Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions Undecidability.Synthetic.Undecidability.
From Undecidability.FOL Require Import Syntax.Facts Deduction.FullNDFacts Semantics.Tarski.FullFacts Semantics.Tarski.FullSoundness.
Require Import Undecidability.FOL.Arithmetics.Problems.
From Undecidability.FOL.Arithmetics Require Import TarskiFacts DeductionFacts NatModel.
From Undecidability.H10 Require Import H10p.
Require Import List Lia.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Fixpoint embed_poly p : term :=
    match p with
    | dp_nat_pfree n => num n
    | dp_var_pfree k => $k
    | dp_comp_pfree do_add_pfree a b => (embed_poly a) (embed_poly b)
    | dp_comp_pfree do_mul_pfree a b => (embed_poly a) (embed_poly b)

Definition embed_problem (E : H10p_PROBLEM) : form :=
  let (a, b) := E in embed_poly a == embed_poly b.

Definition H10p_sem E sigma := dp_eval_pfree sigma (fst E) = dp_eval_pfree sigma (snd E).

Definition poly_bound p := proj1_sig (find_bounded_t (embed_poly p)).
Definition problem_bound (E : H10p_PROBLEM) :=
  let (a, b) := E in proj1_sig (find_bounded (embed_poly a == embed_poly b) ).

Definition embed E := exist_times (problem_bound E) (embed_problem E).

Lemma embed_is_closed E : bounded 0 (embed E).
  unfold embed. rewrite exists_close_form.
  unfold problem_bound. destruct E as [a b]; cbn.
  apply (proj2_sig (find_bounded _)).

Fact numeral_subst_invariance n rho : subst_term rho (num n) = num n.
  induction n.
  - reflexivity.
  - cbn. now rewrite IHn.

Lemma prv_poly {p : peirce} sigma q Gamma :
  incl FAeq Gamma -> Gamma ( (embed_poly q)`[sigma >> num] == num (dp_eval_pfree sigma q) ).
  intros H.
  induction q; cbn.
  - change ((num n)`[sigma >> num]) with (subst_term (sigma >> num) (num n)).
    rewrite numeral_subst_invariance.
    now apply reflexivity.
  - now apply reflexivity.
  - destruct d; cbn.
    + eapply transitivity. assumption.
      apply (eq_add H IHq1 IHq2).
      now apply num_add_homomorphism.
    + eapply transitivity. assumption.
      apply (eq_mult H IHq1 IHq2).
      now apply num_mult_homomorphism.

Lemma problem_to_prv {p : peirce} :
  forall E sigma, H10p_sem E sigma -> FAeq (embed_problem E)[sigma >> num].
  intros [a b] sigma HE. cbn -[FAeq].
  eapply transitivity; firstorder.
  apply prv_poly; firstorder.
  apply symmetry; firstorder.
  unfold H10p_sem in *. cbn in HE. rewrite HE.
  apply prv_poly; firstorder.

Theorem H10p_to_FA_prv' {p : peirce} E :
  H10p E -> FAeq embed E.
  intros [sigma HE].
  eapply subst_exist_prv.
  apply problem_to_prv, HE.
  rewrite <-exists_close_form; apply embed_is_closed.

Section FA_ext_Model.

  Context {D : Type}.
  Context {I : interp D}.

  Hypothesis ext_model : extensional I.
  Hypothesis FA_model : forall ax rho, In ax FA -> rho ax.

  Notation "'iO'" := (i_func (f:=Zero) (Vector.nil D)) (at level 2) : PA_Notation.

  Fact eval_poly sigma p : eval (sigma >> ) (embed_poly p) = (dp_eval_pfree sigma p).
    Proof using ext_model FA_model.
      induction p; cbn.
      - now rewrite eval_num.
      - reflexivity.
      - destruct d; cbn.
        + now rewrite IHp1, IHp2, add_hom.
        + now rewrite IHp1, IHp2, mult_hom.

    Lemma problem_to_ext_model : forall E sigma, H10p_sem E sigma -> (sigma >> ) embed_problem E.
    Proof using ext_model FA_model.
      intros [a b] sigma Hs. cbn -[sat].
      unfold H10p_sem in *. cbn -[FA] in *.
      apply ext_model. rewrite !eval_poly. congruence.

    Theorem H10p_to_FA_ext_model' E rho : H10p E -> rho embed E.
    Proof using ext_model FA_model.
      intros [sigma HE].
      eapply subst_exist_sat.
      apply problem_to_ext_model.
      - apply HE.
      - rewrite <-exists_close_form; apply embed_is_closed.

