From Undecidability.FOL Require Import FullSyntax.
From Undecidability.FOL.Arithmetics Require Import Signature FA Robinson.

From Undecidability.FOL.Incompleteness Require Import utils fol_utils.
From Undecidability.FOL.Proofmode Require Import Theories ProofMode.

Require Import Lia.
Require Import String.

Open Scope string_scope.

Section Qdec.
  Existing Instance PA_preds_signature.
  Existing Instance PA_funcs_signature.

  Definition Qdec φ := forall (pei : peirce) ρ, (forall k, bounded_t 0 (ρ k)) -> Qeq φ[ρ] \/ Qeq ¬φ[ρ].

  Lemma subst_t_closed t ρ : (forall k, bounded_t 0 (ρ k)) -> bounded_t 0 t`[ρ].
    intros H. destruct (find_bounded_t t) as [n Hn].
    eapply subst_bounded_max_t; last eassumption.
    intros l _. apply H.
  Lemma subst_closed φ ρ : (forall k, bounded_t 0 (ρ k)) -> bounded 0 φ[ρ].
    intros H. destruct (find_bounded φ) as [n Hn].
    eapply subst_bounded_max; last eassumption.
    intros l _. apply H.

  Lemma Qdec_subst φ ρ : Qdec φ -> Qdec φ[ρ].
    intros H pei ρ' Hb. rewrite subst_comp. apply H.
    intros k. apply subst_t_closed, Hb.

  Lemma Qdec_iff φ ψ : Qeq I φ ψ -> Qdec φ -> Qdec ψ.
    intros H Hφ pei ρ Hρ. apply prv_intu_peirce in H.
    pose proof (subst_Weak ρ H) as Hiff. cbn in Hiff. change ( _ _) with Qeq in Hiff.
    destruct (Hφ pei ρ Hρ) as [H1|H1].
    - left. fapply Hiff. fapply H1.
    - right. fintros. fapply H1. fapply Hiff. ctx.
  Lemma Qdec_iff' φ ψ :
    (forall ρ, (forall k, bounded_t 0 (ρ k)) -> Qeq I φ[ρ] ψ[ρ]) ->
    Qdec φ -> Qdec ψ.
    intros H Hφ pei ρ Hρ.
    specialize (H _ Hρ). apply prv_intu_peirce in H.
    destruct (Hφ _ _ Hρ) as [H1|H1].
    - left. fapply H. fapply H1.
    - right. fintros. fapply H1. fapply H. ctx.

  Lemma Qdec_bot : Qdec .
    intros ρ Hb. right. fintros. ctx.

  Lemma Qdec_and φ ψ : Qdec φ -> Qdec ψ -> Qdec (φ ψ).
    intros Hφ Hψ pei ρ Hb. cbn.
    destruct (Hφ _ _ Hb) as [H1|H1], (Hψ _ _ Hb) as [H2|H2].
    2-4: right; fintros; fdestruct 0.
    - left. now fsplit.
    - fapply H2. ctx.
    - fapply H1. ctx.
    - fapply H1. ctx.

  Lemma Qdec_or φ ψ : Qdec φ -> Qdec ψ -> Qdec (φ ψ).
    intros Hφ Hψ ρ pei Hb. cbn.
    destruct (Hφ _ _ Hb) as [H1|H1], (Hψ _ _ Hb) as [H2|H2].
    1-3: left; now (fleft + fright).
    right. fintros "[H|H]".
    - fapply H1. ctx.
    - fapply H2. ctx.

  Lemma Qdec_impl φ ψ : Qdec φ -> Qdec ψ -> Qdec (φ ψ).
    intros Hφ Hψ pei ρ Hb. cbn.
    destruct (Hφ _ _ Hb) as [H1|H1], (Hψ _ _ Hb) as [H2|H2].
    - left. fintros. fapply H2.
    - right. fintros. fapply H2. fapply 0. fapply H1.
    - left. fintros. fapply H2.
    - left. fintros. fexfalso. fapply H1. ctx.

