Require Import List.
Require Export Util Var Val Exp Env Map CSet AutoIndTac IL Bisim Infra.Status Pos.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Inductive nstmt : Type :=
| nstmtLet (x : var) (e: exp) (s : nstmt)
| nstmtIf (e : exp) (s : nstmt) (t : nstmt)
| nstmtApp (l : lab) (Y:args)
| nstmtReturn (e : exp)
| nstmtExtern (x : var) (f:external) (Y:args) (s:nstmt)

| nstmtFun (l : lab) (Z:params) (s : nstmt) (t : nstmt).

Fixpoint freeVars (s:nstmt) : set var :=
  match s with
    | nstmtLet x e s0(freeVars s0 \ {{x}}) Exp.freeVars e
    | nstmtIf e s1 s2freeVars s1 freeVars s2 Exp.freeVars e
    | nstmtApp l Ylist_union ( Exp.freeVars Y)
    | nstmtReturn eExp.freeVars e
    | nstmtExtern x f Y s(freeVars s \ {{x}}) list_union ( Exp.freeVars Y)
    | nstmtFun l Z s1 s2(freeVars s1 \ of_list Z) freeVars s2

Functional Semantics

Module F.

  Inductive block : Type :=
    blockI {
        block_L : onv block;
        block_E : onv val;
        block_F : lab × params × nstmt

  Definition labenv := onv block.
  Definition state : Type := (labenv × onv val × nstmt)%type.

  Inductive step : stateeventstateProp :=
  | nstepExp L E x e b v
    (def:exp_eval E e = Some v)
    : step (L, E, nstmtLet x e b) EvtTau (L, E[x<-Some v], b)

  | nstepIfT L E
    (e:exp) b1 b2 v
    (def:exp_eval E e = Some v)
    (condTrue: val2bool v = true)
    : step (L, E, nstmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b1)

  | nstepIfF L E
    (e:exp) b1 b2 v
    (def:exp_eval E e = Some v)
    (condFalse:val2bool v = false)
    : step (L, E, nstmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b2)

  | nstepGoto (L:labenv) (E:onv val) (l :lab) Y Z (s:nstmt)
    (len:length Z = length Y)
    (lEQ:l = )

    (Ldef:L (counted l) = Some (blockI (,Z,s))) E´´ vl
    (def:omap (exp_eval E) Y = Some vl)
    (updOk:[Z <-- Some vl] = E´´)
    : step (L, E, nstmtApp l Y)
           ([(counted l) <- Some (blockI (l,Z,s))], E´´, s)

  | stepLet L E f s Z t
    : step (L, E, nstmtFun f Z s t) EvtTau (L[counted f <- Some (blockI L E (f,Z,s))], E, t)

  | stepExtern L E x f Y s vl v
    (def:omap (exp_eval E) Y = Some vl)
    : step (L, E, nstmtExtern x f Y s)
            (EvtExtern (ExternI f vl v))
            (L, E[x <- Some v], s).

  Lemma step_internally_deterministic :
    internally_deterministic step.
    hnf; intros. inv H; inv H0; split; eauto; try congruence.

  Lemma step_dec
  : reddec step.
    hnf; intros. destruct x as [[L V] []].
    - case_eq (exp_eval V e); intros. left. eexists EvtTau; eauto using step.
      right. stuck.
    - case_eq (exp_eval V e); intros.
      left. case_eq (val2bool v); intros; eexists EvtTau; eauto using step.
      right. stuck.
    - case_eq (L (counted l)); intros.
      + destruct b as [? ? [[? ?] ?]].
        decide (l = l0); subst; try now (right; stuck).
        decide (length l1 = length Y); try now (right; stuck).
        case_eq (omap (exp_eval V) Y); intros; try now (right; stuck).
        left. eexists EvtTau. econstructor. econstructor; eauto.
      + right. stuck.
    - right. stuck.
    - case_eq (omap (exp_eval V) Y); intros; try now (right; stuck).
      left. eexists (EvtExtern (ExternI f l 0)). eauto using step.
    - left. EvtTau. eauto using step.

End F.

Imperative Semantics

Module I.

  Inductive block : Type :=
    blockI {
        block_L : onv block;
        block_F : lab × params × nstmt

  Definition labenv := onv block.
  Definition state : Type := (labenv × onv val × nstmt)%type.
  Definition labenv_empty : labenv := fun _None.

