From Undecidability.Shared Require Import embed_nat.
Require Import Lia Vector Fin List.
Import Vector.VectorNotations.
From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import Definitions.

Require Import PeanoNat Bool.

From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.

Local Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Unset Strict Implicit.

Local Notation vec := Vector.t.
Derive Signature for vec.

Lemma eqhd : forall (x:nat) n (v: vec nat n), (VectorDef.hd (x :: v)) = x. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma eqtl : forall (x:nat) n (v: vec nat n), ( (x :: v)) = v. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Notation "P ⪯ₘ Q" := (reduces P Q) (at level 70).

Section ArithmeticalHierarchySemantic.

  Lemma fun_ext_prop_ext:
    (forall {X Y} (f g : X -> Y), (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g) ->
    (forall (p q : Prop), (p <-> q) -> p = q) ->
    forall {k} (f g:(vec nat k) -> Prop) , (forall v, f v <-> g v) -> f = g.
    intros Fext Pext k f g H.
    apply Fext. intros x. apply Pext. apply H.

  Axiom PredExt : forall (k : nat) (f g : vec nat k -> Prop), (forall v : vec nat k, f v <-> g v) -> f = g.

  Inductive isΣsem : nat -> forall (k: nat), ((vec nat k) -> Prop) -> Prop :=
  | isΣsem0 {k} (f: vec nat k -> bool) : isΣsem 0 (fun v => f v = true)
  | isΣsemS {n} {k} {p: vec nat (S k) -> Prop} : @isΠsem n (S k) p -> @isΣsem (S n) k (fun v => exists x, p (x::v))
  with isΠsem : nat -> forall (k: nat), ((vec nat k) -> Prop) -> Prop :=
  | isΠsem0 {k} (f: vec nat k -> bool) : isΠsem 0 (fun v => f v = true)
  | isΠsemS {n} {k} {p: vec nat (S k) -> Prop} : @isΣsem n (S k) p -> @isΠsem (S n) k (fun v => forall x, p (x::v)).

  Derive Signature for isΣsem.
  Derive Signature for isΠsem.
  #[local] Hint Constructors isΣsem : core.
  #[local] Hint Constructors isΠsem : core.

  Scheme isΣsem_isΠsem_ind := Induction for isΣsem Sort Prop
  with isΠsem_isΣsem_ind := Induction for isΠsem Sort Prop.
  Combined Scheme isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind from isΣsem_isΠsem_ind,isΠsem_isΣsem_ind.

  Lemma curry {k} t: (nat -> vec nat k -> t) -> vec nat (S k) -> t.
    intros P v.
    inversion v as [|n k' v' eq]. subst.
    exact (P n v').

  Lemma curry0 t : t -> vec nat 0 -> t.
    intros P v. apply P.

  Lemma curry1 t: (nat -> t) -> vec nat 1 -> t.
    intros P. apply curry. intros n. apply curry0. exact (P n).

  Lemma curry2 t: (nat -> nat -> t) -> vec nat 2 -> t.
    intros P. apply curry. intros n. apply curry1. exact (P n).

  Goal isΣsem 1 (curry1 (fun n => exists k, n = 2 * k)).
    erewrite PredExt.
    - eapply isΣsemS. unshelve apply isΠsem0.
      apply curry2. intros k n.
      exact (n =? (2*k)).
    - intros v.
      repeat dependent destruction v.
      cbn. unfold curry0.
      + intros [k H]. exists k. now apply Nat.eqb_eq.
      + intros [k H]. exists k. now apply Nat.eqb_eq.

  Lemma semi_dec_iff_Σ1 {k} (p : vec nat k -> Prop):
    semi_decidable p <-> isΣsem 1 p.
  unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider.
  - intros [f Hf].
    rewrite (PredExt Hf).
    unshelve erewrite PredExt. {
      exact (fun v => exists n, (fun v => (fun v => f ( v) (Vector.hd v)) v = true) (n::v)).
    } 2: reflexivity. eapply isΣsemS, isΠsem0.
  - intros H. repeat dependent destruction H.
    now exists (fun v n => f (n::v)).

