
Require Import Util Option AllInRel Get OptionR.
Require Export paco3 SmallStepRelations StateType.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.

Parametric Definition of Simulation and Bisimulation

A characterization of simulation equivalence on states; works only for internally deterministic semantics

Inductive simtype := Bisim | Sim | SimExt.

Definition isBisim t :=
  match t with
  | Bisimtrue
  | _false

Definition isSim t :=
  match t with
  | Bisimfalse
  | _true

Definition extBckwd t :=
  match t with
  | Simfalse
  | _true

Hint Extern 0 ⇒
match goal with
| [ H : isSim Bisim |- _ ] ⇒ exfalso; eapply H

Generating Function

Inductive sim_gen
          {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} (r: simtype S S' Prop) : simtype S S' Prop :=
  | SimSilent t (σ1 σ1':S) (σ2 σ2':S') : (* result σ1 = result σ2 -> *)
      plus2 step σ1 nil σ1'
       plus2 step σ2 nil σ2'
       r t σ1' σ2'
       sim_gen r t σ1 σ2
  | SimExtern t (pσ1 σ1:S) (pσ2 σ2:S') : (* result σ1 = result σ2 -> *)
      star2 step pσ1 nil σ1
       star2 step pσ2 nil σ2
       activated σ1
       activated σ2
       (extBckwd t evt σ1', step σ1 evt σ1' σ2', step σ2 evt σ2' r t σ1' σ2')
       ( evt σ2', step σ2 evt σ2' σ1', step σ1 evt σ1' r t σ1' σ2')
       sim_gen r t pσ1 pσ2
  | SimErr t (σ1 σ1':S) (σ2:S')
    : result σ1' = None
       star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
       normal2 step σ1'
       isSim t
       sim_gen r t σ1 σ2
  | SimTerm t (σ1 σ1':S) (σ2 σ2':S')
    : result σ1' = result σ2'
       star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
       star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
       normal2 step σ1'
       normal2 step σ2'
       sim_gen r t σ1 σ2.

Arguments sim_gen [S] {H} [S'] {H0} r _ _ _.

Hint Constructors sim_gen.

Definition sim_bot {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} t (σ1:S) (σ2:S')
  := paco3 (@sim_gen S _ S' _) bot3 t σ1 σ2.
Hint Unfold sim_bot.

Definition sim {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} r t (σ1:S) (σ2:S')
  := paco3 (@sim_gen S _ S' _) r t σ1 σ2.
Hint Unfold sim.

Lemma sim_gen_mon {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'}
: monotone3 (@sim_gen S _ S' _).
  hnf; intros. inv IN; eauto using @sim_gen.
  - econstructor 2; eauto; intros.
    edestruct H5; eauto; dcr. eexists; eauto.
    edestruct H6; eauto; dcr. eexists; eauto.

Arguments sim_gen_mon [S] {H} [S'] {H0} [x0] [x1] [x2] r r' IN LE.

Hint Resolve sim_gen_mon : paco.

Lemma sim_mon S `{StateType S} S' `{StateType S'}
      (r r':rel3 simtype (fun _ : simtypeS) (fun (_ : simtype) (_ : S) ⇒ S'))
  : ( (x0 : simtype) (x1:S) (x2 : S'), r x0 x1 x2 r' x0 x1 x2)
     (t0 : simtype) (x:S) (y : S'), sim r t0 x y sim r' t0 x y.
  intros. eapply paco3_mon; eauto.

Hint Resolve sim_mon.

Lemma bisim_sim t {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ:S) (σ':S')
      : sim bot3 Bisim σ σ' sim bot3 t σ σ'.
  revert σ σ'. pcofix CIH.
  intros. pinversion H2; subst.
  - pfold. eapply SimSilent; eauto 20 using plus2O.
  - pfold. eapply SimExtern; intros; eauto using star2_refl.
    + edestruct H6; eauto; dcr; pclearbot; eauto 20.
    + edestruct H7; eauto; dcr; pclearbot; eauto 20.
  - eauto.
  - pfold. eapply SimTerm; eauto using star2_refl.

Reflexivity, Symmetry

Lemma sim_refl {S} `{StateType S} (σ:S) t r
      : sim r t σ σ.
  revert σ.
  pcofix CIH.
  intros. destruct (step_dec σ) as [[[] []]|].
  - pfold. eapply SimExtern; intros; eauto using star2_refl; eexists; eauto.
  - pfold. eapply SimSilent; eauto using plus2O.
  - pfold. eapply SimTerm; eauto using star2_refl.

