
Require Import List EqNat Bool.
Require Import IL Exp SetOperations Val DecSolve.

Set Implicit Arguments.

evalSexp evaluates an SMT expression given an environment that must be total on every variable that may occur in a formula.

(* "Lower" an environment back to returning option types **)
Definition to_partial (E:env val) x : option val := Some (E x).

(* Make an environment total *)
Definition to_total (E:onv val) x : val :=
  match E x with
    |Some vv

Lemma agree_on_partial lv E E'
: agree_on eq lv E E'
   agree_on eq lv (to_partial E) (to_partial E').
  intros; unfold to_partial; hnf; intros; simpl.
  rewrite H; eauto.

Lemma agree_on_total lv E E'
: agree_on eq lv E E'
   agree_on eq lv (to_total E) (to_total E').
  intros; unfold to_total; hnf; intros; simpl.
  rewrite H; eauto.

Lemma to_partial_to_total (E:onv val) x v
  : E x = Some v to_partial (to_total E) x = Some v.
  unfold to_partial, to_total. cases; eauto.

Define what uninterpreted function symbols are
Definition pred := lab (*arglst -> bool*).

First define what an smt statement is
Inductive smt :Type :=
Predicate evaluation
Constant false
Constant true
| smtTrue:smt.

Instance smt_eq_dec (s t:smt) : Computable (s = t).
  general induction s; destruct t; try dec_solve;
  try (decide (s1 = t1); decide (s2 = t2); subst; eauto; try dec_solve);
  try (decide (s = t); subst; eauto; try dec_solve).
  - decide (o = o0); subst; dec_solve.
  - decide (o = o1); decide (o0 = o2); subst; dec_solve.
  - decide (p = p0); decide (l = l0); subst; dec_solve.

Now define the parameters for the translation function
Inductive pol:Type :=
| source :pol
| target :pol.

Fixpoint listGen (el:list op) :=
match el with
|_:: el'default_val :: listGen el'

Parameter undef_substitute : val.

Definition smt_eval (E:env val) (e:op) :=
  match op_eval (to_partial E) e with
    | Some vv
    | Noneundef_substitute

models relation for smt. No need for options here too, because if models can be evaluated by an environment, every variable must have been defined.
Fixpoint models (F:pred list val bool) (E:env val) (s:smt) : Prop:=
  match s with
  |smtAnd a b
   ⇒ (models F E a) (models F E b)
  |smtOr a b
   ⇒ (models F E a) (models F E b)
  |smtNeg a
   ⇒ (models F E a) False
  | ite c t f
    ⇒ if val2bool (smt_eval E c)
       then models F E t
       else models F E f
  |smtImp a b
   ⇒ (models F E a) ->(models F E b)
  |constr s1 s2(smt_eval E s1) = (smt_eval E s2)
  |funcApp f aF f ( (smt_eval E) a)

Lemma smtand_comm a b F E
  : models F E (smtAnd a b)
     models F E (smtAnd b a).
  hnf in H. simpl. destruct H as [A B]. eauto.

Lemma smtand_neg_comm:
a b F E,
¬ models F E (smtAnd a b)
¬ models F E (smtAnd b a).

hnf. intros. eapply smtand_comm in H0. eapply H. assumption.

Lemma extend_not_models:
s Q,
( F E, ¬ models F E s)
( F E, models F E Q ¬ models F E s).

specialize (H F E). assumption.

Instance bind_equiv (A B : Type) `{Equivalence A} `{Equivalence B}
         (f:A -> option B) `{Proper _ (Equivalence.equiv ==> Equivalence.equiv) f}
  : Proper (Equivalence.equiv ==> Equivalence.equiv) (@bind A B f).
  unfold Proper, respectful; intros; subst.
  inv H2; simpl; eauto.

Lemma eq_equiv X (x y:X) `{Equivalence X}
  : x = y -> x === y.
  intros; subst; eauto.
Hint Immediate eq_equiv.

Lemma op_eval_partial_total E e v
 : op_eval E e = Some v
   op_eval (to_partial (to_total E)) e = Some v.
  general induction e; simpl in × |- *; eauto.
  - erewrite to_partial_to_total; eauto.
  - monad_inv H; simpl; eauto.
    erewrite IHe; eauto.
  - intros.
    monad_inv H; simpl.
    erewrite IHe1, IHe2; eauto; simpl.

Lemma op_eval_smt_eval E e v
 : op_eval E e = Some v
   smt_eval (to_total E) e = v.
  intros. unfold smt_eval.
  erewrite op_eval_partial_total; eauto.

Lemma smt_eval_op D E E' e v
  : op_eval E e = Some v
     agree_on eq D E E'
     Ops.freeVars e D
     smt_eval (to_total E') e = v.
  repeat erewrite op_eval_smt_eval; eauto.
  eauto using op_eval_agree with cset.

Lemma smt_eval_var D1 D2 E1 E2 E' x e v
  : op_eval E2 e = Some v
     agree_on eq D1 (E1 [x <- Some v]) E'
     agree_on eq D2 E2 E'
     singleton x D1
     Ops.freeVars e D2
     smt_eval (to_total E') (Var x) = smt_eval (to_total E') e.
  repeat erewrite op_eval_smt_eval; eauto.
  eauto using op_eval_agree with cset.
  eapply op_eval_agree; eauto with cset.
  simpl. lud; eauto.