  Lemma Qdec_eq t s : Qdec (t == s).
    intros pei ρ Hb. cbn.
    destruct (@closed_term_is_num _ t`[ρ]) as [k1 Hk1].
    { apply subst_t_closed, Hb. }
    destruct (@closed_term_is_num _ s`[ρ]) as [k2 Hk2].
    { apply subst_t_closed, Hb. }
    assert (k1 = k2 \/ k1 <> k2) as [->|Hk] by lia; [left|right].
    all: frewrite Hk1; frewrite Hk2.
    - fapply ax_refl.
    - clear Hk1. clear Hk2. revert Hk. induction k1 in k2 |-*; intros Hk.
      + destruct k2; first congruence. cbn.
        fapply ax_zero_succ.
      + cbn. destruct k2.
        * fintros. fapply (ax_zero_succ (num k1)). fapply ax_sym. ctx.
        * cbn. fintros. assert (H' : k1 <> k2) by congruence.
          specialize (IHk1 k2 H'). fapply IHk1.
          fapply ax_succ_inj. ctx.
  Lemma Qdec_le t s : Qdec (t ⧀= s).
    intros pei ρ Hb.
    destruct (@closed_term_is_num _ t`[ρ]) as [k1 Hk1].
    { apply subst_t_closed, Hb. }
    destruct (@closed_term_is_num _ s`[ρ]) as [k2 Hk2].
    { apply subst_t_closed, Hb. }
    rewrite PAle_subst.
    enough (Qeq num k1 ⧀= num k2 \/ Qeq ¬(num k1 ⧀= num k2)) as [H|H].
    { left. unfold PAle. frewrite Hk1. frewrite Hk2. apply H. }
    { right. unfold PAle. frewrite Hk1. frewrite Hk2. apply H. }
    clear Hk1 Hk2.
    induction k1 as [|k1 IH] in k2 |-*.
    - left. fexists (num k2).
      frewrite (ax_add_zero (num k2)). fapply ax_refl.
    - destruct k2 as [|k2].
      + right.
        fstart. fintros "[z H]". fapply (ax_zero_succ (num k1 z)).
        frewrite <-(ax_add_rec z (num k1)). fapply "H".
      + destruct (IH k2) as [IH'|IH'].
        * left. fstart.
          fassert (num k1 ⧀= num k2) as "H"; first apply IH'.
          fdestruct "H" as "[z Hz]".
          fexists z. frewrite (ax_add_rec z (num k1)).
          fapply ax_succ_congr. fapply "Hz".
        * right. fstart. fintros "H". fapply IH'.
          fdestruct "H" as "[z Hz]".
          fexists z. fapply ax_succ_inj.
          frewrite <-(ax_add_rec z (num k1)). fapply "Hz".

  Section lemmas.
    Context `{pei : peirce}.

    Lemma Qsdec_le x y : bounded_t 0 x -> Qeq ((x ⧀= y) (y ⧀= x)).
      intros Hx. destruct (closed_term_is_num Hx) as [k Hk].
      unfold PAle. frewrite Hk. clear Hk.
      induction k as [|k IH] in y |-*; fstart.
      - fleft. fexists y. frewrite (ax_add_zero y). fapply ax_refl.
      - fassert (ax_cases); first ctx.
        fdestruct ("H" y) as "[H|[y' H]]".
        + fright. fexists (σ (num k)).
          frewrite "H". frewrite (ax_add_zero (σ num k)).
          fapply ax_refl.
        + specialize (IH y').
          fdestruct IH.
          * fleft.
            fdestruct "H0". fexists x0. frewrite "H". frewrite "H0".
            fapply ax_sym. fapply ax_add_rec.
          * fright. custom_simpl.
            fdestruct "H0". fexists x0. frewrite "H". frewrite "H0".
            fapply ax_sym. fapply ax_add_rec.
    Lemma Q_eqdec t x : Qeq x == (num t) ¬(x == num t).
      induction t in x |-*; fstart; fintros.
      - fassert (ax_cases); first ctx.
        fdestruct ("H" x).
        + fleft. frewrite "H".
          fapply ax_refl.
        + fright. fdestruct "H". frewrite "H".
          fintros. fapply (ax_zero_succ x0).
          fapply ax_sym. ctx.
      - fassert (ax_cases); first ctx.
        fdestruct ("H" x).
        + fright. frewrite "H".
          fapply ax_zero_succ.
        + fdestruct "H". frewrite "H".
          specialize (IHt x0).
          fdestruct IHt.
          * fleft. fapply ax_succ_congr. fapply "H0".
          * fright. fintros. fapply "H0".
            fapply ax_succ_inj. fapply "H1".