  Lemma isΣΠsem0 {k} (f: vec nat k -> bool) n :
    isΣsem n (fun v => f v = true) /\ isΠsem n (fun v => f v = true).
    induction n in k, f |-*.
    - split; apply isΣsem0 + apply isΠsem0.
    - split.
      + rewrite PredExt with (g := fun v => exists x, f ( (x::v)) = true) by firstorder.
        change (isΣsem (S n) (fun v => exists x, (fun v => f ( v) = true) (x::v))).
        apply isΣsemS. apply IHn.
      + rewrite PredExt with (g := fun v => forall x, f ( (x::v)) = true) by firstorder.
        change (isΠsem (S n) (fun v => forall x, (fun v => f ( v) = true) (x::v))).
        apply isΠsemS. apply IHn.

  Lemma isΣΠn_In_ΣΠSn l :
    (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΣsem (l + n) p)
/\ (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΠsem (l + n) p).
    apply isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind; intros.
    all: try apply isΣΠsem0.
    all: replace (l + S n) with (S l + n) by lia.
    all: now constructor.

  Lemma isΣsem_m_red_closed :
    (forall n k (q: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n q -> forall k' (p : vec nat k' -> Prop), p ⪯ₘ q -> isΣsem n p)
/\ (forall n k (q: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n q -> forall k' (p : vec nat k' -> Prop), p ⪯ₘ q -> isΠsem n p).
    apply isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind.
    - intros k f k' p [e He].
      erewrite PredExt. 2: apply He. apply isΣsem0.
    - intros n k q Πq IH k' p [e He].
      erewrite PredExt. 2: apply He.
      unshelve erewrite PredExt. 2: eapply isΣsemS, IH.
      + exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v)::(e ( v))).
        intros x. split; intros H; apply H.
      + reflexivity.
    - intros k f k' p [e He].
      erewrite PredExt. 2: apply He. apply isΠsem0.
    - intros n k q Πq IH k' p [e He].
      erewrite PredExt. 2: apply He.
      unshelve erewrite PredExt. 2: eapply isΠsemS, IH.
      + exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v)::(e ( v))).
        intros x. split; intros H; apply H.
      + reflexivity.

  Lemma isΣsemTwoEx k n (p : vec nat (S (S k)) -> Prop):
    isΠsem n p -> isΣsem (S n) (fun v => exists y x : nat, p (x :: y :: v)).
    intros H.
    unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed in H.
    2: exact (fun v => let (x, y) := unembed (VectorDef.hd v) in p (x :: y :: v)).
    2: {
      exists (fun v => let (x, y) := unembed (VectorDef.hd v) in x :: y :: v).
      intros v. destruct unembed. reflexivity.
    apply isΣsemS in H. erewrite PredExt. { apply H. }
    intros v. cbv beta. split.
    - intros [y [x Hp]]. exists (embed (x, y)).
      now rewrite eqhd, eqtl, embedP.
    - intros [m Hp]. destruct (unembed m) as [x y] eqn:eq. exists y, x.
      now rewrite eqhd, eqtl, eq in Hp.

  Lemma isΣsemE k n (p : vec nat (S k) -> Prop):
    isΣsem (S n) p -> isΣsem (S n) (fun v => exists x : nat, p (x :: v)).
    intros H. dependent destruction H.
    now apply isΣsemTwoEx.

  Lemma isΠsemTwoAll k n (p : vec nat (S (S k)) -> Prop):
    isΣsem n p -> isΠsem (S n) (fun v => forall y x : nat, p (x :: y :: v)).
    intros H.
    unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed in H.
    2: exact (fun v => let (x, y) := unembed (VectorDef.hd v) in p (x :: y :: v)).
    2: {
      exists (fun v => let (x, y) := unembed (VectorDef.hd v) in x :: y :: v).
      intros v. destruct unembed. reflexivity.
    apply isΠsemS in H. erewrite PredExt. { apply H. }
    intros v. cbv beta. split.
    - intros Hp m. rewrite eqhd, eqtl.
      now destruct (unembed m) as [x y] eqn:eq.
    - intros Hp y x. specialize (Hp (embed (x, y))).
      now rewrite eqhd, eqtl, embedP in Hp.

