
Require Export Lvw bijection internalize_tac.

Require Import internalize_tac LNat SumBool.

Section Fix_XY.

  Variable X:Set.

  Variable intX : registered X.

  Variable Y:Set.

  Variable intY : registered Y.

  Definition prod_enc (t:X*Y) :term :=
  match t with
  | (x,y) => lam (0 (enc x) (enc y))

  (* do not use this, but (internalizes some) once registered!*)
  Definition product_pair : term := Eval cbn in .\"x", "y", "f"; "f" "x" "y".
  Definition option_some : term := .\"t", "s", "n"; "s" "t".

  (*instance contains proc-ness and injectivity of encoding*)
  Global Instance register_prod : registered (prod X Y).


    register prod_enc.


  Global Instance option_enc_inj (HX : inj_reg intX) (HY : inj_reg intY) : inj_reg register_prod.




  (* now we must register the constructors*)
  Global Instance term_pair : internalized (@pair X Y).


    internalizeC (.\"x", "y", "f"; "f" "x" "y").


  Lemma prod_enc_correct (p:prod X Y) (s:term): proc s -> enc p s >* match p with (x,y) => s (enc x) (enc y) end.




  Hint Extern 0 (app (@enc (@prod _ _) _ _) _ >* _)=> apply prod_enc_correct;value : LCor.

  Global Instance term_fst : internalized (@fst X Y).


destruct y. crush.

  Global Instance term_snd : internalized (@snd X Y).


destruct y. crush.

  Global Instance term_prod_eq_dec : internalized (@prod_eq_dec X Y).


    pose (f (Dx : eq_dec X) (Dy: eq_dec Y) (p1 p2: X*Y) :=
            let (x1,y1) := p1 in
            let (x2,y2) := p2 in
            to_sumbool (andb (from_sumbool (Dx x1 x2)) (from_sumbool (Dy y1 y2)))).

    internalizeWith f.
destruct y1,y2. crush. unfold decision. destruct y,y0; crush.

End Fix_XY.

Hint Extern 0 (app (@enc (@prod _ _) _ _) _ >* _)=> apply prod_enc_correct;value : LCor.