
Require Import compcert.lib.Coqlib compcert.common.Errors.
Require Import compcert.common.Linking compcert.common.Smallstep.
Require Import compcert.driver.Compiler.

Definition transf_linear_program (f: Linear.program) : res Asm.program :=
   OK f
   @@ time "Label cleanup" CleanupLabels.transf_program
  @@@ partial_if Compopts.debug (time "Debugging info for local variables" Debugvar.transf_program)
  @@@ time "Mach generation" Stacking.transf_program
   @@ print print_Mach
  @@@ time "Asm generation" Asmgen.transf_program.

Local Open Scope linking_scope.

Definition my_passes :=
  mkpass CleanupLabelsproof.match_prog
  ::: mkpass (match_if Compopts.debug Debugvarproof.match_prog)
  ::: mkpass Stackingproof.match_prog
  ::: mkpass Asmgenproof.match_prog
  ::: pass_nil _.

Composing the match_prog relations above, we obtain the relation between CompCert C sources and Asm code that characterize CompCert's compilation.

Definition match_prog: Linear.program Asm.program Prop :=
  pass_match (compose_passes my_passes).

The transf_c_program function, when successful, produces assembly code that is in the match_prog relation with the source C program.

Theorem transf_linear_program_match:
   p tp,
  transf_linear_program p = OK tp
  match_prog p tp.
  intros p tp T.
  unfold transf_linear_program, time in T. simpl in T.
  set (p18 := CleanupLabels.transf_program p) in ×.
  destruct (partial_if Compopts.debug Debugvar.transf_program p18) as [p19|e] eqn:P19; simpl in T; try discriminate.
  destruct (Stacking.transf_program p19) as [p20|e] eqn:P20; simpl in T; try discriminate.
  unfold match_prog; simpl.
   p18; split. apply CleanupLabelsproof.transf_program_match; auto.
   p19; split. eapply partial_if_match; eauto. apply Debugvarproof.transf_program_match.
   p20; split. apply Stackingproof.transf_program_match; auto.
   tp; split. apply Asmgenproof.transf_program_match; auto.

Lemma semantics_strongly_receptive:
   p, strongly_receptive (Linear.semantics p).
  intros. constructor; simpl; intros.
  - (* receptiveness *)
    set (ge := Globalenvs.Genv.globalenv p) in ×.
    inversion H; subst.
    + exploit Events.ec_trace_length; eauto.
      eapply Events.external_call_spec. destruct t1; eauto; simpl in *; try omega; intros.
      eapply Events.external_call_receptive with (t2:=ev2::nil) in H2; eauto.
      destruct H2 as [? [? ?]].
      do 2 eexists; econstructor; eauto.
    + exploit Events.ec_trace_length; eauto.
      eapply Events.external_call_spec. destruct t1; eauto; simpl in *; try omega; intros.
      eapply Events.external_call_receptive with (t2:=ev2::nil) in H2; eauto.
      destruct H2 as [? [? ?]].
      do 2 eexists; econstructor; eauto.
  - hnf; intros. inv H; simpl; eauto.
    + destruct t; eauto.
      assert (t = nil). {
        exploit Events.ec_trace_length; eauto.
        eapply Events.external_call_spec.
        destruct t; simpl in *; try omega; intros; eauto.
      } subst. simpl; eauto.
    + destruct t; eauto.
      assert (t = nil). {
        exploit Events.ec_trace_length; eauto.
        eapply Events.external_call_spec.
        destruct t; simpl in *; try omega; intros; eauto.
      } subst. simpl; eauto.

Semantic preservation

We now prove that the whole CompCert compiler (as characterized by the match_prog relation) preserves semantics by constructing the following simulations:
  • Forward simulations from Cstrategy to Asm (composition of the forward simulations for each pass).
  • Backward simulations for the same languages (derived from the forward simulation, using receptiveness of the source language and determinacy of Asm).
  • Backward simulation from Csem to Asm (composition of two backward simulations).