  Lemma isΠsemA k n (p : vec nat (S k) -> Prop):
    isΠsem (S n) p -> isΠsem (S n) (fun v => forall x : nat, p (x :: v)).
    intros H. dependent destruction H.
    now apply isΠsemTwoAll.

  Lemma isΣΠn_In_ΠΣSn :
    (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΠsem (S n) p)
/\ (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΣsem (S n) p).
    split; intros n k p H.
    - eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed in H.
      2: { exists (fun v => v). intros v. split; intros pv; apply pv. }
      apply isΠsemS in H. erewrite PredExt. 1: apply H. firstorder.
    - eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed in H.
      2: { exists (fun v => v). intros v. split; intros pv; apply pv. }
      apply isΣsemS in H. erewrite PredExt. 1: apply H. firstorder.

  Lemma isΣsem_and_closed n :
    (forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n q -> isΣsem n (fun v => p v /\ q v))
/\ (forall k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> forall (q : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n q -> isΠsem n (fun v => p v /\ q v)).
    induction n as [|n IH].
    - split.
      + intros k p Hp q Hq. dependent destruction Hp. dependent destruction Hq.
        rewrite PredExt with (g := fun v => f0 v && f v = true) by now setoid_rewrite andb_true_iff.
        apply isΣsem0.
      + intros k p Hp q Hq. dependent destruction Hp. dependent destruction Hq.
        rewrite PredExt with (g := fun v => f0 v && f v = true) by now setoid_rewrite andb_true_iff.
        apply isΠsem0.
    - split; intros k p Hp q Hq; dependent destruction Hp; dependent destruction Hq.
      + unshelve erewrite PredExt; [exact (fun v => exists y x : nat, (fun v => p (Vector.hd v:: ( v)) /\ p0 (Vector.hd ( v) ( v))) (x::y::v))| | firstorder].
       apply isΣsemTwoEx. apply IH.
        * eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H0. }
          now exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v :: ( v))).
        * eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H. }
          now exists (fun v => Vector.hd ( v) :: ( v)).
      + unshelve erewrite PredExt; [exact (fun v => forall y x : nat, (fun v => p (Vector.hd v:: ( v)) /\ p0 (Vector.hd ( v) ( v))) (x::y::v))| | firstorder].
        apply isΠsemTwoAll. apply IH.
        * eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H0. }
          now exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v :: ( v))).
        * eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. { apply H. }
          now exists (fun v => Vector.hd ( v) :: ( v)).

  Variable vec_to_nat : forall k, vec nat k -> nat.
  Variable nat_to_vec : forall k, nat -> vec nat k.
  Variable vec_nat_inv : forall k v, nat_to_vec k (vec_to_nat v) = v.
  Variable nat_vec_inv : forall k n, vec_to_nat (nat_to_vec k n) = n.

  Variable list_vec_to_nat : forall k, list (vec nat k) -> nat.
  Variable nat_to_list_vec : forall k, nat -> list (vec nat k).
  Variable list_vec_nat_inv : forall k v, nat_to_list_vec k (list_vec_to_nat v) = v.
  Variable nat_list_vec_inv : forall k n, list_vec_to_nat (nat_to_list_vec k n) = n.