Next 2 Lemmata belong to Lemma 4 in subsection 3.4 in the thesis They prove that evaluation without a total environment is equal to evaluation under a total environment
Lemma op_eval_partial_total_list E el vl
: omap (op_eval E) el = Some vl
omap (op_eval (to_partial (to_total E))) el = Some vl.

  intros. general induction el; eauto using op_eval_partial_total.
  - simpl in H. monad_inv H. simpl.
    erewrite op_eval_partial_total; eauto; simpl.
    erewrite IHel; simpl; eauto.

Lemma list_eval_agree E el v:
  omap(op_eval E) el = Some v (smt_eval (to_total E) ) el = v.

  intros. general induction el.
  - eauto.
  - simpl in ×.
    monad_inv H.
    eapply op_eval_partial_total in EQ.
    unfold smt_eval at 1.
    rewrite EQ.
    erewrite (IHel E x0); eauto.

Lemma list_length_agree E el v:
  omap (op_eval E) el = v
  ->( vl, (smt_eval (to_total E)) el = vl
                List.length el = List.length vl).

  general induction el.
  - simpl.
     nil; split; eauto.
  - simpl in ×.
    specialize (IHel E (omap (op_eval E) el)).
    destruct IHel; eauto.
    destruct H.
     ( (smt_eval (to_total E) a):: x).
    simpl. rewrite H. split; eauto.

Fixpoint freeVars (s:smt) :=
match s with
| funcApp f xlist_union ( (Ops.freeVars) x)
| smtAnd a bfreeVars a freeVars b
| smtOr a bfreeVars a freeVars b
| smtNeg afreeVars a
| ite c t ffreeVars t freeVars f Ops.freeVars c
| smtImp a bfreeVars a freeVars b
| smtFalse{}
| smtTrue{}
|constr e1 e2Ops.freeVars e1 Ops.freeVars e2

Lemma models_agree F E E' s:
  agree_on eq (freeVars s) E E'
   (models F E s models F E' s).

intros agree; general induction s; simpl in *; try reflexivity.
- rewrite (IHs1 F E E'), (IHs2 F E E'); eauto with cset. reflexivity.
- rewrite (IHs1 F E E'), (IHs2 F E E'); eauto with cset. reflexivity.
- rewrite (IHs F E E'); eauto with cset. reflexivity.
- assert (agree_on eq (Ops.freeVars o) E E') by eauto with cset.
  assert (op_eval (to_partial E) o = op_eval (to_partial E') o). {
    eapply op_eval_agree; symmetry; eauto.
    eapply agree_on_partial; eauto.
 unfold smt_eval in ×.
  case_eq (op_eval (to_partial E) o); intros.
  + rewrite <- H0. rewrite H1. case_eq(val2bool v); intros.
     × rewrite (IHs1 F E E'); eauto with cset.
     × rewrite (IHs2 F E E'); eauto with cset.
  + rewrite <- H0; rewrite H1. case_eq (val2bool undef_substitute); intros.
    × rewrite (IHs1 F E E'); eauto with cset.
    × rewrite (IHs2 F E E'); eauto with cset.
- rewrite (IHs1 F E E'), (IHs2 F E E'); eauto with cset. reflexivity.
- assert (op_eval (to_partial E) o = op_eval (to_partial E') o). {
    eapply op_eval_agree; symmetry; eauto.
    eapply agree_on_partial. eapply agree_on_incl; eauto. }
  assert (op_eval (to_partial E) o0 = op_eval (to_partial E') o0). {
    eapply op_eval_agree; symmetry; eauto.
    eapply agree_on_partial. eapply agree_on_incl; eauto. }
  unfold smt_eval in ×.
  rewrite <- H; rewrite <- H0.
  unfold val2bool.
  case_eq (op_eval (to_partial E) o); case_eq (op_eval (to_partial E) o0); intros;
  try rewrite bvEq_equiv_eq; reflexivity.
- destruct p.
  assert ( (smt_eval E) l = (smt_eval E') l).
  + general induction l.
    × eauto.
    × simpl.
      assert (smt_eval E a = smt_eval E' a).
      { unfold smt_eval.
      pose proof (op_eval_agree (E:=to_partial E) (E':=to_partial E') a (v:=op_eval (to_partial E) a)).
      rewrite H; eauto.
      eapply agree_on_partial.
      simpl in agree.
      eapply (agree_on_incl (bv:=Ops.freeVars a)
                            (lv:=list_union (Ops.freeVars a ::
                                                 Ops.freeVars l))); eauto.
      cset_tac'; simpl.
      eapply list_union_start_swap.
      cset_tac. }
      { rewrite H. f_equal. eapply IHl; eauto.
        eapply (agree_on_incl (bv:=list_union ( Ops.freeVars l))
                              (lv:=list_union ( Ops.freeVars (a::l)))); eauto.
        simpl in ×. setoid_rewrite list_union_start_swap at 2. cset_tac.
  + rewrite H. split; eauto.