
Require Import List.
Require Import Util EqDec.
Require Import OrderedTypeEx.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Definitions related to variables

A class for counted types

A counted type is a type for which an injection to the naturals exists
Class Counted (A : Type) := {
  counted : Anat;
  counted_inj : (x y : A), counted x = counted yx = y;
  incc : (x : A), natA


Definition var : Type := nat.
Definition default_var : var := 0%nat.

Global Instance inst_defaulted_var : Defaulted var := Build_Defaulted default_var.
Global Instance inst_eq_dec_var : EqDec var eq := nat_eq_eqdec.
Global Program Instance inst_counted_var : Counted var :=
  Build_Counted (fun xx) _ (fun xfun yx + y).


Inductive loc : Type :=
  | LocI : natloc.
Definition default_loc : loc := LocI 0.
Global Instance inst_eq_dec_loc : EqDec loc eq.

Definition locN l :=
  match l with
    | LocI nn

Lemma locN_inj (x y : loc)
  : locN x = locN yx = y.

Definition locInc (l:loc) (d:nat) := match l with LocI nLocI (d + n) end.

Global Instance inst_counted_loc : Counted loc :=
  Build_Counted locN locN_inj locInc.


Inductive lab : Type :=
| LabI : natlab.

Definition default_lab := LabI 0.

Lemma eq_dec_lab (x y : lab) :
  {x=y} + {xy}.

equality of labels is decidable

Global Instance inst_eq_dec_lab : EqDec lab eq := {
  equiv_dec := eq_dec_lab

labels are counted

Definition labN (x : lab) : nat :=
  match x with
  | LabI xx

Lemma labN_inj (x y : lab)
  : labN x = labN yx = y.

Definition labInc (l:lab) (d:nat) := match l with LabI nLabI (d + n) end.

Global Instance inst_counted_lab : Counted lab :=
  Build_Counted labN labN_inj labInc.

Lemma counted_labI (n : nat) :
  counted (LabI n) = n.

Definition lt (l :lab) :=
  match l, with
    LabI n, LabI mlt n m


Instance lab_StrictOrder : StrictOrder lt (@eq lab).

Fixpoint lab_compare (l : lab) :=
  match l, with
    | LabI n, LabI mnat_compare n m

Program Instance lab_OrderedType : UsualOrderedType lab := {
  SOT_lt := lt;
  SOT_cmp := lab_compare;
  SOT_StrictOrder := lab_StrictOrder

Instance proper_var (ϱ:varvar)
: Proper (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ.

Hint Extern 20 (@Proper
               (@respectful _ _
                            (@_eq _ (@SOT_as_OT _ (@eq nat) nat_OrderedType))
                            (@_eq _ (@SOT_as_OT _ (@eq nat) nat_OrderedType))) ?ϱ) ⇒ eapply proper_var.