  Lemma isΣΠball n :
    (forall k (p : vec nat (S k) -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΣsem n (fun v => forall l, l < (Vector.hd v) -> p (l::( v))))
/\ (forall k (p : vec nat (S k) -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΠsem n (fun v => forall l, l < (Vector.hd v) -> p (l::( v)))).
    induction n as [|n [IH1 IH2]]; split; intros k p H; dependent destruction H.
    - unshelve erewrite PredExt with (g := fun v => (fix f' n v := match n with 0 => true | S n => f(n::v) && f' n v end)(Vector.hd v)( v) = true). 1: apply isΣsem0.
      intros v. dependent destruction v. clear.
      rewrite eqhd, eqtl. induction h as [|n IH].
      + split; lia.
      + split.
        * intros H. apply andb_true_iff. split; [apply H;lia|]. apply IH. intros l H'. apply H. lia.
        * intros [H H']%andb_true_iff. intros l le. assert (l = n \/ l < n) as [->|] by lia; [apply H | now apply IH].
    - unshelve erewrite PredExt with (g := fun v => (fix f' n v := match n with 0 => true | S n => f(n::v) && f' n v end)(Vector.hd v)( v) = true). 1: apply isΠsem0.
      intros v. dependent destruction v. clear.
      rewrite eqhd, eqtl. induction h as [|n IH].
      + split; lia.
      + split.
        * intros H. apply andb_true_iff. split; [apply H;lia|]. apply IH. intros l H'. apply H. lia.
        * intros [H H']%andb_true_iff. intros l le. assert (l = n \/ l < n) as [->|] by lia; [apply H | now apply IH].
    - unshelve erewrite PredExt.
        1: exact (fun v =>
        exists L : nat,
        (fun v => let L := Vector.hd v in let N := Vector.hd ( v) in let v := ( v) in
          (fun v =>
            forall (l : nat), l < Vector.hd v ->
              (fun v =>
                let l := Vector.hd v in
                let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
                let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
                let v := ( ( v)) in
                let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
                let xl := match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with left lt => Vector.nth L' (of_nat_lt lt) | right _ => 42 end in
                  (fun v => p0 ( v))(N::xl::l::v)
      2: {
        clear n IH1 IH2 H. intros v. cbn. dependent destruction v. rewrite eqhd. rewrite eqtl.
        induction h as [|n [IH1 IH2]].
        - firstorder lia.
        - split.
          + intros H. specialize (IH1 ltac:(intros l leq; apply H; lia)) as [L Hl].
            remember (nat_to_vec n L) as L'. destruct (H n ltac:(lia)) as [x Hx].
            exists (vec_to_nat(Vector.shiftin x L')). intros l lt. rewrite vec_nat_inv.
            destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec as [lt'|]; [|contradiction].
            assert (l = n \/ l < n) as [->|lt''] by lia.
            * enough ((shiftin x L')[@of_nat_lt lt'] = x) as -> by assumption.
              clear. induction L' as [|y k' L' IH]; [reflexivity|apply IH].
            * enough ((shiftin x L')[@of_nat_lt lt'] = L'[@of_nat_lt lt'']) as ->. { specialize (Hl l lt''). destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec;[|contradiction]. erewrite of_nat_ext. eauto. }
              clear. induction L' in l, lt', lt'' |-*; induction l; try lia + reflexivity + apply IHL'.
          + intros [L H] l lt. eexists. now apply H.
      remember (fun v =>
        let l := Vector.hd v in
        let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
        let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
        let v := ( ( v)) in
        let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
        let xl := match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with left lt => Vector.nth L' (of_nat_lt lt) | right _ => 42 end in
          (fun v => p0 ( v))(N::xl::l::v)
      ) as p'.
      remember (fun v => forall (l : nat), l < Vector.hd v -> p'(l::v)) as p''.
      apply isΣsemS.
      unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 2: apply p''. 2: {
        exists (fun v => let L := Vector.hd v in
        let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
        let v := ( v) in (N :: L :: v)).
        intros v. now do 2 dependent destruction v.
      rewrite Heqp''. specialize (IH2 _ p'). cbn in IH2.
      eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 1: apply IH2. 2: {
        exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v)::(Vector.hd v)::( v)).
        intros v. now dependent destruction v.
      rewrite Heqp'.
      eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. apply H.
      exists (fun v : vec nat (S (S (S k))) =>
      let l := Vector.hd v in
      let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
      let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
      let v0 := ( ( v)) in
      let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
      let xl :=
        match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with
        | left lt => L'[@of_nat_lt lt]
        | right _ => 42
        end in (N :: xl :: l :: v0)).
      now intros.
  - unshelve erewrite PredExt. {
      exact (fun v =>
      forall L : nat,
      (fun v => let L := Vector.hd v in let N := Vector.hd ( v) in let v := ( v) in
        (fun v =>
          forall (l : nat), l < Vector.hd v ->
            (fun v =>
              let l := Vector.hd v in
              let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
              let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
              let v := ( ( v)) in
              let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
              let xl := match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with left lt => Vector.nth L' (of_nat_lt lt) | right _ => 42 end in
                (fun v => p0 ( v))(N::xl::l::v)
    } 2: {
      clear n IH1 IH2 H. intros v. cbn. dependent destruction v. rewrite eqhd, eqtl.
      induction h as [|n [IH1 IH2]].
      - firstorder lia.
      - split.
        + firstorder.
        + intros H l lt x.
          specialize (H (vec_to_nat (Vector.const x (S n))) l lt).
          rewrite vec_nat_inv in H. destruct Compare_dec.lt_dec; [|lia].
          now rewrite Vector.const_nth in H.
    remember (fun v =>
      let l := Vector.hd v in
      let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
      let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
      let v := ( ( v)) in
      let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
      let xl := match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with left lt => Vector.nth L' (of_nat_lt lt) | right _ => 42 end in
        (fun v => p0 ( v))(N::xl::l::v)
    ) as p'.
    remember (fun v => forall (l : nat), l < Vector.hd v -> p'(l::v)) as p''.
    apply isΠsemS.
    unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 2: apply p''. 2: {
      exists (fun v => let L := Vector.hd v in
      let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
      let v := ( v) in (N :: L :: v)).
      intros v. now do 2 dependent destruction v.
    rewrite Heqp''. specialize (IH1 _ p').
    eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 1: apply IH1. 2: {
      exists (fun v => (Vector.hd v)::(Vector.hd v)::( v)).
      intros v. now dependent destruction v.
    rewrite Heqp'.
    eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. apply H.
    exists (fun v : vec nat (S (S (S k))) =>
    let l := Vector.hd v in
    let N := Vector.hd ( v) in
    let L := Vector.hd ( ( v)) in
    let v0 := ( ( v)) in
    let L' := nat_to_vec N L in
    let xl :=
      match Compare_dec.lt_dec l N with
      | left lt => L'[@of_nat_lt lt]
      | right _ => 42
      end in (N :: xl :: l :: v0)).
    now intros.