Lemma bisim_sym {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ:S) (σ':S')
  : sim bot3 Bisim σ σ' sim bot3 Bisim σ' σ.
  revert σ σ'. pcofix CIH.
  intros. pinversion H2; subst.
  - pfold. eapply SimSilent; eauto using plus2O.
  - pfold. eapply SimExtern; intros; eauto using star2_refl.
    + edestruct H7; eauto; dcr; pclearbot; eauto 20.
    + edestruct H6; eauto; dcr; pclearbot; eauto 20.
  - exfalso; eauto.
  - pfold. eapply SimTerm; eauto using star2_refl.

Admissible Rules

Lemma sim_Y_left S `{StateType S} S' `{StateType S'} r t σA1 σB1 σ1' σ2
  : paco3 (@sim_gen S _ S _) r t σA1 σ2
     step σA1 EvtTau σ1'
     step σB1 EvtTau σ1'
     paco3 (@sim_gen S _ S _) r t σB1 σ2.
  intros SIM Step1 Step2.
  pinversion SIM; subst; intros; relsimpl; pfold;
    eauto using sim_gen, star2_silent, star2_plus2.

Lemma sim_Y_right S `{StateType S} S' `{StateType S'} r t σ1 σA2 σB2 σ2'
  : paco3 (@sim_gen S _ S' _) r t σ1 σA2
     step σA2 EvtTau σ2'
     step σB2 EvtTau σ2'
     paco3 (@sim_gen S _ S' _) r t σ1 σB2.
  intros SIM Step1 Step2.
  pinversion SIM; subst; intros; relsimpl; pfold;
    eauto using sim_gen, star2_silent, star2_plus2.

Ltac contr_trans :=
  repeat (match goal with
          | [ H : star2 ?R ?σ1 _ ?σ2, H' : star2 ?R ?σ2 _ ?σ3 |- _ ]
            ⇒ let H'' := fresh H in
              pose proof (star2_trans H H') as H''; clear H; clear H';
              rename H'' into H

Closedness under Expansion and Reduction

Lemma sim_expansion_closed {S} `{StateType S}
      (σ1 σ1':S) {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ2 σ2':S') r t
  : sim r t σ1' σ2'
     star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
     star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
     sim r t σ1 σ2.
  intros SIM ? ?.
  pinversion SIM; subst; pfold;
    eauto using sim_gen, star2_plus2_plus2_silent, star2_trans_silent.

Lemma sim_reduction_closed_1 t {S} `{StateType S}
      (σ1 σ1':S) {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ2:S')
  : sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
     star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
     sim bot3 t σ1' σ2.
  intros Sim Star. eapply star2_star2n in Star. destruct Star as [n StarN].
  revert σ1 σ1' σ2 Sim StarN.
  size induction n.
  pinversion Sim0; subst.
  - invc StarN; eauto; relsimpl.
    eapply star2_star2n in H2. destruct H2 as [n' H2].
    edestruct (star2n_reach H9 H2); eauto. eapply H.
    + eapply sim_expansion_closed; eauto using star2n_star2, plus2_star2.
    + eapply H1; try eapply H9. omega.
      eapply sim_expansion_closed;
      eauto using star2n_star2, plus2_star2.
  - eapply star2n_star2 in StarN; relsimpl; eauto.
  - pfold. eapply star2n_star2 in StarN; relsimpl; eauto.
  - pfold. eapply star2n_star2 in StarN; relsimpl; eauto.


Lemma sim_reduction_closed_2 t {S} `{StateType S}
      (σ1:S) {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ2 σ2':S')
  : sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
     star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
     sim bot3 t σ1 σ2'.
  intros. eapply star2_star2n in H2. destruct H2 as [n ?].
  revert σ1 σ2' σ2 H1 H2.
  pattern n.
  eapply size_induction with (f:=id); intros; unfold id in *; simpl in ×.
  pinversion H2; subst.
  - inv H3; eauto.
    eapply plus2_star2n in H5. destruct H5.
    edestruct (star2n_reach H3 H5); eauto. eapply H0.
    + eapply sim_expansion_closed. eapply H6.
      eauto using plus2_star2. eauto using star2n_star2.
    + eapply H1; try eapply H9. omega.
      eapply sim_expansion_closed. eapply H6.
      eauto using plus2_star2. eapply star2_refl.
  - eapply star2n_star2 in H3. eapply activated_star_reach in H3; eauto.
  - pfold. eauto.
  - pfold. eapply star2n_star2 in H3.
    eapply star2_reach_normal in H3; eauto. eapply H0.