    Lemma PAle_zero_eq x : Qeq x ⧀= zero x == zero.
      fstart. fintros. unfold PAle. fdestruct "H".
      fassert ax_cases.
      { ctx. }
      unfold ax_cases.
      fdestruct ("H0" x).
      - fapply "H0".
      - fdestruct "H0".
        fexfalso. fapply (ax_zero_succ (x1 x0)).
        frewrite <- (ax_add_rec x0 x1). frewrite <- "H0".
        fapply "H".
    Lemma PAle'_zero_eq x : Qeq (x ⧀=' zero) x == zero.
      fstart. fintros. unfold PAle'. fdestruct "H".
      fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
      fdestruct ("C" x0) as "[Hx'|[x' Hx']]".
      - frewrite <-(ax_add_zero x). frewrite <-"Hx'".
        frewrite <-"H". frewrite "Hx'". fapply ax_refl.
      - fexfalso. fapply (ax_zero_succ (x' x)).
        frewrite <-(ax_add_rec x x'). frewrite <-"Hx'".
        fapply "H".

    Lemma add_zero_swap t x :
      Qeq x zero == num t x == num t.
      fstart. induction t in x |-*; fintros.
      - fassert (ax_cases); first ctx.
        fdestruct ("H0" x).
        + ctx.
        + fdestruct "H0".
          fexfalso. fapply (ax_zero_succ (x0 zero)).
          frewrite <- (ax_add_rec zero x0).
          frewrite <-"H0". fapply ax_sym. ctx.
      - fassert (ax_cases); first ctx.
        fdestruct ("H0" x).
        + fexfalso. fapply (ax_zero_succ (num t)).
          frewrite <-"H". frewrite "H0".
          frewrite (ax_add_zero zero).
          fapply ax_refl.
        + fdestruct "H0".
          frewrite "H0". fapply ax_succ_congr.
          specialize (IHt x0).
          fapply IHt. fapply ax_succ_inj.
          frewrite <-(ax_add_rec zero x0).
          frewrite <- "H0". fapply "H".

    Lemma add_rec_swap t x y:
      Qeq x σ y == σ num t x y == num t.
      induction t in x |-*; fstart; fintros "H".
      - fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
        fdestruct ("C" x) as "[Hx|[x' Hx']]".
        + frewrite "Hx". frewrite (ax_add_zero y).
          fapply ax_succ_inj. frewrite <-(ax_add_zero (σ y)).
          frewrite <-"H". frewrite "Hx". fapply ax_refl.
        + frewrite "Hx'". fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
          fdestruct ("C" x') as "[Hx''|[x'' Hx'']]".
          * fexfalso. fapply (ax_zero_succ y).
            fapply ax_succ_inj. frewrite <-"H".
            frewrite "Hx'". frewrite "Hx''".
            frewrite (ax_add_rec (σ y) zero). frewrite (ax_add_zero (σ y)).
            fapply ax_refl.
          * fexfalso. fapply (ax_zero_succ (x'' σ y)).
            fapply ax_succ_inj. frewrite <-"H".
            frewrite "Hx'". frewrite "Hx''".
            frewrite (ax_add_rec (σ y) (σ x'')).
            frewrite (ax_add_rec (σ y) x''). fapply ax_refl.
      - fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
        fdestruct ("C" x) as "[Hx'|[x' Hx']]".
        + fapply ax_succ_inj. frewrite <-"H".
          frewrite "Hx'". frewrite (ax_add_zero y).
          frewrite (ax_add_zero (σ y)). fapply ax_refl.
        + frewrite "Hx'". frewrite (ax_add_rec y x').
          fapply ax_succ_congr.
          specialize (IHt x'). fapply IHt.
          fapply ax_succ_inj. frewrite <-(ax_add_rec (σ y) x').
          frewrite <-"Hx'". ctx.