  Lemma isΣsemListΣ {k k'} (p : vec nat k -> Prop) n:
    (isΣsem n p -> isΣsem n
      (fun v : vec nat (S k') =>
        List.Forall p (nat_to_list_vec k (Vector.hd v))))
    (isΠsem n p -> isΠsem n
      (fun v : vec nat (S k') =>
        List.Forall p (nat_to_list_vec k (Vector.hd v)))).
    assert ((fun v : vec nat (S k') => Forall p (nat_to_list_vec k (Vector.hd v)))
    ⪯ₘ (fun v : vec nat (S (S k')) =>
        forall l : nat,
        l < Vector.hd v ->
        (fun v0 : vec nat (S (S k')) =>
         p (nth (Vector.hd v0) (nat_to_list_vec k (Vector.hd ( v0))) (const 42 k)))
          (l :: v))) as mred. {
      exists (fun v => (length (nat_to_list_vec k (Vector.hd v)))::v).
      intros v. dependent destruction v. cbn.
      remember (nat_to_list_vec k h) as L. clear.
      rewrite List.Forall_forall. split.
      - intros H l lt. apply H. now apply List.nth_In.
      - intros H x i. eapply List.In_nth in i as [l [lt <-]]. now apply H.
    split. all: intros H.
    all: unshelve eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed. 2, 4: exact (
      fun v : vec nat (S (S k')) =>
        forall l : nat,
        l < (Vector.hd v) ->
        (fun v =>
          p (List.nth (Vector.hd v) (nat_to_list_vec k (Vector.hd ( v))) (const 42 k)))(l:: v)
    2, 4: apply mred.
    all: apply isΣΠball.
    all: eapply isΣsem_m_red_closed.
    1, 3: apply H.
    all: eexists; intros v; split; apply (fun x => x).