Lemma sim_reduction_closed t {S} `{StateType S}
      (σ1 σ1':S) {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ2 σ2':S')
  : sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
     star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
     star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
     sim bot3 t σ1' σ2'.
  eapply sim_reduction_closed_1; [| eauto].
  eapply sim_reduction_closed_2; eauto.

Lemma sim_terminate t {S1} `{StateType S1} (σ1 σ1':S1)
      {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2)
: star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
   normal2 step σ1'
   result σ1' None
   sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
   σ2', star2 step σ2 nil σ2' normal2 step σ2' result σ1' = result σ2'.
  intros. general induction H1.
  - pinversion H4; subst.
    + exfalso. eapply H2. inv H1; do 2 eexists; eauto.
    + exfalso. eapply star2_normal in H1; eauto. subst.
      eapply (activated_normal _ H6); eauto.
    + eapply star2_normal in H5; eauto; subst.
    + eapply star2_normal in H5; eauto; subst.
      eexists; split; eauto.
  - relsimpl.
    eapply IHstar2; eauto.
    eapply sim_reduction_closed_1; eauto using star2, star2_silent.

Lemma sim_terminate' {S1} `{StateType S1} (σ1 σ1':S1)
      {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2) v
: star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
   normal2 step σ1'
   sim bot3 Sim σ1 σ2
   result σ1' = Some v
   σ2', star2 step σ2 nil σ2' normal2 step σ2' result σ2' = Some v.
  intros. general induction H1.
  - pinversion H3; subst.
    + exfalso. eapply H2. inv H1; do 2 eexists; eauto.
    + exfalso. eapply star2_normal in H1; eauto. subst.
      eapply (activated_normal _ H6); eauto.
    + eapply star2_normal in H5; eauto; subst.
      eexists; repeat split; eauto; congruence.
    + eapply normal_star_eq in H2; eauto. subst.
      eexists σ2'.
      eexists; repeat split; eauto. congruence.
  - destruct y; isabsurd. simpl.
    eapply IHstar2; eauto.
    eapply sim_reduction_closed_1; eauto using star2, star2_silent.
    Grab Existential Variables. eauto.

Lemma sim_terminate_2 t {S1} `{StateType S1} (σ2 σ2':S1)
      {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ1:S2)
: star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
   normal2 step σ2'
   sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
   σ1', star2 step σ1 nil σ1' normal2 step σ1'
           (result σ1' = result σ2' result σ1' = None).
  intros. general induction H1.
  - pinversion H3; subst.
    + exfalso. eapply H2. inv H4; do 2 eexists; eauto.
    + exfalso. eapply star2_normal in H4; eauto. subst.
      eapply (activated_normal _ H6); eauto.
    + eexists σ1'; split; eauto.
    + inv H5.
      × eexists; split; eauto.
      × exfalso. eapply H2. eexists; eauto.
  - relsimpl.
    eapply IHstar2; eauto.
    eapply sim_reduction_closed_2; eauto using star2, star2_silent.

Lemma sim_activated t {S1} `{StateType S1} (σ1:S1)
      {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2)
: activated σ1
   sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
   σ2', star2 step σ2 nil σ2' activated σ2'
           ( extBckwd t (evt : event) (σ1'' : S1),
               step σ1 evt σ1''
                σ2'' : S2,
                 step σ2' evt σ2'' sim bot3 t σ1'' σ2'')
           ( (evt : event) (σ2'' : S2),
               step σ2' evt σ2''
                σ1' : S1,
                 step σ1 evt σ1' sim bot3 t σ1' σ2'').
  pinversion H2; subst.
  - exfalso. edestruct (plus2_destr_nil H3); dcr.
     destruct H1 as [? []].
     exploit (step_internally_deterministic _ _ _ _ H7 H1); dcr; congruence.
  - assert (σ1 = σ0). eapply activated_star_eq; eauto. subst σ1.
    eexists σ3; split; eauto. split; eauto. split.
    + intros. edestruct H7; eauto; dcr. destruct H13; eauto. isabsurd.
    + intros. edestruct H8; eauto; dcr. destruct H12; eauto. inv H10.
  - exfalso. refine (activated_normal_star _ H1 _ _); eauto using star2.
  - exfalso. refine (activated_normal_star _ H1 _ _); eauto using star2.

