
Require Import List Map Envs AllInRel Exp AppExpFree RenamedApart.
Require Import IL Annotation AutoIndTac.
Require Import Liveness.Liveness LabelsDefined.
Require Import SpillSound DoSpill DoSpillRm SpillUtil.
Require Import InVD.


Inductive var_in_register
          (VD : var)
  : stmt Prop
  | ViRLoad
      (x y : var)
      (s : stmt)
    : x VD
       y VD
       var_in_register VD s
       var_in_register VD (stmtLet x (Operation (Var y)) s)

  | ViRLet
      (x : var)
      (e : exp)
      (s : stmt)
    : Exp.freeVars e VD
       var_in_register VD s
       var_in_register VD (stmtLet x e s)

  | ViRReturn
      (e : op)
    : Ops.freeVars e VD
       var_in_register VD (stmtReturn e)

  | ViRIf
      (e : op)
      (s : stmt)
      (t : stmt)
    : Ops.freeVars e VD
       var_in_register VD s
       var_in_register VD t
       var_in_register VD (stmtIf e s t)

  | ViRApp
      (f : lab)
      (Y : args)
    : var_in_register VD (stmtApp f Y) (* This can't be correct *)

  | ViRFun
      (F : list (params × stmt))
      (t : stmt)
    : ( (Zs : params × stmt) n,
          get F n Zs
           var_in_register VD (snd Zs))
       var_in_register VD t
       var_in_register VD (stmtFun F t)

Lemma var_in_register_loads (VD : var) (slot : var var) (xs : list var) (s : stmt)
  : of_list xs VD
     disj VD (map slot VD)
     var_in_register VD s
     var_in_register VD (write_moves xs (slot xs) s) .
  intros xs_VD disj_VD vir_s.
  general induction xs; simpl in *; eauto.
  rewrite add_union_singleton in xs_VD.
    apply union_incl_split2 in xs_VD as [a_VD xs_VD].
  econstructor; eauto.
  - intros N.
    eapply disj_VD; eauto.
    apply in_singleton.
    rewrite <- map_singleton; eauto.
    apply lookup_set_incl; eauto.

Lemma var_in_register_spills (VD : var) (slot : var var) (xs : list var) (s : stmt)
  : of_list xs VD
     var_in_register VD s
     var_in_register VD (write_moves (slot xs) xs s).
  intros xs_VD vir_s.
  general induction xs;
    simpl in *; eauto.
  rewrite add_union_singleton in xs_VD.
  apply union_incl_split2 in xs_VD as [a_VD xs_VD].
  econstructor 2; simpl; eauto.

Lemma ofl_el_Sp_VD (Sp R VD : var)
  : R VD
     Sp R
     of_list (elements Sp) VD.
  intros Sp_sub.
  rewrite of_list_elements, Sp_sub; eauto.

Lemma ofl_el_L_VD (L Sp R M VD : var)
  : R VD
     M VD
     L Sp M
     Sp R
     of_list (elements L) VD.
  intros R_VD M_VD L_SpM Sp_R.
  rewrite of_list_elements, L_SpM, Sp_R, R_VD, M_VD.
  clear ; cset_tac.

Lemma var_in_register_sound
      (k : nat)
      (slot : var var)
      (Λ : list (var × var))
      (ZL : list params)
      (VD R M G : var)
      (s : stmt)
      (sl : spilling)
      (al : ann var)
      (Lv : list var)
      (ra : ann (var × var))
  : R VD
     M VD
     disj VD (map slot VD)
     fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra) VD
     renamedApart s ra
     live_sound Imperative ZL Lv s al
     spill_live VD sl al
     spill_sound k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl
     var_in_register VD (do_spill slot s sl ZL Λ)
  intros R_VD M_VD disj_VD ra_VD rena lvSnd spilli spillSnd.
  time (general induction lvSnd;
    invc spilli;
    invc spillSnd;
    inv rena;
    apply renamedApart_incl in rena; eauto;
    simpl in *; eauto;
      eapply var_in_register_spills;
      simpl; eauto using ofl_el_Sp_VD;
        eapply var_in_register_loads;
        try eapply (ofl_el_L_VD _ _ _ _ _ R_VD M_VD); eauto).
  - econstructor 2; eauto.
    + rewrite H15, H13, H12, R_VD, M_VD.
      clear; cset_tac.
    + eapply IHlvSnd with (R:={x; (R\K L) \Kx}) (M:=Sp M); eauto.
      × eapply Rx_VD with (VD:=VD) (R:=R) (L:=L) (M:=M); eauto.
        eapply x_VD; eauto.
      × rewrite H12, R_VD, M_VD.
        clear; cset_tac.
      × rewrite rena, <- ra_VD; eauto.
  - destruct rena as [rena1 rena2].
    econstructor; eauto.
    + rewrite H16, H15, H14, R_VD, M_VD; clear; cset_tac.
    + eapply IHlvSnd1 with (R:=R\K L) (M:=Sp M); eauto.
      × eapply R'_VD with (VD:=VD) (R:=R) (M:=M); eauto.
      × rewrite H14, R_VD, M_VD; clear; cset_tac.
      × rewrite rena1, <- ra_VD; eauto.
    + eapply IHlvSnd2 with (R:=R\K L) (M:=Sp M); eauto.
      × eapply R'_VD with (VD:=VD) (R:=R) (M:=M); eauto.
      × rewrite H14, R_VD, M_VD; clear; cset_tac.
      × rewrite rena2, <- ra_VD; eauto.
  - econstructor.
  - econstructor; simpl; eauto.
    rewrite H8, H7, H6, R_VD, M_VD; clear; cset_tac.
  - destruct rena as [renaF rena2].
    econstructor; simpl.
    + intros.
      exploit H24 as spillSnd'; try eassumption.
      exploit renaF as renaF'; try eassumption.
      exploit H2 as H2'; try eassumption.
      exploit H10 as rm_VD; try eassumption.
      destruct H2' as [H2' _].
      destruct rm_VD as [f_x0_VD s_x0_VD].
      rewrite pair_eta with (p:=x0) in spillSnd'.
      eapply H1 with (R:=fst x0) (M:=snd x0); eauto.
      rewrite renaF', <- ra_VD; eauto.
    + eapply IHlvSnd with (R:=R\K L) (M:=Sp M); eauto.
      × eapply R'_VD with (VD:=VD) (M:=M); eauto.
      × rewrite H18, R_VD, M_VD; clear; cset_tac.
      × rewrite rena2, <- ra_VD; eauto.