From Undecidability.FOL.Syntax Require Import Core Facts.

Require Import Coq.Classes.Init.
Require Import Relation_Definitions.
Require Export Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Require Export Setoid.

Section Asimpl.
  Context {Σf : funcs_signature} {Σp : preds_signature}.
  Context {ops : operators}.
  Context {ff : falsity_flag}.

  Definition feq {A} {B} (s t : A -> B) := forall x, s x = t x.
  #[local] Notation "a ≡ b" := (feq a b) (at level 51).
  #[local] Notation id := (fun x => x).
  Program Instance feq_reflexive {A} {B} : Reflexive (@feq A B) | 1.
  Next Obligation. now intros ?. Qed.
  Program Instance feq_symmetrive {A} {B} : Symmetric (@feq A B) | 1.
  Next Obligation. now intros ?. Qed.
  Program Instance feq_transitive {A} {B} : Transitive (@feq A B) | 1.
  Next Obligation. intros ?. now rewrite H, H0. Qed.

  Add Parametric Relation A B : (A -> B) (@feq A B)
    reflexivity proved by (feq_reflexive (A:=A))
    symmetry proved by (feq_symmetrive (A:=A))
    transitivity proved by (feq_transitive (A:=A))
    as eq_set_rel.

  Add Parametric Morphism X: (@scons X)
    with signature (@eq X) ==> (@feq nat X) ==> (@feq nat X) as scons_feq.
    intros t x2 y2 H2. intros [|n]; try easy. cbn. now rewrite H2.

  Add Parametric Morphism A B C: (@funcomp A B C)
    with signature (@feq B C) ==> (@feq A B) ==> (@feq A C) as funcomp_feq.
    intros x1 y1 H1 x2 y2 H2. intros k. unfold funcomp. now rewrite H2, H1.

  Add Parametric Morphism : (subst_term)
    with signature (@feq nat term) ==> (@feq term term) as subst_term_feq.
    intros x1 y1 H1. intros x2. apply subst_term_ext, H1.

  Add Parametric Morphism : (subst_term)
    with signature (@feq nat term) ==> (@eq term) ==> (@eq term) as subst_term_feq_eq.
    intros x1 y1 H1. intros x2. apply subst_term_ext, H1.

  Add Parametric Morphism : (subst_form)
    with signature (@feq nat term) ==> (@eq form) ==> (@eq form) as subst_form_feq_eq.
    intros x1 y1 H1. intros x2. apply subst_ext, H1.

  Lemma asimpl_t_var x s : (var x)`[s] = s x.
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_t_func t v s : (func t v)`[s] = (func t ( (subst_term s) v)).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_t_id t : t`[var] = t.
  Proof. now apply subst_term_id. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_t_comp t s1 s2 : t`[s1]`[s2] = t`[s1 >> subst_term s2].
  Proof. apply subst_term_comp. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_t_ext t s1 s2 : s1 s2 -> t`[s1] = t`[s2].
  Proof. apply subst_term_ext. Qed.

  Lemma asimpl_f_falsity s : falsity[s] = falsity.
  Proof. easy. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_f_atom P v s : (atom P v)[s] = atom P ( (subst_term s) v).
  Proof. easy. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_f_bin b f1 f2 s : (bin b f1 f2)[s] = bin b (f1[s]) (f2[s]).
  Proof. easy. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_f_quant q f s : (quant q f)[s] = quant q (f[$0 .: (s >> subst_term (S >> var))]).
  Proof. easy. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_f_id t : t[var] = t.
  Proof. now apply subst_id. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_f_comp t s1 s2 : t[s1][s2] = t[s1 >> subst_term s2].
  Proof. apply subst_comp. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_f_ext t s1 s2 : s1 s2 -> t[s1] = t[s2].
  Proof. apply subst_ext. Qed.

  Lemma asimpl_vector_nil A B (f:A -> B) : f (Vector.nil A) = Vector.nil B.
  Proof. easy. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_vector_cons A B (f:A -> B) t n v : f (@Vector.cons A t n v) = @Vector.cons B (f t) n ( f v).
  Proof. easy. Qed.