Lemma sim_activated_2 t {S1} `{StateType S1} (σ1:S1)
      {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2)
: activated σ1
   sim bot3 t σ2 σ1
   σ2', star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
           (activated σ2'
           ( (evt : event) (σ1'' : S1),
               step σ1 evt σ1''
                σ2'' : S2,
                 step σ2' evt σ2'' (sim bot3 t σ2'' σ1''))
           ( extBckwd t (evt : event) (σ2'' : S2),
               step σ2' evt σ2''
                σ1' : S1,
                 step σ1 evt σ1' (sim bot3 t σ2'' σ1'))
            (normal2 step σ2' result σ2' = None isSim t)).
  pinversion H2; subst.
  - exfalso. edestruct (plus2_destr_nil H4); dcr.
     destruct H1 as [? []].
     exploit (step_internally_deterministic _ _ _ _ H7 H1); dcr. congruence.
  - assert (σ1 = σ3). eapply activated_star_eq; eauto. subst σ1.
    eexists σ0; split; eauto. left. split; eauto. split.
    + intros. edestruct H8; eauto; dcr. destruct H12; isabsurd.
      eexists; split; eauto.
    + intros. edestruct H7; eauto; dcr. destruct H13; isabsurd.
      eexists; split; eauto.
  - eexists σ1'. split; eauto.
  - exfalso. refine (activated_normal_star _ H1 _ _); eauto using star2.

Lemma star2_plus2
: (X : Type) (R: X event X Prop) (x y z : X) e A,
    R x e y star2 R y A z plus2 R x (filter_tau e A) z.
  intros. general induction H0; relsimpl'; eauto using plus2.

Lemma plus2_star2_plus2
     : (X : Type) R (x y z : X) A B,
       plus2 R x A y star2 R y B z plus2 R x (A++B) z.
  intros. general induction H; simpl; eauto using plus2.
  - rewrite filter_tau_app. eapply star2_plus2; eauto.
  - econstructor 2; eauto. rewrite filter_tau_app; eauto.

Ltac zsimpl_step :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: extBckwd ?t, I : extBckwd ?t _ |- _ ] ⇒ specialize (I H)
  | [ SIM : sim bot3 ?t ?σ2 ?σ1, ACT : normal2 step ?σ2', STAR: star2 step ?σ2 nil ?σ2' |- _ ] ⇒
    eapply sim_reduction_closed_1 in SIM; [| eapply STAR]
  | [ SIM : paco3 (@sim_gen _ _ _ _) _ ?t ?σ2 ?σ1, ACT : normal2 step ?σ2', STAR: star2 step ?σ2 nil ?σ2' |- _ ] ⇒
    eapply sim_reduction_closed_1 in SIM; [| eapply STAR]
  | [ SIM : paco3 (@sim_gen _ _ _ _) _ ?t ?σ1 ?σ2,
            ACT : activated ?σ1', STAR: star2 step ?σ1 nil ?σ1' |- _ ] ⇒
    eapply sim_reduction_closed_1 in SIM; [| eapply STAR]
  | [ H : star2 ?R ?σ1 nil ?σ2, H':plus2 ?R ?σ2 nil ?σ3 |- _ ] ⇒
    eapply (star2_plus2_plus2 H) in H'; clear H; simpl in H'
  | [ H : plus2 ?R ?σ1 nil ?σ2, H':star2 ?R ?σ2 nil ?σ3 |- _ ] ⇒
    match goal with
    | [ H''' : plus2 R σ1 nil σ3 |- _ ] ⇒ fail 1
    | [ H''' : star2 R σ1 nil σ3 |- _ ] ⇒ fail 1
    | _eapply (plus2_star2_plus2 H) in H'; clear H; simpl in H'
  | [ H : star2 ?R ?σ1 nil ?σ2, H':star2 ?R ?σ2 nil ?σ3 |- _ ] ⇒
    eapply (star2_trans H) in H'; clear H; simpl in H'
  | [ H : plus2 ?Rnil ?σ', H' : star2 ?R_ ?σ'',
                                    H'' : activated ?σ'' |- _ ]
    ⇒ match goal with
      | [ H''' : star2 R σ' nil σ'' |- _ ] ⇒ fail 1
      | _pose proof (activated_star_reach H'' H' (plus2_star2 H))
  | [ H : step ?σ1 _ ?σ2, A : (evt : event) (σ2'' : _),
          step ?σ1 evt σ2'' _ |- _ ] ⇒ specialize (A _ _ H); dcr
  | [ H : _ bot3 _ _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H;[ | isabsurd]
  | [ SIM : paco3 (@sim_gen _ _ _ _) _ ?t ?σ1 ?σ2, ACT : activated ?σ2', STAR: star2 step ?σ2 nil ?σ2' |- _ ] ⇒
    eapply sim_reduction_closed_2 in SIM; [| eapply STAR]
  | [ H : plus2 stepnil _, H' : star2 (@step ?S ?ST) ?σ _ ?σ',
                                    H'' : normal2 _ ?σ' |- _ ]
    ⇒ eapply plus2_star2 in H;
      eapply (star2_reach_normal H' H''
                                 (@step_internally_deterministic S ST)) in H
  | [ H : plus2 step ?σ1 nil ?σ2, H' : star2 step ?σ2 nil ?σ3
      |- sim_gen _ _ ?σ1 _ ]
    ⇒ pose proof (star2_trans (plus2_star2 H) H')
  | [ SIM : sim bot3 ?t ?σ1 ?σ2,
            ACT : normal2 step ?σ2', STAR: star2 step ?σ2 nil ?σ2' |- _ ] ⇒
    eapply sim_reduction_closed_2 in SIM; [| eapply STAR]

