
Require Import AllInRel Util Map Env EnvTy Exp IL Annotation Coherence Bisim DecSolve Liveness Restrict MoreExp.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.

Correctness predicate for

Inductive trs
  : list (option (set var))
    → list (params)
additional parameters for functions in scope
    → stmt
the program
    → ann (set var)
liveness information
    → ann (list var)
annotation providing additional parameters for function definitions inside the program
    → Prop :=
 | trsExp DL ZL x e s an an_lv lv
    : trs (restrict DL (lv\{{x}})) ZL s an_lv an
    → trs DL ZL (stmtLet x e s) (ann1 lv an_lv) (ann1 nil an)
  | trsIf DL ZL e s t ans ant ans_lv ant_lv lv
    : trs DL ZL s ans_lv ans
    → trs DL ZL t ant_lv ant
    → trs DL ZL (stmtIf e s t) (ann2 lv ans_lv ant_lv) (ann2 nil ans ant)
  | trsRet e DL ZL lv
    : trs DL ZL (stmtReturn e) (ann0 lv) (ann0 nil)
  | trsGoto DL ZL f Za Y lv
    : get DL (counted f) (Some )
    → get ZL (counted f) (Za)

    → trs DL ZL (stmtApp f Y) (ann0 lv) (ann0 nil)
  | trsExtern DL ZL x f Y s lv an_lv an
    : trs (restrict DL (lv\{{x}})) ZL s an_lv an
    → trs DL ZL (stmtExtern x f Y s) (ann1 lv an_lv) (ann1 nil an)
  | trsLet DL ZL s t Z Za ans ant lv ans_lv ant_lv
      trs (restrict (Some (getAnn ans_lv \ of_list (Z++Za))::DL) (getAnn ans_lv \ of_list (Z++Za))) (Za::ZL) s ans_lv ans
    → trs (Some (getAnn ans_lv \ of_list (Z++Za))::DL) (Za::ZL) t ant_lv ant
    → trs DL ZL (stmtFun Z s t) (ann2 lv ans_lv ant_lv) (ann2 Za ans ant).

Lemma trs_annotation DL ZL s lv Y
      : trs DL ZL s lv Yannotation s lv annotation s Y.
  intros. general induction H; split; dcr; econstructor; eauto.

Fixpoint compile (ZL:list (list var)) (s:stmt) (an:ann (list var)) : stmt :=
  match s, an with
    | stmtLet x e s, ann1 _ anstmtLet x e (compile ZL s an)
    | stmtIf e s t, ann2 _ ans antstmtIf e (compile ZL s ans) (compile ZL t ant)
    | stmtApp f Y, ann0 _stmtApp f ( Var (nth (counted f) ZL nil))
    | stmtReturn e, ann0 _stmtReturn e
    | stmtExtern x f Y s, ann1 _ an
      stmtExtern x f Y (compile ZL s an)
    | stmtFun Z s t, ann2 Za ans ant
      stmtFun (Z++Za) (compile (Za::ZL) s ans) (compile (Za::ZL) t ant)
    | s, _s

Inductive approx
  : list (set var × list var)
    → list (option (set var))
    → list (params) → I.blockI.blockProp :=
  blk_approxI o (Za :list var) DL ZL Lv s ans ans_lv ans_lv´
              (RD: G, o = Some G
                       live_sound Imperative ((getAnn ans_lv´,++Za)::Lv) (compile (Za :: ZL) s ans) ans_lv´
                        trs (restrict (Some G::DL) G) (Za::ZL) s ans_lv ans)
  : approx ((getAnn ans_lv´,++Za)::Lv) (o::DL) (Za::ZL) (I.blockI s) (I.blockI (++Za) (compile (Za::ZL) s ans)).

Lemma approx_restrict Lv DL ZL L G
: AIR53 approx Lv DL ZL L
  → AIR53 approx Lv (restrict DL G) ZL L .
  intros. general induction H.
  + econstructor.
  + simpl. econstructor; eauto.
    - inv pf. econstructor; intros. eapply restr_iff in H0; dcr. inv H2.
      rewrite <- restrict_incl; eauto. rewrite restrict_idem; eauto.

Definition appsnd {X} {Y} (s:X × list Y) (t: list Y) := (fst s, snd s ++ t).

Definition defined_on {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} (G:set X) (E:Xoption Y)
  := x, x G y, E x = Some y.

Lemma defined_on_update_some X `{OrderedType X} Y (G:set X) (E:Xoption Y) x v
  : defined_on (G \ {{x}}) E
    → defined_on G (E [x <- Some v]).
  unfold defined_on; intros. lud.
  - eauto.
  - eapply H0; eauto. cset_tac; intuition.

