
Classical reasoning on decidable propositions.

There are two principal type classes used here:
  • Computable P means that we can decide {P} + {~P},
  • Decidable P is the same thing in Prop (P \/ ~P).
Given an instance of Decidable P we can transform a goal T |- P into T, ~P |- False and use tauto to get a complete decision procedure for classical logic by Glivenko's theorem. This is implemented in the dtauto tactic.
Furthermore there are two tactics dleft, dright which correspond to classical_left and classical_right.

Require Export CoreTactics Bool.

Class Computable (P : Prop) := decision_procedure : { P } + { ¬P }.
Opaque decision_procedure.

Local Obligation Tactic := decompose records; firstorder.

Propositional formulas over computable atoms are computable.
Section ComputableInstances.
  Global Program Instance inst_true_cm : Computable True.
  Global Program Instance inst_false_cm : Computable False.

  Variable P : Prop.
  Variable H : Computable P.

  Global Program Instance inst_not_cm : Computable (¬P).

  Variable Q : Prop.
  Variable : Computable Q.

  Global Program Instance inst_and_cm : Computable (P Q).
  Global Program Instance inst_or_cm : Computable (P Q).
  Global Program Instance inst_impl_cm : Computable (PQ).
  Global Program Instance inst_iff_cm : Computable (P Q).
End ComputableInstances.

Extraction Inline inst_true_cm_obligation_1 inst_false_cm_obligation_1
  inst_not_cm_obligation_1 inst_and_cm_obligation_1 inst_or_cm_obligation_1
  inst_impl_cm_obligation_1 inst_iff_cm_obligation_1
  inst_and_cm inst_or_cm inst_impl_cm inst_iff_cm.

Lift boolean predicates to computable Props.

Coercion Is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.

Global Instance inst_Is_true_cm (b : bool) : Computable (Is_true b).

Extraction Inline inst_Is_true_cm.

Classical axioms for decidable predicates.
Lemma decidable_xm P `(Computable P) : P ¬P.
Lemma decidable_dn P `(Computable P) : ~~PP.

Lemma dleft (P Q : Prop) `(Computable Q) :
  (¬QP) → P Q.

Lemma dright (P Q : Prop) `(Computable P) :
  (¬PQ) → P Q.

dcontra applies double negation to the current goal if it is decidable.
Ltac dcontra :=
  (match goal with
     | |- ?Happly (decidable_dn H _)
   end) || fail "Could not prove that the goal is a decidable proposition.".

dtauto does the same thing as tauto with classical the goal is decidable.
Ltac dtauto := tauto || (intros; dcontra; tauto) || fail "dtauto failed".

Similarly, dleft and dright are the analogs to classical_left/right.
Ltac dleft :=
  match goal with
    | |- ?P ?Qapply (dleft P Q _)

Ltac dright :=
  match goal with
    | |- ?P ?Qapply (dright P Q _)

destruct P does case analysis on decidable propositions.
Ltac decide_tac P :=
  match goal with
    | |- ?H
      match type of H with
        | _destruct (@decision_procedure P _) || fail 2 "not a computable proposition."

Tactic Notation "decide" constr(P) := decide_tac P.

Programming with computable Props.
Notation "´if´ [ P ] ´then´ s ´else´ t" :=
  (if (@decision_procedure P _) then s else t) (at level 200, right associativity, format
  "'if' [ P ] 'then' s 'else' t").

Extraction Inline decision_procedure.