Ltac zzsimpl :=
  repeat zsimpl_step; relsimpl.

Ltac zzcases :=
  match goal with
    [ H : plus2 (@step ?S ?ST) ?σ1 nil ?σ2a, H' : plus2 (@step ?S ?ST) ?σ1 nil ?σ2b |- _ ]
    ⇒ edestruct (plus2_reach H H' (@step_internally_deterministic _ ST))
  | [ H: sim bot3 _ ?σ1 ?σ2, H' : activated ?σ2 |- _ ] ⇒
    match goal with
    | [ H : activated σ1 |- _ ] ⇒ fail 1
    | _destruct (sim_activated_2 H' H) as [? [? [[? [? ?]]| [? [? ?]]]]]
  | [ H: sim bot3 _ ?σ1 ?σ2, H' : activated ?σ1 |- _ ] ⇒
    match goal with
    | [ H : activated σ2 |- _ ] ⇒ fail 1
    | _destruct (sim_activated H' H) as [? [? [? [? ?]]]]
  | [ STAR : star2 step ?σ2 nil ?σ2', NORM: normal2 step ?σ2',
                                            SIM : paco3 (@sim_gen _ _ _ _) bot3 _ ?σ1 ?σ2 |- _ ]
    ⇒ edestruct (sim_terminate_2 STAR NORM SIM) as [? [? [? [|]]]]
| [ STAR : star2 step ?σ1 nil ?σ1', NORM: normal2 step ?σ1',
                                            SIM : paco3 (@sim_gen _ _ _ _) bot3 _ ?σ1 ?σ2 |- _ ]
    ⇒ let H := fresh "H" in
      assert (result σ1' None) by congruence;
      destruct (sim_terminate STAR NORM H SIM) as [? [? [? ?]]];
      clear H
  | [ NORM: normal2 step ?σ1, SIM : sim bot3 _ ?σ1 ?σ2 |- _ ]
    ⇒ let H := fresh "H" in
      assert (result σ1 None) by congruence;
      destruct (sim_terminate (@star2_refl _ _ σ1) NORM H SIM) as [? [? [? ?]]];
      clear H

Ltac det :=
  match goal with
    | [ Step1 : step ?x ?e ?y1, Step2: step ?x ?e ?y2 |- _ ] ⇒
    assert (y1 = y2); [eapply (step_externally_determined _ _ _ _ Step1 Step2) |
                       first [subst y1 | subst y2 | idtac] ]; clear_trivial_eqs

Lemma plus_not_normal X (R:X event X Prop) σ1 σ1'
  : plus2 R σ1 nil σ1'
      normal2 R σ1
  intros A B. eapply B.
  eapply plus2_destr_nil in A. dcr.
  eexists; eauto.