Lemma defined_on_incl X `{OrderedType X} Y (G :set X) (E:Xoption Y)
  : defined_on G E
    → G
    → defined_on E.
  unfold defined_on; intros; eauto.

Inductive trsR : I.stateI.stateProp :=
  trsRI (E :onv val) L s ans Lv´ ans_lv ans_lv´ DL ZL
  (RD: trs DL ZL s ans_lv ans)
  (EA: AIR53 approx Lv´ DL ZL L )
  (EQ: (@feq _ _ eq) E )
  (LV´: live_sound Imperative Lv´ (compile ZL s ans) ans_lv´)
  (EDEF: defined_on (getAnn ans_lv´) )
  : trsR (L, E, s) (, , compile ZL s ans).

Lemma omap_var_defined_on Za lv E
: of_list Za lv
  → defined_on lv E
  → l, omap (exp_eval E) ( Var Za) = Some l.
  intros. general induction Za; simpl.
  - eauto.
  - simpl in ×.
    edestruct H0.
    + instantiate (1:=a). cset_tac; intuition.
    + rewrite H1; simpl. edestruct IHZa; eauto.
      cset_tac; intuition.
      rewrite H2; simpl. eauto.

Lemma defined_on_update_list lv (E:onv val) Z vl
: length vl = length Z
  → defined_on (lv \ of_list Z) E
  → defined_on lv (E [Z <-- Some vl]).
  unfold defined_on; intros.
  decide (x of_list Z).
  - eapply length_length_eq in H. clear H0.
    general induction H; simpl in × |- ×.
    + exfalso. cset_tac; intuition.
    + lud; eauto. edestruct IHlength_eq; eauto. cset_tac; intuition.
  - edestruct H0; eauto. instantiate (1:=x). cset_tac; intuition.
     x0. rewrite <- H2.
    eapply update_with_list_no_update; eauto.

Lemma trsR_sim σ1 σ2
  : trsR σ1 σ2bisim σ1 σ2.
  revert σ1 σ2. cofix; intros.
  intros. destruct H; inv RD; invt live_sound; simpl; try provide_invariants_53.
  - remember (exp_eval E e). symmetry in Heqo.
    pose proof Heqo. rewrite EQ in H0.
    destruct o.
    + one_step. simpl in ×.
      eapply trsR_sim.
      econstructor; eauto using approx_restrict.
      rewrite EQ; reflexivity.
      eapply defined_on_update_some. eapply defined_on_incl; eauto.
    + no_step.
  - remember (exp_eval E e). symmetry in Heqo.
    pose proof Heqo. rewrite EQ in H1.
    destruct o.
    case_eq (val2bool v); intros.
    + one_step. eapply trsR_sim; econstructor; eauto using defined_on_incl.
    + one_step. eapply trsR_sim; econstructor; eauto using defined_on_incl.
    + no_step.
  - no_step. simpl. rewrite EQ; eauto.
  - simpl counted in ×.
    decide (length = length Y).
    case_eq (omap (exp_eval E) Y); intros.
    simpl in ×.
    erewrite get_nth_default in H8; eauto.
    edestruct (omap_var_defined_on x); eauto.
    eapply get_in_incl; intros.
    exploit H8. eapply get_app_right. Focus 2.
    eapply map_get_1; eauto. reflexivity. inv X. eauto.
    + exploit get_drop_eq; try eapply H10; eauto. subst o.
      exploit get_drop_eq; try eapply H11; eauto. subst x.
      erewrite get_nth_default; eauto.
      × simpl; eauto.
        repeat rewrite app_length.
        rewrite map_length; eauto.
      × instantiate (1:=l ++ x0).
        rewrite omap_app.
        erewrite omap_agree. Focus 2.
        intros. rewrite <- EQ. reflexivity.
        rewrite H0; simpl. rewrite H7; simpl. reflexivity.
      × exploit RD0; eauto; dcr. simpl.
        eapply trsR_sim; econstructor; eauto.
        rewrite <- H10, <- H9, <- H11 in EA1.
        eapply (approx_restrict EA1).
        simpl. rewrite map_app.
        rewrite update_with_list_app.
        rewrite (omap_self_update Za0). rewrite EQ. reflexivity. eauto.
        rewrite map_length.
        exploit omap_length; try eapply H0; eauto. congruence.
        eapply defined_on_update_list; eauto using defined_on_incl.
        exploit omap_length; try eapply H0; eauto.
        exploit omap_length; try eapply H8; eauto.
        rewrite map_length in X0.
        repeat rewrite app_length. omega.

