derive_lemma (Γ: theory) φ ψ:
    ~( Γ T φ) -> ~((max Γ φ) ψ) -> ~~((max Γ φ) T (ψ φ)).
    intros D M.
    (* ψ has a number in the enumeration *)
    destruct (decode_surj ψ) as [npsi Hnpsi].
    specialize wm with (@maxn Dt Γ φ (S npsi) ψ). intro. destruct H0.
    intro. destruct H0.
    - apply M. exists (S npsi). auto.
    - apply H0. simp maxn. unfold insert_num. unfold insert_form. right. split.
      2: auto.
      intro. apply ImpAgree in H1. rewrite Hnpsi in H1.
      apply H. apply ndtW with (maxn Γ φ npsi). exact H1.
      intros a Ha. exists npsi. auto.

Primeness properties

  Fact maxprime (Γ: theory) φ: ~(ndT Γ φ) -> is_primeDN (max Γ φ).
    intros H ϕ ψ.
    specialize wm with ((@max Dt Γ φ) ψ).
    intro. apply H1. clear H1. intro.
    destruct H1.
    apply H0. eauto using ndtA.

    specialize wm with (((@max Dt Γ φ) ϕ)).
    intro. apply H2. clear H2. intro.
    destruct H2.

    eauto using ndtA.
    apply H0. intro.
    apply max_does_not_derive_lemma in H1.
    apply max_does_not_derive_lemma in H2.
    assert (~~ (max Γ φ T φ)).
      intro. apply H1. intro. apply H2. intro. apply H4. apply ndtDE with ϕ ψ; auto.
    apply does_not_derive in H. exfalso. apply H4. auto. auto. auto.

  Lemma Lindenbaum (Γ: theory) (φ: form): ~(ndT Γ φ) ->
                                           Γ (max Γ φ) /\ ~(ndT (max Γ φ) φ) /\ is_primeDN (max Γ φ) /\ dedClosed (max Γ φ).
    + apply max_subset.
    + split.
    - apply does_not_derive. exact H.
    - split.
      -- apply maxprime. exact H.
      -- intros x H1. apply maxIsTheory. exact H. exact H1.

End Lindenbaum.

Truth Conditions and Derivations

Section Derivations.
  (* In this section derive for IEL *)
  Definition empty :theory := fun x => False.
  Notation "∅" := empty.
  Lemma tripleNegIEL (Γ: theory) {d: DerivationType} ϕ:
    (Γ T (¬ϕ)) <-> (Γ T ¬ ¬ ¬ ϕ).
    - intro H. apply ndtII. apply ndtIE with (s := ¬ ϕ). apply ndtA. firstorder.
      apply ndtII. apply ndtIE with (s := ϕ). apply ndtW with Γ. exact H.
      firstorder eauto. apply ndtA. firstorder eauto.
    - intro H. apply ndtII. apply ndtIE with (s := ¬ ¬ ϕ).
      apply ndtW with Γ. exact H. firstorder eauto. apply ndtII. apply ndtIE with (s := ϕ).
      apply ndtA. firstorder eauto.
      apply ndtA. firstorder eauto.

  Lemma IELKBot: (@ndT normal empty (¬ (K ))).
    apply ndtII.
    apply ndtIE with (s := ¬ ¬ ).
    - apply ndtII. apply ndtIE with (s := (¬ )). apply ndtA; firstorder eauto. apply ndtII. apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
    - apply ndtIntRefl. apply ndtA. firstorder eauto.

  Lemma IELTruthB ϕ: (@ndT normal empty (¬(K ϕ ¬ ϕ))).
    apply ndtII.
    apply ndtIE with (s := (¬ ¬ ϕ)).
    + apply ndtII. apply ndtIE with (s := ¬ ϕ). try apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
      apply ndtCER with (s := (K ϕ)); apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
    + apply ndtIntRefl. apply ndtCEL with (t := ¬ ϕ). apply ndtA. firstorder eauto 7.

  Lemma IELContra {d': DerivationType} (ϕ ψ: form) (A: theory): ndT A (ϕ ψ) -> ndT A ((¬ ψ) (¬ ϕ)).
    intro H.
    repeat apply ndtII. apply ndtIE with (s := ψ). apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
    apply ndtIE with (s := ϕ). apply ndtW with A. exact H. firstorder eauto. apply ndtA. firstorder eauto.

  Lemma IELTruthC ϕ: (@ndT normal empty ((¬ ϕ) (¬ K ϕ))).
    apply ndtII.
    apply ndtIE with (s := ¬ ¬ ¬ ϕ).
    + apply IELContra.
      apply ndtII. apply ndtIntRefl. apply ndtA. firstorder eauto.
    + rewrite <- tripleNegIEL. apply ndtA. firstorder eauto.
  Lemma linCoq (X Y: Prop): ((~ ~ X) -> (~~Y)) -> (~~ (X -> Y)).

  Lemma ndTautologyNotNotX (X Y: form) {D: DerivationType} :
    (ndT empty ((((¬ ¬ X) (¬ ¬ Y)) (¬ ¬ (X Y))))) /\ (ndT empty ((¬ ¬ (X Y)) ((¬ ¬ X) (¬ ¬ Y)))).
    - repeat apply ndtII.
      apply ndtIE with (s := (X Y)). apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
      apply ndtII. apply ndtE. apply ndtIE with (s := ¬ Y).
      apply ndtIE with (s := ((X ) )). apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
      apply ndtII. apply ndtIE with (s := X); apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
      apply ndtII. apply ndtIE with (s := (X Y)). apply ndtA; firstorder eauto. apply ndtII. apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
    - repeat apply ndtII. apply ndtIE with (s := ((X Y) )).
      apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
      apply ndtII. apply ndtIE with (s := (X )).
      apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
      apply ndtII.
      apply ndtIE with (s := Y). apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
      apply ndtIE with (s := X); apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.

