
Require Import Util EqDec.
Require Import OrderedTypeEx.

Set Implicit Arguments.

More or less abstract values

A file that abstacts over values and (should) provide all necessary operations. Although we concretely instantiate val to int, we maintain this file as interface between our proofs and Integer library.

Definition val := nat.
Definition default_val : val := 0.

Opaque val.
Opaque default_val.

Definition val_true := 1.
Definition val_false := 0.

Global Instance inst_val_defaulted : Defaulted val := {
  default_el := default_val

Global Instance inst_eq_dec_val : EqDec val eq.

There must be an injection into the booleans

Definition val2bool : valbool := fun vmatch v with 0 ⇒ false | _true end.

Lemma val2bool_true
: val2bool val_true = true.

Lemma val2bool_false
: val2bool val_false = false.

Opaque val2bool.

Inductive ty : Set :=
  Natural : ty.

Global Instance inst_eq_dec_ty : EqDec ty eq.

Inductive valOfType : valtyProp :=
  naturalOfType n : valOfType n Natural.