    + no_step. get_functional; subst. simpl in ×.
      rewrite omap_app in def.
      erewrite omap_agree in H0. Focus 2.
      intros. rewrite EQ. reflexivity. rewrite H0 in def. simpl in ×. congruence.
    + no_step.
      get_functional; subst. simpl in ×. congruence.
      get_functional; subst. simpl in ×.
      apply n. repeat rewrite app_length in len.
      eapply get_drop_eq in H11; eauto. subst Za0.
      erewrite get_nth_default in len; eauto. rewrite map_length in len. omega.
  - remember (omap (exp_eval E) Y); intros. symmetry in Heqo.
    pose proof Heqo. erewrite omap_agree in H0. Focus 2.
    intros. rewrite EQ. reflexivity.
    destruct o.
    + eexists; split. econstructor; eauto. congruence.
      eapply trsR_sim; econstructor; eauto using approx_restrict.
      hnf; intros. lud; eauto.
      eauto using defined_on_update_some, defined_on_incl.
    + eexists; split. econstructor; eauto. congruence.
      eapply trsR_sim; econstructor; eauto using approx_restrict.
      hnf; intros. lud; eauto.
      eauto using defined_on_update_some, defined_on_incl.
    + no_step.
  - one_step.
    eapply trsR_sim; econstructor; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto. econstructor.
    intros. split; eauto. inv H1. eauto.
    eauto using defined_on_incl.

Lemma trs_srd AL ZL s ans_lv ans
  (RD:trs AL ZL s ans_lv ans)
  : srd AL (compile ZL s ans) ans_lv.
  general induction RD; simpl; eauto using srd.

Inductive additionalParameters_live : list (set var)
                                      → stmt
                                      → ann (set var)
                                      → ann (list var)
                                      → Prop :=
| additionalParameters_liveExp ZL x e s an an_lv lv
  : additionalParameters_live ZL s an_lv an
    → additionalParameters_live ZL (stmtLet x e s) (ann1 lv an_lv) (ann1 nil an)
| additionalParameters_liveIf ZL e s t ans ant ans_lv ant_lv lv
  : additionalParameters_live ZL s ans_lv ans
    → additionalParameters_live ZL t ant_lv ant
    → additionalParameters_live ZL (stmtIf e s t) (ann2 lv ans_lv ant_lv) (ann2 nil ans ant)
| additionalParameters_liveRet ZL e lv
    : additionalParameters_live ZL (stmtReturn e) (ann0 lv) (ann0 nil)
| additionalParameters_liveGoto ZL Za f Y lv
  : get ZL (counted f) Za
    → Za lv
    → additionalParameters_live ZL (stmtApp f Y) (ann0 lv) (ann0 nil)
| additionalParameters_liveExtern ZL x f Y s an an_lv lv
  : additionalParameters_live ZL s an_lv an
    → additionalParameters_live ZL
                                (stmtExtern x f Y s)
                                (ann1 lv an_lv)
                                (ann1 nil an)
| additionalParameters_liveLet ZL s t Z Za ans ant lv ans_lv ant_lv
  : of_list Za getAnn ans_lv \ of_list Z
    → additionalParameters_live (of_list Za::ZL) s ans_lv ans
    → additionalParameters_live (of_list Za::ZL) t ant_lv ant
    → additionalParameters_live ZL (stmtFun Z s t) (ann2 lv ans_lv ant_lv) (ann2 Za ans ant).

Lemma live_sound_compile DL ZL AL s ans_lv ans o
  (RD:trs AL ZL s ans_lv ans)
  (LV:live_sound o DL s ans_lv)
  (APL: additionalParameters_live ( of_list ZL) s ans_lv ans)
  : live_sound o (zip (fun s t(fst s, snd s ++ t)) DL ZL) (compile ZL s ans) ans_lv.
  general induction LV; inv RD; inv APL; eauto using live_sound.
  + pose proof (zip_get (fun (s : set var × list var) (t : list var) ⇒ (fst s, snd s ++ t)) H H10).
    edestruct (map_get_4); eauto; dcr; subst.
    get_functional; subst x.
    econstructor. eapply H3; eauto. simpl.
    destruct if. simpl in × |- *; intuition. rewrite of_list_app. cset_tac; intuition. eauto.
    erewrite get_nth; eauto. repeat rewrite app_length, map_length, app_length. simpl. congruence.
    erewrite get_nth; eauto.
    intros. eapply get_app_cases in H5. destruct H5; dcr; eauto.
    edestruct map_get_4; eauto; dcr; subst. econstructor.
    rewrite <- H9. eauto using get_in_of_list.
  + simpl. econstructor; eauto.
    specialize (IHLV1 (Za::ZL)). eapply IHLV1; eauto.
    specialize (IHLV2 (Za::ZL)). eapply IHLV2; eauto.
    rewrite of_list_app. rewrite H7.
    cset_tac; intuition.
    destruct if; simpl in × |- *; intuition; eauto.
    rewrite of_list_app. simpl. cset_tac; intuition.