
Require Import AllInRel List Map Envs DecSolve.
Require Import IL Annotation AutoIndTac Exp SetOperations.
Require Export Filter LabelsDefined OUnion Infra.PartialOrder WithTop.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Local Hint Resolve incl_empty minus_incl incl_right incl_left.

Rechability Specification

The reachability predicate is parameterized by a value of type sc, which indicates whether soundness, completeness, or both are desired.

Inductive sc := Sound | Complete | SoundAndComplete.

Definition isComplete (s:sc) :=
  match s with
  | SoundAndCompletetrue
  | Completetrue
  | _false

Definition isSound (s:sc) :=
  match s with
  | SoundAndCompletetrue
  | Soundtrue
  | _false

Depending on whether soundness, completeness or both are desiered, the relation uceq is instantiated differently.

Definition uceq (i:sc) (a b:bool) :=
  match i with
  | SoundpoLe a b
  | CompletepoLe b a
  | SoundAndCompletea = b

Lemma uceq_refl i a
  : uceq i a a.
  destruct i; simpl; eauto.

Lemma eq_uceq i (a b:bool)
  : a = b uceq i a b.
  intros; subst. eauto using uceq_refl.

Lemma eq_uceq_sym i (a b:bool)
  : b = a uceq i a b.
  intros; subst. eauto using uceq_refl.

Lemma uceq_trans i (a b c:bool)
  : uceq i a b uceq i b c uceq i a c.
  destruct i; simpl; firstorder.

Hint Resolve uceq_refl.

Hint Immediate eq_uceq_sym eq_uceq.

Lemma uceq_soundandcomplete_sound a b
  : uceq SoundAndComplete a b
      uceq Sound a b.
  destruct a, b; firstorder.

Lemma uceq_soundandcomplete_complete a b
  : uceq SoundAndComplete a b
      uceq Complete a b.
  destruct a, b; firstorder.

Lemma uceq_sound_complete_soundandcomplete a b
  : uceq Sound a b
     uceq Complete a b
     uceq SoundAndComplete a b.
  destruct a, b; firstorder.

Hint Immediate uceq_soundandcomplete_sound

The inductive predicate

Inductive reachability (ceval:op option (withTop bool)) (i:sc)
  : list bool stmt ann bool Prop :=
| UCPOpr BL x s b e al
  : reachability ceval i BL s al
      uceq i b (getAnn al)
      reachability ceval i BL (stmtLet x e s) (ann1 b al)
| UCPIf BL e b1 b2 b al1 al2
  : (¬ poLe (ceval e) (Some (wTA false)) uceq i b (getAnn al1))
      (¬ poLe (ceval e) (Some (wTA true)) uceq i b (getAnn al2))
      reachability ceval i BL b1 al1
      reachability ceval i BL b2 al2
      (if isComplete i then poLe (ceval e) (Some (wTA false)) getAnn al1 = false else True)
      (if isComplete i then poLe (ceval e) (Some (wTA true)) getAnn al2 = false else True)
      reachability ceval i BL (stmtIf e b1 b2) (ann2 b al1 al2)
| UCPGoto BL l Y b a
  : get BL (counted l) b
     (if isSound i then poLe a b else True)
     reachability ceval i BL (stmtApp l Y) (ann0 a)
| UCReturn BL e b
  : reachability ceval i BL (stmtReturn e) (ann0 b)
| UCLet BL F t b als alt
  : reachability ceval i (getAnn als ++ BL) t alt
     length F = length als
     uceq i b (getAnn alt)
     ( n Zs a, get F n Zs
                 get als n a
                 reachability ceval i (getAnn als ++ BL) (snd Zs) a)
     (if isComplete i then ( n a,
                                get als n a
                                getAnn a
                                isCalledFrom (isCalled true) F t (LabI n)) else True)
     (if isComplete i then n a, get als n a poLe (getAnn a) b else True)
     reachability ceval i BL (stmtFun F t) (annF b als alt).

Ltac simpl_isComplete :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- context f [ if isComplete Sound then ?A else ?B ] ] ⇒
    let x := context f[B] in change x
  | [ |- context f [ if isComplete Complete then ?A else ?B ] ] ⇒
    let x := context f[A] in change x
  | [ |- context f [ if isComplete SoundAndComplete then ?A else ?B ] ] ⇒
    let x := context f[A] in change x
  | [ H : context f [ if isComplete Sound then ?A else ?B ] |- _ ] ⇒
    let x := context f[B] in change x in H
  | [ H : context f [ if isComplete Complete then ?A else ?B ] |- _ ] ⇒
    let x := context f[A] in change x in H
  | [ H : context f [ if isComplete SoundAndComplete then ?A else ?B ] |- _ ] ⇒
    let x := context f[A] in change x in H

Hint Extern 0 ⇒ simpl_isComplete.