    Lemma PAle_sigma_neq t x : Qeq (x ⧀= σ(num t)) ¬(x == σ(num t)) x ⧀= num t.
      fstart. fintros. unfold PAle. fdestruct "H". custom_simpl.
      fassert (ax_cases); first ctx.
      fdestruct ("H1" x0).
      - fexfalso. fapply "H0".
        pose proof (add_zero_swap (S t) x). cbn in H.
        fapply H. frewrite <- "H1". fapply ax_sym.
      - fdestruct "H1". fexists x1. custom_simpl.
        fapply ax_sym. fapply add_rec_swap.
        frewrite <-"H1". fapply ax_sym. fapply "H".
    Lemma PAle'_sigma_neq t x : Qeq (x ⧀=' σ(num t)) ¬(x == σ(num t)) x ⧀=' num t.
      fstart. fintros. unfold PAle'.
      fdestruct "H" as "[z Hz]".
      fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
      fdestruct ("C" z) as "[Hz'|[z' Hz']]".
      - fexfalso. fapply "H0". frewrite "Hz". frewrite "Hz'".
        fapply ax_sym. fapply ax_add_zero.
      - fexists z'. fapply ax_succ_inj.
        frewrite <-(ax_add_rec x z').
        frewrite <-"Hz'". ctx.

    Lemma add_rec_swap2 t x y :
      Qeq x y == num t x (σ y) == num (S t).
      induction t in x |-*; fstart; fintros "H".
      - fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
        fdestruct ("C" x) as "[Hx'|[x' Hx']]".
        + frewrite <-"H". frewrite "Hx'".
          frewrite (ax_add_zero (σ y)). frewrite (ax_add_zero y).
          fapply ax_refl.
        + fexfalso. fapply (ax_zero_succ (x' y)). frewrite <-"H".
          frewrite "Hx'". frewrite (ax_add_rec y x'). fapply ax_refl.
      - fassert ax_cases as "C"; first ctx.
        fdestruct ("C" x) as "[Hx'|[x' Hx']]".
        + frewrite <-"H". frewrite "Hx'".
          frewrite (ax_add_zero (σ y)). frewrite (ax_add_zero y).
          fapply ax_refl.
        + frewrite "Hx'". frewrite (ax_add_rec (σ y) x').
          fapply ax_succ_congr.
          fapply IHt. fapply ax_succ_inj.
          frewrite <-(ax_add_rec y x'). frewrite <-"Hx'".
          fapply "H".

    Lemma PAle_succ t x : Qeq (x ⧀= num t) (x ⧀= σ (num t)).
      fstart. fintros "[z Hz]". fexists (σ z).
      fapply ax_sym. fapply add_rec_swap2. fapply ax_sym. fapply "Hz".
    Lemma PAle'_succ t x : Qeq (x ⧀=' num t) (x ⧀=' σ (num t)).
      fstart. fintros "[z Hz]". fexists (σ z).
      frewrite (ax_add_rec x z). fapply ax_succ_congr. ctx.

    Lemma add_zero_num t :
      Qeq num t zero == num t.
      induction t.
      - cbn. frewrite (ax_add_zero zero). fapply ax_refl.
      - cbn. frewrite (ax_add_rec zero (num t)).
        fapply ax_succ_congr. apply IHt.
    Lemma PAle_num_eq t x :
      Qeq x == num t x ⧀= num t.
      fstart. fintros "H". fexists zero.
      frewrite "H". fapply ax_sym. fapply add_zero_num.
    Lemma PAle'_num_eq t x :
      Qeq x == num t x ⧀=' num t.
      fstart. fintros "H". fexists zero.
      frewrite (ax_add_zero x). fapply ax_sym. fapply "H".

    Fixpoint fin_disj n φ := match n with
                             | 0 => φ[(num 0) ..]
                             | S n => (fin_disj n φ) φ[(num (S n)) ..]
    Fixpoint fin_conj n φ := match n with
                             | 0 => φ[(num 0) ..]
                             | S n => (fin_conj n φ) φ[(num (S n)) ..]