  Lemma asimpl_var_id_l s : var >> subst_term s s.
  Proof. easy. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_var_id_l_ca X s (t:term -> X) : var >> (subst_term s >> t) s >> t.
  Proof. easy. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_subst_merge (t r : nat -> term) : subst_term t >> subst_term r subst_term (t >> subst_term r).
  Proof. intros n; unfold funcomp. now rewrite subst_term_comp. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_var_id_r (s : nat->term) : s >> subst_term var s.
  Proof. intros n. apply asimpl_t_id. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_id_id_l X Y (f : X -> Y) : id >> f f.
  Proof. intros x; easy. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_id_id_r X Y (f : X -> Y) : f >> id f.
  Proof. intros x; easy. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_funcomp_assoc X Y Z W (f:X->Y) (g:Y->Z) (h:Z->W) : (f >> g) >> h f >> (g >> h).
  Proof. intros x; easy. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_scons_comp Z t s (f : term -> Z) : (t .: s) >> f ((f t) .: (s >> f)).
  Proof. intros [|n]; easy. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_up_scons X (t:X) s : S >> (t .: s) s.
  Proof. now intros [|n]. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_scons_up : (0 .: S) id.
  Proof. now intros [|n]. Qed.
  Lemma asimpl_scons_up_f B (f : nat -> B) : (f 0 .: (S >> f)) f.
  Proof. now intros [|n]. Qed.
End Asimpl.

#[global] Create HintDb asimpl_pre.
#[global] Hint Rewrite -> @asimpl_vector_nil : asimpl_pre.
#[global] Hint Rewrite -> @asimpl_vector_cons : asimpl_pre.

#[global] Hint Rewrite -> @asimpl_t_var : asimpl_pre.
#[global] Hint Rewrite -> @asimpl_t_func : asimpl_pre.
#[global] Hint Rewrite -> @asimpl_t_id : asimpl_pre.
#[global] Hint Rewrite -> @asimpl_t_comp : asimpl_pre.

#[global] Hint Rewrite -> @asimpl_f_falsity : asimpl_pre.
#[global] Hint Rewrite -> @asimpl_f_atom : asimpl_pre.
#[global] Hint Rewrite -> @asimpl_f_bin : asimpl_pre.
#[global] Hint Rewrite -> @asimpl_f_quant : asimpl_pre.
#[global] Hint Rewrite -> @asimpl_f_id : asimpl_pre.
#[global] Hint Rewrite -> @asimpl_f_comp : asimpl_pre.

#[global] Ltac asimpl_pre := try autorewrite with asimpl_pre.
#[global] Ltac asimpl_pre_in H := try autorewrite with asimpl_pre in H.

#[global] Ltac print_goal := match goal with |- ?g => idtac end.
#[global] Tactic Notation "debug_idtac" string(x) := idtac .

Ltac asimpl_match t := (match goal with
    |- context[?phi[?sigma]] => progress (print_goal; erewrite (@asimpl_f_ext _ _ _ _ phi sigma); [|t]; asimpl_pre)
  | |- context[?tt`[?sigma]] => progress (print_goal; erewrite (@asimpl_t_ext _ tt sigma); [|t]; asimpl_pre) end).

Ltac asimpl_match_goal t H := (match goal with
    H' : context[?phi[?sigma]] |- _ => progress (constr_eq_strict H' H; erewrite (@asimpl_f_ext _ _ _ _ phi sigma) in H; [|t]; try asimpl_pre_in H)
  | H' : context[?tt`[?sigma]] |- _ => progress (constr_eq_strict H' H; erewrite (@asimpl_t_ext _ tt sigma) in H; [|t]; try asimpl_pre_in H) end).