  Inductive step : stateeventstateProp :=
  | nstepExp L E x e b v
    (def:exp_eval E e = Some v)
    : step (L, E, nstmtLet x e b) EvtTau (L, E[x<-Some v], b)

  | nstepIfT L E
    (e:exp) b1 b2 v
    (def:exp_eval E e = Some v)
    (condTrue: val2bool v = true)
    : step (L, E, nstmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b1)

  | nstepIfF L E
    (e:exp) b1 b2 v
    (def:exp_eval E e = Some v)
    (condFalse:val2bool v = false)
    : step (L, E, nstmtIf e b1 b2) EvtTau (L, E, b2)

  | nstepGoto (L:labenv) (E:onv val) (l :lab) Y Z (s:nstmt) vl
    (len:length Z = length Y)
    (lEQ: l = )
    (Ldef:L (counted l) = Some (blockI (,Z,s))) E´´
    (def:omap (exp_eval E) Y = Some vl)
    (updOk:E [Z <-- Some vl] = E´´)
    : step (L, E, nstmtApp l Y)
           ([(counted l) <- Some (blockI (l,Z,s))], E´´, s)

  | stepLet L E f s Z t
    : step (L, E, nstmtFun f Z s t)
           (L[counted f <- Some (blockI L (f,Z,s))], E, t)

  | stepExtern L E x f Y s vl v
    (def:omap (exp_eval E) Y = Some vl)
    : step (L, E, nstmtExtern x f Y s)
            (EvtExtern (ExternI f vl v))
            (L, E[x <- Some v], s).

  Lemma step_internally_deterministic :
    internally_deterministic step.
    hnf; intros. inv H; inv H0; split; eauto; try congruence.

  Lemma step_externally_determined
  : externally_determined step.
    hnf; intros.
    inv H; inv H0; eauto; try get_functional; try congruence.

  Lemma step_dec
  : reddec step.
    hnf; intros. destruct x as [[L V] []].
    - case_eq (exp_eval V e); intros. left. eexists EvtTau; eauto using step.
      right. stuck.
    - case_eq (exp_eval V e); intros.
      left. case_eq (val2bool v); intros; eexists EvtTau; eauto using step.
      right. stuck.
    - case_eq (L (counted l)); intros.
      + destruct b as [? [[? ?] ?]].
        decide (l = l0); subst; try now (right; stuck).
        decide (length l1 = length Y); try now (right; stuck).
        case_eq (omap (exp_eval V) Y); intros; try now (right; stuck).
        left. eexists EvtTau. econstructor. econstructor; eauto.
      + right. stuck.
    - right. stuck.
    - case_eq (omap (exp_eval V) Y); intros; try now (right; stuck).
      left. eexists (EvtExtern (ExternI f l 0)). eauto using step.
    - left. EvtTau. eauto using step.

End I.

Fixpoint labIndices (s:nstmt) (symb: list lab) : status stmt :=
  match s with
    | nstmtLet x e ssdo <- (labIndices s symb); Success (stmtLet x e )
    | nstmtIf x s1 s2
      sdo s1´ <- (labIndices s1 symb);
      sdo s2´ <- (labIndices s2 symb);
      Success (stmtIf x s1´ s2´)
    | nstmtApp l Y
      sdo f <- option2status (pos symb l 0) "labIndices: Undeclared function" ; Success (stmtApp (LabI f) Y)
    | nstmtReturn xSuccess (stmtReturn x)
    | nstmtExtern x f Y s
      sdo <- (labIndices s symb); Success (stmtExtern x f Y )
    | nstmtFun l Z s1 s2
      sdo s1´ <- labIndices s1 (l::symb);
      sdo s2´ <- labIndices s2 (l::symb);
      Success (stmtFun Z s1´ s2´)

Definition state_result X (s:X×onv val×nstmt) : option val :=
  match s with
    | (_, E, nstmtReturn e)exp_eval E e
    | _None

Instance statetype_I : StateType I.state := {
  step := I.step;
  result := (@state_result I.labenv);
  step_dec := I.step_dec;
  step_internally_deterministic := I.step_internally_deterministic;
  step_externally_determined := I.step_externally_determined

Inductive lab_approx : list labenv (option I.block) → list IL.I.blockProp :=
  Lai symb L
    (LEQ: f s Z Lb,
             L (counted f) = Some (I.blockI Lb (,Z,s))
             → i ,
                 get i (IL.I.blockI Z )
                  labIndices s (drop i symb) = Success
                  pos symb f 0 = Some i lab_approx (drop (S i) symb) (Lb ) (drop (S i) )
                  ( l b, Lb (counted l) = Some bfst (fst (I.block_F b)) = l)
                  ( f k, pos (drop (S i) symb) f k = Some Lb (counted f) None)
                  f = )
  : lab_approx symb L .

Inductive labIndicesSim : I.stateIL.I.stateProp :=
  | labIndicesSimI (L:env (option I.block)) E s symb
    (EQ:labIndices s symb = Success )
    (LA:lab_approx symb L )
    (LL: l b, L (counted l) = Some bfst (fst (I.block_F b)) = l)
    (EX: f i k, pos symb f k = Some iL (counted f) None)
  : labIndicesSim (L, E, s) (, E, ).