    Lemma le_fin_disj t x :
      Qeq x ⧀= num t fin_disj t (x`[] == $0).
      induction t; cbn; rewrite subst_term_shift; fstart; fsplit.
      - fapply PAle_zero_eq.
      - fintros "H". unfold PAle.
        frewrite "H". fexists zero.
        frewrite (ax_add_zero zero). fapply ax_refl.
      - fintros "H". fassert (x == σ num t (¬ x == σ num t)) as "H1".
        { pose proof (Q_eqdec (S t) x). cbn in H. fapply H. }
        fdestruct "H1" as "[H1|H1]".
        + fright. ctx.
        + fleft. fapply IHt.
          fapply PAle_sigma_neq; ctx.
      - fintros "H". fdestruct "H" as "[H|H]".
        + fapply PAle_succ. fapply IHt. fapply "H".
        + pose proof (PAle_num_eq (S t) x). cbn in H.
          fapply H. fapply "H".
    Lemma le_swap_fin_disj t x :
      Qeq x ⧀=' num t fin_disj t (x`[] == $0).
      induction t; cbn; rewrite subst_term_shift; fstart; fsplit.
      - fapply PAle'_zero_eq.
      - unfold PAle'. fintros "H". frewrite "H".
        fexists zero. frewrite (ax_add_zero zero). fapply ax_refl.
      - fintros "H". fassert (x == σ num t (¬ x == σ num t)) as "H1".
        { pose proof (Q_eqdec (S t) x). cbn in H. fapply H. }
        fdestruct "H1" as "[H1|H1]".
        + fright. ctx.
        + fleft. fapply IHt.
          fapply PAle'_sigma_neq; ctx.
      - fintros "H". fdestruct "H" as "[H|H]".
        + fapply PAle'_succ. fapply IHt. fapply "H".
        + pose proof (PAle'_num_eq (S t) x). cbn in H.
          fapply H. fapply "H".

    Lemma Q_leibniz_t a x y : Qeq x == y a`[x..] == a`[y..].
      induction a.
      - destruct x0; cbn.
        + fintros. ctx.
        + fintros. fapply ax_refl.
      - destruct F.
        + cbn in v. rewrite (vec_0_nil v).
          fintros. fapply ax_refl.
        + cbn in v.
          destruct (vec_1_inv v) as [z ->]. cbn.
          fintros. fapply (ax_succ_congr z`[y..] z`[x..]).
          frevert 0. fapply IH. apply Vector.In_cons_hd.
        + destruct (vec_2_inv v) as (a & b & ->).
          cbn. fintros. fapply ax_add_congr.
          all: frevert 0; fapply IH.
          * apply Vector.In_cons_hd.
          * apply Vector.In_cons_tl, Vector.In_cons_hd.
        + destruct (vec_2_inv v) as (a & b & ->).
          cbn. fintros. fapply ax_mult_congr.
          all: frevert 0; fapply IH.
          * apply Vector.In_cons_hd.
          * apply Vector.In_cons_tl, Vector.In_cons_hd.

    Lemma Q_leibniz φ x y :
      Qeq x == y φ[x..] φ[y..].
      enough (Qeq x == y φ[x..] φ[y..]).
      { fintros. fapply H; ctx. }
      induction φ using form_ind_subst.
      - cbn. fintros. fsplit; fintros; ctx.
      - destruct P0. cbn in t.
        destruct (vec_2_inv t) as (a & b & ->).
        cbn. fstart. fintros.
        fassert (a`[x..] == a`[y..]).
        { pose proof (Q_leibniz_t a x y).
          fapply H. fapply "H". }
        fassert (b`[x..] == b`[y..]).
        { pose proof (Q_leibniz_t b x y).
          fapply H. fapply "H". }
        frewrite "H0". frewrite "H1".
        fsplit; fintros; ctx.
      - fstart; fintros.
        fassert (φ1[x..] φ1[y..]) by (fapply IHφ1; fapply "H").
        fassert (φ2[x..] φ2[y..]) by (fapply IHφ2; fapply "H").
        destruct b0; fsplit; cbn.
        + fintros "[H2 H3]". fsplit.
          * fapply "H0". ctx.
          * fapply "H1". ctx.
        + fintros "[H2 H3]". fsplit.
          * fapply "H0". ctx.
          * fapply "H1". ctx.
        + fintros "[H2|H3]".
          * fleft. fapply "H0". ctx.
          * fright. fapply "H1". ctx.
        + fintros "[H2|H3]".
          * fleft. fapply "H0". ctx.
          * fright. fapply "H1". ctx.
        + fintros "H2" "H3".
          fapply "H1". fapply "H2". fapply "H0". ctx.
        + fintros "H2" "H3".
          fapply "H1". fapply "H2". fapply "H0". ctx.
      - fstart. fintros. fsplit; destruct q; cbn; fintros.
        + specialize (H (x0`[]..)).
          asimpl in H. asimpl. fapply H.
          * ctx.
          * fspecialize ("H0" x0). asimpl. ctx.
        + fdestruct "H0". fexists x0.
          specialize (H (x0`[]..)).
          asimpl in H. asimpl. fapply H; ctx.
        + specialize (H (x0`[]..)).
          asimpl in H. asimpl. fapply H.
          * ctx.
          * fspecialize ("H0" x0). asimpl. ctx.
        + fdestruct "H0". fexists x0.
          specialize (H (x0`[]..)).
          asimpl in H. asimpl. fapply H; ctx.