Ltac asimpl_on_goal := (cbn; unfold up;
  (match goal with
| |- context[(?a >> ?b) >> ?c] =>
    debug_idtac "asimpl_funcomp_assoc";
    change ((a >> b) >> c) with (a >> (b >> c))
| |- context[var >> subst_term ?s] =>
    debug_idtac "asimpl_var_id_l";
    change (var >> subst_term s) with s
| |- context[var >> (subst_term ?s >> ?t)] =>
    debug_idtac "asimpl_var_id_l_ca";
    change (var >> (subst_term s >> t)) with (s >> t)
| |- context[id >> ?f] =>
    debug_idtac "asimpl_id_id_l";
    change (id >> f) with f
| |- context[?f >> id] =>
    debug_idtac "asimpl_id_id_r";
    change (f >> id) with f
| |- context[?s >> subst_term var] =>
    debug_idtac "!asimpl_var_id_r";
    rewrite !(@asimpl_var_id_r _ s)
| |- context[subst_term ?t >> subst_term ?r] =>
    debug_idtac "!asimpl_subst_merge";
    rewrite !(@asimpl_subst_merge _ t r)
| |- context[S >> (?t .: ?s)] =>
    debug_idtac "!asimpl_up_scons";
    rewrite !(@asimpl_up_scons _ t s)
| |- context[(0 .: S)] =>
    debug_idtac "!asimpl_scons_up";
    rewrite ! (@asimpl_scons_up)
| |- context[(?tt .: (S >> ?f))] =>
    debug_idtac "!asimpl_scons_up_f";
    rewrite !(@asimpl_scons_up_f _ f)
| |- context[(?t .: ?s) >> ?f] =>
    debug_idtac "asimpl_scons_comp";
    rewrite (@asimpl_scons_comp _ _ t s f) end)).

Ltac asimpl_on_goal' := cbn; unfold up; (repeat asimpl_on_goal); reflexivity.

Ltac asimpl_base := asimpl_pre; repeat progress asimpl_match (asimpl_on_goal').
Ltac asimpl_hyp H := asimpl_pre_in H; repeat progress asimpl_match_goal (asimpl_on_goal') H.

Tactic Notation "asimpl" := asimpl_base.
Tactic Notation "asimpl" "in" hyp(H) := asimpl_hyp H.

Section Test.
  Context {Σf : funcs_signature} {Σp : preds_signature}.
  Context {ff : falsity_flag}.
  Import FragmentSyntax.

  Lemma asimpl_test_1 phi t sigma :
    phi[up sigma][t..] = phi[t.:sigma].
    asimpl. reflexivity.

  Lemma asimpl_test_1_ctx phi t sigma :
    phi[up sigma][t..] = phi[t.:sigma] -> (phi[t.:sigma] = phi[t.:sigma]).
    intros H. asimpl in H. apply H.

  Lemma asimpl_test_2 phi :
    phi[up ][up (up )][up $0..] = phi[$0 .: S >> ].
    asimpl. reflexivity.

  Lemma asimpl_test_3 phi t sigma :
    phi`[up ]`[t.:sigma] = phi`[t.:S>>sigma].
    asimpl. reflexivity.

  Lemma asimpl_test_4 phi t sigma :
    phi[up ][t.:sigma] = phi[t.:S>>sigma].
    asimpl. reflexivity.

  Lemma asimpl_test_5 phi :
    phi[$0.:] = phi.
    asimpl. reflexivity.

  Lemma asimpl_test_6 phi x :
    phi[up ][up $x..] = phi.
    asimpl. reflexivity.

  Lemma asimpl_test_7 phi :
    phi[up ][$0..] = phi.
    asimpl. reflexivity.

  Lemma asimpl_test_8 phi x :
    phi[up ][up $x..][up ][up $x..] = phi[up ][up $x..][up ][up $x..][up ][up $x..].
    asimpl. reflexivity.

  Lemma asimpl_test_9 phi :
    phi[up ][up (up )][up $0..][up ][up (up )][up $0..] = phi[$0 .: S >> S >> ].
    asimpl. reflexivity.

End Test.