  Definition DN := forall P, ~~P -> P.

  Definition Markov: Prop :=
    forall f: nat -> bool, ~(forall x, f x = false) -> exists n, f n = true.

  Lemma Markov_Forster:
    Markov <-> forall f : nat -> bool, ~~ (exists n, f n = true) -> exists n, f n = true.
    unfold Markov. split.
    - intros MP f nnE. apply MP. intros A. apply nnE. intros [n Hn]. congruence.
    - intros MP f nA. apply MP.
      intros nE. apply nA. intros x. destruct f eqn:eq.
      + exfalso. apply nE. now exists x.
      + reflexivity.

  Lemma DN_Markov : DN -> Markov.
    unfold DN, Markov.
    intros DN. intros f nA.
    assert (~(forall x, ~(f x = true))). {
      intros A. apply nA. intros x. specialize (A x). now destruct f.
    apply DN. firstorder.

  Lemma Σ0sem_notΠ0_int :
    (forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem 0 p -> isΠsem 0 (fun v => ~ (p v)))
 /\ (forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 0 p -> isΣsem 0 (fun v => ~ (p v))).
    all: intros k p H; inversion H.
    all: assert ((fun v : vec nat k => f v <> true) = (fun v : vec nat k => (fun v => if f v then false else true) v = true)) as -> by (apply PredExt; intros; now destruct f).
    all: constructor.

  Lemma int_notEx_Allnot {X} k (p: vec X (S k) -> Prop):
    forall v, (~(exists x, p (x::v)) <-> (forall x, ~p (x::v))).
  Proof. clear. firstorder. Qed.

  Lemma Σ1sem_notΠ1_int :
    forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem 1 p -> isΠsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v)).
    intros k p H.
    dependent destruction H.
    erewrite PredExt. 2: apply int_notEx_Allnot.
    change (isΠsem 1 (fun v : vec nat k => forall x : nat, (fun v => ~ p0 v )(x :: v))).
    apply isΠsemS.
    now apply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int.

  Lemma Π1sem_notΣ1_MP :
    Markov -> forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 1 p -> isΣsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v)).
    unfold Markov. intros Markov k p H.
    dependent destruction H.
    dependent destruction H.
    replace (fun v : vec nat k => ~ (forall x : nat, f (x :: v) = true)) with (fun v : vec nat k => exists x : nat, (fun v => (if f v then false else true) = true)(x :: v)).
    - change (isΣsem 1 (fun v : vec nat k => exists x : nat, (fun v => (if f v then false else true) = true)(x :: v))). apply isΣsemS, isΠsem0.
    - apply PredExt. intros v. split.
      + intros [x H] nA. specialize (nA x). rewrite nA in H. discriminate.
      + intros nA. apply Markov. intros H. apply nA. intros x. specialize (H x). now destruct f.

  Lemma Π1sem_notΣ1_MP_inv :
    (forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 1 p -> isΣsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v))) -> Markov.
    intros H f nA.
      specialize (H 0 (fun v => forall x, (fun v => (fun v => if f (Vector.hd v) then false else true) v = true) (x::v)) ltac:(apply isΠsemS, isΣsem0)).
      cbn in H. repeat dependent destruction H.
      assert ((fun (_:vec nat 0) => ~ (forall x : nat, (if f x then false else true) = true))(Vector.nil nat)) as H. {
        intros nA'. apply nA. intros x. specialize (nA' x). now destruct f.
      rewrite H0 in H. destruct H as [x Hx]. rewrite <- Hx in H0.
      rewrite <- Hx.
      exists x. destruct f eqn:eqf; [easy|].