    Lemma forall_fin_disj_conj φ t :
      Qeq ( (fin_disj t ($1 == $0)) φ) fin_conj t φ.
      induction t as [|t IH]; cbn; fstart; fsplit.
      - fintros "H". fapply "H". fapply ax_refl.
      - fintros "H" x "H1".
        feapply Q_leibniz.
        + feapply ax_sym. fapply "H1".
        + ctx.
      - fintros "H". fsplit.
        + fapply IH. fintros x "H1". fapply "H". fleft. fapply "H1".
        + fapply "H". fright. rewrite num_subst. fapply ax_refl.
      - fintros "[H1 H2]" x "[H3|H3]".
        + fdestruct IH as "[H4 H5]".
          fapply "H5"; ctx.
        + rewrite num_subst. feapply Q_leibniz.
          * feapply ax_sym. fapply "H3".
          * fapply "H2".

    Lemma exists_fin_disj φ t :
      Qeq ( (fin_disj t ($1 == $0)) φ) fin_disj t φ.
      induction t as [|t IH]; cbn; fstart; fsplit.
      - fintros "[x [H1 H2]]". feapply Q_leibniz.
        + fapply "H1".
        + ctx.
      - fintros "H". fexists zero. fsplit.
        + fapply ax_refl.
        + ctx.
      - fintros "[x [[H1|H1] H2]]".
        + fleft. fapply IH. fexists x. fsplit.
          * fapply "H1".
          * fapply "H2".
        + fright. rewrite num_subst. feapply Q_leibniz.
          * fapply "H1".
          * ctx.
      - fintros "[H1|H1]".
        + fapply IH in "H1". fdestruct "H1" as "[x [H1 H2]]".
          fexists x. fsplit.
          * fleft. ctx.
          * ctx.
        + fexists (σ num t). fsplit.
          * fright. rewrite num_subst. fapply ax_refl.
          * ctx.

    Lemma forall_bound_iff φ ψ χ:
      Qeq φ ψ -> Qeq ( φ χ) ( ψ χ).
      intros H. fstart. fsplit.
      - fintros "H1" x "H2". fapply "H1".
        apply (subst_Weak x..) in H. change ( _ _) with Qeq in H.
        cbn in H. fapply H. fapply "H2".
      - fintros "H1" x "H2". fapply "H1".
        apply (subst_Weak x..) in H. change ( _ _) with Qeq in H.
        cbn in H. fapply H. fapply "H2".

  End lemmas.

  Lemma Qdec_fin_conj φ t :
    Qdec φ -> Qdec (fin_conj t φ).
    intros Hφ. induction t; cbn.
    - apply Qdec_subst, Hφ.
    - apply Qdec_and.
      + assumption.
      + apply Qdec_subst, Hφ.

  Lemma Qdec_fin_disj φ t :
    Qdec φ -> Qdec (fin_disj t φ).
    intros Hφ. induction t; cbn.
    - apply Qdec_subst, Hφ.
    - apply Qdec_or.
      + assumption.
      + apply Qdec_subst, Hφ.
  Lemma fin_disj_subst n φ ρ :
    (fin_disj n φ)[ρ] = fin_disj n φ[up ρ].
    induction n; cbn.
    - now asimpl.
    - cbn. f_equal; first assumption.
      asimpl. now rewrite num_subst.

