Require Import List.

Require Import Undecidability.SemiUnification.SemiU.
From Undecidability.SemiUnification.Util Require Import Enumerable.

Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Module Argument.
  Definition embed_var (x: nat) := atom (to_nat (x, 0)).

  Definition ρ (i a b: bool) (x y: nat) :=
    match i, a, b with
    | false, true, _ => atom (to_nat (y, 1))
    | true, false, _ => atom (to_nat (y, 1))
    | _, _, false => arr (embed_var x) (atom (to_nat (y, 2)))
    | _, _, true => arr (atom (to_nat (y, 3))) (embed_var x)

  Definition σ (i: bool) (p: list constraint) : term :=
    fold_right (fun '((a, x), (y, b)) s => arr (ρ i a b x y) s) (atom (to_nat (0, 4))) p.

  Definition τ (p: list constraint) : term :=
    fold_right (fun '((a, x), (y, b)) t => arr (embed_var y) t) (atom (to_nat (0, 4))) p.

  Definition src (t: term) := if t is arr s t then s else atom 0.
  Definition tgt (t: term) := if t is arr s t then t else atom 0.

  Definition φ (φ' : valuation) : valuation := fun x =>
    match of_nat x with
    | (x, 0) => substitute embed_var (φ' x)
    | _ => atom x

  Definition ψ (φ' ψ' : valuation) : valuation := fun x =>
    match of_nat x with
    | (x, 0) => substitute embed_var (ψ' x)
    | (x, 1) => substitute embed_var (φ' x)
    | (x, 2) => substitute embed_var (tgt (φ' x))
    | (x, 3) => substitute embed_var (src (φ' x))
    | _ => atom x

  Lemma substitute_ψP {φ' ψ': valuation} {t: term} :
    substitute (ψ φ' ψ') (substitute embed_var t) = substitute embed_var (substitute ψ' t).
  Proof. elim: t => [x | *] /=; [by rewrite /ψ ?enumP | by f_equal]. Qed.

  Lemma transport {p: list constraint} : SSemiU p -> RU2SemiU (σ false p, σ true p, τ p).
    move=> [φ'] [ψ0'] [ψ1'] /Forall_forall Hp. exists (φ φ'), (ψ φ' ψ0'), (ψ φ' ψ1').
    suff: forall i, substitute (ψ φ' (if i then ψ1' else ψ0')) (substitute (φ φ') (σ i p)) =
      substitute (φ φ') (τ p) by (move=> H; rewrite (H false) (H true)).
    move=> i. elim: p Hp.
    - by move: i => [|] _ /=; rewrite /φ ?enumP /= /ψ ?enumP /=.
    - move=> [[a x] [y b]] p IH /Forall_cons_iff /=.
      move => [+ /IH <-]. move Hφ'y: (φ' y) => φ'y. case: φ'y Hφ'y; first done.
      move=> s t Hφ'y Hst {IH}. move: i a b Hst Hφ'y => [|] [|] [|] -> Hφ'y;
        by rewrite /= /φ ?enumP /= /ψ ?enumP /= Hφ'y ?substitute_ψP.

  Lemma reflection {p: list constraint} : RU2SemiU (σ false p, σ true p, τ p) -> SSemiU p.
    move=> [φ] [ψ0] [ψ1] [Hψ0 Hψ1].
    exists (fun x => φ (to_nat (x, 0))), ψ0, ψ1. rewrite -Forall_forall.
    elim: p Hψ0 Hψ1; first done.
    move=> [[a x] [y b]] p IH /= [Hψ0 ?] [Hψ1 ?].
    constructor; [| by apply: IH].
    by move: a Hψ0 Hψ1 => /= [_ <-| <- _]; move: b => [|].
End Argument.

Require Import Undecidability.Synthetic.Definitions.

Theorem reduction : SSemiU RU2SemiU.
  exists (fun p => (Argument false p, Argument true p, Argument p)).
  intro p. constructor.
  - exact Argument.transport.
  - exact Argument.reflection.