Lemma sim_t_Sim_activated t S1 `{StateType S1}
  : result σ1 = ⎣⎦
     normal2 step σ1
     S2 `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2),
        sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
         activated σ2
         isSim t.
  intros. pinversion H3; subst; eauto; exfalso; relsimpl; eauto using plus_not_normal.
Lemma sim_t_Sim_normal t S1 `{StateType S1}
      (σ1:S1) S2 `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2) r
  : result σ1 = ⎣⎦
     normal2 step σ1
     normal2 step σ2
     sim r t σ1 σ2
     isSim t result σ2 = None.
  intros. pinversion H4; subst; eauto; relsimpl.
  - exfalso; eauto using plus_not_normal.
  - right; congruence.
Lemma sim_t_Sim_normal_step t S1 `{StateType S1}
      (σ1:S1) S2 `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2) r
  : result σ1 = ⎣⎦
     normal2 step σ1
     sim r t σ1 σ2
     isSim t σ2', star2 step σ2 nil σ2' normal2 step σ2' result σ2' = None.
  intros. pinversion H3; subst; eauto; relsimpl.
  - exfalso; eauto using plus_not_normal.
  - right. eexists; split; eauto. split; congruence.
Local Hint Extern 5 ⇒
match goal with
| [ H : result ?σ1 = result ?σ2, H' : result ?σ2 = None |-
    result ?σ1 = None ] ⇒
  rewrite H; eapply H'
| [ H : result ?σ1 = result ?σ2, H' : result ?σ2 = result ?σ3 |-
    result ?σ1 = result ?σ3 ] ⇒
  rewrite H; eapply H'
Local Hint Resolve plus2_star2.
Lemma sim_zigzag t {S1} `{StateType S1}
      (σ1:S1) {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2a σ2b:S2) {S3} `{StateType S3} (σ3:S3)
  : sim bot3 t σ1 σ2a
     (star2 step σ2a nil σ2b star2 step σ2b nil σ2a)
     sim bot3 t σ2b σ3
     sim bot3 t σ1 σ3.
  revert σ1 σ2a σ2b σ3. pcofix CIH; intros.
  destruct H4.
  - {
      pinversion H3; pinversion H5; subst.
      - (* plus <-> plus *)
        pfold. zzsimpl. zzcases; eauto 20.
      - (* plus step <-> activated *)
        pfold. zzsimpl.
        zzcases. zzsimpl.
        + econstructor 2; eauto using plus2_star2.
          × intros.
            edestruct H17; eauto; dcr.
            edestruct H15; eauto; dcr.
            unfold upaco3 in ×.
            zzsimpl. det.
            eauto 20 using star2_refl.
          × intros.
            unfold upaco3 in *; zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
        + zzsimpl. assert (isSim t). {
            eapply (@sim_t_Sim_activated t _ _ _ H10 H9 _ _ _ H7); eauto.
          econstructor 3; eauto using plus2_star2, star2_trans.
      - (* plus step <-> err *)
        zzsimpl. zzcases.
        + pfold. zzsimpl.
          econstructor 3; eauto; eauto.
        + eapply plus2_star2 in H4.
          exploit (star2_trans H4 H2); eauto.
      - (*  plus step <-> term *)
        zzsimpl. zzcases.
        + pfold. zzsimpl.
          econstructor 4; eauto; eauto.
        + zzsimpl.
          destruct (@sim_t_Sim_normal t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H9 H8 H14 H7); eauto.
          × pfold. econstructor 4; eauto using plus2_star2, star2_trans.
      - (* activated <-> plus step *)
        pfold. zzsimpl.
        zzcases. zzsimpl.
        + unfold upaco3 in ×.
          econstructor 2; eauto using plus2_star2.
          × intros. specialize (H13 H15). specialize (H9 H15).
            zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
          × intros. zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
      - (* activated <-> activated *)
        pfold. zzsimpl.
        unfold upaco3 in ×.
        econstructor 2; eauto using plus2_star2.
        × intros. specialize (H18 H2). specialize (H9 H2).
          zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
        × intros. zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
      - (* activated <-> err *)
      - (* activated <-> term *)
      - (* term <-> plus step *)
        case_eq (result σ1'); intros.
        + pfold. zzsimpl. zzcases.
          econstructor 4; eauto. eauto.
        + zzsimpl.
          rewrite H4 in H10.
          destruct (@sim_t_Sim_normal_step _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H10 H9 H15); eauto.
          × subst.
            pfold. econstructor 3; eauto. congruence.
          × destruct H2; dcr.
            pfold. econstructor 4; eauto. congruence.
      - zzsimpl.
      - (* term <-> err *)
        pfold. econstructor 3; eauto. congruence.
      - (* term <-> term *)
        pfold. econstructor 4; eauto. congruence.
  - {
      pinversion H3; pinversion H5; subst.
      - (* plus <-> plus *)
        pfold. zzsimpl.
        zzcases; unfold upaco3 in *; eauto.
      - (* plus step <-> activated *)
        pfold. zzsimpl.
        zzcases. zzsimpl.
        + unfold upaco3 in ×.
          econstructor 2; eauto using plus2_star2.
          × intros. specialize (H15 H4). specialize (H17 H4).
            zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
          × intros. zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
        + zzsimpl. assert (isSim t). {
            eapply (@sim_t_Sim_activated t _ _ _ H10 H9 _ _ _ H7); eauto.
          econstructor 3; eauto using plus2_star2, star2_trans.
      - (* plus step <-> err *)
        zzsimpl. zzcases.
        + pfold. zzsimpl.
          econstructor 3; eauto; eauto.
        + eapply plus2_star2 in H4.
          exploit (star2_trans H4 H2); eauto.
      - (*  plus step <-> term *)
        zzsimpl. zzcases.
        + pfold. zzsimpl.
          econstructor 4; eauto; eauto.
        + zzsimpl.
          destruct (@sim_t_Sim_normal t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H9 H8 H14 H7); eauto.
          × pfold. econstructor 4; eauto using plus2_star2, star2_trans.
      - (* activated <-> plus step *)
        pfold. zzsimpl.
        zzcases. zzsimpl.
        + unfold upaco3 in ×.
          econstructor 2; eauto using plus2_star2.
          × intros. specialize (H13 H15). specialize (H9 H15).
            zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
          × intros. zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
      - (* activated <-> activated *)
        pfold. zzsimpl.
        unfold upaco3 in ×.
        econstructor 2; eauto using plus2_star2.
        × intros. specialize (H9 H2). specialize (H18 H2).
          zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
        × intros. zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
      - (* activated <-> err *)
      - (* activated <-> term *)
      - (* term <-> plus step *)
        case_eq (result σ1'); intros.
        + pfold. zzsimpl.
          zzcases. zzsimpl.
          econstructor 4; eauto; eauto.
        + zzsimpl.
          rewrite H4 in H10.
          destruct (@sim_t_Sim_normal_step _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H10 H9 H15); eauto.
          × subst.
            pfold. econstructor 3; eauto. congruence.
          × destruct H2; dcr.
            pfold. econstructor 4; eauto. congruence.
      - zzsimpl.
      - (* term <-> err *)
        pfold. econstructor 3; eauto. congruence.
      - (* term <-> term *)
        pfold. econstructor 4; eauto. congruence.