  Theorem Qdec_bounded_forall t φ :
    Qdec φ -> Qdec ( $0 ⧀= t`[] φ).
    intros H pei ρ Hρ.
    destruct (@closed_term_is_num _ t`[ρ]) as [x Hx].
    { apply subst_t_closed, Hρ. }
    enough (Qeq ( (fin_disj x ($1 == $0)) φ)[ρ] \/ Qeq ¬ ( (fin_disj x ($1 == $0)) φ)[ρ]) as H'.
    { cbn. asimpl. rewrite <-!subst_term_comp.
      cbn in H'. rewrite fin_disj_subst in H'.
      cbn in H'. unfold "↑" in H'.
      destruct H' as [H1|H1].
      - left. fstart. fintros. fapply H1.
        rewrite fin_disj_subst. cbn.
        fapply le_fin_disj.
        fdestruct "H" as "[z H]". fexists z.
        fassert (t`[ρ] == num x); first fapply Hx.
        frewrite <-"H0". asimpl. fapply "H".
      - right. fstart. fintros. fapply H1. fstop.
        fintros. fstart.
        fapply "H".
        rewrite fin_disj_subst. cbn.
        fassert (x0 ⧀= num x).
        { fapply le_fin_disj. fapply "H0". }
        fdestruct "H1" as "[z Hz]".
        fexists z.
        fassert (t`[ρ] == num x); first fapply Hx.
        asimpl. frewrite "H1". fapply "Hz". }
    eapply Qdec_iff.
    - apply frewrite_equiv_switch. apply forall_fin_disj_conj.
    - apply Qdec_fin_conj, H.
    - apply Hρ.
  Theorem Qdec_bounded_exists t φ :
    Qdec φ -> Qdec ( ($0 ⧀= t`[]) φ).
    intros H pei ρ Hρ.
    destruct (@closed_term_is_num _ t`[ρ]) as [x Hx].
    { apply subst_t_closed, Hρ. }
    enough (Qeq ( (fin_disj x ($1 == $0)) φ)[ρ] \/ Qeq ¬ ( (fin_disj x ($1 == $0)) φ)[ρ]) as H'.
    { cbn.
      cbn in H'. rewrite fin_disj_subst in H'.
      cbn in H'. unfold "↑" in H'.
      destruct H' as [H1|H1].
      - left. fstart.
        fassert ( fin_disj x ($1 == $0) φ[up ρ]).
        { fapply H1. }
        fdestruct "H" as "[z [H1 H2]]".
        rewrite fin_disj_subst. cbn.
        fexists z. fsplit; last ctx.
        fassert (z ⧀= num x).
        { fapply le_fin_disj. fapply "H1". }
        unfold PAle. fdestruct "H". fexists x0.
        asimpl. frewrite Hx. fapply "H".
      - right. fstart. fintros. fapply H1.
        fdestruct "H" as "[z [H1 H2]]". fexists z.
        fsplit; last ctx.
        rewrite fin_disj_subst. cbn. fapply le_fin_disj.
        cbn. fdestruct "H1" as "[z' Hz']". fexists z'.
        fassert (t`[ρ] == num x) by fapply Hx.
        asimpl. frewrite <-"H". fapply "Hz'". }
    eapply Qdec_iff.
    - apply frewrite_equiv_switch. apply exists_fin_disj.
    - apply Qdec_fin_disj, H.
    - apply Hρ.

  Theorem Qdec_bounded_exists_comm t φ :
    Qdec φ -> Qdec ( ($0 ⧀=' t`[]) φ).
    intros H pei ρ Hρ.
    destruct (@closed_term_is_num _ t`[ρ]) as [x Hx].
    { apply subst_t_closed, Hρ. }
    enough (Qeq ( (fin_disj x ($1 == $0)) φ)[ρ] \/ Qeq ¬ ( (fin_disj x ($1 == $0)) φ)[ρ]) as H'.
    { cbn.
      cbn in H'. rewrite fin_disj_subst in H'.
      cbn in H'. unfold "↑" in H'.
      destruct H' as [H1|H1].
      - left. fstart.
        fassert ( fin_disj x ($1 == $0) φ[up ρ]) by apply H1.
        fdestruct "H" as "[z [H1 H2]]".
        rewrite fin_disj_subst. cbn.
        fexists z. fsplit; last ctx.
        fassert (z ⧀=' num x).
        { fapply le_swap_fin_disj. fapply "H1". }
        unfold PAle'. fdestruct "H". fexists x0.
        asimpl. frewrite Hx. fapply "H".
      - right. fstart. fintros. fapply H1.
        fdestruct "H" as "[z [H1 H2]]". fexists z.
        fsplit; last ctx.
        rewrite fin_disj_subst. cbn. fapply le_swap_fin_disj.
        cbn. fdestruct "H1". fexists x0.
        fassert (t`[ρ] == num x) by fapply Hx.
        asimpl. frewrite <-"H0". fapply "H". }
    eapply Qdec_iff.
    - apply frewrite_equiv_switch. apply exists_fin_disj.
    - apply Qdec_fin_disj, H.
    - apply Hρ.
End Qdec.