
Require Import internalize_tac crush_no_refl_ideas LBool LOptions LNat Base SumBool.
Require Export List.

Section Fix_X.

  Variable (X:Set).

  Variable (intX : registered X) .

  Fixpoint list_enc (A : list X) :=
  match A with
  | nil => lam (lam #1)
  | cons a A => lam(lam (#0 (enc a) (list_enc A)))

  (* do not use this, but (internalizes _) once registered!*)
  Definition lists_cons : term := Eval cbv in .\"a", "A", "n", "c"; "c" "a" "A".

  (*instance contains proc-ness and injectivity of encoding*)
  Global Instance register_list : registered (list X).


    register list_enc.


  Global Instance list_enc_inj (H : inj_reg intX) : inj_reg register_list.




  (* now we must register the constructors*)
  Global Instance term_nil : internalized (@nil X).


    internalizeC (list_enc nil).


  Global Instance term_cons : internalized (@cons X).


    internalizeC lists_cons.


  Lemma list_enc_correct (A:list X) (s t:term): proc s -> proc t -> enc A s t >* match A with nil => s | cons a A' => t (enc a) (enc (A')) end.




  Hint Extern 0 ( ( (@enc (@list X) _ _) _) _ >* _)=> apply list_enc_correct;value : LCor.

  Global Instance term_append : internalized ( X).


induction y; recStep P; crush.

  Global Instance term_filter: internalized (@Base.filter X).


do 2 redStep. recRem. cbn in R0. hnf in R0. induction y1;recStep P;crush.
    decide (y a);destruct (y0 a);try tauto; crush.


  Global Instance term_nth : internalized (@nth X).


revert y. induction y0; destruct y; recStep P;crush.

  Fixpoint inb (H : eq_dec X) (x:X) A :=
    match A with
      nil => false
    | a::A' => if (decision (a=x)) then true else inb H x A'

  Lemma inb_spec : forall H x A, Bool.reflect (In x A) (inb H x A).


    intros H x A.
induction A.
decide (a=x).
     +inv IHA.
destruct (inb H x A).

  Local Instance term_inb : internalized inb.


induction y1;recStep P;crush.
    dec;destruct y;try tauto; crush.


  Global Instance term_list_in_dec: internalized (list_in_dec (X:=X)).


    pose (s := fun x y H => to_sumbool (inb H x y)).

    internalizeWith s.

    apply reflect_dec.

    apply inb_spec.


  Global Instance term_pos: internalized (@pos X).


redStep. recRem. induction y1;recStep P;crush. unfold decision.
    destruct y;crush.
destruct pos;crush.

End Fix_X.

Hint Extern 0 ( ( (@enc (@list _) _ _) _) _ >* _)=> apply list_enc_correct;value : LCor.

Instance term_map (X Y:Set) (Hx : registered X) (Hy:registered Y): internalized (@map X Y).


redStep. recRem. induction y0; recStep P;crush.

Instance term_nth_error (X:Set) (Hx : registered X): internalized (@nth_error X).


  pose (f A n := nth n (map (@Some X) A) None).

  assert (forall A n, f A n = nth_error A n).

  { induction A.

    -destruct n; reflexivity.

    -destruct n.
reflexivity. simpl. rewrite <- IHA. reflexivity.
  internalizeWith f.
reflexivity. value. rewrite <- H at 1. reflexivity.

Instance term_elAt (X:Set) (Hx : registered X) : internalized (@elAt X).


  apply term_nth_error.