Lemma pos_drop_eq symb (l:lab) x
: pos symb l 0 = Some x
  → drop x symb = l::tl (drop x symb).
  general induction symb.
  unfold pos in H; fold pos in H. destruct if in H.
  inv H; inv e; eauto.
  destruct x. exfalso. exploit (pos_ge _ _ _ H); eauto. omega.
  simpl. erewrite IHsymb; eauto.
  eapply (pos_sub 1); eauto.

Lemma pos_plus symb (f:lab) n i
: pos symb f 0 = Some (n + i)
  → pos (drop n symb) f 0 = Some i.
  general induction n; simpl; eauto.
  destruct symb; simpl.
  + inv H.
  + eapply IHn; eauto. simpl in H; destruct if in H.
    × inv H.
    × eapply (pos_sub 1); eauto.

Lemma labIndicesSim_sim σ1 σ2
  : labIndicesSim σ1 σ2bisim σ1 σ2.
  revert σ1 σ2. cofix; intros.
  destruct H; destruct s; simpl in *; try monadS_inv EQ.
  - case_eq (exp_eval E e); intros.
    + one_step. eapply labIndicesSim_sim; econstructor; eauto.
    + no_step.
  - case_eq (exp_eval E e); intros.
    case_eq (val2bool v); intros; one_step; eapply labIndicesSim_sim; econstructor; eauto.
  - case_eq (L (counted l)); intros.
    + destruct b as [? [[l0 ] ]].
      eapply option2status_inv in EQ0.
      inv LA.
      edestruct LEQ as [? [? ?]]; dcr; eauto.
      assert (x0 = x) by congruence; subst x0.
      decide (length = length Y).
      case_eq (omap (exp_eval E) Y); intros.
      one_step. simpl.
      eapply labIndicesSim_sim.
      econstructor; eauto. subst l0.
      × simpl.
        econstructor. simpl; intros; dcr.
        lud. inv H7.
        assert (f = ) by (destruct f, ; simpl in *; congruence); subst.
        do 2 eexists. split.
        eapply drop_get with (n:=0). orewrite (x + 0 = x). eauto.
        eapply pos_plus. orewrite (x + 0 = x); eauto.
        simpl in ×. repeat rewrite drop_tl. auto.
        eapply H6. simpl in H9. rewrite drop_tl in H9. eapply H9. eauto.
        inv H4.
        edestruct (LEQ0); eauto. destruct H10; dcr.
        eexists (S x0), x2. split; eauto using get.
        eapply drop_get. orewrite (x + S x0 = S x + x0). eapply get_drop. eauto.
        repeat rewrite drop_tl in ×. repeat rewrite drop_drop in ×.
        orewrite (S x0 + x = x0 + S x); eauto.
        repeat (split; eauto).
        exploit pos_drop_eq; [eapply H2|].
        rewrite X. unfold pos; fold pos. destruct if. congruence.
        rewrite drop_tl. eapply (pos_add 1); eauto.
      × subst l0. intros. lud. inv H7.
        assert (l = l0) by (destruct l, l0; simpl in *; congruence); subst. simpl; eauto.
        eapply H5; eauto.
      × subst l. intros. lud. congruence. eapply H6; eauto.
        exploit pos_drop_eq; [eapply H2|].
        rewrite X in H7. unfold pos in H7; fold pos in H7.
        destruct if in H7. destruct f, l0; simpl in *; congruence.
        simpl. rewrite <- drop_tl. eauto.
      × subst l. no_step.
      × subst. no_step.
        edestruct LEQ as [? [? ?]]; eauto; dcr.
        get_functional; subst; simpl in ×. congruence.
    + eapply option2status_inv in EQ0. exfalso. eapply EX; eauto.
  - no_step.
  - case_eq (omap (exp_eval E) Y); intros.
    + extern_step.
      × eexists (ExternI f l 0); eexists; try (now (econstructor; eauto)).
      × eexists; split. econstructor; eauto.
        eapply labIndicesSim_sim; econstructor; eauto.
      × eexists; split. econstructor; eauto.
        eapply labIndicesSim_sim; econstructor; eauto.
    + no_step.
  - one_step. eapply labIndicesSim_sim. econstructor; eauto.
    econstructor. intros.
    + lud.
      × inv H. do 2 eexists.
        split. econstructor. intuition. unfold pos; fold pos.
        destruct if; eauto. cbv in n; destruct f, ; simpl in *; congruence.
        destruct f, ; simpl in *; congruence.
      × inv LA. edestruct LEQ; eauto. destruct H2.
        eexists (S x1),x2. dcr. split; eauto using get.
        split; eauto. split; eauto.
        unfold pos; fold pos. destruct if; eauto.
        intros. eapply (pos_add 1); eauto.
    + intros. lud; eauto.
      inv H; eauto. destruct l, l0; simpl in *; congruence; eauto.
    + intros. lud. congruence.
      unfold pos in H; fold pos in H.
      destruct if in H. congruence. eapply EX; eauto.