End FA_ext_Model.

Section FA_Model.

  Context {D : Type}.
  Context {I : interp D}.

  Hypothesis FA_model : forall rho ax, In ax FAeq -> rho ax.

  Notation "'iO'" := (i_func (f:=Zero) (Vector.nil D)) (at level 2) : PA_Notation.

  Lemma problem_to_model E sigma : H10p_sem E sigma -> (sigma >> ) embed_problem E.
  Proof using FA_model.
    intros HE%(problem_to_prv (p:=intu))%soundness.
    specialize (HE D I).
    setoid_rewrite sat_comp in HE.
    eapply sat_ext. 2: apply HE.
    intros x. unfold ">>". now rewrite eval_num.
    intros. instantiate (1 := (fun _ => iO)).
    now apply FA_model.

  Definition standard :=
    extensional I /\ exists f : D -> nat, (forall d, (f d) = d) /\ (forall n, f ( n) = n).

  Fact standard_embed_poly rho p f :
    extensional I -> (forall d, (f d) = d) -> eval rho (embed_poly p) = (dp_eval_pfree (rho >> f) p).
  Proof using FA_model.
    intros HI Hf. induction p; try destruct d; cbn.
    - apply eval_num.
    - unfold funcomp. now rewrite Hf.
    - rewrite IHp1, IHp2. rewrite add_hom; trivial. firstorder.
    - rewrite IHp1, IHp2. rewrite mult_hom; trivial. firstorder.

  Lemma standard_embed_problem' E rho f :
    extensional I -> (forall d, (f d) = d) -> (forall n, f ( n) = n) -> rho embed_problem E -> H10p_sem E (rho >> f).
  Proof using FA_model.
    intros HI Hf1 Hf2 H. destruct E as [p q]. apply HI in H.
    unfold H10p_sem. cbn. rewrite <- Hf2 at 1. setoid_rewrite <- Hf2 at 3.
    f_equal. now rewrite <- !standard_embed_poly.

  Lemma standard_embed_problem E :
    standard -> (exists rho, rho embed_problem E) -> H10p E.
  Proof using FA_model.
    intros (HI & f & Hf1 & Hf2) [rho Hr]. exists (rho >> f). now apply standard_embed_problem'.

  Lemma standard_embed E rho :
    standard -> rho (embed E) -> H10p E.
  Proof using FA_model.
    intros HS H. apply standard_embed_problem; trivial. eapply subst_exist_sat2, H.

End FA_Model.

Arguments standard _ _ : clear implicits.

Lemma nat_standard :
  standard nat interp_nat.
  split; try reflexivity. exists (fun n => n).
  setoid_rewrite <- (eval_num _ (fun n => n)).
  setoid_rewrite nat_eval_num.
  split; reflexivity.

Fact nat_eval_poly (sigma : env nat) p :
  @eval _ _ _ interp_nat sigma (embed_poly p) = dp_eval_pfree sigma p.
  induction p; cbn.
  - now rewrite nat_eval_num.
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct d; cbn.
    + now rewrite IHp1, IHp2.
    + now rewrite IHp1, IHp2.

Lemma nat_H10 E :
  (forall rho, sat interp_nat rho (embed E)) -> H10p E.
  destruct E as [a b]. unfold embed in *.
  intros H. specialize (H (fun _ => 0)).
  apply subst_exist_sat2 in H as [sigma H].
  exists sigma. unfold H10p.H10p_sem. cbn.
  rewrite <- !nat_eval_poly. apply H.

Lemma nat_sat :
  forall E rho, sat interp_nat rho (embed_problem E) <-> H10p_sem E rho.
  intros E rho. split.
  - destruct E as [a b]. unfold H10p_sem. cbn.
    now rewrite !nat_eval_poly.
  - intros. eapply (@sat_ext _ _ _ _ _ (rho >> @ nat interp_nat)).
    intros x. change ((rho >> ) x) with (@ nat interp_nat (rho x)).
    induction (rho x). reflexivity. cbn. now rewrite IHn.
    eapply problem_to_model.
    apply nat_is_FA_model.

Lemma nat_sat' E :
  (exists sigma, sat interp_nat sigma (embed_problem E)) <-> H10p E.
  split; intros [sigma ]; exists sigma; now apply nat_sat.