Theorem linear_semantic_preservation:
   p tp,
  match_prog p tp
  forward_simulation (Linear.semantics p) (Asm.semantics tp)
   backward_simulation (atomic (Linear.semantics p)) (Asm.semantics tp).
  intros p tp M. unfold match_prog, pass_match in M; simpl in M.
  repeat DestructM. subst tp.
  assert (F: forward_simulation (Linear.semantics p) (Asm.semantics p4)).
  eapply compose_forward_simulations.
    eapply CleanupLabelsproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
  eapply compose_forward_simulations.
    eapply match_if_simulation. eassumption. exact Debugvarproof.transf_program_correct.
  eapply compose_forward_simulations.
    eapply Stackingproof.transf_program_correct with (return_address_offset := Asmgenproof0.return_address_offset).
    exact Asmgenproof.return_address_exists.
  eapply Asmgenproof.transf_program_correct; eassumption.
  split. auto.
  apply forward_to_backward_simulation.
  apply factor_forward_simulation. auto. eapply sd_traces. eapply Asm.semantics_determinate.
  apply atomic_receptive. apply semantics_strongly_receptive.
  apply Asm.semantics_determinate.

Lemma linear_single_events p
  : single_events (Linear.semantics p).
  hnf; intros. inv H; simpl; try omega.
  - exploit Events.ec_trace_length; eauto.
    eapply Events.external_call_spec.
  - exploit Events.ec_trace_length; eauto.
    eapply Events.external_call_spec.

Remark backward_simulation_identity p :
  backward_simulation (Linear.semantics p) (Linear.semantics p).
  eapply (Backward_simulation (fun (x y:unit) ⇒ False) (fun xeq)).
  - hnf; intros. econstructor. firstorder.
  - eauto.
  - firstorder. econstructor.
  - intros. subst. eexists; split; eauto. econstructor.
  - intros. subst. unfold final_state; simpl.
    hnf in s2. hnf in H0.
    eapply H0. constructor 1.
  - intros. subst. do 2 eexists; split; eauto. left. econstructor; eauto.
    econstructor. rewrite Events.E0_right. reflexivity.
  - intros. reflexivity.

Theorem linear_preservation:
   p tp,
  match_prog p tp
  backward_simulation (Linear.semantics p) (Asm.semantics tp).
  apply compose_backward_simulation with (atomic (Linear.semantics p)).
  - eapply sd_traces; eapply Asm.semantics_determinate.
  - apply factor_backward_simulation.
    + eapply backward_simulation_identity.
    + eapply linear_single_events.
    + eapply ssr_well_behaved; eapply semantics_strongly_receptive.
  - eapply linear_semantic_preservation; eauto.

Correctness of the CompCert compiler

Combining the results above, we obtain semantic preservation for two usage scenarios of CompCert: compilation of a single monolithic program, and separate compilation of multiple source files followed by linking.
In the monolithic case, we have a whole C program p that is compiled in one run of CompCert to a whole Asm program tp. Then, tp preserves the semantics of p, in the sense that there exists a backward simulation of the dynamic semantics of p by the dynamic semantics of tp.

Theorem transf_linear_program_correct:
   p tp,
  transf_linear_program p = OK tp
  backward_simulation (Linear.semantics p) (Asm.semantics tp).
  intros. apply linear_preservation. apply transf_linear_program_match; auto.

Here is the separate compilation case. Consider a nonempty list c_units of C source files (compilation units), C1 ,,, Cn. Assume that every C compilation unit Ci is successfully compiled by CompCert, obtaining an Asm compilation unit Ai. Let asm_unit be the nonempty list A1 ... An. Further assume that the C units C1 ... Cn can be linked together to produce a whole C program c_program. Then, the generated Asm units can be linked together, producing a whole Asm program asm_program. Moreover, asm_program preserves the semantics of c_program, in the sense that there exists a backward simulation of the dynamic semantics of asm_program by the dynamic semantics of c_program.

Theorem separate_transf_c_program_correct:
   c_units asm_units c_program,
  nlist_forall2 (fun cu tcutransf_linear_program cu = OK tcu) c_units asm_units
  link_list c_units = Some c_program
      link_list asm_units = Some asm_program
    backward_simulation (Linear.semantics c_program) (Asm.semantics asm_program).
  assert (nlist_forall2 match_prog c_units asm_units).
  { eapply nlist_forall2_imply. eauto. simpl; intros. apply transf_linear_program_match; auto. }
  assert ( asm_program, link_list asm_units = Some asm_program match_prog c_program asm_program).
  { eapply link_list_compose_passes; eauto. }
  destruct H2 as (asm_program & P & Q).
   asm_program; split; auto. apply linear_preservation; auto.