Some Properties of the Predicate

Opaque uceq.

Lemma reachability_SC_S ceval Lv s slv
  : reachability ceval SoundAndComplete Lv s slv
     reachability ceval Sound Lv s slv.
  intros UC.
  general induction UC; subst; eauto 10 using reachability, uceq_soundandcomplete_sound.

Hint Resolve reachability_SC_S.

Lemma reachability_sound_and_complete ceval BL s a
  : reachability ceval Complete BL s a
     reachability ceval Sound BL s a
     reachability ceval SoundAndComplete BL s a.
  intros RCH UCS.
  general induction UCS; inv RCH; simpl in *;
    eauto 10 using reachability, uceq_sound_complete_soundandcomplete.

Definition cop2bool e :=
  match op_eval (fun _ : _⎣⎦) e with
  | Some v wTA (val2bool v)
  | NoneSome Top

Lemma op2bool_not_none e
  : cop2bool e ⎣⎦.
  unfold cop2bool; cases; congruence.

Hint Resolve op2bool_not_none.

Lemma op2bool_cop2bool_not_some e b
  : op2bool e b
     ¬ cop2bool e wTA b .
  unfold op2bool, cop2bool; intros.
  cases; simpl in *; intro; clear_trivial_eqs.
  eapply H; f_equal; eauto.

Lemma op2bool_cop2bool e b
  : op2bool e = b
     cop2bool e = wTA b .
  unfold op2bool, cop2bool; intros; cases; simpl in *;
    split; intros; congruence.

Lemma op2bool_cop2bool_not_some' e
  : op2bool e = true
     ¬ cop2bool e wTA false .
  intros A B.
  eapply op2bool_cop2bool_not_some; eauto. congruence.

Lemma op2bool_cop2bool_not_some'' e
  : op2bool e = false
     ¬ cop2bool e wTA true .
  intros A B.
  eapply op2bool_cop2bool_not_some; eauto. congruence.

Hint Resolve op2bool_cop2bool_not_some
     op2bool_cop2bool_not_some' op2bool_cop2bool_not_some''.

Transparent uceq.

Ltac std_ind_inst :=
  match goal with
    [ H : y : stmt, size y < size (stmtLet _ _ ?s) _ |- _ ] ⇒
    specialize (H s ltac:(eauto))

Ltac std_ind_dcr :=
  match goal with
  | [ H : y : stmt, size y < size (stmtLet _ _ ?s) _ |- _ ] ⇒
    edestruct (H s ltac:(eauto)); eauto; dcr

Opaque poLe.

Lemma reachability_trueIsCalled Lv s slv l
  : reachability cop2bool Sound Lv s slv
     isCalled true s l
     b, get Lv (counted l) b (poLe (getAnn slv) b).
  destruct l; simpl.
  revert Lv slv n.
  sind s; destruct s; intros Lv slv n UC IC; inv UC; inv IC;
    simpl in *; subst; simpl in *; try std_ind_dcr;
      eauto 20 using op2bool_cop2bool_not_some.
  - edestruct (IH s1); dcr; eauto 20.
    setoid_rewrite H2; eauto using op2bool_cop2bool_not_some.
  - edestruct (IH s2); dcr; eauto 20.
    setoid_rewrite H3; eauto using op2bool_cop2bool_not_some.
  - destruct l'.
    exploit (IH s); eauto; dcr.
    setoid_rewrite H3. setoid_rewrite H7.
    clear H3 H7 UC H9 H1 alt b.
    general induction H5.
    + inv_get. eexists; split; eauto.
    + inv_get.
      exploit H4; try eassumption.
      eapply IH in H3; [|eauto|eauto].
      dcr. inv_get.
      edestruct IHcallChain; clear IHcallChain; try eapply H8; dcr; eauto.

Lemma reachability_analysis_complete_setTopAnn ceval BL s a b
      (LE:poLe (getAnn a) b)
  : reachability ceval Complete BL s a
     reachability ceval Complete BL s (setTopAnn a b).
  intros RCH; general induction RCH; simpl in *;
    eauto using reachability.
  - econstructor; intros; eauto. simpl.
    + intros. destruct b, b0; eauto.
  - econstructor; simpl; intros; eauto.
    + exploit H; eauto.
    + exploit H0; eauto.
  - econstructor; simpl; intros; eauto.
    + exploit H4; eauto.

Lemma reachability_sTA_inv (BL : bool)
         (s : stmt) (a : ann bool)
  : reachability cop2bool Complete BL s (setTopAnn a (getAnn a))
    reachability cop2bool Complete BL s a.
  intros. rewrite setTopAnn_eta in H; eauto.