Lemma sim_trans t {S1} `{StateType S1}
      (σ1:S1) {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2) {S3} `{StateType S3} (σ3:S3)
  : sim bot3 t σ1 σ2 sim bot3 t σ2 σ3 sim bot3 t σ1 σ3.
  intros. eauto using (sim_zigzag (S1:=S1) (S2:=S2) (S3:=S3)), star2_refl.

Lemma sim_normal_inv S `{StateType S} (σ:S) S' `{StateType S'} (σ':S') r t
  : sim r t σ σ'
     normal2 StateType.step σ'
     σ'', star2 StateType.step σ nil σ'' normal2 StateType.step σ''
              fstNoneOrR eq (result σ'') (result σ') .
  intros. pdestruct H1; subst; relsimpl; eauto.
  - exfalso. eapply H2. hnf. inv H3; eauto.
  - eexists; split; eauto. split; eauto. rewrite H1; eauto. econstructor.
  - eexists; split; eauto. split; eauto. rewrite H1; eauto. reflexivity.

Lemma sim_stuck_exchange S `{StateType S} (σ:S) S' `{StateType S'} (σ':S')
      S'' `{StateType S''} (σ'':S'') r t r'
  : sim r t σ σ'
     normal2 StateType.step σ'
     result σ' = None
     normal2 StateType.step σ''
     result σ'' = None
     sim r' t σ σ''.
  intros. eapply sim_normal_inv in H2; eauto; dcr.
  pfold. econstructor 4; try eassumption; eauto using star2_refl.
  rewrite H4 in ×. inv H10. congruence.