Theorem H10p_to_FA_ext_sat E :
  H10p E <-> ext_entailment_PA (embed E).
  - intros [sigma HE].
    intros D I rho Hext H.
    eapply subst_exist_sat.
    apply problem_to_ext_model.
    + apply Hext.
    + intros. apply H. now constructor.
    + apply HE.
    + rewrite <-exists_close_form; apply embed_is_closed.
  - intros H.
    specialize (H nat interp_nat id nat_extensional).
    unfold embed in *. apply subst_exist_sat2 in H.
    now apply nat_sat'.
    apply nat_is_PA_model.

Theorem H10p_to_FA_sat E :
  H10p E <-> valid_ctx FAeq (embed E).
  - intros [sigma HE].
    intros D I rho H.
    eapply subst_exist_sat.
    apply problem_to_model.
    + intros ρ' ax Hax. eapply sat_closed.
      2: now apply H.
      repeat (destruct Hax as [<- | Hax]; cbn; repeat solve_bounds; auto).
      inversion Hax.
    + apply HE.
    + rewrite <-exists_close_form; apply embed_is_closed.
  - intros H.
    specialize (H nat interp_nat id (nat_is_FA_model id)).
    unfold embed in *. apply subst_exist_sat2 in H.
    now apply nat_sat'.

Theorem H10p_to_Q_sat E :
  H10p E <-> valid_ctx Qeq (embed E).
  - intros [sigma HE].
    intros D I rho H.
    eapply subst_exist_sat.
    apply problem_to_model.
    + intros ρ' ax Hax. eapply sat_closed.
      2: apply H.
      repeat (destruct Hax as [<- | Hax]; cbn; repeat solve_bounds; auto).
      1: inversion Hax.
    + apply HE.
    + rewrite <-exists_close_form; apply embed_is_closed.
  - intros H.
    specialize (H nat interp_nat id (nat_is_Q_model id)).
    unfold embed in *. apply subst_exist_sat2 in H.
    now apply nat_sat'.

Theorem H10p_to_PA_sat E :
  H10p E <-> forall D (I : interp D) rho, (forall psi rho, PAeq psi -> rho psi) -> rho (embed E).
  - intros [sigma HE].
    intros D I rho H.
    eapply subst_exist_sat.
    apply problem_to_model.
    + intros ρ' ax Hax. apply sat_closed with rho.
      repeat (destruct Hax as [<- | Hax]; cbn; repeat solve_bounds; auto).
      1:inversion Hax.
      apply H. now constructor.
    + apply HE.
    + rewrite <-exists_close_form; apply embed_is_closed.
  - intros H.
    specialize (H nat interp_nat id nat_is_PAeq_model).
    unfold embed in *. apply subst_exist_sat2 in H.
    now apply nat_sat'.

Theorem H10p_to_FA_prv E :
  H10p E <-> FAeq I embed E.
  - intros [sigma HE].
    eapply subst_exist_prv.
    apply problem_to_prv, HE.
    rewrite <-exists_close_form; apply embed_is_closed.
  - intros H%soundness.
    now apply H10p_to_FA_sat.

Theorem H10p_to_Q_prv E :
  H10p E <-> Qeq I embed E.
  - intros.
    apply Weak with FAeq.
    now apply H10p_to_FA_prv.
  - intros H%soundness.
    now apply H10p_to_Q_sat.

Theorem H10p_to_PA_prv E :
  H10p E <-> PAeq TI embed E.
  - intros [sigma HE].
    exists FAeq. split. intros. now constructor.
    apply H10p_to_FA_prv.
    now exists sigma.
  - intros H. apply nat_sat'.
    eapply subst_exist_sat2.
    eapply (tsoundness H (rho:=id)).
    intros. now apply nat_is_PAeq_model.

Theorem H10_to_ext_entailment_PA :
  H10p ext_entailment_PA.
  exists embed. intros E. apply H10p_to_FA_ext_sat.

Theorem H10_to_entailment_FA :
  H10p entailment_FA.
  exists embed; intros E. apply H10p_to_FA_sat.

Corollary H10_to_entailment_Q :
  H10p entailment_Q.
  exists embed; intros E. apply H10p_to_Q_sat.

Corollary H10_to_entailment_PA :
  H10p entailment_PA.
  exists embed; intros E. apply H10p_to_PA_sat.

Theorem H10_to_deduction_FA :
  H10p deduction_FA.
  exists embed; intros E. apply H10p_to_FA_prv.

Theorem H10_to_deduction_Q :
  H10p deduction_Q.
  exists embed; intros E. apply H10p_to_Q_prv.

Corollary H10_to_deduction_PA :
  H10p deduction_PA.
  exists embed; intros E. apply H10p_to_PA_prv.