  Lemma IELTruthD ϕ: (@ndT normal empty (¬ ¬ (K ϕ ϕ))).
    pose (@ndTautologyNotNotX (K ϕ) ϕ normal) as H.
    destruct H.
    apply ndtIE with (s := (((K ϕ ) ) (ϕ ) )).
    apply IELContra.
    apply IELTruthC.
  Lemma t6 ϕ (Γ: theory): @ndT normal Γ ((K (¬ ϕ)) ¬ ϕ).
    apply ndtII.
    apply tripleNegIEL. apply ndtIntRefl.
    apply ndtA.
    firstorder eauto.
  Lemma implToCoq (Γ: theory) {d: DerivationType} ϕ ψ: (Γ T (ϕ ψ) -> ((Γ T ϕ) -> (Γ T ψ))).
    - intros H H0.
      apply ndtIE with (s := ϕ); firstorder eauto.

  Lemma t6C ϕ (Γ: theory): @ndT normal Γ (K (¬ ϕ)) -> @ndT normal Γ (¬ ϕ).
    apply implToCoq.
    apply t6.

  Lemma t7 ϕ : T+ ((¬ (K ϕ)) (K (¬ ϕ))) /\ T+ ((K (¬ ϕ)) ¬ (K ϕ)).
    - apply ndtII.
      apply ndtIE with (s := ¬ ϕ).
      apply ndtII. apply ndtKpos. apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
      rewrite<- ImpAgree.
      apply IELContra.
      apply ndtII.
      apply ndtKpos.
      apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
    - apply ndtII.
       apply ndtIE with (s := ¬ ϕ).
       apply ndtW with .
       apply IELTruthC.
       firstorder eauto.
       rewrite<- ImpAgree.
       apply t6.

  Lemma t8 ϕ: T+ ((¬ K ϕ) <--> (¬ ϕ)).
    apply ndtCI.
    apply IELContra.
    apply ndtII.
    apply ndtKpos.
    apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
    apply ndtII.
    apply ndtIE with (s := (K (¬ϕ))).
    apply ndtW with empty.
    destruct (t7 ϕ). auto. firstorder eauto.
    apply ndtKpos. apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.

  Lemma t9 ϕ: T+ ¬ ((¬ K ϕ) ¬ (K (¬ ϕ))).
    apply ndtII.
    apply ndtIE with (s := ((¬ ϕ) (¬ ¬ ϕ))).
    apply ndtII. apply ndtIE with (s := (¬ ϕ)).
    apply ndtCER with (s := ¬ ϕ). apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
    apply ndtCEL with (t := ¬ ¬ ϕ). apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
    apply ndtCI.
    - apply t6C. apply ndtIE with (s := ¬ (K ϕ)).
      + apply ndtW with .
         apply t7.
         firstorder eauto.
      apply ndtCEL with (t := (K (ϕ ) )). apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
    - apply t6C. apply ndtIE with (s := ¬ (K (¬ ϕ))). apply ndtW with .
      apply t7.
      firstorder eauto.
      apply ndtCER with (s := (K ϕ )).
      apply ndtA; firstorder eauto.
End Derivations.

Equivalence between IEL and IELm

Section IELMtoIEL.

  Lemma ielToIELM Γ s: (@nd normal Γ s) -> (@nd minus ((¬ (K ))::Γ) s).
    induction H; firstorder eauto.
    apply ndII. apply weak with ((K ) :: (s :: Γ)). auto. auto.
    apply ndII. apply ndIE with (K ). apply ndA; auto. apply ndIE with (K s). apply ndKImp. apply ndKpos. apply ndA. auto.
    apply ndW with ((K ) :: Γ); firstorder eauto.

  Lemma ielmToIEL Γ s: (@nd minus Γ s) -> (@nd normal Γ s).
    induction H; firstorder eauto.
  Lemma ielmToIELKb Γ s: (@nd minus ((¬ (K ))::Γ) s) -> forall Γ', Γ <<= Γ' -> (@nd normal Γ' s).
    intros. apply ndIE with (¬ K ). apply ndII. apply ielmToIEL. apply ndW with ( (K )::Γ). auto. intro; firstorder eauto. apply ndTEq.
    apply ndtW with empty. apply IELKBot. firstorder eauto.

  Lemma ielmReducesIEL Γ s: (@nd minus ((¬ (K ))::Γ) s) <-> (@nd normal Γ s).
    split; eauto using ielmToIELKb, ielToIELM.

  Lemma ielmReducesIEL_theories (T: theory) s: ((¬ (K ))#T) T- s <-> T T+ s.
    - intro. destruct H. destruct H. exists (rem x ((K ))). split.
      + intros. destruct (H ψ); apply in_rem_iff in H1. tauto. destruct H1. congruence. auto.
      + apply ielmReducesIEL. apply ndW with x. auto. intros a Ha. specialize (H a Ha).
         decide (a = (¬ K )).
         * subst a; auto.
         * right. apply in_rem_iff; tauto.
    - intro. repeat destruct H. apply ielmReducesIEL in H0. exists ((K ) :: x). split.
       + firstorder eauto.
       + auto.