  Lemma equiv_DN_sdec :
    (forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), semi_decidable p -> semi_decidable (fun v => ~~p v))
    (forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 1 p -> isΣsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v))).
    - intros Hsdec k p H. repeat dependent destruction H.
      assert (semi_decidable (fun v => (exists x, f(x::v) = false))) as sdec. {
        unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider.
        exists (fun v x => if f(x::v) then false else true).
        intros v. split.
        - intros [x Hx]. exists x. now destruct f.
        - intros [x Hx]. exists x. now destruct f.
      specialize (Hsdec _ _ sdec) as [f' Hf']. unfold semi_decider in Hf'.
      assert (forall v, ~~(exists x, f (x::v) = false) <-> ~forall x, f(x::v) = true) as eq. {
        enough (forall v, f v = true <-> ~f v = false) as eq by (setoid_rewrite eq; firstorder).
        intros v. now destruct f.
      setoid_rewrite eq in Hf'. apply PredExt in Hf' as ->.
      change (isΣsem 1 (fun v => exists x, (fun v => f' ( v) (Vector.hd v) = true) (x::v))).
      apply isΣsemS, isΠsem0.
    - intros H k p [f Hf]. unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider in *.
      assert (isΠsem 1 (fun v => ~p v)) as . {
        assert (forall x, ~p x <-> forall n, ~f x n = true) as ->%PredExt by firstorder.
        change (isΠsem 1 (fun v => forall x, (fun v => f ( v) (Vector.hd v) <> true) (x::v))).
        apply isΠsemS.
        enough (forall v, f ( v) (Vector.hd v) <> true <-> (fun v => if f ( v) (Vector.hd v) then false else true) v = true) as ->%PredExt by apply isΣsem0.
        intros v. now destruct f.
      specialize (H _ _ ). repeat dependent destruction H.
      exists (fun v x => f0 (x::v)). intros v.
      change ((fun v : vec nat k => ~ ~ p v) v <-> (fun v : vec nat k => exists x : nat, f0 (x :: v) = true) v).
      now rewrite H0.

  Lemma equiv_sdec_functions :
    (forall k alpha, exists beta, forall (x : vec nat k), ~ (forall (n : nat), alpha x n = false) <-> (exists (n : nat), beta x n = true))
    (forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), semi_decidable p -> semi_decidable (fun v => ~~p v)).
    unfold semi_decidable, semi_decider.
    - intros H k p [f Hf].
      specialize (H _ f) as [f' Hf'].
      exists f'.
      intros x. rewrite <- Hf'.
      rewrite Hf.
      assert (~ (forall n : nat, f x n <> true) <-> ~ ~ (exists n : nat, f x n = true)) as <- by firstorder.
      split. all: intros nA A; apply nA; intros n; specialize (A n); now destruct f.
    - intros H k f.
      specialize (H k (fun v => exists x, f v x = true) ltac:(firstorder)) as [f' Hf'].
      exists f'. setoid_rewrite <- Hf'.
      intros v. assert (~ (forall n : nat, f v n <> true) <-> ~ ~ (exists n : nat, f v n = true)) as <- by firstorder.
      split. all: intros nA A; apply nA; intros n; specialize (A n); now destruct f.

    (forall k alpha, exists beta, forall (x : vec nat k), ~ (forall (n : nat), alpha x n = false) <-> (exists (n : nat), beta x n = true))
    (forall k (p : vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem 1 p -> isΣsem 1 (fun v => ~ (p v))).
  Proof. rewrite equiv_sdec_functions. apply equiv_DN_sdec. Qed.

  Lemma negΣinΠsem:
    DN ->
     (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΣsem n p -> isΠsem n (fun v => ~(p v)))
  /\ (forall n k (p: vec nat k -> Prop), isΠsem n p -> isΣsem n (fun v => ~(p v))).
    intros DN.
    apply isΣsem_isΠsem_mutind.
    - intros. apply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int. constructor.
    - intros n k p H IH.
      erewrite PredExt.
      + eapply isΠsemS. apply IH.
      + intros v. split.
        * intros nE. intros x c. apply nE. eexists. apply c.
        * intros A [x nP]. now apply (A x).
    - intros. apply Σ0sem_notΠ0_int. constructor.
    - intros n k p H IH.
      erewrite PredExt.
      + eapply isΣsemS. apply IH.
      + intros v. split.
        * intros nA. apply DN. intros nE.
          apply nA. intros x. apply DN. intros nP.
          apply nE. now exists x.
        * intros [x nP] A. now apply nP.

End ArithmeticalHierarchySemantic.